So in the pop 'access media' versions - in all of the big publications - the thing is characterized as 'laser technology.' It's been around in the public media for a few years now.
In fact it is actually computerized analyzing technology and some very good quality optical equipment to go with that.
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Wow. So amazing. 'Jetson' lasers. That is literally what they are actually called. |
What the Pentagon intends to do with system is for it to be able to detect and identify specific people from their 'heart signatures.'
Oh yes, everyone has an exact specific and individual 'heart signature' that is able to identify them and distinguish them from other people.
This is all just one part of the vast array of biometrics that is now available to governments to do, well, god-only-knows what with.
In fact though, laser vibrometrics (which is functionally how the thing actually works) has been around for forty years at least.
It was really the main way people were able to 'listen in' to conversations inside of rooms that had been totally swept for electronic listening devices and for a while at least, some governments were at a loss to understand how they were being listened to, during those occasions when they though they were having 'fully secure, top secret private internal conversations.'
...They'd stick an inconspicuous tiny laser dot onto some surface which vibrated microscopically each time there was any kind of voice speaking. In fact it actually got even more clever than that and human vision was not able to pick up the dot that was there because it came on and off faster than 12 times a second. And then the signal would require a little bit of 'gap processing' but it completely worked.
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This woman, had nowhere to go, so she dressed up, with some degree of novelty, and then there were people who wanted to take her here and there. Men cannot do this kind of thing. |
The trouble though, with human beings, is that they are mostly all children. In their minds, intellectually they are completely naive and immature.
Naive, as one of us here recently reminded himself, after a too rapid go at some aged Scotch, means when you play with fire.
That's right, isn't it Smithy?
...I know what you want though.
You want 'something for adults...'
I mean it really is time for you to be treated like an adult now.
There's been a lot of water under the bridge.
Poor Moses. There he was, traipsing around the desert for forty years. Never even got to 'the Promise Land' himself.
Why is his 'God' so callous though? So callous to poor old Moses and his people. 'Because He knew the thoughts of men's hearts.'
Yeah. So what, Pentagon can too now.
Xi Jinping can too as well.
And they're all of them looking for some more 'land.' In their minds it is certainly 'Promised' land too... 'I want I want I want I want.'
Sounds like the wives and girlfriends of some people I know.
Women mostly grow to be worse children than when they were children, unfortunately, because neither their fathers nor their mothers know anything about mature life themselves and convey nothing to their daughters, and in any event it seems the parents appear to be - what? I dunno, are the parents jealous, d'you think, of youth? Because they certainly fail to hand on anything much in that regard to the daughters especially.
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Harry Caul is a bit paranoid, because he thinks women don't like him. |
And to the sons even less generally, other than some particularly 'blind-alleyway' advice about nonsensical materialistic 'realism:' work hard, and you will be well-off...
None of them (I mean governments) ever asks - 'How do you feel?' And none of them says - 'Can I give you something that will make you genuinely feel a lot better?'
And that is, my friend - both the boys and girls out there who rather foolishly stop by here occasionally - because they do not actually have 'it' to give. That is, they cannot give you what will make you feel better, because they do not have such a thing.
They have plenty of things that will cheat your feelings and make it seem like it was better for a little while, and then, soon enough, you wake up one day and go: 'Hey, they cheated me. Again!'
There is a source though, of this rare and elusive thing.
You have it.
But you cannot use it for yourself. You can only use it for other people.
; )
Mind you, better you quickly implement that as an 'action plan' - a thing to do on your really important 'to do' list.
Because those 'people' who can walk through walls (Pentagon can't do this yet), are not going to 'take anyone out' for you just as an earnesty (didn't know there was such a word, did you, Microsoft; well there is - it means a small payment up front to a good student just starting out on a long journey to amass a ton of powerful knowledge).
...But they are going to take some people out, and pretty brutally too.
Actually I know it's not so easy to just say to someone, anyone, some composition of words that really all add up to your surreptitiously plumbing them about how they feel, what they really feel about things, any things, everything.
Because of course people lie, anyway. I know that.
And you know that.
The human race has barely just woken up yet, much less grown up.
It has not yet realized the power of its mind. People generally speaking are not really in touch with the intrinsic systems that are in there.
Sure you have all of the typical commercial ventures and heavily marketed people like Tony Robbins and all of these 'financial gurus' and so on.
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For Mr Bond James Bond. LOL No reason why not Harry Caul either. |
How many opportunities did you miss in your life till now because it seemed as if you were not given enough information before you started, the opportunity was so slim and it came and went in a split second, and there did not seem to be anything to throw your rope onto to get a 'hold' of the situation. It was there and then it was gone.
So suddenly.
Every man in the field though is trained to already know this: ...And you told me this yourself Smithy, isn't that right - 'not enough information to begin with, not enough support, information you had turns out to be bad information anyway, and the back-up never came on time or never even arrived at all!'
Well it's time to turn all of that around.
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