Hold these words in mind now - 'Evil,' Immediate present reality, appearance, and existential power.
Of course the danger with these things is that as soon as someone gets wind of something that is genuinely and completely real, and works and has power for certain individuals, then, the poor innocents who are on the outside but in the vicinity of, get swiped at.
The Cathars were an exact example of this.
Ah, yer can't have that one either! Thank god. |
They had brought 'something,' no one knows really what in terms of mystical belief these days, but the main French Catholic leader (Philip II of the House of Capet) took an enormous aversion to those Catholics and Cathars who were influencing them in the South of France there and basically killed them all. By academic estimations anywhere between 200,000 people to as much as 1,000,000 possibly - were slaughtered over twenty years from 1209 to 1229.
Superficially, the story goes that it was the Pope in Rome who instigated the mass murders and no doubt he gave the official orders to carry out a 'crusade,' but behind it all we have to consider that the rival House to the apparent 'throne of France' (...although Phillip II was in fact the first ever to style himself 'King of France' as such) - the Angevins were located there and not far away and close to the Angevins was the House of Aragon. If the Cathars and the Southern French Catholics all swerved towards allegiance to the Angevins and Aragon, then Philip's hold on the throne was in trouble.
...But I don't want to waste too much time here going into all the history. I don't even want to delve deeply into whether or not the Cathars were some part of what is essentially the witch cult of the Magdalene. Suffice to say they came through the Byzantine world as merchants and traders and were heavily influenced by Arabic and Islamic scholars, of which there were still many in Spain and in the South of France by then, although the Hebrew Zohar had not yet formally been exposed in the Kingdom of Leon, which is in Northern Iberia, quite close by.
The question was raised, is remote viewing 'witchcraft?'
What I actually want to do here, is go directly to the power of 'something' - something you can really see, feel and touch and use.
And that makes it dangerous. Just remember that.
This is Maxim's 'Blue Room.' Except it isn't blue here of course. But trust me, that's just an optical illusion of lighting, because it is actually blue, light 'powder blue.' |
If we go back to the three-point filter of how to access or 'define' the numinous; the actual numinous experience, then it is this:
- Acknowledging the existential reality of a particular divine being;
- Experiencing the existential reality of that being;
- Experiencing and using the existential power of that being.
Without all of those things, then you are merely being involved in something deceitful and probably fake - although maybe one is just dabbling or being led by those who have insufficient knowledge.
Now one must understand that when the ancient Greeks talked about the 'death' of some god, they did not mean death like we use the term. A god who was killed - say, as in the situation of Uranus and Cronus - was removed from interacting in and with the Cosmos, and resided in a separate place for 'seven Eras.'
We should also understand from this that Uranus was not the whole cause of Creation as such, but only a key part of it; it was some very mysterious three other beings who made that.
These beings are weaving your immediate present reality, from knowledge of the Past, and the Forces striving to come into Being from the Future...
Unless that immediate present reality is in touch with the Past and the Future, it is Evil - because it has no concern for past wrongs, and no moral requirement to address them from the Future appearance of Justice, or a just outcome, a justified scene.
Again, don't worry about what other later writers claim, but stick to Hesiod and the Sibylline Oracles, because these are broadly-speaking correct. |
Same place, still not 'blue.' |
Jesus Christ is clearly addressing His Father - Uranus - in the Lord's Prayer; He says it explicitly. People try and work round it by implementing various phonemic variations of the word, but He is clearly saying 'Uranus.'
And this also clears up a relevant mystery about the perennial question of theodicy.
Because you see, Zeus 'handles' Cronus by truncating him into little segments, although he has not actually 'killed him,' and nor has he cast him down or out of rulership of the human world. For the human world was 'common to all...' And because Cronus could not go to Olympus, he was king here instead.
What that means is Cronus is 'separated' from Olympus, same as Ares also has become 'cast out' from there. If we take this even simply in a complex metaphorical sense, then it does make critical sense of certain important things.
Because now we are going to see the problem of evil, where it comes from and why it is not possible - as too many New Age people and others suggest - to just 'be One.' Even this abiding notion about 'forgiving one's enemies' is completely misrepresenting what is being said in ancient writings - even the Sanskrit ones; the Vedas, rather than just the Western Bible.
The way I am going to look at this is to give a practical example:
You can prove that 'the strength of your mind' and/or the focus of your will, alone - is not going to make 'unnatural' things happen.
Sure, women all claim to be able to 'hold' but why don't you try to employ the 'strength of your mind and the power of your focused will' the next time you need to go and *ss.
See what happens. This is magical thinking and it is stoopid.
Your brain and your natural mind has no power to do anything very much.
And that is because its job is to manage the physical senses in accordance with what they are themselves intended to function actually doing.
So unless you are able to access a totally different 'mind' and gain, as a friend here appositely said 'system root privileges,' then can do nothing 'supernatural.'
'Magical thinking' though, is not 'witchcraft.' Ah. Witchcraft is fantastical...
Magical thinking is false thinking. 'Fantasy' comes from a Greek word that means 'to appear.'
No, if something actually 'appears' then it is no longer false.
If it is simply 'imaginary' or an hallucination then it is not completely 'false' but it is still a much lesser 'reality' - it is something on a lesser level of reality than our immediate conscious sense of reality.
Uranus is the Ruling Light of the Cosmic Whole of Intelligible Reality.
There are some other identities who are the currents of your emotion and your life. So these are two - one is coming down from Above, while the other wells up in you from Below.
You are yourself someone with an individual personal intelligent consciousness.
You sense and you feel things.
Having a strong feeling to pee is an immediate, biologically mechanical/mechanistic process and the sense of it is locked in the visible and material organic present.
