So, our friend Heinrich Himmler, right...
That's this guy the Fahnenjunker auf der Bundeswehr, und Reichsfuhrer auf der Nazi SS.
Fun and games youngster.
That's it.
1900 - 1945.
Bit down on a cyanide pill and died. And that was the end of the fun and games.
Well anyway, long before he suicided, and when the fun and games were only really just beginning to get into full swing, he compiled this work on the treatment of people who lived their traditional cultures, and specifically, he went looking into how the English had been treating witches.
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Red, and velvet - very favorite colors and substances of witches. This is PureDistance 'Rubikona.' |
This compilation of records and accounts was called 'Die Hexenkartothek' aka the 'investigation into witch trials' - with a view to establishing that the Catholic Church vos zeeking to eliminate the German heritage und zpezifikally Aryan womanhood.
Vich it prolly vos.
Today's conception of even what a witch is, is riddled with a whole bunch of historical documents and writings all blended up into a nice little gluten-free syrup via the wonder-workings of Hollywood screen-writers.
Julius Caesar, whose accounts of various peoples and places I have a completely high regard for, observed that the English druids seemed to follow a practice whereby after a while, they required the sacrificial death of the chief druid, and his secretaries wrote quite a bit on the Gallic and English druids. There is a lot of connection between British Isles traditional stories and French ones. In fact, Merlin is supposed to be 'buried' in the Broceliande Forest aka the Paimpont Forest in Brittany.
Ah. Now. Here we come into the mischief of mixed up pop cultural ideas.
Because for one thing, 'Merlin the magician,' was not a magician, but a witch.
There are very few witches, even in popular culture that you know about.
What you know about - that is, if you are not already especially learned in this area - are names and figures and identities and stories and so on, that involve weird and mysterious things and that have been caught up in a coverall and usually false nomenclature of 'witch' and of 'witchcraft.'
The whole story about 'covens' is nonsense.
What you should understand about what you have heard, is that - everything is right, and everything is wrong.
Yes the terms you have heard and been told about are mostly all correct, but no, they are not about what you have been told they are about.
I mean, let's step away though, from all of this modern Wicca stuff; that is not what I am talking about.
I am talking about a 'witch.'
An actual witch. Not a pretend one. Or a made up one.
Some wags on Quora rightly pose the question, look, if witches are not humans, then just looking at their DNA would prove it but no one has ever been able to show that!
But witches are not humans. They are cambions.
And this means they move between - like a cam-shaft - the world we see and know, and another one in which you require to have a totally different type of material body to even exist there.
Witches will consistently have one or both natural human parents missing and they cannot die - and so, they do not actually 'reproduce' like humans and they seldom are married therefore. That is to say they cannot and do not proceed along this usual way that all humans go, of having children and passing on their estates when they expire and their souls being extracted or 'disappeared' and lost or evaporated or thrown back into a blender or whatever the Jewish mystical scholars prognosticate.
Here we can meet another matter, the reason why the Greek gods generally really disliked the kind of sorcery that involved the killing of living things (fauxi; harvesting their blood with a sickle), in order to take their disturbed or confused souls and cause them to inhabit unsuspecting humans for some purpose.
We actually see an example of it in the Gospel account of the herd of pigs. You see, this is the 'closing' of an earlier story: the person possessed by a whole lot of demons, well, had to have had those 'demons' come from somewhere beforehand, and that would likely have been from satanic magic or black magic ritual slaughtered pigs; which is why Jesus sent them back into where they were more appropriately 'housed,' which was in the herd of pigs round there, who then cast themselves into the sea in order to 're-boot' the en-souling of a bunch of materially existing, living pigs so that each individual little piggy had the right level of piggy 'soul' going on with it.
And this is not to confuse 'spirit' with 'soul' here. We're still talking a whole complete 'structure' and not some power capacity.
So why did the churches and the state around Europe and in America pursue 'witches' and kill them or torture them?
Well obviously, and we all can acknowledge this, this was a 'brand battle' between systems of beliefs and rituals.
See but it's 'only' about beliefs, not about science - as in, real knowledge.
There are three levels of knowledge about numinous things, or you could say, numinous 'realities:'
1. acknowledging the existential reality of something, or some one, a god;
2. experiencing the existential presence of that thing, or that being;
3. the real existential power, of that being or thing or person.
A: Jesus is God;
Experience His real presence in the bread and the wine;
? (Churches - Believe and follow, or else I will kill you).
B. Allah is God;
Experience the Holy Quran of Allah;
? (Jihadis - Believe or else I will kill you).
Even C. JVHV is God;
Experience 'the Glory' as it passes by and burns fire on the mountain;
? (Take you wandering lost through a desert 40 years, feed you snakes, kill you).
A 'witch' by actual definition is a supernatural being. And I have said they are not humans at all, but some other species.
However that also means one has to feed them through the 3-point filter as above. And this is rare in historical narratives, actually.
