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Monday 8 August 2022

Naughty Me

...Let's say some of y'all have been moving your personal 'sphere' of being, closer to these ET Aliens than you may have supposed. To their world.

As it says in the book of the Tao Te Ching - the wise person who wishes to rule here, consorts with the powers of heaven.

And that's what some of you have been doing, even though it might not have seemed obviously so to you at the time.
Arms folded, in the Harris Tweed.

You are not alone. You are no longer alone in your world, in this human world, although it may have seemed so.

You might indeed be 'hermiting' but you are decidely not alone at all.

But here's the thing though, see.

'You' (a person, not you) are someone high up in government, or in some media and advertising juggernaut organisation, and you know that the Russian military just completely annihilated several divisions of Ukrainian soldiers. That's a few thousand men and some women. Just then, last few days only. You know that and you also know that the reason there is a war out there at all, is because you have been using the country as a money laundering place for you and all those in the little middle class tribe that you belong in, as 'one of.'

Money laundering place, drugs manufacturing and distribution place, sex trafficking place, illegal weapons dealing place, illegal chem labs place. 

...So, you accidentally get dragged along to a friend of a close friend's Sedona-based 'meditation group' with some hot females in there.

And suddenly, at some point in the evening, the 'Divine Light' descends upon the off-beat group and you can actually see it, and you figure, okay, they have some drug they've pumped into the atmosphere or slipped into our kambucha teas or whatever.

The light however, is the real thing, and it goes into your head and finds that you have 'deliberate malice and injustice' installed in you as part of your whole actual personality and being, and that your life and livelihood depends on the fact that you can freely lie cheat steal and literally organize mass murder too. Now this is 'God light' right, actual 'God' thing... 

So it doesn't stay in you, in your head. It gets the hell out ASAP. It cannot remain in there, because then it would be participating in your wickedness, let's say, if it helped various different other and more seemingly benign aspects of 'you.'
Not the Tao, but...
Well, is the Tao, really!
Great photography and digital
art by Charlie DiAngelo.

So then 'God' has no place in you. The 'life' force is not in you. You are actually dead but you have a mechanical sort of 'life' going on there until the bits and pieces wear down and self-destruct over time.

You've convinced yourself you are alive and that you can think and feel and so on, but it's not really true.

...Now there's another person in there where you are, and that person has a fully-integrated, correctly-functioning, internal mind structure. They are genuinely objective about 'truth' and 'facts,' and actively seek to increase their knowledge and information base. They use the thinking and considering and 'foresight' part of their brain to make judgments and in that way form decisions to undertake their intelligent 'actions.' They use their appetite to organize ways to feed the physical organism of their body, and they use their creativity to find new solutions to any presenting problems.

Their stance is to do good wherever they practically can do so, both to themselves as well as to others, and they can self-observe as well as objectively observe others. They are highly sensitive to legitimate concepts of fairness and equality and they can comprehend 'equivalence' versus natural material hierarchies - and their consistent aim is to implement those decent standards of things.

Suddenly, they have this rare and unusual 'light thing' inside them. But this thing is not actually so austere as to be incapable of 'human qualities' as such - or better said, in fact it is capable of giving agency over enormous power, that aids and abets very human behaviors.

By contrast, a 'walk-in' (as they are called) is a thing that has taken up residence inside a person, where there are no nodes of thinking or judging in operation -, apart from basic appetites and rages.
Natalie Barney,
with Zibellino.

A 'walk-in' can only make use of and manipulate, the ordinary, mechanistic faculties and aspects of a human body. At the same time though, we should observe that this also shows us just how extremely powerful, are those 'basic mechanistic' aspects - they can make someone walk or run without food or drink for days, live without sleep, have seemingly 'super-human' strength, and the body will only eventually give up and expire long after one might have expected it to. That's why even mainstream 'insane institution' workers are told do not try and physically counter or over-power a crazy person on your own - because you won't be able to do it.

A 'walk-in' can only...

Whereas the other thing can do anything at all.

Hmn. So, 'Florian' (lol, I laugh at him) Graf Henckel von Donnersmarck...

And, without giving the game away about some of my father's aunts, and grand-aunts, let us compare and contrast Florian Graf HvD with (well, no, I'm not even going to give him the time of day at all) Natalie Clifford Barney (born 1876, passed 1972). Same era as my own grandmothers, and one of those actually outlived Natalie Barney by a few years.