Having a strong feeling about some injustice is about the affairs and the trajectory of the past, meeting up in the existential present, being affected by the appearance of Justice in the Perfect Future. That is about the invisible past, and the invisible future...
You remote view through imagination. Or you can remote view through some process that accesses some different level, perhaps non human physical material, mind.
Or you can envisage matters from some peculiar idea that you have as to what even constitutes 'Justice' but sure as hell, many of you will feel things viscerally, inside your body with your actual material senses, organically, when you even merely hear about an Azov guy stabbing a knife into the eye and into the brain of some soldier, who then died.
Evil, is when someone is so cut off from the knowledge and the vision of a Future Perfect Justice, that they go to the Ukraine, like John McCain did, and foment some mass public action and emotional responses in the crowd, based on the need to grab some money now, and to have power over other human beings, disregarding that they have any right to the full truth and to broad knowledge.
When John McCain told the crowd in Maidan Square that - 'This is about you, it is only about you and what you want,' he was lying.
It was about stealing money from the US taxpayer, it was about keeping illegal biological weapons laboratories open there and not telling anyone, it was about installing nuclear weapons technology, and it was about procuring 'regime change' in Russia, fomenting trouble in order to 'justify' the existence of NATO and therewith have the participating countries pay America money to have NATO at all.-04.png) |
Human beings, and elves too - it is never what they are, but what they will be. |
A Perfect Vision of a Just Future is that Russia does its own thing, Ukraine its own thing, and neither of them are armed with nuclear weapons and neither has any desire or need to possess such things at all.
Well that's quite easy to achieve, but it depends on people having intellectual access to the Future, to the Conception of Justice For All as a vision. And this is a heavenly vision. But then, that's the point. Without that vision you become Evil. And then you have plenty of justifications, but never actual Justice.
Well hopefully so far, we have taken people into a perceptual existential acceptance of an invisible but powerful reality, namely, the warp and weft of the Past and the Future, into the Fabric of the Now. But not just any future - as an Evil personality like McCain or Fauci will propose namely, one that benefits them ahead of others - but one that is materially, existentially, actually and truly Just: where you stand on the podium not just Fauci or McCain, and you, say what you want.
And the other people actually hear you and listen to you.
Now if you imagine that we are all stuck in the Earth's reality, and deal only with 'visions' and imaginary concepts, and thoughts alone, and so that 'remote viewing' is the only thing and itself is some vague or pseudo-hallucinogenic procedural outcome that CIA people messing with LSD and other substances and techniques have decided is the real enough deal...
...and therefore it is what 'witchcraft' could be or is and was but was not yet explained as it is now by modern science - well then you are wrong.
I think I left enough out so that not too many people get into too much hot water with all of this.
There are great and treacherous, dangerous powers in this world. It is not safe here.
They have low key programs set up to find potential remote viewers and other paranormal capable people in school right before their teen years.
ReplyDeleteYes they sure do. When my father was DG of the Department of Education of a certain British Commonwealth country, they actively had arrangements to source kids from as early as junior school both for natural intelligence and such potential skill-sets - it was both the US AND UK academia who both engaged in such covert things. As you all probably know, Julian Assange was one of those kids; he came out of such a program. So, this has been going on for a very long time since after WWII. It is, as I understand it too, a current, operational program inside of some official 'compartment' or other right now with at least three dedicated whole live-in campus-like facilities, one in Virginia and at least one in California.
DeleteEver read "Teleportation Physics Study" authored by Dr. Eric Davis for the U.S. Air Force? He claims that according to U.S. intelligence agencies, Chinese intelligence agencies have identified, from amongst their billion citizens, kids who can mentally teleport small objects in a laboratory setting.
DeleteThat the commies have been studying paranormal phenomena has been no secret since the publication of Ostrander and Schroter's "Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain" in the 70s, but this takes it to a whole new level.
I remember reading early Marvel S.H.I.E.L.D stories about "Operation Brain Blast," in which the Agency had a remote viewing/ESP division. And the 1978 film, "The Fury," pretty much mimics what Anonymous posted.
ReplyDeleteSo, it seems we've been conditioned to accept the possibility of the existence of government programs that may be messing with The Force - so to speak.
Maybe there is some aspect of 'conditioning' the general public, but certainly, there are active programs which 100% do 'photographic interpretation' (map readings of new constructions, troop movements, that kind of thing) on a pseudo-psychic basis, using very young children. You can take that to the bank. That exists. 'The Force?' Messing with 'The Force?' Nah, surely not. LOL ...Like, we've never seen any large-scale Satanic rituals anywhere, right? Not in those Swiss tunnels, out in LA with Hillary and the literally Satanic rituals out in public, in stadiums. Frankly, I think it's slightly troubling how similar the Vegas sniper shooting into the crowd was to the Maidan Square sniper shootings. You wouldn't think these things were attempts at 'using the Force' but then, it depends on how these people understand 'the Force,' or how you might be able to mold flows of the present into the actual future. Bottom line? Yeah they're doing it. 'They.' WPP are a gigantic marketing company, the world's biggest advertising buyers, the world's biggest marketing consultancy. They run all the governments of the world. 'They.' And if you ever found one of the people at the top you would have no doubt about what kinds of people they are. Victoria Nuland is such an ego-centric, self-involved and mediocre fool, that she cannot even tell who pulls her strings. But trust me, none of you guys would fall for the seductions they lay out - I HAVE to say something about this now. They most shocking thing to them (the 'they') is when you turn them down because you tell them to their faces that their 'offerings' are ridiculous and pathetic. One professor said to me, quite shocked 'but, but, this is SAVILE ROW!' I said, 'ya think?' Where's my pattern that they had there since I was ten and sued for my livery - and got it.' Second-rate would be a generous compliment. The HO is in London. Satanism is there in spades.