At this point I'll not say 'the Elves.' Just one Elf will do for now.
What you will have acquired having read here for a while, and for some it will be a revisiting of a basic mental instinct that you already have -, is a regard for logic and for its worth and absolute necessity in how you taken on various outlooks, various positions.
Through logic you can accept what your socialized 'rationality' will often demur from taking on board.
But your logical mind will be resolute, even while your so-called 'common sense' denies actual reality and tries to get you to listen to the wrong kinds of gut feelings.
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Lucid blue... |
I am going to link to the free-to-read new thing, in a moment - and it is only the presaging of an 'incident' that will later on be described.
But it will give you a good clear run-up to what will then happen next.
And it might shock you too.
There are two very important statements in the Bible, in the New Testament: one says that 'what was begun in the Spirit...' and the other says that 'how can you love God whom you have not seen, while you do not love one another whom you have seen?'
We all, as human beings, expect our human-lived physical reality to somehow, some day, give us the truth... And that we can see it, feel it, and touch it.
But logic tells us that everything in human-lived physical reality changes and dies - it goes through this profile of growth and decline and death and/or complete change. Thus you cannot rely on it to be always and forever stable.
Let's say you encounter an Elf! In an 'ordinary' real material 'humanoid' physical form. Such a thing will, not, however, last. Not here.
You could certainly have some fun for a while and then those material things would change like all material things always do.
At the same time (and the same applies to the present desires of the wider community, including many of the alternative media commentators) the same situation applies to encounters with let's say 'real life UFO occupants' - that is, actual ET Aliens: people want to talk with them to gain some major long-term, enduring benefits; maybe some super-advanced technology, some medical knowledge, social/political, even sexual, knowledge.
But then, going back to logic about all material things - they decline...
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Real human... Kind of. A performer in the Great Moscow Circus. Happens to be down the road from me 500 meters right now for the whole month. |
It is most complex to reach a decent understanding of what 'Spirit' really means, but one thing it absolutely does not mean, is anything that dies or declines or fades or wastes away.
Thus when you want to rely on something, to utterly rely on it - then it needs to start from the standpoint of the non-physical and the non-material. And in fact, it is perfected still in the Spirit form, and influences - has power over - the material, subsequently.
So we all want to see the Elves, to touch them and to converse with them; same with the ET's.
But the standard definition of the 'basic' ET Alien is a creature that traverses light years of space. And hence it is not a thing that has a normal human-life existential material profile (of being/of existence).
When you formulate - that is, are able to formulate a mental picture of some perfect concept, some idea that you regard as having great meaning and importance to you, then this is the thing you must continually hold in mind, and not an expectation of a materialization of the normal human life kind of version of that thing.
And why? Because this Spiritual thing will stay the same, it will not change - it is reliable. As an object of thought, as an actual idea with logical structure, as a non-visible thing; it does not suffer the typical material profile of all material things.
This is the meaning of 'Hyperuranion.' The place above heaven.
Jesus taught the wider general body of people to pray: 'Pater hemon, ho en tois Uranion.'
But He took them to the Hyperoion for secret teaching.
Does this mean a Spiritual thing is impalpable?
Does it mean it cannot manifest into the material realm? Absolutely not!
It can. It does. But that is not the point for you to focus on. You must focus on the non-declining, non-altering, non-dying thing. The pure Spirit first, last -, always. Because it always is, and always is the same.
In your common daily life you might not quickly see the effects, the results, the evidence, the 'facts.' But logic tells you the opposite of that seeming let-down: the thing that doesn't change is the real one when it comes to a contest of reality between 'human material Earth-world life' and the pure concept realm. Your only 'problem' is the question of whether you yourself as a sentient living person - continues and does not die. Because if you did not die, then the only reality is the one full of things that also do not change or die!
...This piece of music (in the YT video down below) will accompany the segment that comes after the linked text piece, and that becomes obvious and implied to follow when you read what is there at the current link.
Inside the music, are ideas, concepts, movement, structure, and energy and the potential for evocation of specific kinds of emotion.
Where do those ideas and idea structures come from? What makes them powerful? What makes them work in the perception of the real living material human?
This is something literally from the Hyperuranion.
But what I want you to know is that when you focus on that kind of thing - it powers into the material realm for you, it makes things come to be inside your material existence.
Why? Not because of magic, not because of 'The Secret' (Hollywood pop book on manifesting) -, but because of the logic that things which do not change nor stop existing are real. They are in fact the only things which are real forever!
And that is how real things work, really.
Of course there is a literally material physical 'world' above where we all live down here on Earth. Of course there are super-advanced ET Alien beings there. But they all are still subject to the power of the perfect ideas, the unchanging eternal concepts, the maths, the music, the harmonies, the structure, the logic; those things come first.
So, now you know what to do, how to think, even what to think.
You just don't believe that things will 'come true.' But they are already true.
And it doesn't actually matter whether you believe or don't believe, or doubt or have doubts - it only matters that you think and that you continue to think, and return your focus ever and ever onto the Hyperuranion ideas. For they don't change and they don't die.
Suddenly one day something will happen in the Earth material realm and you will be shocked. And even then you will still doubt, except your doubts will be very shaky from that point on.
And by-and-by they will disappear altogether and you will live permanently in the realm of unchanging perfect ideas, and with instantaneous effects of those ideas in the Earth material location of time and space.
You have to be able to allow an extremely powerful laser beam to constantly shine directly into your eye and keep it there permanently.
ReplyDeleteYou have to make sure you have fully cleansed all impurities from the lens.
It's always a fine balancing act between going just plain blind - as so many of the ancient bards and epic poets and seers were: Tiresias, Homer... Even Odin had to lend one of his eyes to the Three Norns in order to be able to see the whole future clearly. ...And gaining the sight capability of the divine realms and regions. As 'Bill Smith' was saying to me just this afternoon, if a human mortal 'sees' Medusa's head he is turned into stone. If you point a normal laser straight into your eyes no doubt you will go blind, although lasers ARE used to heal parts of the lens - under proper controls and using legitimate scientific skills. ...But, yes it is the case that the way the 'upper worlds' create a bridge into the human being is by way of a form of very superior light; this is even straight out the narrative in the New Testament, so there is a strictly biblical basis for the concept, if that is what people need.
DeleteIt is possible to build a tower to heaven, or to create a vessel in which to contain heaven, whatever, same difference.
DeleteWhen the tower is struck by lightning, when the dragon inside the cave is provoked (same difference), the integrity of this crucible you have built to do this work in, will be made apparent, physically on your body. Damage to the nerves, brain, and specifically as well, the optic nerves which is one of the first signs of this purge of inferior cells within yourself.
You have build the tower on a firm foundation.
Yay! Good stuff! Frickin finally.
Delete"...ET Aliens: people want to talk with them to gain some major long-term, enduring benefits; maybe some super-advanced technology, some medical knowledge, social/political, even sexual, knowledge."
ReplyDeleteI was just watching "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (underrated, in my opinion.)
The antagonist, Col. Spalko, wants to encounter the Aliens because, as she says: "I want to know everything!"
Can she be faulted for that? I like to think that, as she disintegrated in the end, she came to know all.
Disintegration to finally come to know all, sounds like a ring of truth to me.