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Wednesday 16 March 2022

The Man Who Knew About Why Singapore

So why Singapore and not Tokyo?

Because, there are no biological weapons labs in Tokyo.

But there are several in Singapore.

There are nuclear facilities in Japan but these are all built to survive massive earthquakes and floods. Within reason, anyway.

This is called a facade. Looks nice,
nothing behind it much though.
This one is in Old Bond Street,

Like I have said many times here before - it's what you don't know that will get you killed!

You don't know whether a major earthquake will take out Singapore.

You don't really know how come there was an earthquake in Japan last night.

And you absolutely have no idea at all as to what that straight flash of light was that illuminated the skies over Fukushima a few minutes ago. Google Search will say it's ionized gases from stress cracks in the rocks during the explosive release of pressures.


Came straight down though, like a rocket, or even worse - a ray, of some kind.

Oh, I don't know. Perhaps Roger Penrose knows, that's why he told y'all before, right...

If a real tsunami hits Singapore, the effects will be devastating, particularly because of the reckless endangerment of everyone by the presence there of lethal - absolutely lethal toxic chemicals weapons technology research facilities as well as biological weapons research and manufacturing facilities.

You can have a 'no fly zone' over Ukraine, theoretically.

But you have no way of preventing disaster from a massive earthquake or super serious flood in Singapore.

And there are several reasons why the place is absolutely dangerous in those kinds of circumstances - humidity and a multiplicity of spread vectors: mosquitoes, 'biologics,' as they say, also temperature, wind conditions and air flows to other places, highly populated, well, in fact over-populated city areas.

Bohemia crystal glass.
Wikipedia tells lies about 'Bohemia.'

And then, different if people like Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev didn't hang out in Singapore!

But they do.

Not to worry though, Roger Penrose has your back.

Also, so does Kamala Harris who was there recently and came back with a problem in her head.

And so too, does Mitt Romney and hell, Jen Psaki and Richard Dawkins and Justin Trudeau and well, Roger Penrose, and CNN.

And every University you ever heard of or went to in modern times. These guys are all right there, in control of everything. Aren't they?

Friends, 'I've been here before,' in a manner of speaking because I've read all the history and if the soldiers or sailors 'all get turned into pigs' - not really my problem. It's your problem.

Meanwhile, you certainly have your eyes firmly fixed on the Ukraine and Zelensky, who is another one of these 'great orators like Obama...' LOL

The geniuses that you have thrown the commitment of your life into the hands of, because you foolishly trusted them ahead of actually smart people -, have you by the balls.

And now they are going to get you killed. The end.

That's right, and you know it too.

Definitely not a facade!

That's what is about to happen.

Is there a way out?

Well no, not really.

Jesus, what made any of you imagine even for one split second they could give a damn about you??

What happened was your daddies and mommies told you to go to University, learn everything those morons fed you there, so that you could get a big job and make lots of money.

Because after all, money...

Listen, listen to me carefully, listen up now. 

What makes you think that the earthquakes that you have already seen with your own eyes recently, are not going to hit those places where there are biological weapons facilities and masses of people then get killed? There's nobody from government even told you, what kinds of measures they have taken to make those places 'event proof.'

You had no idea about volcanic lightning and huge floods until I told you.

The media certainly never told you. Do you imagine your brilliant genius sci-entists even knew?

I mean, boys and girls, none of them, those guys, those sci-entist guys of yours, none of them had ever seen such things as you have been witnessing actually happening - so what makes you think they really believed the tiny bits and pieces of knowledge that was out there, floating around about it? What makes you imagine they really built the protective measures into anything? Did Morton Thiokol? Remember? Or did they just pocket the money?

You are doomed.

Cognac and herb roasted chicken...


These bio weapons things - they hurt; you will be in lots of pain, then you will die.

There was a massive flood, never-before-seen, in Eastern Australia last month. Many people died in it, in 'a modern world.'

I am not 'making things up' or trying to drive fear and panic. Or irrational fear and panic. I am just stating what just happened. And I am pointing out that I already said it was going to happen before it did happen. And then it did happen. And what makes you think Fukushima is really secured right now anyway?

I said there would be a regular stepping, an escalation, of imminent, evident, risk. And still more or less nobody will take the necessary protective steps. So they will all 'get injured.'

So okay but how do 'we' get out of this?

I don't see a problem, do you? If you stay here and get the 'heads up' continuously beforehand, then what's your problem?

Get out of Singapore. How much more explicit than that? Those guys have no clue and no way of protecting anyone if things go wildly and 'unexpectedly' wrong.

At the same time, would you really want to be in the same place that Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev are hanging out, right next to the China guys and their sealed flasks of whatever is inside of there? Right next to the 'Five Eyes' and the ultra-moronic English spies that spill 'Novichok' even on their own clothes?

And where, by the way, do you suppose now, that they got that old Soviet-era rubbish from? D'you suppose?

...This kind of music is only for those with an ear already attuned to this stuff. This type of thing is called a trance anthem:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I didn't remove or delete any recent comments. Wasn't me!

    2. Well that's amusing. Here's how this worked on my end. I received email notification of your comment, but couldn't see it on reddit. Then after a while it was visible in the reddit thread. Now it is "gone" again.

    3. Although, Reddit is a very strange place. And I have been told that by the most utterly mainstream and pretty 'big-league' people too.

    4. It showed up again for a moment yesterday, but when I tried replying it said "the comment does not exist."

      Smells like a kind of "ad hoc" approach to software engineering, but what would I know.

    5. I'd like to hear more about these straw men.


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