There are people who have listened to Monroe Institute tapes for years and end up virtually nowhere.
And the most regular commentator here has just posed the question, ''well, but why the Bell Curve?"
The Bell Curve - Gauss Curve - is evident material reality.
But to an extent, the whole object of searching either outside - as in for ET Aliens to come and wipe us out at last, or 'save' us through advanced technology - or within as in the processes of the Jungian psychotherapy approach: is to find liberation from the negative constraints of our evident material reality.
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It's still Monroe Institute stuff... |
...Which is not to say that there may not be positive constraints as well, but for now we are looking at the negatives ones in this instance.
The straightforward medical condition given the broad name of 'arthritis' consists of at last three main types of organic and bio-physical/bio-mechanical pathological situations.
1. There is the wearing down of ligaments and cartilage and even the density of the bones themselves;
2. Then there is the kind that arises from chronic inflammation;
3. And then there is the kind that arises from a long term autoimmune responses whether to certain foods or to cells themselves because of a genetic issue.
The third kind may be more rapidly responsive to chemical agents - aka medicines - but the other two are developed over a long term because of material physical component breakdown.
The situation involving inflammation can be temporarily eased using pain-killers and steroids and various blood flow affecting substances and regimes but this does not resolve any major underlying somatic cause.
In other words, you cannot fix arthritis overnight with a wonder drug because no such material changes are able to work that fast.
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Something purple and blue from India - this just looks cool... But there is a cure for arthritis somewhere in an Indian University. |
Whether people like to hear this or not though, there is in fact a cure for arthritis in every form but this cure is once again, being held up by negotiations with large corporations to secure the best deal for the specific place where the discovery was made. Which happens to be India, by the way, for those curious about it.
Having said that there is a cure, nevertheless this cannot ever be regarded as a cure that is able to be effected literally overnight. And why not? Because of the Bell Curve - the material reality of how all things happen in Nature; they happen in a linear (mechanical) process over time.
Well why does anyone suppose that the human brain, and the human mind, and you could even use the term 'soul' is not exactly the same as everything else we observe in material reality?
There are human minds whose structure has been deteriorated over much time, whose connecting capabilities are far less than optimum because of psychological traumas, because of fearfulness and/or ego defense mechanisms at constant work, and simply also potentially because of bad ideas that have taken hold within the patterns of thinking and the 'natural' harmonics of that single individual's conditioned internal consciousness make-up.
People occupy physically bad employment roles because of the incentive of money or of big money.
Miners worked down deep shafts and were exposed to asbestos since the time of ancient Rome.
People hold down two jobs (or more) because they believe fervently that they can 'buy property' that way.
And so on.
To disabuse them of the utterly bad idea they have, is harder than to release their bodies from pain in the immediate short term.
In the very first place the 'bad idea' is bad because it does not actually fit with true reality and is an artificially possessed element which contradicts the person's own ability to survive in the long term but it gives such a strong impression to their decision-making ego, that they need it in the medium or short term (EG drug addiction) -, that they are completely willing to sacrifice their whole selves at some future moment just to keep hold of the bad idea in the immediacy of the present moments and with all of the sensory rewards that those present moments render to that internal ego.
The counter argument is always mounted that it is impossible to say whether anyone can really survive so long into some 'eternity' of future, and that those immediate physical feelings are in any case prime and must be served.
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The light, the bauble, the tree... |
Yet that itself is not reflective of observable reality - observable reality is anything but extreme and always follows what can be said to be a compromise path: successful viruses keep their hosts alive.
Often, very often, it seems that religious ideologies and perspectives of this 'impossible though wonderful' future - this Gan Eden, this Janat ul Firdaus, this Vaikuntha Loka - are at an extreme end of the styles of human relating, for instance, a completely non-typical social relationships realm! They are so non-typical it becomes useless to just try and step slowly up a path while having to live in this 'lower' realm at first.
This is the reason why behind the deliberated and designed global politics of the whole LGBTQ thing which has nothing at all to do with real people who really are 'different'(-ish), religious and conservative ideologues insist that 'God' has predetermined the sexual and the gender ethic - even while so many of them, the adherents to the ideologies, actually (try to) covertly practice a large range of 'not particularly normal' activities. And so they 'sin' now, but when they are 'redeemed' from this present life they will enter a whole way of being so far removed from what they had been doing, what they had known, that there is an impossibly wide gulf between their former reality and the 'way of heaven,' as it were.
Well God has predetermined nothing -, except the Bell Curve.
