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Sunday, 4 October 2015

Dialogues Of Power

What's it going to take to convince human beings that ideas, and not actions, are powerful?

See a general is going to understand this. Actions are tactical, ideas are strategic.

Why are the mighty Pyramids powerful? They do nothing. Except sit there, in the desert, with the winds blowing around them... And they wait.
The Sphinx of Giza -
'by the dog of Egypt! said Socrates.'

There are, as must know, numerous theories about the Pyramids of Egypt - that they are many thousands of years older than widely supposed, that beneath the left paw of the Sphinx there is a 'chamber of records' which holds secrets of some far distant past and now lost civilization vastly more advanced than we are now... that they are in some way a guide to stars in the night sky and to otherworldly intelligences from those stars.

All of these ideas betray the typical and fairly ordinary human trait of reducing a mystery to an analog of well-known human action or human patterns: something older, something wiser, something better, something more than poor old mundane human 'us.' The Pharaoh dies, and his soul goes into a boat, and he takes with him spells and magic words, and he passes with these, trials that allow him to achieve a position of power in the Afterlife.

But to get a great idea takes time, and it takes the application of patience, and it takes some intelligence too. 

Modern humans - today's humans - can never understand the mystery of the Pyramids. For there is indeed a mystery to them, and they are indeed somewhat older than often believed. No action is enjoined by any of the real 'messages' of the Pyramids. You can do nothing to change anything. Everything that there is, is already completed. All is done, and there is nothing left undone. We are ourselves, like the Pyramids, not the other way around - and we do not understand ourselves either...

The secret of the Pyramid (or Pyramids, including the Sphinx) is on the outside of them. They have an intellectual function which is accessible from the outside. There is no secret chamber. There is a secret right out there in the open for all to see and few or more or less no one, does see it. Think of how many great minds down through the Ages have looked, and looked, and not seen it.

Now look at this:
Just look up 'Vedic Maths on YouTube' to see this
method applied and explained

This is the Vedic system of multiplication of arithmetical whole numbers. the problem with the system is not that it works - because it does work - but that it clearly shows a spatial, a geometrical spatial, relationship between arithmetical whole numbers; it makes two dimensions, five dimensional. Shape, ratio, time, movement. What you must be able to adduce from what you see here, is that everything is already plotted out from and right through the most basic number system itself - that is, shape is intrinsic to number, ratio and therefore size is too, and multiplication, being a feature of calculus, implies limitless action. Everything exists from the beginning.

Sure there are a lot of mathematical relationships that can be seen in the way the Pyramids were made and how they are arranged. But the most important things about the Pyramids are those you can understand without having to make laborious calculations. Just like a footballer doesn't formally calculate the rotational speed and angles of vector of a ball coming towards him, just so that he can grab it or kick it when it arrives, so must you look upon the Pyramids as easily and as fluidly appreciate what is going on there, with respect to them, to their shape, their size, their stature, and what they appear to represent at first glance.

People know on a subconscious level, that there is something important about the Pyramids, but they really don't know what it is, in spite of all the so-called Illuminati symbolism and signs around today. I assure you they are all as far away today, as they have ever ever been... However the fact is, people associate the Pyramids, with power. And you will never shake them from this belief. Principally, of course, because in this view they hold, they are in fact quite correct. 

Monday, 28 September 2015

I Short - THIS:

We've talked here about Ivan Glasenberg and XStrata - or Glencore - before. The fact the share price is currently failing badly is a good reason to just recall the strange and very shadowy history of Glencore. On the one hand I can certainly believe its present woes are to do with the collapse of the 'China buyer,' and on the other hand I wonder whether the Swiss authorities' sudden religion over disclosing secret shareholders and secret bank accounts might not also play some role.

What's the difference? The share's going to hell and leading the whole market down into oblivion.
Travelling First Class from now on -
for a while, at least

About bloody time.

I'm not sure about all this internet whacko stuff about CERN opening up the bottomless pit to let Satan OUT - it's more like it's going to suck all of the Dow Jones Index into the unfathomable depths of hell where it all belongs anyway.

