Eighty year old billionaire businessman. That's what Wiki says. He owns a bunch of things, properties, media, sports, energy, railroads, actual entertainment venues and arenas. In short, pretty much everything.
Now here's the thing... He also puts on major live music festivals, the big thing in California, being 'Coachella' which is known for attracting poor little rich girls, and the upper middle class, really. You have a lot of the 'big' name pop acts of America showing up there - Frank Ocean, Madonna, Taylor Swift, all that kind of stuff.
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Actual real girls at real events. |
Never never would you have anything like what I have been posting about, be part of the music acts at Coachella - even though there are outward signs of a sort of mimicry going on.
Er, see, the rich girls don't do what the poor peasants do.
But as my daddy used to say, all great aristocratic bloodlines are regularly infused with good peasant stock. And this is not something the wannabes or the gangster upstarts and new rich have really any clue about. They aspire, sure, but they never attain. They kill, destroy, 'get,' hold much power, and then, after a while they get hurt, and they get hurt bad.
This year, I promise you, I will be in the front rows somewhere on the planet, watching the Nutcracker again, and I will rightly p* off the pretenders... I shall be wearing at minimum, a brutally gay-colored cashmere shawl, tied a la Hermes, and if I can muster the personal strength of character, I shall even bear with me a Lagerfeld black silk folding fan. Oh but yes, and I am not gay at all.
Philip Anschutz was not that long ago accused of being anti-LGBTQwhatever-whatever-and-anything-else-you-can-throw-into-the-mix. So he hastily 'donated' to an Elton John charity.
I am not really dissing Anschutz badly badly - his sister does some nice things around the place. And he appears to be some of 'Trumpkin.' And that's good. But really he is just another middle class jerk with lots of yesterday money in the final analysis.
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Hermes shows how to fold their shawl. |
Anschutz are Germans who got dragged into some agricultural projects - as managers - by Catherine the Great, which means that today, you cannot really see where they derived their wealth. If you know what I mean. Things got messy in Russia, right?
Is there 'blood' between some of the Ukrainians and the Anschutz's? Could be.
I don't really know and I don't even care that much.
You see, for us left-overs from the destruction of recent feudal Euro-trash systems, is there any issue about sex, deviance, or any of that wild thing? I mean, seriously! Boho. Bohemians. La bohème!!
You have to be kidding, right? Good grief. Even Jesus Christ is going to have to bend some rules to get us, exactly, straight, into heaven's gates...
Nah. I think we stay around here for a while longer at least. Watch the place go up in flames.
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Alexandra Badoi - Romanian singer/songwriter/producer who sings the song below. |
I don't think anyone is putting two-and-two together right now.
Sometimes, there is a glove dropped accidentally - other times it was hurled to the floor and the other guy has to pick it up and at least then he goes down like a brave bull. But he does go down.
One of the greatest writers of all time was Apuleius - he was a Platonist philosopher who disappeared.
He was accused of being a sorcerer or magician or something - because he was said to have used magic to 'gain the attentions of a wealthy widow...'
I mean, seriously - again - 'wealthy widow?' What is that? Some poor woman who put up with drones like Anschutz for years... ...and then, he died? Don't take much magic there, people!
Yeah nah, I'll stay around a little bit longer. Things are only just starting to get interesting.
Here are the lyrics to this music video:
Across the ocean, when he whispers...
Be the wind, when she breathes.
Even the moon can witness,
Even the stars can shiver,
There is no time, only false beliefs.
If we could send our memories
Could we buy more time.
(And yes, there are a couple of tricks with the lyrics there).
(And yes, there are a couple of tricks with the lyrics there).
The Philip F. Anschutz Trophy is... sterling silver.
A thing of beauty and substance... Now!