And there is a reason for that.
We are rapidly reaching the moment where real AI 'beings' will be attempted by technicians and modern scientists, using current levels of knowledge. These things were not by any means unknown in the past, at least, not unknown particularly in the sense of 'thought experiments.' Ancient Greek literature has numerous instances of exorbitantly brilliant fabricators of machines and instruments, creating automatons. Athene possesses some kind of mechanical bird of this sort of 'creation.' Daedalus fashioned walking creatures with a basic kind of intelligence that comes across in the speculative writings as the same sort of thing as our modern proposed AI robots.
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Futuristic city? I dunno, people want to think of it as 'dystopian...' To me it's just a city. |
Vishvakarma, the Vedic (Hindi) identity who is the Supreme Engineer in the Universe, also has numerous of these things credited to his devising.
I mean there are lots of these narratives around the place everywhere.
We, though, are about to step into a particular reality that involves us, actually!
Virtually everyone who occupies the stage in the public eye - from the current favorite of the L.A. upper middle class set, namely Sadhguru, to Stephen Fry, and through all the religious shouters down at London's Hyde Park 'Speaker's Corner' - all of them stumble at the hurdle of, as Fry disturbingly put it: 'what does a Good God have to say about why a young child contracts Leukemia...?'
Presently, we shall be gaining one or two ladies from the EDM (Music) Festival scene around the world, as readers here. And there is not but every single one of the mature-age gentleman here who would ahem, well, challenge Tomi Lahren's recent outburst against American men, that they were either not able to behave themselves, or, in fact, as I read it myself, not very good at robust seduction(?) would that be the right expression for what she was saying?
Sadhguru, of whom I made mention earlier here, rather disappointed me recently, when he gave a short speech about the time he 'saw Devaloka...' Devaloka is this fantastic futuristic city where the gods (mostly) all dwell. In his story (Sadhguru's), he traveled as a young 'seeker' up from South India to the Himalaya's where he found some swamis and who asked him what he wanted, and he told them he was wet and cold (having worn only a cotton T-shirt and canvas jacket the latter of which drew in moisture from the snow and was thoroughly wet and freezing) and in need of a place to stay but that he was also seeking Yogic knowledge. So they waved their arms grandly to some attendants saying 'take him to Devaloka!'
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Marc Chagall - Paris Opera Garnier; also 'Devaloka.' |
And, he thought 'half my luck!' ...And went off, being led away into a cold cavern where he spent some hours feeding the bugs there until at 3 a.m. he got up to try and find some hot tea...
Cold, still sodden, miserable, stiff and in some discomfort, he walked out onto the side of the mountain, in the middle of the night, pitch black though with millions of bright stars overhead, and - in his words - 'seeing the gleaming literally gold peak of the Himalayan Mountains, being lit by the sun from somewhere else completely.' And he thought 'this is Devaloka.'
He said he was completely overcome with emotion.
Okay, fine. But this disappoints me. This is 'Sadhguru' we are talking about here; and if he says he's going to take us to Devaloka or describe when he was really there, then that is what I want, and nothing less than.
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So it is very beautiful, too - no question. |
This Muslim guy down at Speaker's Corner, asks this Christian woman, 'well if your religion can do miracles, then come down to the hospital where I work and you can heal the little children (have you noticed these 'little children' keep appearing regularly?) who are dying there.'
Yep. He's right.
She answered that the Bible says not to test the Lord God. Well, actually it doesn't say that exactly; it says 'put to the test.'
And so. No luck on that front either.
But this is a different place right where you are...
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Xerjoff 'More Than Words.' Also, golden peaked. |
You see, let me just point out to you two things: one, that at big music festivals there can be a lot of noise, literally the manufactured sound of many thunders, and when you see someone either claiming to say something significant and valuable, or when you think you have observed something 'out there' and/or important, you must 'evaluate by paying careful attention to.' And that word, in the secret 'upper rooms discourse' is, in Greek diakrinon.
You may have gone to some large event, to something, somewhere that has been hinted at maybe, hereabouts - and there you are confronted by noise, large crowds, lots and lots of sensory stimulus.
I have said this before: there is no hurry, watch your step, take care, be cautious, and listen out for the 'still small voice...' You cannot 'listen' when everything around you is extremely loud, unless you evaluate by paying careful attention.
Pay careful attention to this following video music clip. You won't hear anything important particularly, because there is nothing except ordinary music in there. But it will serve you well, soon.
Is anyone either from real Devaloka or some place a million years away in some other Galaxy in any hurry? No, they are not. And neither should you be. Is there power, though, available? That is only the logical conclusion in all events.
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