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Friday 19 January 2024


The latest interviews with those Congresspeople who were given access via Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities to what the military and intelligence services were 'now' prepared to discuss about the on-going assertions in Congressional Inquiries to do with unusual aerial phenomena and related matters - contains the admission that there exists some government-level 'evidence' and belief that there are 'inter-dimensional beings.'  

Well of course they are inter-dimensional because that is the way they get here at all.

People jump to conclusions about what 'the truth' is bound to be given what highest-level briefing government officials appear to believe based on their privileged scientific and military access.

Cold in the North.

By 'get here' what I mean is to 'get hereabout.' 

There are plenty of places you cannot see or find with most of the advanced instruments available to scientists and government - within the solar system. And there are an odd handful of 'emplacements' at these locations that are not 'inter-dimensional.'

Traveling great distances is one thing; just being at a location is totally another thing.

Spanning huge distances is a need if you want to go from one part of this galaxy to another part of it. Just being at a spot is a matter of everyone's existential reality.

So if 'they' - the others out there - exist, then they have existential (Gauss Curve! lol) reality same as we do.

The attempt to narrow-down and limit Alien beings to a purely 'inter-dimensional' reality is deliberate and quite sinister. The spin already is that 'they' are visibly materializing because of errant 'slowing of their atoms.' This is not nonsense if you disregard the fragility of saying that 'atoms speed up or slow down' (I mean what does that mean? Are they trying to say there is a frequency rate to them - which is arguable, really...) - and simply leave out the 'errant' part and say they are deliberately choosing to go wherever they want by some process that employs quantum cycle rates of matter structure.

The implication there of course, being that then it is quite logically allowable to input the religious case, which is namely the basic narrative being informed by those ancient scriptural accounts and the ideas and conclusions and beliefs that were formed from way back then arising from whatever encounters and experiences various people were having.

If deliberate travel (is possible), then encounters construed as religious ones are existential (in other words true and factual although they may be subject to a lot of interpreting).

Warm in the Middle.

If inter-dimensional and accommodating the Einstein (and Heisenberg) principles, then the Zero Point and 'Omega Point' are facts.

And if 'Omega Point' then there is enough of the characteristics and existential aspects of some entity or entities in reality somewhere for it to be so that there is a 'god' but that it is 'us' as part of a loop of transitional becoming and ultimate being which are all tied to a permanent template of necessary dynamics and interactions and interaction rules otherwise known as 'mathematics.'

...Though sometimes, we can just drop all of the over-thinking and just break through the 'mind tension' into lived reality.



  1. I was just reading an article in layman's terms about the Omega point. It says that to go from an open universe to a closed one, gravity has to overcome expansion due to dark matter. The song "Gravity of Love" popped into my head. It might be said that love brings things together. Just googled what Enigma/Michael Cretu has been up to lately, turns out a 2016 album has a song called "The Omega Point".

    1. I was going to wait for O.M. to comment in this space, but I'm impatient. Something the remote viewing person recommended had to do with "clearing your mind" by relocating the "center of your being" to your throat. Just sort of refocus your attention on your throat, and then move that down farther into your chest, and let your mind/head kind of float untethered. I mean, if the "gravity of love" is a thing to be experienced in the heart.. okay i shut up now.

    2. LOL You will NEVER su. And don't, either.

    3. Okay not to be stupid about it and just carry on with gratuitous jocularity, there is a really significant aspect about the 'throat/(vagus) breathing' matter. ...Which I actually won't go into now because it is one of those truly 'internal secrets' - an occult matter. A 'spiritual' matter that can also be a tool in the right hands and give power over others. And you don't want that, right? Not to mention, if we go around exposing this kind of stuff just openly, then others can have power OVER YOU!! LOL They will have 'agency.'

    4. Hmm! Odd. It seemed to be a simple "mind clearing" thing that sort of worked well for me.

    5. However the comment I left was motivated by a dream in which I found myself in an "english pub" (I think I've mentioned) and the bartender pointed at my chest and told me the "true universe" is in that place. IF I had not been working on the circulator pump for my hydronic heating system I would not have learned about "incompressible fluids," and the dream came to me a day or so after that. So. We have the "omega point" as a kind of "incompressible fluid." I understand the connection is not very clear from what I've said here.


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