So this 'former CIA official' was in the media just a minute ago, saying that the idea of a China Study Center will foster 'group think.'
Yeah? Well, what's wrong with group think? As long it is not group sick think.
The announcement of an actual 'China Study Center' is a statement that the US government will now have an open public access-media(!) focal-point from which it will launch deliberate counter-propaganda, against the prevailing, and fairly long-term China propaganda kinetics.
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'Elijah, what are you doing here?' 'Never mind what I'm doing here - who TH are you and what are you doing here?!' |
It is not as if 'suddenly,' they came up with the idea of a 'China Study' group.
The sure signs of an approaching war are organised systematic national propaganda efforts, and governments messing around with maps - I'm not saying that was what the US sub ran into, some 'unmapped' oil rig, because I do think it was fired upon with an unarmed torpedo.
When it comes to modern ideas about how people think at all, and how they have 'opinions' (because of course, as you know, only sci-entists, and global man-made climate change experts know Truth, and possess 'real' facts...) - the internal machinery of all of these government-sponsored propaganda groups is interesting to me.
The 'theory of mind' itself is pretty interesting and entertaining.
Now it wouldn't matter, shouldn't even matter, to most of you whether what I'm about to say next is true or not true...
...but I am not in that group of souls who looks up at the night skies, plays LED (or gosh, even actual expensive real laser beams) lights up into there, holds hands with other people, 'thinks' about how peaceful our intentions are, and then has imaginary encounters with invisible 'beings' or 'presences.'
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Louis Vuitton. LOL. Imagine wearing a stoopid thing like that in the city streets! Not. Never would happen - not unless you're very brave. |
I actually get a little note on my desk, which is an invitation almost always, to a brand-name fashion show or something very similar, and then I turn up to it at the correct designated time and place, and there will always be someone to meet with me.
There's no point sending such notes to labs to find out how they were made or where they really came from - because they are all actual 'invitations' from large-scale commercial businesses. It's just that I'm not formally on anyone's 'special invite guest list!'
The funniest thing was this one time, in a fairly large semi-government organisation, a middle-rank manager 'left' after having been there a few months (after the job was done) - and then no one could find the employment records and they couldn't even find if such a person really existed, for real. They all knew the person - had been working with them for months.
Anyway, anyway. It is important at this stage for us, sorry me, me - to drop off as many people from reading here as are going to say, 'aaargh this guy is just crazy, let's all go home.'
As for the rest of you mutually-crazy people, I do not 'see' ET Alien 'ghosts.' I do not have 'visions' about them or about anything else (I do have nightmares about that other 'crazy' - Uncle Xi).
For, in fact, no no - we get to have actual 'meet ups' in person.
And I have a ton of questions, but I keep them all in the back of my head nowadays.
They clam up all of a sudden if you ask something they don't want to tell you about.
For example, just yesterday, I was at a Louis Vuitton thing in the local city here. And I was walking outside of the place I was supposed to be going into. And there was 'so-and-so' right out the front there, waiting. Six foot tall at least. So taller, you see, if they are wearing designer high heels.
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I never noticed the side of this building before... |
Ordinary dark blue jeans, decent expensive office-workers day blouse. Ah, but you know, it will not take you long to realize and recognize -, this ain't no 'human human kind of being.' Looks human - except not if you actually look hard.
But people don't look.
Me neither.
So she says hardly anything and nods upwards and looks at the side of this building, see.
Now I have worked in this street - Mill Street, Perth, Western Australia. I almost leased an office in one of the really good new buildings there one time. I definitely answered to people literally exactly across both roads (it's a corner building, the one I'm looking up at the side wall of, now...) in big-time government offices there.
For all of the decades I have lived off and on in this city, I never not one single time consciously registered that the side wall of this building I am looking at now - was not flat.
Well but I have to admit these people really are very good-looking and it's quite fascinating to just stare at them - unless that means they are going steal the food off your plate at the Belgian Beer place; that's not so great. Especially if it happened to be really good food, which it mostly always is there; really good.
Anyway I was about to just stare while asking 'yeah okay I never saw that before, that's amazing that I never noticed that - what about it, though?'
And they just nod and say nothing and head off into the 'show' and I go there too, and there is an actual small queue at the entrance to check your invitation and they get to walk around the queue, right through and then... ...gone.
Was a good show, too.
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Empty Paris streets, after the rain. |
You can be as smart as all get out. But it's many many times all about the assigning of importance and value to particular things - that allows your brain to notice, to genuinely observe everything that is staring back at you, there on the page, 'in the picture' as it were.
I realized from a very early age, literally as a child growing up in a tropical rain-forest jungle, that at night, in the dark there were countless eyes on you: beetles, other insects, geckos, owls, lots of night things. And in the day, if you were walking inside the jungle itself, there were hidden eyes in the growth, in the vegetation, up in the trees and between the vines, on the vines, too.
Some of those 'eyes' were your friends, and some were potentially not your friends.
In much of the modern literature they always say 'and such people ascribe to various coincident and not connected things, causal meaning to certain particular events or effects.'
And that may be true, too.
There is a kind of an 'architectural affectation' on the side wall of that building that I only just yesterday noticed. All the way down from the top right to the bottom - a large inward scooped panel section.
I have absolutely no idea what 'special meaning' there is at all, either to it itself, or to my having only just then noticed it after having walked past it for decades.
...All the people are walking around in the city streets.
Some of them may have noticed and been completely aware of that architectural affectation on the side of that building. I certainly was not. And I'm a very observant individual.
But for me now, it gets to a point where I admit, we are blind as bats. We are walking around seeing absolutely nothing. Because what we 'see' is centered around what we pretend is important.
Because we carry in our heads, points of attention; things that require our attention.
'I have to go pay this bill.'
'I have to go fulfill this obligation to this person.'
'I have to go eat.'
Okay, okay, no wait on that last thing - I want to go eat some nice stuff.
One day, very soon, I know that I will be pointing out, right in here something: 'Hey, did you notice this?'
And those who are still here will say to yourselves, 'Oh dear. Now what??! Now that that is real...'
Don't worry. At that time you too will - and some of you may already have - 'invitations.'
I'm actually not really the best guy to be getting those things anyway. I only ever have one type of 'question' that I want to ask.
I mean how they get here doesn't mean anything to me. What science and technology they have to share is of exactly no interest to me at all!
And the question?
'Are you susceptible to alcohol and do you want this thing shaken or stirred?'
Except I already know the answers to that and they know I know.
'They.' Right? These are the invisible things that no one else sees, apparently, and that I must be imagining or hallucinating.
It's actually quite wonderful that some you are still prepared to believe that foolishness.
Here we are, literally hidden in plain open sight. To all.
You ('you') fancy that you are sailing around, above the water, deep below the water, at least through the water, and you know everything that is there around you...
I can only laugh.
And then one day you hit something, that you never thought was there. Your problem, not mine.
The real question is this: what makes Elijah so sure he knows who he is talking to?
And if you get that, my friends, you get 'the all!' Go to work, Bud Fox.
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