Never a more slandered race of beings has there ever been - than the Djinn.
Here we are in 2021, and still we have fishing village charlatans, masquerading as scholars, trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the ignorant, and quoting to them ayat ul-kursi as the primary means to subdue the Djinn.
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'Orbital' calculations of Al-Kindi. |
What's worse is you will find the same stupid nonsense from actual modern-day 'scholars' from Al Azhar University. And then of course, their 'credentials' lead people astray and into believing them, foolishly.
But if you consult even the most popular of Arabic folkloric written books - for example Alf Layla wa Layla - where will you find in it Genies who do not preserve the name of God, and fail to observe the obligatory salutes between believers? Nowhere.
And this is the culture from which only the greatest modern studies on the the scientific method (EG Ibn Khaldun - pioneer in sociological statistics and epidemiology; Al-Kindi - great pioneer in Optics; many many others), and early Physics and advanced Mathematics, has been produced...
What is really being referred to by these modern-day fraudsters, is the pathology of psychological conditions related to the releasing in some people of dark forces from their deep subconscious. This is not 'the Djinn!'
One of the great modern fragrance reviewers, a gentleman now resident in Bangladesh - Joy Amin - recently said in one of the videos, that he didn't want people in the comments talking about politics, religion or any risky subjects because these things were not in keeping with the cultural norms there, even though he admitted such things are very different elsewhere around the world, not always to anyone's benefit though. ...And that is certainly true enough, in my estimation.
And he wanted to talk about cricket and how that brought people together even though there was intense sporting rivalry entailed.
So I could not restrain myself to rush to the comments section and quickly post 'Imran Khan - is it okay to post that though?'' And he (Joy Amin) said: 'Why wouldn't it be? What do you mean?'
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The 'Lion of Lahore' (no, it is not Shaykh Yasir al Hanafi of Bradford Masaajid... ...Imran Khan. |
And I replied: 'Sorry, but I could not help myself. There is politics, sex and religion all together in just two words...'
And he 'lol'ed.'
Imran Khan, of course, back in the day, had a tremendous reputation as a gentleman of manners and breeding down here in Australia, even though he had literally the largest numbers of girls and women all going to his hotel and basically acting like rock chick groupies.
I met him briefly once on account that my business partner at the time was very well well-connected in professional sports here in Australia, and we were invited to the CIA outpost hotel here, back then known as 'the Sheraton' to have drinks with Khan.
I did not mention to anyone prior to then, that my uncle went to school with the Nizam of Hyderabad and was one of his best friends and hockey and cricketing colleagues, and when Nizam (H.E.H. Prince Mukarram Jah) came up to me and chatted away I basically had to tell my business partners including the Arthur Andersen accounting firm client manager who worked on our public company's account - what the whole thing was about.
Nizam, of course, was more keen on the great Dennis Lillee as a cricketer and he was very close friends with Dennis, another identity whom I do have a nodding acquaintance with, although my late main business partner was very well-known to him.
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H.E.H. Prince Mukarram Jah, the Nizam of Hyderabad. Sporting his 'Dennis Lillee' moustache. |
...So anyway, here we all were having drinks in the CIA's hotel, and I can attest that neither Imran Khan nor Prince Mukarram Jah had any alcohol at that time. Who was to know back then that Imran Khan would later become the Prime Minister of Pakistan?
If you want to know about the Djinn, you need to read Al-Kindi not watch YT videos from Mohammed Hijab!
According to Islamic sources, Djinn are made from 'smokeless fire;' if that, then they are energetic beings; and if that, then they have frequency; and if that, then you need to know about the science of Optics. And if that, then you need to read Al-Kindi.
And yes you can see them...
For sure you can see them.
But of course mostly you cannot see them.
But they are there, watching, and they have prodigious memories.
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'Demon' Dennis Lillee. |
Would CIA still retain covert audio and vision recordings of those evenings with Imran Khan at the Sheraton Hotel?
Well, yes. Yes they would. ...You would certainly think.
Or else they would have to rely on people such as myself who were actually there and knew what was said, and what the general tone of conversation was, and what the apparent ideas and beliefs of Khan and his entourage were. ...What his body language was like. All that kind of thing.
Of course, human memory is friable. And human judgment is far from completely sound.
But human endeavor and the desire to do good is not negotiable.
Around the world today, there are many young children with Autism. We are supporting the Autism cause, and as you can see in the above links, part-proceeds of our 'Digital Dirhams' NFT's go to an Autism 'Safe Drone Flying Awareness' project that begins youth on the path of partnered-employment in technology, or going on to 'sensory-issue catered' University courses at Edith Cowan University here in Western Australia.