As you know by now, David Grusch, a well-credentialed Intelligence Officer, just gave his sworn testimony to the US Congress re these 'UAP's', which he outright characterized as 'Alien' and confirmed directly in so many words, everything we have been saying here for a number of years now - namely that the US does have some ET Alien technology and that his official research while he was a government intel officer tasked to work on that matter, for four years - into government files and archived material - causes him to conclude that there has been a multi-decades cover-up about it.
In the texts we have been linking to here over several months, the Eastman-Kodak 'High Altitude Laboratories Program' and photographic technology and data center ('Hawkeye Facility') were detailed as key places whose heads and senior engineers and technicians were directly among those most involved, and that the basic program was run under Thomas C Schelling.
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This is only sci fi fantasy art. There are no military groups on this planet with anything like this for real. |
These details are not covered in the Congressional testimony just yet but they lie behind the furtive words and phrases being used there - although, to be fair, all of the three witnesses categorically say 'ET Alien;' and most tellingly, they asserted that the evidence and the existing files (much of which Grusch and the Congress Chair admitted were currently classified and not able to be divulged in the testimony right now) clearly and conclusively showed these craft and their pilots were not of Earthly origin.
That is the first time anything like that has been said as testimony under oath in Congress by any officials or retired and ex-officials in the relevant fields.
David Fravor also noted that the key reason for the 'recent' confirmed and tracked sightings was because all of the radar and sensing equipment there had been upgraded in a certain particular way - where those sightings and trackings happened.
...Now - I guess in some ways everyone reading here is pretty fortunate to have been well ahead of the information curve as it has been delivered now officially, but then in one way not so fortunate because now we are stating that there will be an abrupt change in the tone of these types of inquiries, since there is soon going to be a very much more 'problematic' (to the security of countries and governments) set of 'incidents' related to this fairly 'out there' matter.
Superficially, and albeit people like Fravor and a number of others have pointed out the electronics jamming that these craft undoubtedly were engaged in carrying out against US military deployments and operations, is in all other cases technically deemed to be 'hostile action' - whatever incidents of actual material encounters that have occurred seem to have been quite benign, they are of course anything but that.
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These are gold-inlaid chopsticks. I use them to pick up small bits of frankincense... But that's only a ritual you see in the Apocalypse. And no one has told you what it means. |
Personally I am not in any hurry to witness any clearly hostile actions by people with such advanced technology and clear advantages of technology and skill over humans, and so I am myself reluctant to attach a future time-frame and a co-ordination of time and location.
What I can tell you is but for a lot of other activities also going on in parallel to the planned ET Alien 'fly overs' - the main thing could happen at any moment from right now.
There are a couple of you here with some access to the information-stream as well and as soon as several agreed reports all basically concurring come in, well, we might as well all go hide somewhere strongly-built straight away. ...If that's what your first move would be, although it would not be my first reaction.
And if you want to be 'realistic' about things, then it is a serious matter for NATO or top leaders from there or anyone in the Washington Administration to go mouthing off about sending a military fleet into the Black Sea! Albeit they will find it impossible to resist when they discover that Putin was smarter than they have been and is quite able to use proxies of his own to, for instance do the unthinkable and make 'incursions' at least, into Poland territory or else, where the Poles think they have some 'claim' right now.
How serious?
Well, it's very serious because it will be the US that thinks to use some kind of nuclear weapon in this conflict, not Russia - and that is because it has basically had its ass handed to it in conventional warfare and cannot find any other viable strategy going forward. So it's the US that is 'nuclear biased' right now, not anyone else.
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'Eating deep-fried prawns while Washington burns.' Won't literally be Washington though. I use different implements for these; not gold-inlaid chopsticks! ...Which is not to say I couldn't. |
So yeah we are on the verge of actual manifested nuclear warfare.
And there is only one 'lesson' that Washington can learn that will stop it from being as bloody stupid as it has been over the last several years...
The Sanhedrin using Rome as its proxy, crucified (killed/murdered) Jesus Christ and now it is going to crucify you. Meaning millions and millions of ordinary people.
So you'd better hope like hell that I am right.
Otherwise you're just gonna be 'crucified' and then incinerated in a huge mass nuclear conflagration. F* the 'Holocaust.
This is going to kill way more than 'just' six million.
Unless someone steps in now and de-fangs the snake.
