The rumors have all started to gain traction in the standard general media, that Russia does have plans to set off some kind of nuclear explosion as a warning, in the North Pole region somewhere.
The concept behind such a thing is that it 'should' send a powerful and visual message to the West that the kind of trouble which will certainly eventuate if this insanity continues for much longer, will be far greater than the public has up till now fully understood.
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I swear I was just trying to be calm and say relaxing things. I think you can still approach all of this that way. Why not? |
But that is still far and away the least of the nuclear weapons risks - tactically, there are ambitions among high-ranking Russian military planners, to effect some kind of long-term 'area denial' to Poland, which is evidently making moves to take over control of Western parts of the Ukraine.
Secondly, there have been on-going attempts by the UK SAS and whatever is left of the Ukrainian military, to destroy electricity to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant - and this would most certainly lead to a meltdown there and all sorts of catastrophic outcomes thereafter.
Fundamentally, there is no realistic 'Ukrainian ground-fighting military' left - and its air force was taken out a long time ago in this conflict.
And that means things will come to a head this side of the winter.
You could thus 'predict' that the ultimate disaster will happen not later than November of this year. And that's not far off...
Biblically, everyone wants to say that no one is able to 'predict the End' (by which is meant the End; the End when um, God returns and all of this) - and at the same time, there are a number of channels on YouTube talking about this lunatic 'red heifer' sacrifice in the 'Second Temple' (or is it the Third one by now? Dunno; not sure) and how the carrying out of this ritual would spell the Advent of the so-called 'Anti-Christ' in person.
...However none of that is what the Bible actually says.
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When there is no one left in the streets (or anywhere else) alive. |
What it says is that 'for that day shall not come (and don't let anyone deceive you that it is going to come at such-and-such a point), except that the Man of Lawlessness is revealed.'
And from that simple phrasing, just about everyone on the planet imagines this means some super-Evil, Demonic agent of Satan, or else actual real 'Satan' himself, will walk the stage of the human world as a human-like being.
So naturally, all of those who read ancient texts and follow religious ideas and so on, will be able to 'see' through any disguise and realize who this person is behind the mask.
Okay but that is in fact not what the Bible says.
It reads like this: 'except that there come a falling away first, and that man of lawlessness be revealed -.'
Man of lawlessness, not the Man of Lawlessness. And yes there certainly is some added expansion in the text underscoring that this is the 'ultimate example' of 'man of lawlessness,' from which again people have taken this to mean a single individual.
And so I will confidently pronounce for you, that the Ultimate End is indeed about to unfold here and more-or-less, now. Thus departing from the standard position of not making such 'prophecies' (according to the rigid Biblicalists and religionistas).
And why?
Because 'man of lawlessness' is an era, a phase during which the character of society is one of lawless men in power and having taken over control of everything.
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Nice pic. By art photographer Davorin Mance. |
Well, you would have to be a pretty mindless and pathologically myopic 'God' to pretend that this is not now, and that pronouncing that it is now, is somehow against what the Bible says. Clearly, such an era has come upon us all, and only a mindless and lunatic deity would turn around and say 'Oh but that is not what I meant!' lol
Because if you meant it, then it happened!
And if you ('God') didn't mean it well why didn't you just simply say clearly what the name of this humongous Evil identity is going to be, since you know the future... So that there could be no confusion.
The 'confusion' comes from people who intend there to be confusion in any case.
This is all about people; just about us human people and what we do - not what some pseudo-divine or semi-demi-supernatural entity is doing to us, although there are such things going on.
I know this is going to be somewhat of a shock - for this kind of prognostication to be made here - but really, it should not be.
We operate by logic around here. But then too, try to observe the facts of things - what was really said, and what was genuinely meant.
There have been too many 'authoritative' voices, down through the ages, who have diverted attention away from what ought to have been the crystal-clear background and philosophical antecedents to the Biblical new(er) sacred texts (aka 'books' of the Bible).
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You'll have to make your own probiotics, instead of pay sixty bucks for stuff in a bottle at the Pharmacy. |
And yes I know it seems to be just tucked away in there, but this is what the 'last Angel of the Apocalypse' pronounces from Heaven, following the Seven Thunders: 'That there should be Time no longer.'
Well this is just straight Parmenides.
And yes okay, the Angel says to seal up some of the things the Seven Thunders announced so that these would not be written down. And so okay, maybe there's some other important stuff too...
