To make matters worse still, if a subject is trampled all over by 'academics' then the error is likely never to be even considered by any objective publicly-known mind because it will never see the light of day via the public's internet 'real truth' consciousness, if I may put it that way. I have previously questioned how it is, for example, that male commentators are giving their renditions in a lot of modern history, of what went on inside an exclusively female, and highly secretive, sanctuary - that of the Parthenon. To put it bluntly, what you read everywhere about what was taught there and what went on there - is categorically wrong. Nevertheless though, this male folkloric vision of one particular historical matter (just one example of many), is now 'academically' sanctioned 'truth.' But it's rubbish.
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The Parthenon as it really was |
Right now there is a global underground, well not really underground, movement, of latter day 'Knights Templar,' who want to go on modern era crusades using automatic rifles and modern military equipment and this kind of thing. They have adopted signs and symbols of the olden days' Templar Knights without having a single correct clue about what any of it represents.
The so-called 'secrets revealed' of Masons too, often from the very Masonic lodges themselves really shows you this tendency to repeat some apparently credible belief, which if you apply common sense to, cannot be true at all, yet it is believed even by the modern day members of these official organisations. For example - just one example - the letter 'G' inside the compass and set-square... I mean you even see it in Westminster Abbey, on the mosaic groundwork - architectural figures and motifs, none of which make real sense to anyone from any of the genuine aristocratic Houses, but that are treated with great reverence and some very misguided belief as to their 'hidden meanings.' There are none, other than that the person who drew them or designed them and caused them to be built there hadn't a clue about what he was talking about. Yes there IS a geometric square 'idea' or 'concept' that has some importance and some covert meaning to aristocrats - but it is not the one in Westminster Abbey.
All of the popular 'revelations' about the Masonic 'secrets' say the letter 'G' stands for 'Grand Architect (of the Universe, no less) and for 'God.' But it does not. If the symbol represents an ancient 'G' then it would stand for the modern English letter 'C' because that is what 'Gamma' is. And, if it really stands for the letter where we now have the English alphabet 'G' then it would (and does, or at least should) stand for the Greek letter 'Theta.
Again, take for another example, the emblem of the Italian sports car company Alfa Romeo - everyone, even the official current era company bosses, says the emblem is the crest of Milan, and the biscioni (viper eating a Moor) crest feature of the Visconti Family. Well apart from my coming from a Venetian family personally, I am married into the major rival family of the Viscontis and in fact today, both of these families are linked together by many generations of marriage. I'm not a Johnny-Come-Lately to this.
In both cases - the Templar motif of red cross on white or black background, and the Visconti 'serpent eating a man or baby' - the symbols go back into primordial history to do with an ancient king, Cadmus, who established the first civilized cities in Greece. He killed some primordial dragons or serpents after which his future 'children' sprang from the red earth fully armed, once he had sown the golden teeth of the slain dragon. Hence the red-skinned figure coming out of the serpent's mouth in the emblem.
There is no such thing as 'Baphomet,' the strange idol associated with the Templar Order. There is a 'Vasymetis' or 'the thoughtful mind is king' moto of the original Templar Order - 'b' is sounded like a 'v' but written as a 'b' in Greek ('Basil' pronounced 'Vasil' in Greek, for 'king.' Under torture, the Templars may have said something that was misunderstood and turned up in the Inquisition records nonetheless as the 'truth' which has since, literally become the truth that people believe. And no one really seems to worry that something extracted by torture could not possibly have been true - which is something proven time and time again today.
And so you have all these 'expert scholars' and even numerous 'witches' and occult experts who carry on and will actually tell you in great detail all the 'hidden' meanings of the 'Baphomet' and of course, now, we even have African America rap stars employing the image and semiotic interpretations - basically to a non-existent historical thing.
The Templar Order was reputed to have amassed and retained a huge fortune. Missing, of course, by now...
There is such a fortune, but you will not find it by going by any of the utter balderdash and illogical nonsense spread out all over the internet as if it is 'fact.'
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A female archer outside the Parthenon |
It is not, for instance, commonly told, even by supposed biblical and archaeological scholars, that some of the names of the Christian Gospel writers and some of the apostles and women in the stories - were written as cartouches, and not in words with letters in exact sequence or order as we write names today. And this really calls into question what some of the names actually were, especially 'John' in particular which also has this 'Theta/Iota' problematic configuration. And bearing in mind that the full title of the Knights Templar is or was 'The Military Knights of Saint John of The Cross,'* then the likelihood of modern appropriators having the single foggiest clue about what they are doing, is absolutely nil, if say for one extreme instance, the Templar Knights believed that it was possible to have women dressed as men, and yet still be highly militaristic and successful religious warriors... Joan of Arc?
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Based on the labarum of Constantine - which was really, an 'Alpha' a 'Theta' a 'Hexa' and an 'Nu' inside a cartouche 'O.' |
If you want to know where the wealth of the Templar Order is today - don't go looking where there are men in charge. It isn't there. I'm sorry to say to all those Freemasons and modern Templars who think they know 'secrets...'
Italian and French, yes. Secretive, yes. Led by women, yes. Are you getting the picture yet?
*NB. I should add that this group did not start out as 'Templar Knights' (IE knights protecting the Temple of Solomon itself in Jerusalem) but knights protecting pilgrims on the way to Jerusalem. 'Knights Templar' is a bit of a colloquialism of the time, and well after their actual formation. Even to this day there is a huge overburden of fabrication about Solomon's occult importance, whereas in fact, if you really are involved inside the higher occult circles, there is no function or power implicit in anything to do with Solomon; this is a purely recent (since certain Jewish and Moslem occult philosophers and writers) invention.
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