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'Thunder always happens when it's raining...' Song lyric, right? |
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Cod and saffron and white wine and garlic and Bay leaf and tomato. Very good for your brain... |
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'Thunder always happens when it's raining...' Song lyric, right? |
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Cod and saffron and white wine and garlic and Bay leaf and tomato. Very good for your brain... |
For a start, 'apeiron' (means something like 'uncertain;' 'without knowing the boundaries of something') it may be that we have more than two arms over here, and therefore we have many sleeves and consequently lots more cards up those than you might suspect.
I am indebted to Mauro Biglino, who has at last gained the attention of a lot of people to hear that most of what people had thought they were reading in ancient works like those of Homer and Anaximenes of Miletus and even the Old Testament collection of books - is stilted and viewed through the various lenses of the politics and pre-conceptions of the days in which so many popular translations were made.
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The automaton maidens of Hephaestus. ...Had skins of gold. |
Mauro recently pointed out that the Greek pseudo-god 'Hephaestus,' was categorically what we would today term a designer, in the way we give that title to people like Sir Frank Williams and Steve Jobs and so on.
And although many academics try on this throw-over cloak of deception about a tribal or ethnic and cultural group's deification of common traits in certain key tribal roles (EG in the case of Hephaestus the idea is that he represents the crippled fire-smiths and iron-workers that the tribal militaristic leaders caused to be chained to their anvils so that they would not run away and give the secrets of making swords and spears to rivals) but in the case of for example Hephaestus it fails to account for so many crucial details about his specific abilities and his various produced things.
He is no way a slave nor is he limited by others - other beings around him - since he is in fact the one that has the most powerful and effective war-tools and 'made/crafted' technology.
Even Athena uses a shield made by him - and she is literally the God of War, superior to Hephaestus in every way in the absolute sense though not in the causal and linear existential way of how beings operate in their natural lives.
Mauro also makes it very clear that the two females who attend Hephaestus and assist him in his workshop and also assist him simply to move around because he mostly sits in an automated wheelchair, I guess you could call it - are in fact automatons, similar to, and like in virtually every way, real flesh-and-blood females; except that even superficially their skin is made literally from a form of gold that flexes and allows complex movement, but is the actual metal gold nonetheless.
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Adrian Newey, one of the greatest designers of engines and formula 1 cars of all time, has a book, and you can buy it; it's called 'How To Make A Car.' |
Today, many people often speculate about what this infamous 'mark' is that is given to those under the dominion of an Evil Force, and which they wear or 'have,' on their hands and on their foreheads.
And it has been argued that nowhere in the Bible does anyone ever say 'microchip...'
And that of course, is completely wrong but it would take an elevated scholar of the kind that Biglino is (and don't forget he sat on translations committees for the Vatican and was an official co-translator at one time and author of many published works by the Vatican itself) - to see where such a thing does occur.
But it does occur and it also makes it clear what this being the common world calls 'Satan' and the Devil actually is.
He is a kind of an automaton.
It's actually very clear that he is that, but once again, I will leave it to some future exposition by Mauro Biglino - and no doubt at all if his health remains stable he will make that exposition by and by.
I have many cards up my sleeve(/s?) and none of them are in the form of microchips or microchip-based technologies.
If we go back to idea of 'love thy enemy' and retain the real Greek word that is there in the texts, we must appreciate that it means to acquiesce reluctantly, where someone with immediately greater existential power, desires something that is not good but insists on account of their moral or ethical error.
...Until such time as 'a stronger man comes that will take hold of that first strong man and bear him down and bind him.'
You cannot openly challenge anyone at the present moment despite that you may have 'seen' some different ending to the way things are than what Karine Jean-Pierre or even Klaus Schwab would imagine in their wildest nightmares.
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I know this guy, 'Mr Chong.' He should also write a book: 'How To Make Fried Chicken.' |
Of course Schwab is not the main engine part or energy-source here. He is just the front guy, the 'Chair Person.'
Well there have been many times that a leader has been deposed because he could not defeat an empty chair.
'Satan' - or this guy who carries that title among all humans, cannot himself see anyone on the actual ruling seat of Total Authority, and he has not seen anyone on it for countless thousands of years. Which does not mean that he would not still be defeated against the empty chair were a legitimate and honest and candid vote be called among the human race between him and that empty chair.