Human politics determines death and killing and antipathy and fighting and lack of compromise everywhere. We know this. We see it, we experience it, we live in it.
Of course this is a complicated question in its specifics but the point I want to make is that nowhere in anything that you can see is it really a case that there are unreachable gulf widths outside of the constructions the human mind itself makes, and in that respect it is the human mind which is the source of all Evil.
Whenever a human being manufactures a written (especially a written down one) ideology that ambits to include everyone (else) in its prescriptive design, there you are looking at the 'Satan.' At the work of pure sinister intellect.
For in reality what we know of humans is that they are all on some path, all at different stages of their paths, and that those pathways unfold over time.
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They say there is such a thing... Seems pretty 'out there' to me. lol |
The human being is a thing in progress, it is not a thing completed. Its life force is in the order of the demi-god; neither the truly mortal nor the truly actually 'divine.'
The thing the human can achieve though, is to move step-by-step towards the actually eternal and the fully living, and slowly get to a point where something of the intelligent ego breaches the bounds of the identified, labelled Gauss Curve in which it was previously called 'human' and 'mortal;' the intelligent ego then dissolves the bad ideas which hold it back and cause pain and lead to strife -, but then it must enter into a new Gauss Curve, a new realm in which there are other people who exist in that new Gauss (or Bell-shaped) Curve and with whose relationship styles it must address itself or else be ejected from their company.
No one can fail to care for the other intelligent ego who hopes to gain the companionship of an intelligent ego.
Humans generally speaking do not however, have intelligent egos as such - they have atavistic egos.
It is harder to change the atavistic human ego than it is to force a camel through the eye of a needle.
There are super-advanced intelligent beings from very far elsewhere in the galaxy and in the galaxies. Unless you can understand them, they will not meet you.
Humans have a form of mental 'arthritis.' It might be that a super-advanced Alien species could or might help them get rid of that condition. And that would be well before meeting openly with them.
I've been doing things and getting nowhere. Only the occasional seemingly meaningful dream, and snippets of conversations that don't really make sense in between wakefulness and sleep. Once I heard those voices say "no matter how febrile and unhelpful he is". Maybe my brain is inflamed, all that Trellium-D. Any pointers?
ReplyDeleteI should talk! I am doing three full-time jobs right now and holding together a lot. There is a reason because it means I can open doors to local media, government programs to do with disability stuff, and a range of fairly wealthy local businesses and business people. I am not trying to 'disappear' off the planet any time soon. And there is another sentence that hangs on the end of that one but I am not going to 'deploy' it right now. Some people's ears would burn. And oh yes I could too though. And so can you and that is one main objective. Mauro Biglino is correct, Courtney Brown has had genuine 'experiences,' and I use the Monroe Institute as just a 'clothes hanger' to explain broad methods. Why don't you start with a bar graph of how you feel, where you feel you are (at), and what it might be that you are looking at, say, if you were Enoch and weer taken away somewhere tomorrow night - see, better NOT think 'tomorrow night' because you are not prepared. Become prepared and do it now. Fill in the bar graph as new experiences come to you that you deem are truly powerful and meaningful. There is a threshold point at which you will start 'engaging.' 'They' are there. And they are watching you every single step of the way. Don't move forward towards them empty handed. What can you bring to THEIR table, never mind your table.
DeleteThe sentence of course is 'I could though.'
DeleteAnd the sound would be shocking and the clouds would be great. And the hyper-sonic missiles would be shut down and put to shame. People always wonder why 'do bad things happen' when there is some 'powerful agency' that can fly over their heads and drop more than leaflets and bombs. Well... When are you going to NOT come to the party empty-handed? They ate, they drank, they made merry, they married and they gave in marriage, and when the day came, they were not prepared. There is a vanguard, and it is already here. Even so, let us not push the 'high and mighty' so necessarily - the point is what makes someone truly inwardly valuable. 'I tried and nothing happened.' Okay. Try again. Said Arthur to the knight who was told to THROW THE DAMNED SWORD INTO THE LAKE!! 'I did, my king, I did.' Oh. Really? And you saw nothing? You never yet shed a single tear, right...
DeleteGo to the White Room. You have to find, or be taken to, there.
DeleteBy 'bring something' I mean you have to be, not so much 'proud' of who you are but completely confident in the validity of who you are and that you ARE entitled to be there as an individual personality with a unique consciousness. When you 'merge' the whole value and point is because you are in the first place unique - a uniquely grown sentient being. Prepared to consider and accept the merged consciousness with and of other unique beings but now unified. What are your values - what are their values. These are important matters.