Russia outstrips the US by a factor of forty - and has done for many decades - in the production of military equipment and missiles and strike-weaponry including general ammunition. And the US equipment standard is well behind and much of its weapons systems do not work in the modern conflict situation.
So you're basically talking idiots and lunatics driving the world to an armed conflict with a far superior military power - and the only actual potential competitive weapon is a nuclear one.
There are forty-plus Onyx 'unstoppable' hyper-sonic missiles stationed at the mouth of the Black Sea. In one opening salvo half the entire Northern Allied Command in the Mediterranean would be wiped out instantly if it steps foot into the Black Sea in Russian territorial water with menace on its mind.
The US is going to attempt to use nuclear weapons. It's the only thing it has left.
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These are purpose-built for picking up burning frankincense. |
Super-advanced intelligent beings are not stupid at the same time as being smarter than humans!
Flying little white thingies off Virginia Beach was to test where it's all at.
That must be pretty clear even to 'Blind Freddie' by now in this affair. Except it's not and that's how dumb humans are.
Oh yes, my friends; there is going to be a 'fly over' all right. Don't you worry 'bout that.
Humans are so frikkin' predictable. That's the sad thing.
'Let us go down into the city, into its streets, staying there overnight to witness for ourselves the evil of those people...'
I'm just guessing, right. This track is called 'The Future Becomes The Past.'
Heh. No.
ReplyDeleteOkay, so at the very moment this "hearing" was getting started, Curt Jaimungal posted a brief bit of conversation he had with Noam Chomsky. "Science is like the drunk under the lamp post."
WOW! Holy FRICKIN wow, man! I suppose you do not see what I see, which is fine of course. but WOW. Good show, EA! Let's keep the Christmas feast coming. Chomp Chomp Noam CHOMP-sky
It's cool, eh. Christmas... ...and Feast. Yep. Way it is, Friday News Review.
ReplyDeleteFed raised interest rates to the highest point in 22 years. Just sayin' so's y'all don't fergit wet lahfs aberrrt. Y'all.
DeleteOkay interest rates. yay. moneys in the bank. but let's look at this ukraine thing with a jaundiced eye. Ya got evil devil-spawn #1 says he has a thing and has been threatening to maybe use it. And then you have evil devil-spawn #2 who realizes that if devil-spawn #1 has been threatening to use for all these years, then they can ACTUALLY use and blame him. nice.
Deletemeanwhile in a committee hearing in the US Congress there has gone apparently unnoticed the admission that in a dangerous universe, peoples' dependence on "their careers" is a huge security risk. the dude actually said that in front of god and country. is anyone going to notice? what's to be done about that??
i mean, "the committee" is "like the drunk under the lamp post" fine i get that. looking for the thing "where the light is" even though they know it's not there.
That's a great point that last thing there re what's 'the committee' really for/really doing, if anything - that is truly serious and positive and beneficial for the country/its people.
DeleteMy feeling from what I have heard here and there, is that there was considerable pressure being felt from the internet's ability to have leaked material go widely into the public domain, regardless that Stanley A. McChrystal stated AN internal view that this would enhance national security not deteriorate it. And when I say 'leaked' I mean things and details that have not emerged yet, but would do under circumstances which seem more likely every day. The obvious matter being, of course, the fact that any back-engineering of or realization about HOW ultra-speed, even temporal elastic technology worked and what its adjunct effects are, would destroy the global energy market.
Not the point I was making! But it is nice to get this little tidbit about "what they might have back engineered." So, like, we have TWO "cohorts" of folk around the place who can reverse my friend's mother's alzheimers. Lovely.
DeleteSo I guess rather than have the public organically wake up to the fact of government manipulations and official deceit-for-private-advantage-and-gain - when genuine leaks about technology placed energy/technical power literally into the hands of ordinary members of the public - this Congress public testimony stuff is a way to pretend that the government is 'going to' come clean first. Which of course it is not.
ReplyDeletePerhaps I should start looking at Bridget now as well. I don't really care about "the plans," right? If they can make their "space ships" look like breath mints, or like flying "chariots," then I would wonder if the mediation of their "society" isn't also up for easy manipulation. I'm only aware of the concept of "density" referring to various "consciousness types." or whatever. bodies. these are not concepts you seem particularly friendly to.
DeleteAnd regarding the "manipulation of mediations" we do have from "Thor Han, command of the whatsits" that "though forms imprint reality." But we got that here too, from Plato.
Delete"THOUGHT forms imprint reality." as well. oops.