Sensible people realize it is all not quite as simple as supposing that we ourselves, we ordinary humans in our ordinary natural state and also condition of general ignorance - might be able to advance to take possession of the empty spot and install ourselves there.
And that is because we do know that outside of ourselves, there are ultimate (or as the Taoists say, the 'Grand Ultimate' aka the Tao) principles and forms and mathematics and designs and fabrics and templates that exist before us and beyond us in our temporal and mortal state...
And this is where the Shaytan has it all over us, because, being a computer of a sort, he also knows that (fact) - but he has amassed so much technical detail and 'knowledge' of it that he can play with us, and exploit our ignorance and he has the flexibility to use the solidity of the Eternal Principles where he wants, and dismiss them where he is able to and instead use their obverse forms, their shadows if you will - and present all of that to us as 'fact' and as 'truth;' especially scientific truth.
But for our part we are able to do what he cannot - which is to go beyond the mortal mind, the human thinking, and traverse human mind to get to something whose actual position is on the 'empty' (to all of us) chair.
The traversal of human mind is called 'man-tra' in the Sanskrit.
'Man-tra' does not take you to outside of reality. It does not take you to a 'nowhere' place. Some imagined or imaginary place where you merely envisage things that you would like.
No. It takes you back to right here. Except it will bring to here, what no one that is 'human' and 'mortal' can see here - and let those things have form and be seen here by you, here and now in the material reality.
When your internal self performs 'mantrika,' you become no long a human being, certainly not a mortal one, but you traverse into some other 'frame of being.'
The Evil Forms cannot follow you into there at all.
Switch your mortal mind off, and perform the teachings of the Mantrika Upanishads.
Here. Traverse the mortal mind span, and enter into the Immortal Field - 'Who' is there? Who are you bringing? Who do you want to bring there? Who can you see... Here:
I grew up in the forests of the tropics, more correctly said - the jungles, and not just any jungles but the deep ones, filled with wild animals.
Now I'll tell you how the great predators take their prey - very slowly and deliberately and carefully. But it is quite quick in the end.
Those of you who have begun to have 'experiences' by now; by this time, will observe how that your virtually instant reaction once you have seen the reality -, was to pull back.
None of this is as simple as it is made to seem when you watch a lot of the YouTube videos by those who have been messing with the subject for a good while.
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Isn't the light beautiful? In the middle of Winter... Let it shine. |
For one thing once it gets filtered through media commentators, then so much overlay is placed on things that it becomes hard to discern what is really true.
And of course we are all living in a day and age where no one wants to enunciate bad things, that is to say spell out violent things.
Doesn't ever matter, of course, that governments go and kill thousands and thousands all the time in wars and conflict break-outs. They, apparently, have some right that not even Cain when he killed his brother Abel, really did have.
And yet we do not see in the traditional religious narrative that 'God' goes and kills Cain back for murdering his brother out of envy and some sort of primitive 'competitiveness.'
God does not do that kind of thing.
So we shouldn't do it.
Even when He slaughtered - or caused to be slaughtered - all of the citizens of Sodom & Gomorrah, there was a discussion between Abraham and God first, a negotiation starting at 50 people, that perhaps God would spare the city if there were an amount of good people still left in there.
It seems a bit redundant though, since being God, He could have just simply moved them (the good ones) instantly when the wipe-out of all of the rest took place.
I guess the point is that from Abraham's point-of-view, Abraham is asking whether this super-entity has a calculable balance of what constitutes sufficient value of human life as it is existentially being lived in the human condition and in the human world.
The answer was that only for 1 would God hold back the execution of the destruction edict.
And so we are to process the concept that 'God' values individuals.
You are an individual.
But as an individual do you not sometimes also feel that an especially meaningful demonstration should be performed?
What you fear when you do this reaction of pulling back - is your own power if and where and when you could give free rein to it.
That time is now.
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Guess who's coming to dinner? |
Some of you, I assure you, will encounter actual real physical people -, some of them will be beings not from this world, and some will be from here in the recent sense though still heavily under the influence of a field. There are field effects when it comes to encountering truly advanced other beings who are incredibly intelligent.