You see (and I'm sure you completely do see!), if it were really true that some 'witch hunter' had even captured a real genuine witch, then they would have to explain how come they had power over that witch so that they could capture it and hold it.
This was easy of course, because, as with any 'false flag' or straw man or 'false positive' you can say just about anything about it and your power over it since the thing is, well, false and not the real thing to begin with, with any powers or characteristics.
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Ah. Tea. |
You could produce a cure for a disease, for instance, and if the disease were not real in the first place, well, who could say you were wrong about your cure?
Mullah Nasruddin already demonstrated this, with his experiment of the bread crumbs and the suburban garden tigers. Bread crumbs scare away tigers. This is a scientific fact. I heard it myself from Richard Dawkins. Who confirmed the Arab's earlier experimentation.
From this we can see that sc-ience, is so true...
Whereas witches do not exist.
And Quora says so.
The mixing up of druids and magicians and sorcerers - especially with shamanic individuals, gives us today's wrong ideas about who and what witches are and what their rituals and practices are.
'Coven' simply means 'meeting' it doesn't imply an on-going group of people.
Shakespeare gets it right here with his Scottish play rendering, and he even gets the numbers right:
"When shall we three meet again?
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?"
Act 1, Scene 1. That play. That one.
The main reason for 'witch hunts' simply has to be the contest for brand supremacy.
'A' reason could be, or might be, because someone in power wanted to head off another person who had the power to harm them from a distance, unseen, and unobserved; in the shadows. But presuming the worried person was not in fact, crazy, then this would equivalently presume that such persons - as in say, them being real witches - actually possessed such powers. Which they do not, because in first place science and Quora say that no such people even exist.
As a human, you want to get together with some other person, start a family, and leave a thriving estate.
When two humans get together, what you will find is that they nod in agreement with each other if they want to get on, or they fight and argue if they couldn't care less.
Neither party is preparing concerning what it is they are going to proffer to the other party, so that the discussions are over new and very well-considered things, with the prospect of further active thinking and objective debate...
Those whose occupation it is, to conduct such deep inquiries and carry out the subsequent formulations of positions, do not take kindly to the presence nearby of time-wasters or those unable to add positively and beneficially to the demanding efforts.
Can a human being become a witch?
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My grandfather's sisters actually owned this place, before WWII. This actual place. |
If they physically went through some changes then yes.
Human children go to schools, where they are obliged to 'learn' either social compliancy or some kinds of 'science' nonsense, which is simply the current standing of particular knowledge at the given time. But then after that bout of 'learning' they get together, generally in intimate pairs, and nod in absolute and total superficial agreement, neither one caring about whether a thing is really true or not, so long as they get from the other what they want.
So humans never attain 'Wisdom.' Consequently they can never be 'witches' - who are wise individuals. Human children start off with the potential for Wisdom, and when that potential is very high in them, they can become 'swapped' as into one of these so-called changelings: cambions.
These phrases like 'drawing down the Moon,' these are all true but you will not ever see their proper explanation anywhere.
Good stuff, Calvin.
ReplyDeleteEah. Thanks. Cool.
DeleteThat whole occult thing that the Germans were apparently obsessed with - y'know, the rituals at Wewelsburg Castle, and the search for magical artifacts (portrayed via the popularized depiction of "Raiders of the Lost Ark") - did it have any basis in *fact*, as a way to *make things happen* (i e., in the manner of "The Men Who Stared at Goats"?)
ReplyDeleteJust wondering...
Well, I think underlying a lot of official, state-authorized 'histories' and 'witch hunts' (the real ones, and the laws that had been in place in most parts of the world until not that long ago - even now some of those laws have merely morphed into legalistic phraseology such as 'so as not to give undue fright') is a persisting 'rumor' coming from somewhere that these things are real.
ReplyDeleteI mean of course they are real. That's the whole point of this Blog for chrissakes! LOL But we will never break out into anything like a mass social consciousness, for one thing, and secondly, even at this rate it is impossible, has become 'complicated' to say too much very openly.
If you go to the above article and the 'three point' thing there - all you have to do is fulfill each point truly, with complete self-honesty, and Shazam! - 'stuff works for real.' Easy to say though, not so easy to accomplish. And that's the whole other point of this Blog.
And it is 100% NOT about 'belief' or someone's 'strength of focus/belief...' LOL Sure powerful beliefs develop certain effects but they cannot move mountains. Not just like so.
ReplyDeleteOne tremendous issue with this is if ordinary people outside of the deeper system and knowledge become either caught up in it or recognize and realize who and/or what is aiding them, then the Borg go after the little people; those poor totally innocent ordinary people - but who in the first place, are not actually committed to one side or the other. They'd shop you as soon as look at you if they REALLY knew, and you denied to them something they wanted on a whim. You had good reasons to deny it and they were not interested to understand...
ReplyDeleteWould "remote viewers" be considered witches?
ReplyDeleteWe deal with this in the next up article! Amazing you were onto this. ...It's complicated; as usual! lol What else?