Tell me, oh thou wokey people and 'super feminists' that you have heard of Natalie, right?
Oh, ineffable light of
the Cosmic Super Intelligence, 
bring Lamborghini s-o-o-o-o-o-n.

Her mother was originally engaged to Henry Morton Stanley, and whether fortunately or not, who can say, did not marry him but while he was sailing around Lake Victoria in a boat he named after Alice Barney, she married instead a wealthy railway car manufacturer in Dayton, Ohio.

See the problem with people such as me - and now you too - is that if we are standing before some idiot from Oxford, Cambridge or anywhere, we could go on like this all day long and keep our hand on that person's hold of their iPhone.

You could say to them: 'You've heard of Natalie Barney and Alice Barney, haven't you?' ...And hold their hand down hard as they struggle for air, and then suffocate and die.

We speak of this, next time here. We expand.


Sunday 7 August 2022

Hot Chocolate In Paris

...Where I have not been. Been more or less just about everywhere else across Europe - never ever been to Paris.

Anyway, so Angelina Jolie's mother, Marcia Lynne Bertrand, a French-Canadian, used to proclaim rather strongly that her mother at least, 'was as far away from French Parisian as you can get,' and that may well have been quite true. Her husband, and therefore Jolie's grandfather, Rolland Bertrand, was French enough though, if you wanted to make a thing of it.

I think it was John Voight who may have been more intent on preserving the French connection here, since he gave his daughter the name 'Angelina.'

Angelina's is a famous tea rooms in Paris, that is famous in fact, more for their hot chocolate than their actual tea.

What are they doing serving Scotch whisky 
at Agent Provocateur's in Paris?

And then of course, Angelina's is just as famous for being the favored hang-out of Coco Chanel and her friends.

You know, there is just so much more to all of these characters of history than the common history and narratives even have the knowledge to say...

If I started to go into my grandmother's sisters' (on my father's side) history in Europe we will not only be here all day, but some of these people's live were not only 'larger than life' but so far beyond the sheer scandalous, that the highest of society were in awe.

The Greffuhles were endowed with female members of such social prowess - in every possible sense - that... ...well, their salons, especially the one run by Elaine (Bill? Are you following? LOL) openly 'tolerated' the emergent new 'class' of well-heeled American lesbian with massive inheritances, who themselves were eventually taught how to run these things. And they did that. You know, to put it rather crudely here - out of which many great personages of modern times, like Karl Lagerfeld, sprang fully-armed, as it were.

Coco Chanel in the end was a partner with one of the female denizens of this grade of society -, who was a major dancer at the Moulin Rouge and also 'expensive friend' of some of the boys and girls of the salon set. And what were they partners in? Well, asylums for women and children and poor men as well. She and her friend invested heavily, considerable sums, in fact, in these places throughout the latter parts of their very successful lives.

All the while somehow also being able to attend morning coffee at Angelina's, or in this case, hot chocolate.

They bring the hot chocolate out to you in silver or ceramic jugs, right - and then you have that poured out for you into cups with lots of cream on top and also sometimes coffee underneath as well.

...Why am I telling you all this?

Well because we like hot chocolate! 

Don't we?

I must say - Adele Charvet, eh. Very impressed.

Salons, by the way, are not about sex-for-money or even anything like that. Money is there because well, rich people have money.

They came about, quite frankly, because these super wealthy women who were all incredibly sophisticated and highly educated in the highest aristocracy, were being frozen out of 'academies' that were being strictly open to males only at the time. 

Still, it's all too easy for those who wish to be lurid about things to impute many false ideas about what is going on with these women. But there was never any implication by anyone that Elisabeth Greffulhe, for instance, was any kind of 'mistress' to anyone, and never certainly to Edward VII, who always dined informally at her house when he was in Paris.

I tell you all these things for a reason.

Nothing changes:
Plus ca change...
Google says 'the fundamental immutability
of human nature and 

How do these people, these kinds of people know to conduct their private lives with this person and not with that one? You cannot really say Prince Andrew, for example, is in fact educated in these things at all, really.

Look - why was Andrew hanging with the crowd he was hanging around with, when he might have seemingly as easily been where say Karl Lagerfeld was, for example, and it is no secret to say by extension then in context of the Kaiser, where, oh, Caroline of Monaco was... They don't seem to get into trouble. How come he did?

