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Wednesday 3 January 2024

Opening The Secret Place

In order to really get to grips with what the Moses story is all about we must come to terms with some facts and leave behind the various versions that cannot be verified in history or from archaeology.

The story of a prince of Egypt found in bulrushes by a princess is categorically an Egyptian story from actual real sources and not narrated later 'versions' in the hands of completely different ethnic people.

There isn't any historical evidence for a kingdom of 'Northern Israel;' all of that area was sequentially Assyrian and Babylonian - so much so that in fact even modern-day Jews call some ancient literature the Babylonian Talmud/Babylonian Talmud sources.

A 'life force' comes into Thuthmose II's

The story of a super-wealthy and highly intelligent, especially wise, ruler with a palace floor that looked like still water - is a categorically Egyptian one about one of the 'Amenhotep' Pharaoh figures. So, 'Sol' Amun, or Amun-Ra: this is Solomon.

It already is the case that linguistically 'Theuth' is 100% the early Egyptian name later transliterated as 'Dawud' and 'David.'

So, if you remove the surface layer of story about 'Moses' getting to read or to 'see' the written-down 'laws' of God, and move to the actual physical evidence and the independent accounts of what this all is, we come to the capstone images and Plato's statement that his uncle was told by Egyptian priests that there was an archive of important things like that, begun way back by the god Hermes and given to the Egyptian temple priests. These archives contain some depictions of the 'Forms.'

The modern phraseology about the 'Theory of Forms' is not actually from the texts in which those 'Forms' are talked about and explained a little - because in those texts simply nothing about them are 'theories!'

When we go to great modern museums of science and philosophy around the world today, we will see stagnant, static, lifeless shapes that it is true, are the exact things that comprise all atomic structures - but this depiction is a false one which does not follow what the early writers' ideas said.

The actual explanation of things goes like this: there is no separate place somewhere in which somehow 'subsists' or 'exists' a perfect heaven which is nevertheless physically apart from this Cosmos. 

There is only this Cosmos.

A new museum of fragrances
in Paris - but it correctly links
each museum item to specific people of the
related time.
The true place of 'Cosmic Forms'
is not entirely dissimilar, except
the people are real people.
Unlike the museum, these people are not
pictures only, or images; they are
actual real beings.

The one inside of which you exist materially and physically.

But what is also in it, are beings - since intelligent life is dynamic and necessarily... ...alive - who are closer to the perfect Forms beneath which all other forms are lesser examples thereof.

And those who are the highest of all such intelligent beings, see and perceive and understand and comprehend these Forms better than all others - and they are the living gods, united to the perfect Forms themselves because the ultimate Form is that of Perfect Beauty and Livingness. So they are all connected up in the same way that the bloodstream and the nerves and so on connect up the human body to its brain and of course to our consciousness.

The format of connection must be something like the neutrino field or something akin to that. It is not lines and cabling and structural material.

Because the Cosmos is extremely vast, and filled with every strata of 'lesser' iterations of forms and also lesser beings too (not in the sense that an animal is presumed a lesser being than a human because it is not...) - then there also are beings, aka 'people' like we find here on the planet, who are in no way even close to the perfect Forms and nor are they at all connected up as one living organism in the Cosmos; but they are capable of seeing 'as through a glass darkly,' that there are such perfect levels and things and relationships and connections and also, the power that falls to that highest layer.

These are the beings, the people, who erroneously aspire to position themselves in what they take to be the Ultimate Throne place - in other words, they imagine that they can be 'God.'

I believe that even the story about some figure, some 'identity' almost every culture calls 'Satan' (in its own language), is correct, but only insofar as it is relating an account of some ambitious character who was never even close to actually 'seeing' or understanding the true apex existential realities.

The Earth is just like
one narrow hall in the Great Hall.

These human stories say the Satanic personage sought to gain the ultimate place of power, and fell from there. 

That's not a possibility. The closer one gets to the Forms, the more one becomes intertwined with them.

And being intertwined with them, one cannot then do 'Evil' since the Forms themselves are the Good and like fire does not entertain ice, 'Evil' cannot exist in the field of Perfect Good.

...We have been providing essential ingredients and psychological tools to find the Forms and to become physically and materially linked with them.

You will not next become materially poorer as the result of such connection. But you will become materially richer.

You will be richer, but you will also become richer as the evidence of the underlying connection fact is revealed and unfolds.

When we start from the ordinary human level, the process is one of becoming. When we get fairly close the state is a permanent one of life and dynamic relationship with something we must term 'Cosmic.'

This is wrong in that it
only shows a static format - 
although it is otherwise okay; and it
would not be so critical
if not for the fact
that it (not this chart!) was in the 
early 'Christian' text sections of the
Dead Sea Scrolls.
You cannot know the Christian
conception of 'heaven' unless
you factor in this because this is the 
'secret sealed books' (sealed up until 
the Time of the End).
A true depiction that is not static, shows
people - actual specific people and kinds of
people (as Plato puts it, 'those who follow
most closely in the train of...').

It is not any more merely becoming, but it is still nevertheless moving and flowing and alive.

As I said before, artists and musicians particularly, gain very direct access to such knowledge and connectedness because they are viscerally moving into various resonant phases of 'intelligible energy.'

I will go through a short list of what you will see is someone 'seeing' ahead what has happened, and then on to an example of where someone 'sees' to what can only happen to narrow groups, and then on to an example of where very small numbers can get close to the much much more advanced things.

Here is the first. You know what this is about.

People like the modern producer Max Martin are deep into the processes of how to 'get there.'

The person who wrote this and played the keyboards on this track below was the producer for Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics.

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