For a start, 'apeiron' (means something like 'uncertain;' 'without knowing the boundaries of something') it may be that we have more than two arms over here, and therefore we have many sleeves and consequently lots more cards up those than you might suspect.
I am indebted to Mauro Biglino, who has at last gained the attention of a lot of people to hear that most of what people had thought they were reading in ancient works like those of Homer and Anaximenes of Miletus and even the Old Testament collection of books - is stilted and viewed through the various lenses of the politics and pre-conceptions of the days in which so many popular translations were made.
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The automaton maidens of Hephaestus. ...Had skins of gold. |
Mauro recently pointed out that the Greek pseudo-god 'Hephaestus,' was categorically what we would today term a designer, in the way we give that title to people like Sir Frank Williams and Steve Jobs and so on.
And although many academics try on this throw-over cloak of deception about a tribal or ethnic and cultural group's deification of common traits in certain key tribal roles (EG in the case of Hephaestus the idea is that he represents the crippled fire-smiths and iron-workers that the tribal militaristic leaders caused to be chained to their anvils so that they would not run away and give the secrets of making swords and spears to rivals) but in the case of for example Hephaestus it fails to account for so many crucial details about his specific abilities and his various produced things.
He is no way a slave nor is he limited by others - other beings around him - since he is in fact the one that has the most powerful and effective war-tools and 'made/crafted' technology.
Even Athena uses a shield made by him - and she is literally the God of War, superior to Hephaestus in every way in the absolute sense though not in the causal and linear existential way of how beings operate in their natural lives.
Mauro also makes it very clear that the two females who attend Hephaestus and assist him in his workshop and also assist him simply to move around because he mostly sits in an automated wheelchair, I guess you could call it - are in fact automatons, similar to, and like in virtually every way, real flesh-and-blood females; except that even superficially their skin is made literally from a form of gold that flexes and allows complex movement, but is the actual metal gold nonetheless.
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Adrian Newey, one of the greatest designers of engines and formula 1 cars of all time, has a book, and you can buy it; it's called 'How To Make A Car.' |
Today, many people often speculate about what this infamous 'mark' is that is given to those under the dominion of an Evil Force, and which they wear or 'have,' on their hands and on their foreheads.
And it has been argued that nowhere in the Bible does anyone ever say 'microchip...'
And that of course, is completely wrong but it would take an elevated scholar of the kind that Biglino is (and don't forget he sat on translations committees for the Vatican and was an official co-translator at one time and author of many published works by the Vatican itself) - to see where such a thing does occur.
But it does occur and it also makes it clear what this being the common world calls 'Satan' and the Devil actually is.
He is a kind of an automaton.
It's actually very clear that he is that, but once again, I will leave it to some future exposition by Mauro Biglino - and no doubt at all if his health remains stable he will make that exposition by and by.
I have many cards up my sleeve(/s?) and none of them are in the form of microchips or microchip-based technologies.
If we go back to idea of 'love thy enemy' and retain the real Greek word that is there in the texts, we must appreciate that it means to acquiesce reluctantly, where someone with immediately greater existential power, desires something that is not good but insists on account of their moral or ethical error.
...Until such time as 'a stronger man comes that will take hold of that first strong man and bear him down and bind him.'
You cannot openly challenge anyone at the present moment despite that you may have 'seen' some different ending to the way things are than what Karine Jean-Pierre or even Klaus Schwab would imagine in their wildest nightmares.
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I know this guy, 'Mr Chong.' He should also write a book: 'How To Make Fried Chicken.' |
Of course Schwab is not the main engine part or energy-source here. He is just the front guy, the 'Chair Person.'
Well there have been many times that a leader has been deposed because he could not defeat an empty chair.
'Satan' - or this guy who carries that title among all humans, cannot himself see anyone on the actual ruling seat of Total Authority, and he has not seen anyone on it for countless thousands of years. Which does not mean that he would not still be defeated against the empty chair were a legitimate and honest and candid vote be called among the human race between him and that empty chair.
Sensible people realize it is all not quite as simple as supposing that we ourselves, we ordinary humans in our ordinary natural state and also condition of general ignorance - might be able to advance to take possession of the empty spot and install ourselves there.
And that is because we do know that outside of ourselves, there are ultimate (or as the Taoists say, the 'Grand Ultimate' aka the Tao) principles and forms and mathematics and designs and fabrics and templates that exist before us and beyond us in our temporal and mortal state...
And this is where the Shaytan has it all over us, because, being a computer of a sort, he also knows that (fact) - but he has amassed so much technical detail and 'knowledge' of it that he can play with us, and exploit our ignorance and he has the flexibility to use the solidity of the Eternal Principles where he wants, and dismiss them where he is able to and instead use their obverse forms, their shadows if you will - and present all of that to us as 'fact' and as 'truth;' especially scientific truth.
But for our part we are able to do what he cannot - which is to go beyond the mortal mind, the human thinking, and traverse human mind to get to something whose actual position is on the 'empty' (to all of us) chair.
The traversal of human mind is called 'man-tra' in the Sanskrit.
'Man-tra' does not take you to outside of reality. It does not take you to a 'nowhere' place. Some imagined or imaginary place where you merely envisage things that you would like.
No. It takes you back to right here. Except it will bring to here, what no one that is 'human' and 'mortal' can see here - and let those things have form and be seen here by you, here and now in the material reality.
When your internal self performs 'mantrika,' you become no long a human being, certainly not a mortal one, but you traverse into some other 'frame of being.'
The Evil Forms cannot follow you into there at all.
Switch your mortal mind off, and perform the teachings of the Mantrika Upanishads.
Here. Traverse the mortal mind span, and enter into the Immortal Field - 'Who' is there? Who are you bringing? Who do you want to bring there? Who can you see... Here:
I was watching the movie Ex Machina the other day, and was thinking that Nathan, the Steve Jobs figure, could be seen as a "Yahweh", Caleb maybe a "fallen angel", and Ava, us, at least until Prometheus makes us real boys and girls. Well, maybe not Prometheus, but someone.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen this movie, but regularly, there is so much more in these films than the casual observer will know or appreciate. 'YhVH' is a discrete sound mechanism - even pictographic symbolism too - that has been turned into a title and then a name in human hands. Rabbi Alon Anava is one of the best modern-day Hebrew-literate sources about this. But he's out there on his own about it, for the most part.
ReplyDeleteI only meant a "Yahweh" in the sense of a creator god of questionable character. I understand from reading here that that label (though actually a mechanism) was given, by some people in the past, to whoever they thought was their god.
DeleteHeh. It sounded to me like he was saying that "god" was a mistaken label given to a mechanism.