There are high aristocrats, and they are still around today -, and there are others.

They know because they know the court slippers of Balthazar in the Merchant of Venice.

They know because they know when you wear a certain type of socks.

They know when - if you are a woman - you have zibellino around your neck.

So, Andrew, did your so-called 'friends' in mercantile London do you any favors, did they, Andrew? Money buys you what, then?

There are people here reading this Blog who will have the wit to go and watch Pacino's Merchant of Venice (it is the best one; not that he has particularly distinguished himself recently with any public pronouncements on this or thon...) again now. 

And why not? There could be a salon in their town and they are simply getting ready.

Saturday 6 August 2022

Things To Have, Versus...

I'm getting really nervous posting some of the pics that I do post up here, because I don't know if these are inflaming lust or something. And then some of you will go out and rob a - well, you can't do that anymore these days because banks don't have any money!

Cool. In that case we'll just keep on posting these highly materialistic and provocative pics.

You'll just have to keep your horses under a tight rein.

Unless you win the lottery or something, and then, well, out the window with all of that nonsense.

Of course, you'll have to also buy some 'friends' so that you can show off to them.

Look at me, look at me... I have expensive socks.

Wonder whose house this is?
Somebody actually lives here.

When it comes to looking ahead and envisaging some brand perfume that will suddenly do the same thing that Evelyn & Crabtree's 'Extract of Mysore Sandalwood' did - and go from fifty bucks to five hundred and fifty bucks - well it's not all that easy to do, is it.

For one thing, in the case of E & C's very excellent product, the rising price had two important underlying forces working for it - the internet's growing global community of so-called 'frag-heads,' plus the fact that the Chinese government went and bought up almost all of the actual Mysore sandalwood plantations!

The product itself was never expensive or 'exclusive' as such although it was favored, I supposed by very discriminating tastes.

Bill and I here, we used to buy the thing all the time!

To be honest, it's not actually 'sandalwood-'dominating as such, although there is actual real Mysore Sandalwood extract in it for sure.

It's more bergamot, vanilla (lots of vanilla, high quality Madagascar vanilla), and only then, the sandalwood.

So you have genuine underlying material supply limitations to be able to factor in, and this does create clear-cut shortages and thus extreme exclusivity in the long run.

I could speculate on something in the arena of fragrances/perfumes, yes, absolutely I can do; but there is no underlying material shortages entailed this time. Not that I can necessarily see in this case.

With say, for instance, Lagerfeld's 'Photo' original line of aftershaves and colognes, the associated industrial backing companies continue to make this 'brand name' and package it not too far off the original - which was really, the campaign at least, that placed Claudia Schiffer into the spotlight first before anything else she was doing for YSL or Dior and of course, for Lagerfeld.

This is not a clue.
This is to mislead you and drive you
right off the trail!
Oh oh, look look - nice car.

The original Lagerfeld 'Photo' cologne is still regularly available here and there for around $150. It was about $20 when it first came out many decades ago.

I mean of course I could give a list of niche or designer similar kinds of things that I know will do much the same sort of thing... But in every single case you are already talking around $300 now.

Will these go to $3000? Doubtful. 800, 900, maybe a 1,000. Aw yeah. Definitely.

The trouble with posting actual lists here and especially pics, oh my god. I can just imagine some of you tossing and turning at night going, oh I must have this! 

No you must not!

Just stop it!

This is not how you make real money.

You make real real money, by yes exercising your mind into these questions - letting your mind run into the playground of such ideas!

And at first you think, aw there's nothing, and then by-and-by this notion will creep up on you and you will argue with yourself and doubt yourself and all of that. That's when you know for sure you're onto it.

Because you and me both, we have no idea. We are literally idiots. We have the right idea and we just never accept it. We go 'no, no; that's impossible/unrealistic/impractical.'

Like - we all know what 'practical' is, right?


See if I post these kinds of stoopid
pics, some of you will actually
go out and buy these stoopid things!
Ay yay yay.

See guys like Neil deGrasse Tyson, he knows what 'practical' is. He lies and cheats and steals. He's a complete knave. He's been telling everyone - and literally sneering in their faces for years: 'ha ha ha ha, there's no such thing as ET Aliens! Ha ha, you fools.'