Certainly we're all going to find the premium on Puts is going to go through the roof next week and short-selling is not really the way to handle the coming collapse. Governments around the world are going to have to face at some point the actual failure of their money systems - for one reason that they are in the first place responsible to having drawn off so much of it early on by strictly 'conditionalizing' paper money (overseas limits, payments in cash limits, reporting barriers, all sorts of fiscal things). Now, when credit is steadily going through the roof, paper money and all of the present forms of digital 'cash' will prove inadequate to the task.

Glencore (IE XStrata), was never a cheap share, and it has not been a cheap share to short (Puts way too costly). Pension funds, superannuation funds, ETF's - will all go South on this one now, and badly too. And probably, not too long hence, the whole Index is going to destroy people's retirement savings more or less entirely.

As you all should know, I've been shorting the Singapore market for a while... Here, the Put premiums are still 'at luxury odds,' as they say in racing parlance.

Do I fear the government - my own and the Singapore one sifting through all my on-line words and claiming that I actually personally conspired to send the Singapore Stock Index into the drain? And therefore making it difficult or impossible for me to get my profits out? No, NOT WITTINGLY, at least!
I actually don't like Singapore anymore
too many Israeli 1 per centers, and 'copy style' food

What I really fear is that, if a meteorite hits Sheldon Adelson's building there, then they will come at me with those black-clad thugs and all!! ...Not that I shan't be mounting a stout defense about how I could possibly go about getting a meteorite to land on one of them buildings out there...!

Look look, a cartoon meteorite. I shall most certainly be launching the 'single meteorite theory, as well as the 'crazed meteorite thrower acting alone' one, and finally, the 'magic meteorite hypothesis.' After all, 'the science is in,' on all of these.

As for exactly how much I am making on my positions right now, and how much I further expect to make, well, it's nothing really. A trifle, no more.


Sunday, 27 September 2015

Wiki Is Rubbish

And just quickly, to demonstrate the logic and force of my argument, if you look at the Wikipedia entry for the 'History of the Knights Templar' you will see this totally illogical jump (in the paragraph titled 'Rise Of') from the moment Hugo de Payens forms the group in Champagne in France, to go along with pilgrims and to protect them - to some point quite a long time afterwards and which encompasses numerous battles along the way with Saladin, when de Payens has established some troops finally, inside the Temple of Solomon (so-called now, because there's really no such thing since after Tiberius Caesar), following which this group is referred to THEN as 'Templars.' But not before. They could have been called 'Knights Pilgrimers,' but not Knights Templars at the beginning, where they were nowhere near a temple and had no clue they would ever end up there at that specific one in particular in Jerusalem. It is not, for instance, the location of the birthplace of their deity - Jesus Christ.
'Coins of The Templars' you can get today
with a lot of accurate detail in them

Knights of the Temple of Solomon is not what they called themselves.

And so it's pretty foolish of these modern day people to appropriate what is in every respect, in the first place, a false name...

And then there's all this added nonsense about the Kabala or the so-called Jewish 'MerKaBah.' In actuality, the signs and symbols on the walls and ceilings of the Chapel of Montsaunes, are all to do with the Constantine labaron or labarum (in Latin). They have nothing whatsoever to do with any Jewish occult symbolism, which is entirely meaningless and powerless in an occult sense, and rather everything to do with certain astro-symbolic depictions about human spiritual composition, the Egyptian temple priests employed. 

You see, no one can really establish anything significant and substantial that creates strong group bonds and generates wealth and political and military power unless the ideas they are using genuinely have some actual and decisive, function. They cannot be just, albeit learned, speculation, whether philosophical or metaphysical - as the Jewish Kabala (and/or MerKaBah) symbology, if I may use that word, is.

And if the ideas are simply 'group or mass psychology' techniques - as so much of modern popular entertainment and culture is - then one need not subscribe to the presences of any 'secrets' or occult practices or powers.
Al Aqsa mosque today - where there is armed violence
taking place now... In some occult circles, a signal of
some terrible event of global import.

There is no record that Hugh de Payens was some sort of spectacular orator or charismatic leader. What there is is a persisting suggestion that he was deeply involved - and his entire Order as well - in some sort of occult or magical practices and beliefs and ideas. With the result of amassing a marvelous fortune still supposed to be around to this day albeit in some covert form or in secret locations. 

Against this folklore, lies the fact of the Order's destruction and murder by Philip of Navarre. And so, it seems that their 'power' had its limitations.