We have a schedule over the coming merely two or so months, where there will certainly be some video-ography entailed...
What you will see in there it will be up to you to decide - that is, to decide what you are actually seeing.
I won't say anything in advance and I won't label anyone or anything.
And what does that mean 'especially meaningful?'
Just remember this - beyond the White Room there are other people there. Some of whom are humans just like you and some are not. But they are there and it's more about what you all wish, and not whether there is some 'pure-hearted' moral cause or strict system of ethics wherein no Satanic thing ever got smashed up and pretty thoroughly too.
We're all just waiting upon you...
I know what everyone else up here is thinking and it is not all pleasant, wine and roses stuff.
Waddya think Chris Wray?
What happens next, do you suppose, with the French farmers, for example?
Did you buy some moderately-priced wine and cognac yet?
Short-sell some stocks because the towers are coming down?
Come and get me if you can. Won't stop anything.
Promises, promises - you say, right?
Well it's up to you, actually. You 'talk' to the right people and put your 'vote' in.
It's very democratic up here. We all listen. The question, the only question is: how far, how much damage.
You're waiting for something to 'happen' but it's entirely up to you right now.
The media is stuck, Joe Biden is well stuck!
Gaza is stuck.
The cops are full of crooks. The crooks are full of imbeciles.
'Property' is a mind-trap to divert people away from liquidating and having cash and spending it on things they need and that they can use.
The judiciary has gone to hell.
So. Up to you. Is there just 1 person worth 'saving' (the rest of things for the sake of).
Prolly not.
If you think we (all up here) can't make it happen, you are very wrong.
...We'll do a 'fly-over' first so that you will for sure get the message! Did I say 'we;' I meant them, them.
Don't forget, the dinner parties up here are throbbing (throbbing) to this kind of thing:
To know, to realize by now, that you are dealing (here) with something most will not be able to understand, not be able to comprehend because it is all just too far outside of their comfort zones.
Today, this very evening wherever you are, French farmers and farm workers are setting about destroying major assets of large land owners and corporate interests in the French farming sector.
Who knew, right?
But who knew anything like that would happen?
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The super rich people at Paris Fashion Week. They have sown and they have scattered... They think they own it all. |
...I have just deleted a whole big lurid tract that explains what is about to happen.
It was too intense.
Let me set some things straight though, for those of you with open enough minds to consider the wildly implausible - in terms of today's mainstream mindset - if still the perfectly obvious:
Nowhere in the Bible anywhere at all, are 'angels' characterized or presented or described or portrayed as 'spirits' or invisible entities. They are always presented as human-like in every way.
And that makes it a problem for the modern mindset to handle what it is dealing with, either with the ancient stories or with any re-running of those sorts of events in an existential present time context.
It (the mainstream mindset) cannot factor in that it is what looks like ordinary human beings - that one has to be careful of; not some wildly different-looking beings from space or 'angelic' invisible beings such that you can obviously work out they 'could' have strange and futuristic or amazingly advanced powers and that therefore you would be on your guard.
People today are unsuspecting of any 'problem.'
When I say 'what it is dealing with' I directly say that you cannot go from admitting the US Navy video recordings of super-advanced intelligently controlled vehicles, and then just blithely ignore that they might have an agenda.
In other words, that they are there but heck we don't know why and don't care why they are there (IE here in fact).
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You'd have to be pretty cynical to have zero respect for the person or people who designed it - if you intended to simply take it from them. And leave them with nothing. |
If the one thing is real - and it is - then the next logical thing that follows from the first must be stressed as really important to bear in mind at all times going forward.
In other words, that they have an agenda. And they're more powerful than you.
The agenda explained in the old stories is troubling: it is that they didn't like humans as a social phenomenon and did not approve of how humans carried on. In the case of Sodom & Gomorrah they killed them all (except for a handful and those were not from that specific place but were just there by happenstance and trade and that kind of thing).
So there's your existential problem.
But why might not they just leave people to themselves? Leave human people alone...?
That would assume that human people have some right of independent agency, but they actually do not and I'll tell you why (not):
Because whoever is the most advanced gets to make the rules and run the show. And they are more advanced than the US Navy and so that's the end of that!
In fact it actually tells it straight - explicitly states the thing in the Bible: 'A man let others grow a field and make produce there and then when they had He came in and took it all for Himself...' And, 'He takes for Himself what He did not sow, and He gathers where He did not scatter!'
...The man who bought the French Cognac before the present troubles, owns the wine; he has taken possession of it, of its value, but he did not make it. He just has it.
The man who bought the French Cognac knowingly, before the present troubles - knows something more and better than you know. Or that any human being knows.
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We're just nice, calm, peaceful people. |
So did I not tell it to you knowingly?
How much more knowingly do you want it to be?
From here, telling things explicitly, involves 'a lot of bad things.'
The good side of it is wine prices - good wines, including good Cognacs - are going up.
What do you want to know the 'bad side' of it all for?
You don't need to know that.
In a couple of days from now, the Venice Carnival will start and run all the way through February - and then that will be quickly followed by the Paris Fashion Week which starts February 26.
There's fireworks at both.
We down here will also have fireworks going off around the whole of Australia this Friday because that will be 'Australia Day.'
What is the world celebrating? Who knows.
Doesn't matter - we will don the party gear and go hang around some big gatherings of people all of whom are probably going to consume a lot of alcohol, mostly...
And we will watch the other people, all the people around us, and listen to noisy public sound systems blaring who-knows-what - but whatever it will be it will fall in line with current-day politics and social orthodoxy.
Life goes on.
Chinese New Year - this will be the year of the dragon - will also get under way on Feb 10.
More fireworks.
I will quietly watch those fireworks too and go somewhere for Black Pepper Crab.
Nobody suspects a thing.
And certainly nobody cares what they are celebrating - it will all be just another excuse to try and get away from their daily slave lives.
The villains from Davos will all have their schemes and scams fully planned out and by the middle of all of the celebrations these will be fully unfolded and in full swing.
And nobody suspects a thing.
'Celebration' means to assemble to honor.
Honor who or what, nobody will know and they will not care - or care to know.
Basically all of the modern people will be assembling to honor their versions of the Golden Calf.
But somebody is about to stick a spoke into the schemes of the people from Davos...
And nobody suspects a thing.
There are * in the town square.
And they are going to spend all the nights of the 'celebration season' out in the town square watching and confirming.
And if they find but five decent people they will restrain their hand.
But let me explain to you the significance of actually finding as many as five decent people and by decent I do not who do not 'sin.'
No, let me not explain it - let it unfold before your very own eyes in the coming days and weeks and short months.
Okay so first up, message to JK from A.C.T.
A small package was sent out to you today by Express Post and will get to you in a day or so.
Even though no doubt you will think what is inside is even less than merely underwhelming, don't be tempted to open the two metalized plastic sachets before reading the information sheets in the files on the USB stick.
The first sachet is the 'Persian Aura' basic composition, and the second sachet contains half the ingredients of something brand new although it was hinted at right from the beginning here: 'Utopia Blue.'
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JK, this is (as you know) how the 'Wellness' and 'Day Spa' community rolls these days. |
None of this will make much sense even when you use the sachets but this year it will start to make a lot of sense.
We have scheduled a video shoot in the near future, in which a subject, or maybe several subjects, will experience the whole process, inclusive of the blue laser aspect that drives some electron field effects inside the human body.
The other matters to do with the digital silver dirhams are all fairly straightforward.
...But now, on to a different, a slightly different theme -, which is how people use this word 'energy' in the alternative modalities sphere that we are familiar with these days.
There is, apparently, 'energy that does not serve you,' and there is 'feminine energy' and of course we certainly must make mention of masculine energy which is completely toxic...
I don't know about any of these things actually, but I know that we do present a lot of things both from the male perspective here on these pages, as well as literally exemplify, I suppose, male or 'masculine' energy.
And yet, I have to say this, I know that all categorically male deep inner personality individuals are not the way the media portrays them to be. Yes, they are or they can be 'action-oriented,' and even driven by an immediacy and a desire for an immediate conclusion - but they are the complete reverse of what the general public believes about the two sexes: the media and the public think that it is the female that obscures things and casts camouflage over things...
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When it's cold outside... And somewhat dark. |
It is instead the male who is permanently playing a kind of poker hand where you can never see what they are holding behind the surface image until that 'hand' is formally played.
They are always holding up the cards and the backs of the cards are all that you see.
Again, there is a phrase or a term that is coming more and more into use and it is 'authenticity;' that people have to have authenticity.
But this is a deceptive way of putting things... It's deceptive because the question is really left hanging in the air: but what, what is authentic?
You can be a right bastard and be quite authentically that. Is that good?
The popular media mindset will say yes.
No. The reality is you have to have truth in you and the truth in you has to be authentically part of you.
Truth is a completely objective, independent fact.
Some people have a lot of success and they have no truth in them. Some women are successful at being attractive and yet they have no truth in them and therefore they are in fact not authentically attractive.
People find it very hard to identify truth, especially truth inside other people; even truth inside themselves.
Female energy is attractive if it has truth. And then it is authentic.
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Sarah de Warren. We'll get some of her music onto here soon. |
'Female' is truth for a female; it's not a case of a female being truthful or being 'truly female;' the person has to be female. And then it is not a question of being attractive, it's a question of things falling into line with truth. They are not merely 'attracted' - they are in place.
Male energy is not necessarily attractive but it is forceful. It moves things about - correctly. False masculinity shoves things about in chaos and selfishness and then things fall apart. Nothing holds but it requires to be forced against its will.
If, again, it (a male energy) has truth in it - then, in fact it cannot be withstood as a force. There are many many males who use force and power to overcome others yet there is no truth in what they do, in what they are doing.
Some military people have complete authenticity and they have total truth - and when they say 'sir' to a commanding officer or to a civilian it means everything.
A lot of US military people are very properly trained and when they use these kinds of formally grooved-in and seemingly stock phrases (like): 'How are you today, sir' - it means so much more than the simple chain of words and their technical dictionary definitions.
Behind a well-drilled and well-trained soldier involves a vast network of manpower and of infrastructure and of military tactical knowledge and skill and strategic thinking gained over centuries and very likely to an extent over the entire course of human history to become civilized from the state of being nothing but pure savages.
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We expect a bunch of pics, Lachie. |
This is male or masculine energy at its finest.
It is not playing about (at all!) when it says something like: 'How are you today, sir?'
Julius Caesar told his captors when they had first taken him hostage for ransom as a young man, that he would get free, and he would kill them all. ...And they found him to be a very urbane person who, I understand at some stage even saved the lives of some of them when their 'pirate' vessel (of its time) capsized despite that they were all still stranded on some far away island then.
Caesar's captors by their own nature were destined to be destroyed.
...Sometimes the night skies are very clear, and the stars very bright, and there is nothing much about up here.
Reprise from an old play:
The latest interviews with those Congresspeople who were given access via Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities to what the military and intelligence services were 'now' prepared to discuss about the on-going assertions in Congressional Inquiries to do with unusual aerial phenomena and related matters - contains the admission that there exists some government-level 'evidence' and belief that there are 'inter-dimensional beings.'
Well of course they are inter-dimensional because that is the way they get here at all.
People jump to conclusions about what 'the truth' is bound to be given what highest-level briefing government officials appear to believe based on their privileged scientific and military access.Cold in the North.
By 'get here' what I mean is to 'get hereabout.'
There are plenty of places you cannot see or find with most of the advanced instruments available to scientists and government - within the solar system. And there are an odd handful of 'emplacements' at these locations that are not 'inter-dimensional.'
Traveling great distances is one thing; just being at a location is totally another thing.
Spanning huge distances is a need if you want to go from one part of this galaxy to another part of it. Just being at a spot is a matter of everyone's existential reality.
So if 'they' - the others out there - exist, then they have existential (Gauss Curve! lol) reality same as we do.
The attempt to narrow-down and limit Alien beings to a purely 'inter-dimensional' reality is deliberate and quite sinister. The spin already is that 'they' are visibly materializing because of errant 'slowing of their atoms.' This is not nonsense if you disregard the fragility of saying that 'atoms speed up or slow down' (I mean what does that mean? Are they trying to say there is a frequency rate to them - which is arguable, really...) - and simply leave out the 'errant' part and say they are deliberately choosing to go wherever they want by some process that employs quantum cycle rates of matter structure.
The implication there of course, being that then it is quite logically allowable to input the religious case, which is namely the basic narrative being informed by those ancient scriptural accounts and the ideas and conclusions and beliefs that were formed from way back then arising from whatever encounters and experiences various people were having.
If deliberate travel (is possible), then encounters construed as religious ones are existential (in other words true and factual although they may be subject to a lot of interpreting).Warm in the Middle.
If inter-dimensional and accommodating the Einstein (and Heisenberg) principles, then the Zero Point and 'Omega Point' are facts.
And if 'Omega Point' then there is enough of the characteristics and existential aspects of some entity or entities in reality somewhere for it to be so that there is a 'god' but that it is 'us' as part of a loop of transitional becoming and ultimate being which are all tied to a permanent template of necessary dynamics and interactions and interaction rules otherwise known as 'mathematics.'
...Though sometimes, we can just drop all of the over-thinking and just break through the 'mind tension' into lived reality.
There are people who have listened to Monroe Institute tapes for years and end up virtually nowhere.
And the most regular commentator here has just posed the question, ''well, but why the Bell Curve?"
The Bell Curve - Gauss Curve - is evident material reality.
But to an extent, the whole object of searching either outside - as in for ET Aliens to come and wipe us out at last, or 'save' us through advanced technology - or within as in the processes of the Jungian psychotherapy approach: is to find liberation from the negative constraints of our evident material reality.
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It's still Monroe Institute stuff... |
...Which is not to say that there may not be positive constraints as well, but for now we are looking at the negatives ones in this instance.
The straightforward medical condition given the broad name of 'arthritis' consists of at last three main types of organic and bio-physical/bio-mechanical pathological situations.
1. There is the wearing down of ligaments and cartilage and even the density of the bones themselves;
2. Then there is the kind that arises from chronic inflammation;
3. And then there is the kind that arises from a long term autoimmune responses whether to certain foods or to cells themselves because of a genetic issue.
The third kind may be more rapidly responsive to chemical agents - aka medicines - but the other two are developed over a long term because of material physical component breakdown.
The situation involving inflammation can be temporarily eased using pain-killers and steroids and various blood flow affecting substances and regimes but this does not resolve any major underlying somatic cause.
In other words, you cannot fix arthritis overnight with a wonder drug because no such material changes are able to work that fast.
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Something purple and blue from India - this just looks cool... But there is a cure for arthritis somewhere in an Indian University. |
Whether people like to hear this or not though, there is in fact a cure for arthritis in every form but this cure is once again, being held up by negotiations with large corporations to secure the best deal for the specific place where the discovery was made. Which happens to be India, by the way, for those curious about it.
Having said that there is a cure, nevertheless this cannot ever be regarded as a cure that is able to be effected literally overnight. And why not? Because of the Bell Curve - the material reality of how all things happen in Nature; they happen in a linear (mechanical) process over time.
Well why does anyone suppose that the human brain, and the human mind, and you could even use the term 'soul' is not exactly the same as everything else we observe in material reality?
There are human minds whose structure has been deteriorated over much time, whose connecting capabilities are far less than optimum because of psychological traumas, because of fearfulness and/or ego defense mechanisms at constant work, and simply also potentially because of bad ideas that have taken hold within the patterns of thinking and the 'natural' harmonics of that single individual's conditioned internal consciousness make-up.
People occupy physically bad employment roles because of the incentive of money or of big money.
Miners worked down deep shafts and were exposed to asbestos since the time of ancient Rome.
People hold down two jobs (or more) because they believe fervently that they can 'buy property' that way.
And so on.
To disabuse them of the utterly bad idea they have, is harder than to release their bodies from pain in the immediate short term.
In the very first place the 'bad idea' is bad because it does not actually fit with true reality and is an artificially possessed element which contradicts the person's own ability to survive in the long term but it gives such a strong impression to their decision-making ego, that they need it in the medium or short term (EG drug addiction) -, that they are completely willing to sacrifice their whole selves at some future moment just to keep hold of the bad idea in the immediacy of the present moments and with all of the sensory rewards that those present moments render to that internal ego.
The counter argument is always mounted that it is impossible to say whether anyone can really survive so long into some 'eternity' of future, and that those immediate physical feelings are in any case prime and must be served.
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The light, the bauble, the tree... |
Yet that itself is not reflective of observable reality - observable reality is anything but extreme and always follows what can be said to be a compromise path: successful viruses keep their hosts alive.
Often, very often, it seems that religious ideologies and perspectives of this 'impossible though wonderful' future - this Gan Eden, this Janat ul Firdaus, this Vaikuntha Loka - are at an extreme end of the styles of human relating, for instance, a completely non-typical social relationships realm! They are so non-typical it becomes useless to just try and step slowly up a path while having to live in this 'lower' realm at first.
This is the reason why behind the deliberated and designed global politics of the whole LGBTQ thing which has nothing at all to do with real people who really are 'different'(-ish), religious and conservative ideologues insist that 'God' has predetermined the sexual and the gender ethic - even while so many of them, the adherents to the ideologies, actually (try to) covertly practice a large range of 'not particularly normal' activities. And so they 'sin' now, but when they are 'redeemed' from this present life they will enter a whole way of being so far removed from what they had been doing, what they had known, that there is an impossibly wide gulf between their former reality and the 'way of heaven,' as it were.
Well God has predetermined nothing -, except the Bell Curve.
Human politics determines death and killing and antipathy and fighting and lack of compromise everywhere. We know this. We see it, we experience it, we live in it.
Of course this is a complicated question in its specifics but the point I want to make is that nowhere in anything that you can see is it really a case that there are unreachable gulf widths outside of the constructions the human mind itself makes, and in that respect it is the human mind which is the source of all Evil.
Whenever a human being manufactures a written (especially a written down one) ideology that ambits to include everyone (else) in its prescriptive design, there you are looking at the 'Satan.' At the work of pure sinister intellect.
For in reality what we know of humans is that they are all on some path, all at different stages of their paths, and that those pathways unfold over time.
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They say there is such a thing... Seems pretty 'out there' to me. lol |
The human being is a thing in progress, it is not a thing completed. Its life force is in the order of the demi-god; neither the truly mortal nor the truly actually 'divine.'
The thing the human can achieve though, is to move step-by-step towards the actually eternal and the fully living, and slowly get to a point where something of the intelligent ego breaches the bounds of the identified, labelled Gauss Curve in which it was previously called 'human' and 'mortal;' the intelligent ego then dissolves the bad ideas which hold it back and cause pain and lead to strife -, but then it must enter into a new Gauss Curve, a new realm in which there are other people who exist in that new Gauss (or Bell-shaped) Curve and with whose relationship styles it must address itself or else be ejected from their company.
No one can fail to care for the other intelligent ego who hopes to gain the companionship of an intelligent ego.
Humans generally speaking do not however, have intelligent egos as such - they have atavistic egos.
It is harder to change the atavistic human ego than it is to force a camel through the eye of a needle.
There are super-advanced intelligent beings from very far elsewhere in the galaxy and in the galaxies. Unless you can understand them, they will not meet you.
Humans have a form of mental 'arthritis.' It might be that a super-advanced Alien species could or might help them get rid of that condition. And that would be well before meeting openly with them.
It's taking me days to get back to the 'feet completely on the ground' disposition.
I am not there yet.
The annual lane-way festival that we attend in the guise of people who are supporting a very worthy project (much on that is going on, too) is coming up quite soon (in February) and we will be on various media outdoor broadcast shows while there.
That's all great.
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I think these are great but I don't need one for myself. Not yet, not right now in the current world in which we all live today. |
See the thing is this - if you are living on a kind of a 'space station' set-up, far out there, in the relative darkness of an entirely aseptic industrially-constructed metal and carbon-fiber platform floating around and lit by its own generated electricity and LEDS and gas tube-lighting and shielded from cosmic radiation...
...freshly-squeezed orange juice made from newly sun and bio-sphere ripened fruit just taken off actual living trees gathering their nutrients from rich soil - is a luxury and when you get it, you can go a bit wild.
People don't tend to think of this when they are constructing images of the two angels who came down and smashed up Sodom and the 'five cities of the plain.'
On the one hand I am saying the real 'Yautja' people are incredibly good-looking facially once you take their glassette masks off -, and they are the furthest thing imaginable from grunting snorting aggressive creatures, hunting poor humans down and killing them. On the other hand they are skilled at warfare and fighting and destroying.
An odd contradiction...
I mean to say, what, after all, did the 'poor human beings' do to deserve this kind of treatment anyway?
Did you yourself value and respect the complex and long-winded process of something that you likely regard as mundane and simple as orange juice?
Do you know how angry those who understand the real value of biological and biosphere lushness, get with this kind of typical Earth-bound human attitude of 'Oh well, it's everywhere and we can just flagrantly destroy absolutely everything we touch for commerce and politics and insane religious justifications?'
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I like this and I want this - but I prefer to share it with others. There are many 'others' who do not want to come and sit with me though... |
I watched some idiot just the other day talking about a Bible verse about 'friendship with the world is enmity with God' and noticed that she had twisted the whole point into a virtual renunciation of the Creation itself.
'Friendship with the world' means 'the world of men!' Not -, the world of natural life and creatures and wild things that are here and what people make of them.
Even the stupid Pope has just been reported as having claimed the 'most dangerous sin' is gluttony... By which he actually means he wants you to be 'friends with modern globalism/Greta nonsense/not eating meat/not consuming - and being at one with worldly affairs as they are being proffered to you right now today by the politicians and the corporate media...' This is 'friendship with the world!' That's what it means.
The specific Bible verse goes on to say that the 'lusts' (of which it speaks in that verse) is to do with the envy over what others have or may have and that an individual wants for themselves alone to the point literally of making wars and killing others.
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Very thinly disguised... |
There was nothing so dissimilar to the position of this person that I was listening to, regarding the supposed 'sinful' (no word 'sin' in the whole Bible) problems of consuming things and having a good time - than a certain 'supper in the upper rooms' never mind the so-called 'last supper' itself.
The Bible passage is about asking and getting. 'You ask for wrong motives;' that's what it says. And adds: 'in order to spend on your own lusts and on yourself.' ...And so you do not get. And then, you make war and kill (to get).
But what if you ask for others, that they may have (of what there already is enough of but that they do not even have the chance or opportunity to get just a little of)?
Will you not then get?
And what is it that you are, in practical terms, asking for?
Food, wine, clothes, dwellings, and life itself.
And transport, and knowledge, and everything and everything and everything else that goes with it.
These people today make a mockery of any kind of real, actual Divinity - of God. And they want to reduce down actual mega-power from Cosmic sources to some invisible self-important 'ethic' and to politics and ideologies and religiosity and self-renunciation on your part (though never on theirs).
God is about bread-and-butter.
And by 'God' I mean Yautja. As well.
The Seraphim who stand around the Throne of Divinity in the Highest Heaven - according to the Apocalypse - are 'Yautja' first class!
Nothing at all can be clearer when you read those passages with open perceptions.
These beings are super-strong, they are engulfed in glowing bright flames so much so that you cannot see their faces (if they displayed them) - they stood in the fire with Daniel. They are agile and quick.
They can, hunt down and utterly destroy whole world-dominating armies.
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A flame is a flame is a flame. |
You think you have never encountered one of these.
You have, if only at some distance.
Even so - why don't you do as I have said (you know the process) and ask, for others.
What's the point me even saying 'see if you don't get.'
You will get.
With nothing held back.
Use your brains - and recall what it took for the orange juice to be naturally made!
And when you get, enjoy.
You all know by now that the music is rewarding - if you only but stick with it enough. This is the being, contained in the music itself, but can you understand it:
I've already told you about the Venetian legend of the Harlequin - how she comes down from heaven, and makes music that is already within her; that is a reflection of herself. And that sounds like tinkling bells and glass harps.
If you are listening to this properly, with a very good quality sound system or headphones, you should be able to sense her come down, appear, hear her take her first breath before you, inspire, and be right there. And then this will live on with you.