And, he's made millions being backed by a criminal elite that wants to run your lives.

Now, today, this week, and literally actually today as well -, he's changed his tune, now that the Pentagon has admitted privately to Congress that for sure they know, there are both craft visiting here and that these are from totally non-human aka 'Alien' advanced civilizations. He's saying now 'Well if I don't know something, then I will just say I don't know.'

He's actually never said that. He said that he did know - and that 'they' don't exist.

 And he will make even more millions now lying straight out to your face.

So. That's being practical.

He's sneering and laughing because he knows that he's making money lying to you.

People who are real scientists are not going to laugh at anyone gratuitously like he does. Same goes for Harris. She's laughing because she wouldn't be able to get a real job as a competitive lawyer. These are all obvious fronts.

But they are wealthy fronts. You got to give them that.

So they are very practical people.

They don't know why people like me wear 'certain kinds of socks,' or powder blue (French blue) suede slippers, or carry folding fans even though we are guys, to concerts and operas, and Rave Music Festivals. And they don't need to know. Why should they know?

...Hey by the way, suede Charvet slippers are not the same things as Venetian er, er, er, slippers.

Okay. So the Prophet Muhammad was one time on a trip to make some trade, see, and he was not successful at all, and had more or less lost all of his money on that trip, and he met up with some guy from Nineveh, northern modern Iraq, right... And this guy took him in and was sympathetic to his condition and gave him some food and stuff and spent nights conversing with him, and told him about these beings called 'Genie' who were in the culture of Nineveh.

Really mislead you now!

So then, when Muhammad got back to the Quraysh, they were angry with him because he came back broke, and he told them then 'the Surah of the Djinn.' (72nd chapter: Surah Al-Jinn), and he told them that some evil Djinn had stolen all the amazing wealth he had made in his trading - but then, some good Djinn listened to him reciting the Quran and became Muslims following which it was revealed the 'Chapter of the Djinn!'

The Avestan language has many ancient texts talking about the Deva-zini ('bright when they are seen') beings, who are usually 'a-zin;' not seen/invisible. (Vizier, prolly is from 'va' - Deva - and 'zi;' to see and shine, with knowledge).  

Wonder who this 'Balthazar' was - the lawyer in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. And wonder what shoes she - sorry 'he' no wait, it was actually 'she' though right - was wearing, when she appeared.

You want to buy something that is worth money?


Money? Urgh, pthah. Yuck!

What are you going to do with...

Oh, you want to buy something that is going to be worth money.

Oh, I see.

I dunno. Could we find something there for you? What do you think?


Marta Burns is a classically-trained opera singer and composer. I think this is modern opera; what do you think:

Friday 5 August 2022

Venetian Shoes...

So I've said many times before here, that my mother's side of the family came - in recent times(!) - from Venice, and in fact, my own grandfather ran the Cafe Florian there before WWII.

He was finishing his studies as a doctor in Belgium when the war really got going and he hopped on a ship and ended up in Melbourne Australia. His own first cousins were on the same ship in furs and finery and he was already a pretty independent guy but there was this 'issue' see, because that side were thought of by the 'good side' as having more or less collaborated with the Nazis on account one sister and one brother ran off with these Germans, literally whose fathers were SS officers in the Eastern Mediterranean somewhere.

This is 'Valentino's' here in Australia.
It was named after my grandfather's first
cousin 'Angelo Valentine-something or other I cannot
say here.' And he himself was named after an ancestor
who ran the Cafe Florian in Venice at one time.
Okay, so it happened (this thing above) to also have 
been an 'officially tolerated illegal gaming house.'
And the real story to that is something the
government here would need to guarantee
me and all the other families involved
that they will not lie about. Well
that's never gonna happen, is it!

But the other thing was they had a huge business dealing in furs, I'm pretty sure, and there was a cracking trade for that of course because, well, all the military everywhere required a significant supply of it. So they were very wealthy where so many others from the same places were really starving, literally, I guess.

...Shouldn't really go into any of that affair because, hey, these 'fur businesses' or what they morphed into, are very much still around and I don't know, I personally would not have had a problem selling furs to someone who paid me if I have furs. It's just I don't have any furs.