The lesson here though, is one about keeping one's wealth extremely quiet, for it seems that nothing is more true in this world, than that there are always very dangerous and powerful as well as malicious forces, ever ready to take what is not theirs, and to do away with the real owners. As in, to murder them for profit and for gain, both of more power and of their victim's estates and even to steal their fame as if it belonged to the thief in the first place.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

They Don't Know

One of the most insidious aspects of the internet is the sheer amount of repetition of a complete falsehood that of course is eventually bound to become its own cultural or social reality, falsely-based though it is.

To make matters worse still, if a subject is trampled all over by 'academics' then the error is likely never to be even considered by any objective publicly-known mind because it will never see the light of day via the public's internet 'real truth' consciousness, if I may put it that way. I have previously questioned how it is, for example, that male commentators are giving their renditions in a lot of modern history, of what went on inside an exclusively female, and highly secretive, sanctuary - that of the Parthenon. To put it bluntly, what you read everywhere about what was taught there and what went on there - is categorically wrong. Nevertheless though, this male folkloric vision of one particular historical matter (just one example of many), is now 'academically' sanctioned 'truth.' But it's rubbish.
The Parthenon as it really was

Right now there is a global underground, well not really underground, movement, of latter day 'Knights Templar,' who want to go on modern era crusades using automatic rifles and modern military equipment and this kind of thing. They have adopted signs and symbols of the olden days' Templar Knights without having a single correct clue about what any of it represents.

The so-called 'secrets revealed' of Masons too, often from the very Masonic lodges themselves really shows you this tendency to repeat some apparently credible belief, which if you apply common sense to, cannot be true at all, yet it is believed even by the modern day members of these official organisations. For example - just one example - the letter 'G' inside the compass and set-square... I mean you even see it in Westminster Abbey, on the mosaic groundwork - architectural figures and motifs, none of which make real sense to anyone from any of the genuine aristocratic Houses, but that are treated with great reverence and some very misguided belief as to their 'hidden meanings.' There are none, other than that the person who drew them or designed them and caused them to be built there hadn't a clue about what he was talking about. Yes there IS a geometric square 'idea' or 'concept' that has some importance and some covert meaning to aristocrats - but it is not the one in Westminster Abbey.

All of the popular 'revelations' about the Masonic 'secrets' say the letter 'G' stands for 'Grand Architect (of the Universe, no less) and for 'God.' But it does not. If the symbol represents an ancient 'G' then it would stand for the modern English letter 'C' because that is what 'Gamma' is. And, if it really stands for the letter where we now have the English alphabet 'G' then it would (and does, or at least should) stand for the Greek letter 'Theta.

Again, take for another example, the emblem of the Italian sports car company Alfa Romeo - everyone, even the official current era company bosses, says the emblem is the crest of Milan, and the biscioni (viper eating a Moor) crest feature of the Visconti Family. Well apart from my coming from a Venetian family personally, I am married into the major rival family of the Viscontis and in fact today, both of these families are linked together by many generations of marriage. I'm not a Johnny-Come-Lately to this.

In both cases - the Templar motif of red cross on white or black background, and the Visconti 'serpent eating a man or baby' - the symbols go back into primordial history to do with an ancient king, Cadmus, who established the first civilized cities in Greece. He killed some primordial dragons or serpents after which his future 'children' sprang from the red earth fully armed, once he had sown the golden teeth of the slain dragon. Hence the red-skinned figure coming out of the serpent's mouth in the emblem.

There is no such thing as 'Baphomet,' the strange idol associated with the Templar Order. There is a 'Vasymetis' or 'the thoughtful mind is king' moto of the original Templar Order - 'b' is sounded like a 'v' but written as a 'b' in Greek ('Basil' pronounced 'Vasil' in Greek, for 'king.' Under torture, the Templars may have said something that was misunderstood and turned up in the Inquisition records nonetheless as the 'truth' which has since, literally become the truth that people believe. And no one really seems to worry that something extracted by torture could not possibly have been true - which is something proven time and time again today.
And so you have all these 'expert scholars' and even numerous 'witches' and occult experts who carry on and will actually tell you in great detail all the 'hidden' meanings of the 'Baphomet' and of course, now, we even have African America rap stars employing the image and semiotic interpretations - basically to a non-existent historical thing.

