Bill Smith and I and another person, one of the Russian translators/embassy interpreters were talking about it this week.
The Russian people in this group particularly are highly-trained cryptographic specialists and cryptographers themselves. And they are by training simply amazing with their span of knowledge of many cultures - virtually it is a 'global reach' knowledge, and at quite some depth. They know about language, ancient languages, etymology, history... ...all kinds of related matters at academic levels.
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When you have so much money that you can live in a futuristic world with no poor people... |
So I stupidly asked on the strength of a number of currently on-going matters: 'How did Elijah know the voice he heard in the cave was 'God' speaking to him?' And 'would you guys have been able to interpret it...?' (Nyuck nyuck).
Additionally, is there anything in the text itself which indicates he had any reason to suppose that it was or would have been (God speaking; softly). In other words, was he expecting something?
There is nothing in the text that I can find.
William Shatner goes up past the Karman line and he says to Jeff Bezos on landing back on Earth safely, that the one thing that really struck him, was how they 'broke out' through the 'soft blue blanket' of Earth atmosphere, and were beginning to enter the utter blackness of open 'space.' He characterized the blackness of space by posing a seemingly rhetorical question: 'Is this Death?'
The final part of the early narrative accounts of Elijah in the Old Testament, consists of some 'lead-in' words like this - and it came to pass, when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind...
And it goes on to say in there that several people knew this was to happen on a specific occasion.
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If you are a cat, you can get to see the king. Stone sees the Pope (is John Malkovich, btw). |
'Would take up' has an unfortunate ambiguity of meaning though: IE 'has been taking up already for a while; takes him up all the time (would do it; He would do it, He does it - He would do it habitually, regularly).
Although it seems to really have the meaning in there of something about to happen.
It doesn't matter.
What matters is that we are not told how a few people, including Elijah himself, seem convinced such a thing is about to happen at all - there is no paragraph: 'And God told Elijah, I am going to take you somewhere in the skies on such-and-such a date.'
So what I'm saying is that the textual accounts are missing key explanations in several places.
Now if we whip right up to 'Revelation' to the famous/infamous 'and it causes them all to have a mark on their right hands and on their foreheads without which they cannot buy or sell...'
Well there are two huge problems with that. One is that the translation is not grammatical if you go by the original language because there is no 'foreheads' plural in there, and two, that if you take my rendering of what it says, then you will see that once again, there must be things missing, left out - which the writer either thinks people should know about (unusual, for the Bible though, to do that kind of thing - it usually laboriously explains everything!), or which have been deliberately left out by people composing the thing in its present-day published forms.
The word metopon cannot, and does not, mean 'forehead.' It's a composite word structure made up from 'meta' and 'ops.'
The word can only mean beyond or above, the two lenses; we only have two lenses.
So what sense does that even make to anyone?
Especially, if... ...well, let's read it in my rendering; and don't forget, I am ethnically part-Greek from a high Greek speaking part of the region. This is not 'Greek Greek,' and this is not even so-called 'court Greek,' this is the same thing that the Sub-Continent people have, which is, 'devanagri' - in its proper ancient meaning: language of the devas. This is something called 'Katheravousa.'
This is what it says in Rev. 13:16/17.
'They do not have power to gain consent among groups (of people; in social groups, or in society), because they block their right eye with their hand and thus see only sinister motives in others, and are unable to use their inner vision (or, have empathy).'
So William Shatner goes up more or less into space, and he says it looks like death up there. And it looks like life back down here. And he talks about the fragility of life here and so on.
But now Elijah is going to heaven, right - he is going to real life, not to death, although he's not going to be here then. In fact, where the text is very clear is that indeed, he is not dead; he is coming back.
But if he went to space, where it looks like there is nothing there, according to Shatner, then he's dead and he's not coming back.
They say there are 7.9 billion people on the planet Earth right now. Well, there's probably 10 billion. But, let's just go with whatever 'they' say.