DeleteI think it's time for someone to start a free to participate "remote viewing" group. The one I spent about a month with cost $25 on a certain person's patreon. I think he's a mostly good guy and his group was great, but hey: $25/month. Long enough for me to see "oh this sort of works."
DeleteI say "remote viewing" even though I kind of don't like the expression very much.
DeleteI guess the phrase 'remote viewing' is what the general public adopted from some time ago now. The thing is neither all that 'remote' and it is far beyond just 'viewing.' When early sacred texts, some non-canonical but still authentic and 'sacred' such as Enoch and so on, use the phrase 'caught up' in the Greek, this is more accurate an expression. The whole sensory system with its own unique personal pattern of 'thinking' must be taken into a 'transporter' set-up - what makes it all factually real is the realization after the event, that not only was it a case of 'seeing' with all of your senses, but gaining critical true information that it was impossible for you to attain EXCEPT for some extraordinary process.
DeleteIt would be fun and helpful to have a small group of people who take turns setting up "targets" where everyone can post about what they see.
DeleteAnyway, I'll just keep talking then. So in my experience it can be more than a sensory experience. "There was this one time..." when I didn't feel like doing the meditation, so I drove for 3 hours to the Carbon River rainforest and hiked up the road. Long story short, you can look in your mind for connections, or you can find them woven into the basic events and experiences of your life. I went with the intention of doing "the viewing" but felt more like hiking and taking pictures of things. I shared the photos during the RV review session and it was like "holy crap! they're actually related to the thing we were 'viewing'."
DeleteHere's another. I had a dream about watching a young woman in tears telling her friend that she had realized she was attracted to other females. Except! There was something odd about her face. So I wake up and in my half sleeping state "reach out" and imagine myself telling her "oh hey, on MY planet this is no big deal any more..." And then came the reality check, and she was saying "no no you don't understand, we are in fact more advanced." And THEN I started getting "you are like biomechanoids" and "biomechanoid" repeatedly. So. She explained that it was her perspective, the difference in connection between "soul" and "body," made us seem like mechanical devices to her. She did not seem to be formerly aware of humans. Probably just a crazy dream I had, all in my head.
DeleteWell it was nice of you to try to provide a little comfort. I also have conversations with people in the space above me in that half awake state. I can never see anyone, it's just voices/thoughts. Probably just the beginnings or ends of dreams but it's interesting to realize what it is you're saying, it's like, where did that come from?
DeleteOh I don't trust the things I see. I imagine saying "how do you and I work together to produce a common image for us both?" and that always seems to completely kill the mood. I'm fairly certain that if the "beings" are "real" than what I see is a cobbled-together form of stuff that is already on my mind. Yet it's odd because the "conversation" takes unexpected turns, like when I start hearing "them" tell me I seem like biomechanoid from their point of view.
DeleteWell that's because in every possible way you - we - ARE bio-mechanical... We are biomechanoids. Humans are biological machines. 'Biotrons.' It's that segment of our living structure that is itself an energy-creating field, and is part of other fields, that is truly the living non-mechanical being.
DeleteI still have the sword? Oh dear.
ReplyDeleteReally though, I appreciate the comments. This is a lot to be able to think about. I have been investing more than a small amount of time in these matters, so I am finding it dispiriting each time nothing happens, but as you say we can't expect to be handed things on a platter. I'll keep trying.
So... Take for instance the matter of the 'chakras.' These are proposed as 'circles' which are placed around your spine, or at least spinal column LINE - from the lowest ego-controlled one which is the red-colored one at the base of the spine within your living material body (it goes lower but not in a human bodily form), to the highest discrete colored one, namely the purple/violet one between the eyes. And then there is the region that pulls all of the others up into a ball of white light above the head. ...So. When you spin these up - just before you fall asleep or into a trance state - they are flying around faster than the speed of sound, right ? Right...? Or are they just anemically moving round and round, wobbling about. Remember that you have to BREAK RIGHT THROUGH the 'sticky' effects which hold your spirit/soul into your body.
DeleteLast night going to bed I started to plan out what I'd like to concretely unfold, that felt like it was good to do. Then at some point during the night I had possibly the third OBE I've had in the two years I've been working on this stuff. Maybe some comments here sparked something.
DeleteWell don't forget to write things down afterwards. Once you keep notes and records of things that you 'saw' or experienced, your brain will hold onto the critical things that are often otherwise forgotten and lost to the waking consciousness.