You're not stupid. None of you here are stupid.
That having been said there is a point where you have to fold your arms, virtually against all prior 'training' and just go 'hmn' a few times before sticking your brain back into gear in order to try and 'work things out.'
It is better to work them out for yourself by yourself - at least firstly, and then after that you can 'meet people...' Er, not 'people' like you ever knew them before.
Two and a half thousand years - thousand years, mind you - ago, there was somebody who said something (a lot of people said things but in this case we are talking about one specific matter), wrote it down, and people today vaguely know it...
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It's time to see the light. |
Every bastard alive who is in a University, been to a University, claims an academic education, vaunted their 'knowledge' and prognosticated to everyone whether those wished to listen or not (because mostly stuff was thrust down people's throats) - 'knows it all.'
Well right now you are going to be told something in context. And you just sit back and ask yourself what have you just heard and read...
Every man alive who fancies themselves as an academic thinker has heard of a certain particular phrase. And here once more, the power of the dumbed-down slogan when used against humans is revealed:
Plato's Allegory of the Cave.
Well just what TF 'allegory' is this?
The word 'allegory' is an insertion from modern times.
'Allegory,' now is it...?
The story at least, is that humans are beings with some kind of a brain, forced literally by chains, if invisible ones to turn their heads in one direction only and to watch images.
Yeah well okay this is 2023/24 right now and you are just not that stupid.
Absolutely we will deal with just getting directly to - and that was a great request by the way, 'anonymous' - who said can we please just get to a straightforward source of existential 'pure' energy absent of all of the hidden agendas we are constantly being subjected to in this world.
Those of you who watch whatever 'television' is popular right now, I think Netflix is the main one showing this film in a serialized form - are aware of Nicole Kidman's new role as Gertrude Bell in 'Queen of the Desert.'
Well Dame Gertrude Bell was not by a long shot the most beautiful of the Bell/Shields/Karaman Chimay and Countess Greffulhe women, and she was not the 'grand aunt' of my own father - she was his actual aunt (one of them).
This is 'Bell,' right, not Kidman!! lol
The movie fails to explain how come the Arabic chiefs were easily swayed into this closest-of-the-close relationship with a Brit female of the day, and carries on as if the British Foreign Office was the driving force of Bell's activities in the end, having convinced her to work for them instead of go off on whatever escapade of her own she was going off on (funded by what we are not told in the flick).
But because you are reading from someone who knows, rather than listening to some idle Hollywood tale told by idiots, you are now going to be shown something and again, I would prefer that you draw your own conclusions.
The point being, that when you decide what is really going on, then you decide (since I trust your common sense will have revealed reality to you) how you will match what Emory University political science identity Courtney Brown is quite accurately depicting to you about these Lumix cameras and what they are filming.
...Because if what Brown is saying is indeed 'the truth,' then it is utterly inescapable what your mind has told you regarding the 'allegory.'
And 'if this then the next thing follows:' that is to say, 'someone' we'll not say whom, knew in the past something of the future (but they could do no better verbally describing and depicting the technology so hence what modern idiots are calling 'the allegory') -, so now you in 'today' can easily also know the future from here.
Quite a handful of people knew the future in the past - I'm not selecting one particular one and saying he was the only one; far from it. This is just a very good example of the matter. It is a very good example because you today are extremely well-acquainted with systemic propaganda and the technology and tools of it.
Everything is 'on the table' as they say.
Faster than light? No problem. Travel through Time? Zero problem.
Where does it leave us or 'lead us?'
It leads to the object of the very question (or request) someone just then raised or proposed, if you will.
What I mean is that yes, it expressly and explicitly seeks you to pose that question!
We're all sick of the exigent powerful deviousness that has hindered and hampered human efforts.
And so we must now turn to direct engagement.
I hope though that you appreciate firstly what was just now said in this posting (the two main things). And that what was said should be standing out in your mind as palpable existential realities, never mind just ordinary 'facts.'
What you will end up with is a certain amount of power.
And I have weighed my words there very carefully.
And you will rapidly learn to weigh your words and final decisions and thoughts very carefully soon, too.
So, turn your head away from the screen that you are being forced to look at as 'reality.'
You can no longer afford to be a 'skeptic' or a damn 'scientist.' There is no such thing on this planet. There are, like Courtney Brown, a lot of political scientists. He is one though he is not a knave like most of the rest of them are. Courtney Brown, I will tell you right now, is someone who has literally been inside one of these 'craft' for real. But even he doesn't know everything. But he certainly knows a few things.
And yes we will clearly say where we draw our power next up. Meaning how do we do it, and where is it/is it coming from.
I like this track. I like most of the tracks here but the ones with the neon pinks and purples feel especially good to me, like "all the way" by PRIZM. Snapped me out of a spell of foggy anxiety.
ReplyDeleteI first thought you meant admiral byrd, but anyway wiki says his family crest has three crescents. Is this interesting?
Speaking of identities, do you mean the actual identity or more in the sense of carrying a piece of an ancestor? I had a feeling of a story where an immortal might become attached to a mortal person, and after their death might observe generation after generation, waiting and hoping for the circumstances to be such that the pieces come together again. But then would this be the actual identity, or an empty echo/copy? The second gives me a pit in my stomach, kind of like what happened at the end of that movie AI. I guess herbert explored this also with the gholas.
I was about to say 'I guess a bit of both' but then you said 'hoping and waiting for the pieces to come together again (presumably in acceptably sufficient of a way)' and yes that would be troubling. And that would be a REAL problem too because 'troubling' is often a sign that we must carefully look at something. In fact there is absolutely no doubt at all in my own mind that this is the process for demonic possession of a certain kind. ...Fortunately though, as I trust many people here are about to see shortly, the 'real thing' is leagues ahead of that game.
DeleteBut I not only do think the 'connected resonance' factor over generations is real, but people are already connected to more than 'themselves' as beings. This IS the point of the 'and (John the Baptist is) Elijah who is to come (the text adds 'for those who can accept it),' when clearly he was not actually any kind of materialized 'return' as such.
DeleteIt's too easy to simply say this was in part the point that Virginia Woolf was making in 'Orlando.' Because we want to get away from speculation and literary analysis and get to the real thing finally. I have to go out for a few hours but when I get back to the desk here we'll give it a go then.
DeleteI didn't mean possession by an evil thing, I meant an attachment between a god and a human in a positive sense, as in loving/falling in love with one of us ephemeral beings.
DeleteTo use an example that we can see today, people are cloning their pets because presumably they love them and don't want to let them go. But I doubt the clone is truly the former pet. I find the idea of having a loved one physically in front of you, but who isn't really the person you loved, to be very unsettling. You love someone because of what's in the vessel and not the vessel itself, at least theoretically. Though maybe the physical being close enough to the original is enough for the true identity/consciousness to inhabit it again. I think we are getting back to morphic resonance. Anyway, please do continue, I think you were getting to something more important.
DeleteThank you Old Money