The Templar Order was reputed to have amassed and retained a huge fortune. Missing, of course, by now... 

There is such a fortune, but you will not find it by going by any of the utter balderdash and illogical nonsense spread out all over the internet as if it is 'fact.'
A female archer outside the Parthenon

It is not, for instance, commonly told, even by supposed biblical and archaeological scholars, that some of the names of the Christian Gospel writers and some of the apostles and women in the stories - were written as cartouches, and not in words with letters in exact sequence or order as we write names today. And this really calls into question what some of the names actually were, especially 'John' in particular which also has this 'Theta/Iota' problematic configuration. And bearing in mind that the full title of the Knights Templar is or was 'The Military Knights of Saint John of The Cross,'* then the likelihood of modern appropriators having the single foggiest clue about what they are doing, is absolutely nil, if say for one extreme instance, the Templar Knights believed that it was possible to have women dressed as men, and yet still be highly militaristic and successful religious warriors... Joan of Arc? 
Based on the labarum of Constantine -
which was really, an 'Alpha' a 'Theta' a 'Hexa' and an 'Nu' inside a
cartouche 'O.'

If you want to know where the wealth of the Templar Order is today - don't go looking where there are men in charge. It isn't there. I'm sorry to say to all those Freemasons and modern Templars who think they know 'secrets...'

Italian and French, yes. Secretive, yes. Led by women, yes. Are you getting the picture yet?

*NB. I should add that this group did not start out as 'Templar Knights' (IE knights protecting the Temple of Solomon itself in Jerusalem) but knights protecting pilgrims on the way to Jerusalem. 'Knights Templar' is a bit of a colloquialism of the time, and well after their actual formation. Even to this day there is a huge overburden of fabrication about Solomon's occult importance, whereas in fact, if you really are involved inside the higher occult circles, there is no function or power implicit in anything to do with Solomon; this is a purely recent (since certain Jewish and Moslem occult philosophers and writers) invention. 

Monday, 21 September 2015

Words In A Lambic

Lambic is a Belgian beer made as the result of fermentation through wild yeasts. Lambo, of course, is the vehicle that I suggest I wanted to know what conversations went on inside of...

How about this?

"What's the best beer in the world, Salim?"

"Oh, I don't know. I don't drink beer."
"Westvleteren" - a most euphonious name

Okay. There you go, that's the Dubai kids in London in their Lambos.

And now, my friend Chopper Mahoney from 'Destination Materialism:'

"What's the best beer in the world, Stuey?"


This week, or next week or around now, anyway - the 'world's best beer' title is going to be given to the Belgian Trappist Monks who make the small supply of 'Westvleteren XII.' 

Now here's the best CEO of an global beer company - ABinbev (formally Anheuser-Busch) - the Brazilian, Carlos Brito. There's his pic there.
Carlos Brito, certainly one of the world's leading
industrialists and CEO's.

Let's get something straight, these big corporations do know how to make beer. That's just a fact - their beers are consistent and pretty good, and some are great. Heineken, AB, all these people make great products, no question.

But the thing is, neither can the good muslim indulge in a beer handmade by Trappist monks, nor can they shoot an infidel with the latest Crusader rifle smeared with bacon oil, and neither can any modern era industrialist understand why Trappist monks make good beer. And believe me, they do make good beer! One of my absolute favorites is the abbey-beer Leffe, which is a brand owned by ABinbev today.

"Stuey -"

"Yes, Chops."
The inside of a Lamborghini

"Don't you think it's a bit perverse, that these Trappist monks dedicate their whole lives to making beer for the likes of you and me?"

"Well. no, Chops. I feel blessed each time I drink the stuff. I derive a lot of pleasure from their beer. It makes me happy. And as you know, Stu, any place that is inaccessible to the public, means that there, there is something of enormous value, which the inhabitants desire to keep secret from everybody else...

"On the other, Chops, it might be perverse and that is the very reason the stuff keeps getting acclaimed as the 'world's best beer,' because the rich folk just have to take nasty pokes at the rest of us all the time, seems to me." 

...said Stewart, as he pushed his foot down hard on the accelerator, knocking the undercarriage loudly against the poorly-maintained plebeian thru-way.