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Saturday 29 July 2023

The Scale Of Things


One of the 'problems' or at least let's just say 'issues' with the latest pronouncements by officialdom that the US Navy recorded some objects of various tracking devices and systems, is that nowhere does anyone explain exactly what was different about these new pieces of technology that allowed them all to start capturing many UAP's all over the place - and which they still are doing; same as the China Beijing government is also doing since it has the same equipment.

Well look it goes like this: The Russians have way the most advanced radar and combination sensor technologies in the world and they term the way these are used for military purposes as 'net-centric' by which they mean any effective military 'field of operations' whether for defense or attack, is a net formed by the active electronics systems linking all the materiel components together in a dynamic cross-talking network. In this way multiple means of 'seeing' some enemy are formed up by ultra high-speed computing into one single screen monitor 'signal' available to the pilot or to ground and sea weapons.

Because 'stealth' technology dating back half a dozen decades now caused the disruption of incoming signals plus the temporal 'scattering' or phase-shifting of actual sensor data - the technology was structured then to try and unpick the electronically and otherwise artificially phase-shifted signals by searching in specific periodic cycles (micro-seconds).

Your brain gathers only the visual data available around 50 milliseconds cycles - that is, you 'see' static optical information every 1/20th of a second, and then has your mind pretend it is seeing everything smoothly as 'motion.'

Anything which is existentially materially actually there in cycle gaps of smaller than 1/20th of a second, well you just don't see it.

So what does material existence even actually mean??

Is a thing 'there' or is it not there during the moments (in regular discrete cycles) you don't gather any optical data?

Are there things actually physically there but you don't ever see them because your brain is not functioning fast enough - even though it naturally can do, although by organic nature does not do -? 

Because you are assuming (as well as most people do) all material things have constant continuous spatial presence, and therefore existence. Whereas for sure you can project electrons as radio fields in exact precise phases (temporal cycles) and 'they' are not actually 'there' even for the percentage majority of the steady flow of time...

This kind of thing is a material hologram with form and substance.

It is nothing to have 'you' removed out of your organic mortal body and project you all over the place.

'Heels and Horsepower' - Houston
private exclusive club for
women who own expensive
sports cars...

Right now you are trapped within an organic framework with a specific frequency-locked phase shift of perceived material existence and in that way also 'consciousness.'

The truly huge scale of mass human destruction events like Sodom and Gomorrah and Hiroshima/Nagasaki fits into the order of 'hundred/hundreds of thousands' only.

But the idea that killing people (that is to say human people) in the order of magnitude of 'great numbers' somehow automatically means that those left behind alive would change how they thought - is foolish reasoning.

You will have noted, as an adult of some life experience, that most people are dominated by their own pre-existing beliefs and almost totally by a view that they are themselves the ultimate arbiter of all truth and completely know better than you or me or anyone else including 'God' what truth is all the time. It would only ever be because someone lied to them, or gave them incomplete information, or something external like that - that caused them to ever make any mistakes and actually, they never make mistakes.

So. Killing people would not alter that total commitment to their own perfect capability of judgement.

This is not, however, the teaching of one 'Jesus Christ of Nazareth.' He taught that only those who were 'poor in spirit' (IE who realized they had little or nothing within themselves alone, to rely on to make absolute judgments) would possess the 'kingdom of heaven.'

So how would some super-advanced intelligent species approach the problem of getting human beings to accept and to realize that they were basically and fundamentally dumb?

And requiring external engagement with something vastly superior, in order to justify that they were 'intelligent' creatures in the accurate sense?

Haliene stuck this pic
up on her FB page to coincide with
the Congress testimony about us...
Er, sorry, I mean them, about them.
...Some people think it's
marketing of course.

Leaping to some damn stupid conclusion that AI is somehow this instance of a 'vastly superior' intelligence is exactly the kind of ridiculous and arrogant if not even completely lunatic position that one expects from humans all the time.

If I can manifest, say, one small 'miracle' by an authentic and legitimate physics means that is empirically true (always repeatable) - then the scales of things need only be whatever was framed by whoever could control those necessary physics mechanisms and processes (logic and systems): you could effect millions and billions instead of just kill a hundred thousand.

And this does not say or imply that 'effect' means completely change or alter them from their lunatic attitudes and prejudices to something higher and better; especially not something so functionally higher and better that they can 'enter some unearthly domain!'

But what you can do is turn the tables on all the idiots walking this planet and running the place - and show them the power and where they all get off.

And if you think nothing is going to happen soon, or that killing thousands (or even anyone at all) is the way to impress these idiots well just get that out of your mind.

You can't really 'impress' these clowns. They are clowns - painted-faced pretenders.

Things are going to happen very soon that will blow your mind; that is if you have a mind!

So how you can tell the difference between marketing, or the government running some game on its citizens to take their eyes and minds off the ball - and persons and things that are here also masquerading but not in any clownish way?

How can you tell an old school Rolls Royce or Aston Martin from a piece of industrialized junk pretending to be high quality and then being 'sold' to you for extravagantly expensive prices?

Evelyn & Crabtree's
latest set...

Well, because real quality is palpable. Whether it comes at 50 milliseconds cycles or at only 1/12th of a second intervals, or at some vastly higher speed, the functional effects and quality is real and genuine; sensed, felt, and used for its value.

Hidden in plain sight is a well-known aphorism.

And sometimes you get so close to a thing you take it for granted that it should be there and that just anyone can make it happen like you're experiencing it...


Know what I mean?

Nudge nudge, wink wink - say no mo'ah.

The rest of that old advert about the 'Nudge chocolate bar' - also an English thing like Evelyn & Crabtree - went: 'Do you know Plato?' '...Knew 'is wife.' Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more. (Was pronounced 'mo'ah' when Eric Idle delivered those lines).


  1. I can't disagree with anything you say here. It makes me wonder why advanced aliens would want to have anything to do with us at all. Maybe I'm jaded but, as a species, we must seem to have zero potential to an advanced race of beings. I have pondered this for a long time. From their perspective we must represent all risk with no potential benefit. We are just so incredibly flawed...

    1. It's just the overgrowth of weeds... They seem like the real thing, but they don't do what the correct organic things do. The insane thing is that if you 'pick up' any example at all, for a long time when you probe and observe, they will act like something with the presumed qualities and intelligent brain potential of an optimum human being, and they will be very good at that, very complicated/complex - and at some stage you will realize this is a limited being with a character-typical incapability towards for one specific thing: intelligent relationship; instead it will be object-oriented 'relating.' Always. Which is actually reflecting, not relating as such. No wonder they are walking towards AI sentience.

    2. Can you expand on intelligent relationship/relating versus reflecting, and what each might look like in practice?

    3. The million-dollar - well, totally invaluable - question! But we must look at this very seriously indeed.

    4. It's a simply great question of course, but it's going to take me a good few hours to frame a decent enough response that can still be cut down into the format here. Which we can do though... ...I think. Let's see.

  2. For some reason my last comment is listed as anonymous. Thought I was logged in!


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