So I got gang-stalked on a sub-reddit last week, when I posed a simple question about ET Aliens, which was simply 'why are they being so secretive?'
The exact same mob who carry on about there being no evidence at all for the existence of Extraterrestrial beings - suddenly showed up yelling that I was completely wrong, and that they 'appeared' to many people and therefore they were not being secretive at all.
And so of course I followed up with 'well, how, exactly do they appear - was it in ways that y'all can stick in your lab rat test-tubes and adjudicate upon?' I never even said 'you know, like Mr Fauci does - maybe, stick their heads out for sand flies to eat.'
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A very nice, futuristic idea - but what are the people doing inside there? ...That is productive and beneficial, and maybe even, makes money? |
Oh man, the fits of screaming after that...
I actually did the whole thing on purpose anyway, to flush out as many 'burner accounts' as possible just for that particular moment, because you probably are all aware that Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon joined Avi Loeb's 'Project Galileo' as research associates - and I wanted to draw fire right at that very moment that they made the announcement.
It worked too.
The whole matter dovetails back into something that is really a core understanding in the ancient Sanskrit Vedas.
And this is that 'Indra' the putative 'ruler' of the human world 'plane,' as they term it - cannot follow Krishna to where Krishna actually resides most of the time, because Indra is ignorant, whereas Krishna possesses absolute 'omniscience.'
Yet in all, Indra is nonetheless the substantive ruler here because his tactic is to keep humans in the continuous state of relative ignorance - which they all, or mostly all, easily fall into being, and preferring to be in the state of.
The 'thought experiment' issue, is quite simple: if everyone possesses such a large amount of accurate and correct knowledge that they are in alignment with absolute omniscience, then it would not be possible to have any kind of material hierarchy among them, in which some ruled and others were ruled over.
Now the particular matter in terms of where we are at today, in our world, is that if actual, real ET Aliens are more knowledgeable than humans, well, exactly how much more knowledgeable, if not basically intelligent, than humans are they?
Do they simply 'have a lot more knowledge,' only - or are they indeed approaching the 'omniscience' label...?
See the problem with 'Indra,' or an 'Indra-type' personality, genuinely equitably interacting with any tremendously superior advanced other beings whose 'knowledge level' was very close to actual omniscience - is that then he would immediately lose all his power and his position.
The whole undercurrent of 'official' Disclosure has for a very long time, been stilted over to this idea that religions, and people's religious beliefs and faiths, would be catastrophically upset were it to be clearly established that there were ET Alien beings around the place.
This is patent rubbish.
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This kind of 'mindset,' that wants to dominate and to rule you, cannot follow through a glass maze... |
It's only some levels of politics, some politicians, a lot of top-tier bankers and financial institutions, legal practices and concepts of 'justice,' ethics and morality - that would be affected.
Nobody could care less about what other people 'believed;' belief has always been treated as a private matter - someone's personal prerogative. And where there are 'state religions' it's always the case that the state has already politicized religion there.
Over coming months, and not long from now you will find - government-backed organizations will openly declare that they have actual knowledge and proof and evidence of ET Aliens visiting here.
But then, what they will do, is rapidly manufacture whole narratives about who they are, what they are, even potentially where in various galaxies they come from. And it will all be absolute rubbish and a fraud designed to keep you ignorant and in perpetual ignorance.
They cannot afford, to let you have real access at all, to actual real ET Aliens. Because for one thing, they do not have access...
And if and/or when you have access, you will be more powerful than they are, and than they have been.
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Cannot... ...follow you. |
And so, the strategy that you need - must - employ - to engage with any real ET Aliens, is to deceive anyone who is 'trying to find out what you are up to,' for the malevolent reasons that they have. Which are, specifically, to prevent you from gaining access to such immense knowledge in the first place, but also to keep you in a state of relative ignorance even from the perspective of natural knowledge here on this planet at this time.
This is why, those of you who are adopting various versions of the Steven Greer CE5 thing, are not able to actually 'see,' any of this 'light' - this, 'intelligent light' - that he talks about, when you implement his protocols. He has some of the main ideas very correct, but all you will end up doing is building an intellectual structure, with no 'power' in it; nothing actually flowing, or running, through it. And that's where people can tend to 'imagine,' or make up stuff to satisfy their desires to 'have an experience.'
For example - you go outside, play your laser beam up into the night sky, and then... ...only darkness. But then you see some cloud shapes forming and this will be 'a sign.' Well, it may be, but it is not what you really were after.
You want an ET Alien, standing in front of you right there, taking off their large almond-shaped eye coverings, and showing you their eyes.
But if they did that, some of your would faint on the spot!
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No reason! |
They have eyes, but so too do they also have lights in there. Instead of 'eyes' which spend too much time processing information from vision, and are part of your clunky 'brain processing' system which spends not only too much time in core linear processing, but it also interjects false narratives into your 'thinking' stopping you and blocking you from 'instantaneous recognition.'
It is the same 'lights' or light, that you want installed in place of your eyes; and your eyeballs. But you will never get that 'light' unless you literally have agency with it... : )
And that light is not anywhere here to be found.
As far as you know.
However, what does it do and what is it generally called, in the ancient Sanskrit Vedas?
D'you wanna know?
Because one of its 'effects' is - 'non-hindrance.' And that means you can get anything you want.
But you know already, right?
Don't you? Who is going to volunteer the answer?
"Why do we put boundaries on ourselves? It's time to break free and experience the unknown... It's time to take the plunge..."