Hell there is no honor these days anyway among thieves - if you had furs and some government wanted them, well they'd just steal them from you. And if it happened to be that serious craft-skill was needed, well they'd have 'slaves' to do that same as they do now with everything else.

You know the trouble with actually having super wealthy family and not being all that estranged from them - is this kind of thing: one member of that family I was telling you about, met my very young son and lavished a certain amount of attention on him and then luckily he went back to Sydney or Melbourne or someplace.

Why 'luckily?' Well, he was literally the guy who single-handedly sailed half way around the world then highly prominent Australian drug king-pin Tony Mokbel as his contraband human cargo to Athens in a tiny yacht.

Now given that around that time we (all our business partners here and active 'good side' family) were getting a bit too close to MI6's grossly improper dealings right here, and subsequently with the AFP (Australian Feds) running interference for them and running into us while they were doing it - it just would have been too much of a gift for them had they known anything about my own non-existent association 'links' albeit actual personal knowledge of things that had gone down with Mokbel via related old 'Greek sailor-guy...'

Goodness me.


Those non-existent links would have been turned into absolute iron-clad association right fast.

See these are all legalese terms: 'association,' 'links' 'knowledge of...' 

Ladies Venetian shoes.
Not these type of shoes.
I don't wear these type of shoes!

I have two pairs, currently, of Venetian shoes.They may be worn by men, they may be worn by women. But they are not usually intended to be worn outdoors.

A few people still use them professionally around the world these days... ...I imagine.

Do they have any idea what they mean?

No way.

Seriously I want you all to make a lot of money.

You can do it. 

The world that you know is coming to an end. In the sense that this 'stanza' is coming to an end and the curtains are about to be drawn on things.

Blind Freddy would know it.

You don't need to stick a brass bowl on a metal tripod and conjure up the spirits of Nostradamus.

I'm trying to organize the 'way' such that nothing entailed, is so impossibly frightening or difficult to accomplish for you.

Snows in Venice in winter, see.
You can't go around in 'slippers'
outside. And it can be wet anyway
the rest of the year too.

You know very well, those who have been here for a while, that we said - 'this is 2 dollars, then 20 dollars then it was running very fast at 300 dollars...!'

And now today that thing is 3000 dollars. I can't afford it! Can you??

Well, we can't go back and hope lightning strikes twice in the same place, now can we. But we certainly know that we will be able to 'see' ahead as the new lightning strike happens.

...And all we need for lighting, is a lot of heavy dark clouds. And the Valkyries riding overhead.

I'm not sure, but I think, they are allowed to wield their Father's lighting spear. Have to look it up again.

Is it going to happen for sure? Yes it is already happening for absolutely sure. What does it say in the caption below my pic here? You think that was coincidence way back when your friends the Vaettir insisted I make this Blog?? I'm not personally going to challenge the 'friend' of a lot of humans - the so-called (fake) 'god of war...' Make sure he's not your friend, though. Because for one thing, he is not any kind of 'god,' and not of war, especially!

Thursday 4 August 2022

The Vaettir

So it's not the 'elves' exactly - and the shoemaker.

The Grimms put this collection of three stories together, concerning 'elves' with the main story being the one about the poor but honest shoemaker who only had enough money to purchase leather for just one pair of shoes.

...And there he is, one evening, tired and, well, still basically extremely poor, and he decides to call it a day and leaves the unfinished pair out on his workbench and goes to sleep.

 The story in the original German is 'Die Wichtelmanner.'

And 'Wicht' is from the Old Norse - Vaettir.

Pic from our friend Hugo, in Paris.

These are beings who look 'whitish' or grey - of course - and the interesting thing about these two little men who finish the shoes while the shoemaker is sleeping, is that they start off being completely naked.

Anyway, don't worry too much about this 'naked' thing, it's kind of interesting for reasons we don't need to talk about here, but the fact that eventually when the shoemaker and his wife spy them working one night, they feel sorry for the poor little guys and decide to make them some tiny clothes and tiny shoes.

By this time, the shoes that had been made by the elves have been achieving great prices and in fact, as soon as they get clothed, they nick off! LOL

Never mind because the shoemaker has plenty of trade by now, and money, and his own handiwork is not less than what the elves were doing. He was able to afford better food for one thing and so his eyesight remained sharp and his hands no longer shaky. 

It's straight out traditional lore about elves that they are able to time travel and they in fact, usually move around much faster than the human eye can see in most circumstances.