There's not 10 billion people, not even ET Alien people 'out there' anywhere close to the planet Earth. So it is pretty 'dead' up there. It's very quiet. Mostly. Unless -, well..., forget about any of that - let's just say that on account of not many people, it's pretty 'mentally quiet,' uncluttered.
There was no white 'Tic-Tac' UFO's around the place watching James T. Kirk actually go up to space for real!
Not that you could see, right?
Okay so how does Elijah know, that it is 'God' talking to him? He couldn't see him.
I can tell, by the way, a pair of Mes Chaussettes Rouges socks with my eyes closed. Can you?
You want to go up to space? For real?
Cost you a few million and you can get to be there with no other people except your crew buddies, for maybe four minutes.
Paul in the Acts of the Apostles actually goes into the exact same discussion.
He says, completely explicitly: And the writers of Exodus (and I think he mentions in several other places as well) fully intended for themselves to have actual land and property and dwellings in the 'Promised Land,' and therefore, we are talking about that too in terms of a heavenly city -, but not here.
Well where then?
I mean these guys are all really nuts and they've taken the world along for an incredible - and stupid - long ride, if it was all a fantasy and imaginary.
Shatner's - and Bezos' - ride up to space is imaginary.
There's a lot of noise as well as a lot of real risks and danger. But it doesn't take you anywhere.
The number one biggest 'problem' people have about any of these things, is they want to 'see,' and to 'feel,' and to 'touch.' No problem.
One day, human technology - for sure and certain - will have a space platform not far from the Earth, up in space. It will probably be called 'Elysium' too. Almost certainly it will be publicly acclaimed as that.
And so you will get up there.
If you go up there, with the core and key understandings of Elijah, then it will actually be 'the heavenly city.'
Beautiful. We're all happy.
So what we're going to do, is re-create, the exact same human social context 'up there' (or anywhere), that we have had down here for thousands of years.
Now there are definitely plenty of people who have convinced themselves, that 'we' human beings are better people now, because of science and 'our evolution' as a species.
That already tells you, there is something deeply flawed in the mentality of the ordinary human being - that they could be that lunatic to cling to such a foolish idea about 'themselves.'
I'm not trying to convince anyone to change their mindsets.
In the music below, as said in the last article, you will not be able to hear the words properly. It's something like: 'I close my eyes, step into the light, there are walls in my mind but I can climb them.'
So... I had this dream of the A.C., and he was really a bit of a nerdy guy, a sort of Larry David figure, and he sez to me: "Look at the natural world! It's horrible, it's disgusting! It's life feeding on life! Who comes up with a scheme like that?! It's a constant horror show! And you think I and My Lord of Light are the *evil* ones here?! Gimme a break! Why would the Devil have ecouraged Pilate to condemn JC when in doing so he would consumate the salvation of rhe World?! No! It was not Lucifer whose machinations led to that crucifixion. Think about it!"
ReplyDeleteAnd then he rubbed his eyes in consternation, and drank his latte, and said (I think); "Oi, vey!"
You know, the really interesting thing (I happen to like Larry David btw, so maybe, um Bill Gates, not L.D.?), in the text, is that it is not at all clear that the actual disciples, certainly by far not all of them, really knew as in actually fully were aware or really believed, who they had there as their 'leader.' Even later, after the death, in the 'upper room' many say 'Aaaargh, it's a ghost!!' ...For me, the question of the Devil resolves into the idea that he never knew for sure either what he was dealing with, and was using the death as his final probing of the situation. ...I happen to know what the scholars in Islam and the Zohar and Christianity all say about how come there was so much doubt if not indeed sheer confusion, even on the part of the Ultimate Diabolic Identity himself. It's actually not something we should talk about openly because it involves virtually anyone's ability to access um, let's just say 'dark forces.' And then when they do that other people get hurt. You know it's like: 'Here, here. Here's a genie lamp with a genie and three wishes. Do not get into trouble...' Famous last words.