But even so (meaning despite that there may be 'secret schools' who hand things on, secretly), the whole thing about Parmenides is that he basically was saying that thinking about being was being itself, and that once you were in the mode of absolute being(-ness), then Time was itself just another construct of some Supernal 'Mind out of Time' and all things were thus known to that Mind.
As humans we like to look at mathematically un-resolvable problems such as picking six/seven numbers in the Lottery - failing to note that such a problem is one to do with the elementary fact that it sits inside of a flow of Time. Randomness can exist inside of Time. It cannot exist outside of Time. We look at randomness and wonder why we cannot adjudge its manifested form. Well it's random!
To sum it all up, theoretically it is possible that a Universal Beyond-Time-and-Material-Space Mind can know all things and certainly, all things to do with the future 'history' of the human race on this planet; it is possible for that knowledge to be given in a form comprehensible to all humans of normal mentality and intelligence, and therefore via 'books,' and it is possible that the 'man of lawlessness' is simply the era or Epoch in which men are exampled as to their typical character in that age, by being boundlessly arrogant and falsely (making only a pretense) modest, and taking a position of being god and showing themselves as such - which all judges do and all leaders of countries be they dictatorships or otherwise, as do doctors and every other 'professional' thing.
If that is the sound case without deviation from actual Truth, then the End of the World is anytime from right now. And there is no dependency on some figure of a personal identity 'Anti-Christ' to be manifested anywhere at all.
And saying so is in no way departing from Scripture. It is seeing the seasons, knowing the tides.
But you cannot possibly mean we stand at the Advent of great and wonderful new things?
You cannot possibly mean Jesus is returning in a couple of months??
I tell you what I do mean - a nuclear disaster of a military kind is coming. And that will certainly be the end of all things as you ever knew them. And after that you'd certainly better hope like * there is some kind of 'heavenly intervention!'
Can this be avoided? Can this fate be averted? No, absolutely not!
It will happen!
But don't let anyone deceive you by any means...
...For: 'that that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of lawlessness be revealed, the son of perdition (means he goes to Hell! Er, 'perishes,' disappears forever).
Um, well that day came already; is still here right now.
Played it before a long while back, but worth a play again, so that you will realize and accept that, as Bridge Nielsen just casually slipped in, in one of her recent video clip discussions apropos of, you wouldn't think(!) sacred places in Ireland she had just been to: 'there's plenty of planning goes on, on the space ships.' Ha ha, Bridget.
Sigh. I have to go and spend time looking up the exact word for "lawless" now, don't I?
ReplyDeleteahahaha. anosmia! almost
Deletewell whatever. i think a large number "of men" will see the nuke and "point the finger." perhaps even you will say "and now we know WHO the ones 'without convention' are." i hope i will have the presence of mind to turn my one remaining good eye inward and say "i see you hoe!" i notice that i have been arguing here for a long time that 'convention' can not save us or anyone from the dangerous universe.
Deleteoh! but there's the other possibility. so i get the feeling watching the people on youtube who are engaged in disclosure that the fact of the matter is that there is a large spectrum of intelligent beings around here, humans being far from the great lonely ones they teach to themselves. perhaps we are about to discover that there is a great and holy "convention" everywhere around us here. we are special, the only ones not invited to the party. we shall see!
DeleteSorry about this. I have a lot on my mind, okay? So another version of the story being told has to do with Arks. Seems like Enki is around the place, and the Ant people too, and they're all getting busy within the arks, because the giants are going to wake up and they will need to see friendly faces when they do. Meanwhile humans are about to threaten each other with nuclear fire. About the moment the arks all rise into the sky and airplanes get replaced by flying orbs. That's going to change a lot of minds all at once. Then all the people are going to want to know "fuck those politicians! How do we join YOU?"
DeleteStar Trek "Strange New Worlds" Season 2 Episode 7. "Mediation, portals and time travel." There's even a funky drink at the end.
ReplyDeleteWe live in a dangerous Universe. Yes we do.
ReplyDeleteare you sure? yawn!
DeleteAnyway, you brought up "lawlessness." Let's consider the dream I've already talked about here. The "vote" is on the spirit of the law, not its codification. Codification is produced by means of AI and hidden scholars. The legislature "passes the law" and then is left waiting to lean how it will be codified before responding with new legislation. For some beings in some alternate reality, or one I haven't personally encountered in a body-here sort of way.
DeleteThis might sound ridiculous, but we now officially have the "convention" of "NHI." I say that changes everything.