And in the reverse - if it doesn't work, then is it false and not true...
You're all 'scientists' and rational, hard thinkers around here, right? Well then - tell me. Answer straight up. Why not? What do you have to lose?
Rolls Royce 'Spirit of Ecstasy' model -
'Periasteron?' Yes, it is. This is it.
Doves too, but mainly - this. |
Tell me, Bill - is this correct, as far as you know:
For literally thousands of years, there have been these 'brahmin caste' people in South India - well 'Brahmin' just means 'priestly caste' - who use these small cake things in their religious ceremonies. The cakes are called 'Apppam.' Look it up on the Wiki - 'Pesaha Appam.'
Small, round things, generally quite sweet.
How long have the particular priest-caste people been there doing this whatever that they do? Well, probably five thousand years at least.
Yep. They have been in South India since around 3000 BC.
Traders, in silk, spices, oils, gold.
Remember what I have been telling you - there are regularly two entirely different, but parallel, things that go on but under the same name or label.
You do know, don't you, that there are secret passages not contained in the Biblical 'New Testament' texts... These are called the 'Cenacle addresses.'
Not saying anything... |
So what's this all about? What's been going on for thousands of years that we are not generally told about? Ha! David Icke doesn't know!
I mean, I'm happy to tell you but you are not going to like it...
You... are not... going... to like... it.
It's going to f* your mind.
Even so, show me one single system, belief, ideology, religion, edict, scientific mechanism, 'teaching,' investment analysis (lol), that will get you anything that you want, NOW!
Is there anything, any one thing? Or do they all just say something, claim something, and deliver nothing? After you've handed your hard-earned across...
Moravian Christian church 'love feast...' Whatever that is. |
...And then, the persisting question of the 'theodicy question:' why, if there is a Divinity, and it is GOOD, does it permit suffering and evil to happen?
A merchant, found a treasure of great price, and it was in a field he did not own, so he sold all that he had and purchased the field and was well pleased.
You want to be an atheist, do you? And you want to get to the stars? Develop a 'solar system internet...' (This is the latest thing with NASA - they have a small set of problems, partly to do with the fact that communication in space is via RF and RF is subject to fading and disruption from solar radiation, and the digital packet switching of the internet structure often means entire messages never go anywhere...)
Step across. To the Dark Side.
You thing I'm making stuff up? I'm not making anything up.
This is the Pesaha Appam -correct, Bill?
Jewish thing in India since 3000 BC. |
Freemasonry has had, since the time of Cagliostro at least, the objective of having the consciousness survive the body and death, and exist outside of those things. Nobody, so far as I know today, experiences any of these things in any modern era lodges, although the ideas are in the higher degree teachings in there. In fact, I believe that is the actual point of Freemasonry. That's its very reason for existing at all - it as a philosophical system, sought to find a way to side-step the political power issues of tyrants using brute force to get their way, even over the lives of the presumed 'master artisans' and 'builders.'
But there is no way there...
Like I said, though - you're not not going to like this...
This is the Cenacle ceremony.
Wh-a-a-a??!!!! Yep. This is the actual Christian Cenacle ceremony...
Oh yes. Sorry. But it just plain is. The end.
And there is no YouTube video clip of this yet - probably there will be in time - so you have to just watch it on the FaceBook page that I have linked here - the Shiva Stotram, Nora En Pure/Morttagua:
And, what you are about to see, is only just the beginning...