Did they know the shoemaker and his wife would make them some clothes and shoes because they knew the future? And thus it was just the right thing to do to help him out, as it were, before the fact yet after the future fact...

There is much more, philosophically, to this story than meets the eye too, because we have to ask, is there something intrinsically valuable, regardless of linear time and apparent 'pre-destiny,' in the actual personal handiwork and most especially, in my view, the sentiments of the shoemaker and his wife towards the little men?

Also Paris. I'll tell you a secret about 
this kind of place one day...

Oh yes, I do think so.

'Elves' they may be, because that is after all, our English word for them, but the very very ancient (and let's not go into the historically factually slightly unsound ideology of 'proto-Indo European...) word the Germans and Old Norse had, is from the Sanskrit 'Vitarka.'

'Vitarka' means super-logic.

Super logic is something way beyond what ordinary humans maintain is their best kind of thinking, which is namely, logical thinking.

Super-logic has no equivalent meaning in English or Western Culture - other than maybe by way of very deep and occultic meanings of ancient traditional fairy tales like the Elves and the Shoemaker.

Sanskrit super-logic already admits of this 'time-traveling' aspect that is available to certain kinds of beings.

Humans are only acquainted with linear causality logic, albeit still they have to include the prior presence and existence of shapes and numbers and relationships of those things.

But humans tend to only be able to project forward in a cumbersome style of envisaging 'if this, then that.' Which is frankly, not all that difficult or challenging you wouldn't suppose, although they still don't really seem to be able to reliably handle just even that much.

Were the shoemaker and his wife really 'poor?'

By standard linear logic you would 'calculate' that yes they were, because at step 1 they didn't have the means to make enough shoes to grow their material wealth to get to a step 2 that would imply actual 'growth.'

All these 'rich' people in the world
today, the wealthy people, all of them - 
they're imagining things
if they think they have any real wealth
or know anything valuable, or 
have anything.
You've been conned into 
believing that they do.
This is a sock, by the way. I've been avoiding
talking about them (the socks) or posting
pics of them for years!

And even if we were to insert in (to the calculation) the actual reality of the existence of 'elves,' then still we would not be able to say by linear causality alone that the elves would necessarily help the shoemaker and his wife.

If, there are such things as invisible elves, then, dimensionality becomes hugely important to logical calculations, because of considerations like motivation and ethics and ethos, too.

Jesus: 'Use Peitho' to persuade the angels.

He says it right there in the Bible!

It isn't about your ethics, it is about the ethos that you are part of, intrinsically.

'Ethics' is simply the integrity of one characteristic with subsequent actions. Well, governments have integrity. So do law courts and police and the justices and lawyers and doctors and politicians and many academics, probably most of them; the modern day ones. Oh yes.

They are wicked and Evil to begin with, motivated by greed for money and public approval and recognition. So naturally everything they do - its conclusion - has 'integrity' with that original start of things.

The shoemaker was not greedy for money, he needed some.

Naturally you cannot know what the elves want from you unless you see them, perhaps, in want of clothing, for example.

But don't wait. Put out some small silver in the moonlight, under some bushes where you can find it again and where no one else can steal it. Just lend it to them...

Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Even if this is simply to signify to them that you would like to know what you might be able to do for them. The only thing you can do for them is to feel. In certain ways. And that feeling comes from your ethos.

When I think of 'shoemaker' I can also think about Henri Cartier-Bresson in the same light.

He never had great equipment. Well, it became great after he used the things that he did have and then used. He never used a flash. He said it was 'impolite.' He like darkness. 

The shoemaker had to live in the dark because he did not have enough money for candle-wax. I'm not sure if the shoemaker actually liked darkness. Probably, he did not.

You know, I wonder if I can improve on the Brothers Grimm's version, by making out that the shoemaker worked by the light of a full moon one time, and...

Oh shame on me. So arrogant to think that I can improve on the Grimms.

Hey but hang on just a minute here! ...If there is something much more significant to the Grimm Brothers' fairy tale about the 'elves' than would seem to be merely the 'moral to story' aspect, then Dr. Stephen Greer's CE5 protocol does not sound so silly nor as totally unfounded as many people suppose, is it?

The vocalist in this is rarely credited online anywhere; but it is Shirley Randall: