We live in a world -, have grown up in a society, where words are thrown about, hurled even, sometimes, and nobody asks what they really mean.
You have heard:
'When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
'For now (back then) we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then (he's talking about our now) shall I know even as I am known.'
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Today's design standards are not better. We don't even have the concepts of color any more. |
You are known. Every single thing about you is known.
And again, a little earlier in the same passage - 'For we know in part, But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away with.'
A little later it goes on and speaks about sounds and music, and, also - 'There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. Therefore if I know not the voice (or the sound/the music/the word's meaning), I shall be like a barbarian (IE ignorant of the facts and of the matter in question).'
And further then: 'The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Ruling Man from Heaven. The corruptible cannot inherit the Heavens. Behold I shew you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.'
So now, here is the why of it all:
It lies in the meaning of the word 'Judgement.'
Everyone loves to preach 'Judgement' and talk about it as if to force their own position against others, and their own opinion onto others.
Here is another case where Wikipedia and Google-Search will get you close but not close enough.
This is what they say 'judgement' means:
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The Elven here, is - in the handbag. |
"The ability to make considered decisions, or come to sensible conclusions.'
- aka, they are implying 'science,' I guess, in this definition of the meaning. And it sounds so right; but it is wrong.
But the fact is - and it is the fact - that unless the decisions and the sensible conclusions are beneficial to you and to everyone you care about, they are perfectly useless to humans and they do not represent Judgement; that is Judgement with a Capital 'J.'
Because there is certainly of course false judgement too.
And we are not after that.
You are here to exercise sentience at its near-to-highest level. You are here to get into situations requiring you to make judgments (decisions) that are yes, factually sound and considered (definitely they must be considered because after all that is what sentience is) - but above all they must tend towards the beneficial and the Good.
As you proceed upwards making ever more decisions, yet ever more beneficial in the tending-to-best and greatest ways, then at a point you breach through into the zone where you as a person, as a unit possessing sentience - that is, living mind and decision capacity - are acceptable to those, and accepted by those, who already must of necessity have and rely on all their other members having that level of, that kind of judgement capacity.
Judges in human courts are mere robotic functionaries to a written diktat.
That is an example of a fraud; of a perversion of the meaning of the word Judgement with a Capital 'J.'
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This is the premier place and the way to extract essential oil from roses. This is Kannauj, and the roses are Taif roses. It's old. And it's right. |
It is necessary to know what the meaning of Ultimate Good, is. To know what the full human meaning of 'beneficial' is.
You are not a functionary, or a mere robotic functionary - not even to some beyond-the-visible Super Idea of 'the Good;' because that word has a special meaning: it means something alive and living and relating...
The only time you will ever truly be alive for real, is when you are precisely in a direct living relationship with the Cosmic Ultimate Good; which itself is very much alive - it is Life.
'God will return to Judge the World.'
Yeah, so what? (I don't mean that in a bad way, or a cynical, skeptical way).
I mean, that is, having read this aren't you already doing that - going into that mode as a known necessary fact of truly living as intelligent sentience? Real Judgement means acceptance in/into.
Just look at it from the prosaic, the silly 'ET Alien' theme: don't you expect them to judge the human race? You would not expect them, some atrociously intelligent species to come here and just go 'Aw cool, humans, they're so great. We'll just walk open armed into their stupid traps and mistakes and wars and whatever all else crazy nonsense that they all do every five minutes...'
As a human I may make all kinds of mistakes, for so many reasons, one fundamental one of them simply because I do not have total knowledge. But I do have a concept of the ever-ascending form of the beneficial as it may be described as also 'the Good.'
Once I am established - rooted - in the desire and the intention and the natural inclination to always be looking for the Good, then I could be allowably plugged into some vastly great or even perfect knowledge set...
Do not for one second imagine that you cannot be met by some being or beings from some elevated place.
Not for one second.
The doubts arise simply from lack of direct experience.
There are many people on this planet (okay, maybe not many, two or three or a handful no more! lol), who are completely directly patched into amazing things way above this world, and so can you be too.
Listen to this down below...
Do you really think this is coming out of a 'normal' human's mind?
And don't worry, we'll get to the material wealth by-and-by. But I hope you are getting the point of it all - the point to it all. Which is, namely, that you have to be unremittingly beneficial and good to all those you want to have in your circle. The reliability comes from the 'unremittingly;' you can make errors (although this is incorrect to characterize, as people do, as 'errors of judgment'), but if you unremittingly tend towards the bettering of the results or the outcomes, or the beneficial aspects to your circle of people, your reliability is certain.
...I hesitated to write this next bit.
In ancient Biblical terms, the word is 'repentance,' but in our modern, more advanced and better form of language, it is 'unremitting tendency towards the bettering, the beneficial and the Good.' This is when you can command the angels. When you are certain of yourself about the unremitting nature of your own inner self - but then, where (the beneficial, the Good) it is headed. Time is very, um, limitless. For you. And yes yes I know 'I want now, I want now.' Close your eyes, and switch off your brain! And 'watch' the dark and empty space...
Yes. Unremitting. That is it. That unremitting beneficience, well it seems like it's the same for those outside your circle. Unremitting indifference. That this is the meaning of "righteous judgement."
ReplyDeleteYou're right. I feel the particles of cells or whatever that still need to be unremittingly changed. Not a large volume of these. Just a bit more.
My tarot reading pointed to the chariot this morning. So basically everything is set up and ready to go, and I havd therefore instigated a sort of internal war between the particles that are the good ones vs the evil ones. It literally feels like there are 2 warring factions of hosts of people in my head. This is good. I feel the progress in the right direction.
Tonight I will try to achieve that total silence. Try to do what you say here.
Oh haha your picture is great advice. Extract the essential oil of the wandering rose. This I promise to do incessantly till I refine this into a perfect perfume.
DeleteThere is a quality that is about halfway between smell and taste, which will give me a very good indicator. The sweeter and more resplendant, the better.
I was mulling over whether to proceed over the next few posts, just pulling back from anything even vaguely heavy or emotionally turbulent, in order for everyone to just focus on the 'listening,' and be able to spend some time, whenever that is available,' to 'see.' But I'm not sure... Yes it is true that if we all lived in that upscale 'meditation' complex out in Arizona, and 'waited' with 'hectic thought absent' focus for twelve hours straight(!) oh yeah you WILL 'see.' But that seems way too artificial to me. Actually, in any case I think we are dealing with a more psychologically-vexed, or let's say, psychologically-rooted, matter: no sooner than we do all of this 'beneficial thinking PLUS objective material sensible thinking,' than we start to see all the people around us, and penetrate into all those conditions they all have over their own perceptions of their life/lifestyles. Their conditionality is striking and bizarrely lunatic, frankly. But they insist and persist. The concept of meeting some truly advanced other beings proceeds from the fundamental assumption that they have overcome these insane self-inflicted conditions. Today's 'normal,' 'ordinary' human being CANNOT have ANY kinds of communications coming into their heads without them stopping those and throwing conditions over them - you could shine a laser beam into their brain and they would LITERALLY fiddle with it with their thoughts or block it or 'offer opinions' to the light. This is how nuts people have become.
DeleteI mean to say we WANT to be free of the gratuitous conditionality that we impose on ourselves or allow 'society' to impose for us - and we WANT other advanced creatures to literally HAVE what we haven't got ourselves! Whereas we COULD have it... Why would we WANT another creature to be liberated in their egos and in their self-mind/s, but cannot face that in ourselves? I mean not 'we' as in me and/or you, but general society as we see it everywhere. All these people, including the 'whistle-blowers' talking to Congress about ET's and real Aliens and space-craft and whatever, are just not facing the obvious. I cannot afford to have bizarre, man-made aka INVENTED conditionality taken as 'importance' as the basis for my positive interactions with foreign super-advanced beings. World leaders went to the NATO conference. Oh. Great. Does that mean ET wants to go there? For why? Someone in (ex - lol; ex, right) CIA is 'telling' Congress something what they 'know' about Aliens that the MILITARY... Yeah yeah blah blah blah. ET Aliens do not give a DAMN about the US Congress, the US military or any other military or anything like that. And they're not going meet any of those people or go near any of their affairs other than to pull their beards.
DeleteSuper advanced beings really are that - super advanced compare to us. And THAT is the obvious fact and the darn shame about us. We could be so much more and are not, and never will be going the way that we do.
DeleteCompared to, not 'compare to.' I'm getting over-excited here. Things are happening...
DeleteOnce you remove all those pieces of resistance and subconscious doubts, all the haziness clears up and you are left with a brilliant perfect star that is golden color. Right in the center of the skull. And it is automatic.
DeleteThere is an energy source that is always pointed at me, coming from right above my head, pointed down dead center into my skull. The objective this entire time has only been to allow this source unrestricted entry to body and mind.
Yes, learning to allow, unconditionally, the entry of something that we recognize as external and sentient, and basically have it completely take over to the point of mutual identification. That's difficult. But that is the entire objective.
I was given the hanged man today. Total release.
As I continue this thing I have been doing, I definitely get a sweet taste coming right down through this energy channel in the top of my head. Its like very sweet electricity dripping on the very back of my tongue and down my throat. It starts making my stomach get upset and the only thing that helps is eating something. If I really concentrate on fully releasing all of myself, my stomach begins gurgling and I start to feel a little nauseous. I clocked out from work for a little while to eat something. No big deal. But is this something you've heard of before?
DeleteIs this related to what is happening? It really seems so.
When this first began happening I had to change my diet to only meat. I've stuck with it and this is the only thing my body wants now. Carbs will almost instantly make me ill.
DeleteI ate the other half of a 16 oz ribeye from last night and now the sweetness and gurgling persist, but I don't feel sick. I guess this is the new "hungry."
DeleteIt's possible that some people might have adapted to systemic/organic change so that they can survive on only non-protein food - but for everyone else, the complete range of Vitamin B's and the deep micro-mineral nutrients are only available from the highest quality red meat. And fish also has a solid range of micro-minerals and necessary salts, complex protein and other super-vital things like bio-oils and Vitamin E. Good for the brain, essential for the eyes and nerves.
DeleteOnce you SEE the Light - coming through the top of your head, into yourself; you will eat for the first time and truly appreciate FOOD!! 'Enough' will be everywhere.
DeleteI kept on allowing the release to happen and as a result the vibrations naturally travelled down my spine to the tailbone as I laid awaiting sleep. As soon as I allowed this to happen, it was like my spine lit up, and then an intense gurgling happened. I let it take its course and in about 3 seconds it subsided and felt just like the thing that happens in your head, but right in my stomach. It felt stable.
DeleteI kept experiementing with this today when I got a break at work. The energy filled my stomach, situated at the navel, and eventually filled my entire body and then began radiating off me in a sort of aura.
I felt like the energy had fully permeated my being. And then it was like a silent little voice said one word... "Red."
That was all the cue I need. I think we both know where I am heading with this now.
I am very close to being able to construct a visible picture of this aura thing. The more dense the lines of energy become the more concrete it becomes. I need some quiet time which is a luxury for me these days. I'll find a couple hours late tonight and take this thing up the spectrum.
DeleteNot to bog the post down but I would add I am quite i terested in these indications you offer towards how food is enjoyed, post-transformation. Does it taste different? More satisfying and filling?
DeleteVery pleased to see the term "mediation" being used in the latest episode on Star Trek Strange New Worlds.
ReplyDeleteWant Counsellor Delenn off Babylon 5 and her MEDITATION!
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