I mean, it would be really nice, if our Tao, was actually Spike Jonze!! He's not however, as far as I'm aware, and so we shall just have to press on, swimming away here in our dinky little backwater...
Round and round in circles, some would even think.
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A real obelisk, and really doesn't do a thing either. Brilliant. I must have one. Actually says on the pack: 'Zero points of articulation.' I mean, seriously, pay that man! |
Nowhere in the Bible, does it ever say 'In The Beginning God created the heavens and the Earth...'
The word is not 'bara,' but 'b're.'
The word... professors all want to splice it up into some relevancy over whether this means 'create THE Universe' or 'creates A Universe.'
The Elohim do not create at all, however. This text is sheer cosmology. It isn't narrative description about what 'happened,' or might have/may have happened. It says how things ARE. Later on, it says the Elohim mold 'yatsar' - artistically.
The initial sentence reads 'The Universe, CONVEYS ALL THINGS BEGINNING AND END.'
Our 'problem' in understanding the basic human condition - and with that in mind, accepting that we may not necessarily be the most exciting, most super-advanced intelligence in the whole Universe - is that there is a disconcerting, even a jarring (except that we have gotten used to it) miss-shuffling of the deck of paired actions intentions and consequences.
The whole point of our extreme obsession as a 'human social species' with ideas about 'Justice' is that there is regularly no connection between malevolent causes and eventual re-adjusting effects of 'natural equilibrium.'
The whole thing that George Soros keeps talking about - 'equilibrium' - is utter nonsense. These are mechanical effects seen in physics and material nature but not in human life at all.
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Just have to even up things, after mentioning 'George Soros!' |
There are even two great styles of drama that our human cultures have since forever indulged in: 'comedy' and 'tragedy.' These are used to try and come to terms with our fundamental quandary...
We live literally in the Dr John 'Right Place/Wrong Time' scenario.
It was all the right conditions, but not the right time; all the wrong times, none of the right conditions...
Kubrick impressively makes the point that it only takes one ridiculously plain-looking object, seemingly out of place in our constant flow of 'reality,' that alters everything.
If you went to a church, any church, or a temple, or a mosque or 'a anything' designated for the purpose and did your requisite 'praying' to whatever Eternal supernal magisterial 'Cosmic Mind' was out there, and if but only a little tiny obelisk turned up, with no explanation, no expanded meaning, no instructions... If but only.
Socially, culturally, en masse, we employ this idea, this actual thing of money, to make up for the disturbed symmetry of logical and just cause and effect.
A lot of good things happened in our lives, though never much in the right order nor at the exact optimum times - there was, additionally a tremendous amount of 'bad' or unfortunate things and even other people's malicious actions be they intended or accidentally negative.
But if we had a million bucks suddenly right now, then we can be satisfied that we will be able to re-dress all of those dissonances - is that even the right word?
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What's with the KFC ads? I dunno, I think they're great, that's all. |
Money harmonizes everything. Yet if you look at the Judaeo-Christian, even most of the Islamic ethic, you cannot 'serve this master' at all, in place of the Supreme Cosmic Divinity.
Yet we nonetheless have this personal gut-feeling that adequate money will make all of our experienced reality 'better' - a lot better and maybe even completely satisfactory.
If you look at it as a 'graphic equalizer' system, money is the interface that moves up or down, the various frequencies and their amplitudes, and then we can have nice clear, orderly, sine wave curves.
So, are the sacred texts right, or is our gut feel right?
The ending of Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey shows exactly this out-of-order imagery, albeit this time it is a set of manifested objects that some vastly superior unseen intelligence is letting Dave Bowman 'see,' whether to pacify him or to just extract more information about Dave Bowman's responses - but then, the superior and god-like intelligence, transforms Dave Bowman into this renewed human being probably (the movie critics appear to think so) imbued with an upgraded form of intelligent consciousness, ready to 'inject' back into the world. Maybe. That's the usual view. And it is also what in interviews Kubrick himself said.
In Islamic texts, a much-misunderstood set of verses concerns a mythical figure 'al-Khidr,' which in somewhat of a similar manner also re-orders various material events for Moses. What most readers of the Quranic text usually fail to see, is that before the more outlandish events take place in the narrated account, Moses sets his head down onto a special kind of rock or granite stone (literally is the saqqara), following which he goes to sleep and there is no indication he ever gets up as the rest of the story proceeds; in other words, it's a vision.
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"Vibrations and compatibility, I think it's like a magnet..." Quote from some quantum physicist off 'Love On Haight Street.' We'll play it later. We've played it before though. |
If you see a thing in life which ought not to be there, or ought not to have been there, humble enough though it seems to be merely as 'an object,' it is a form of Kubrick's obelisk all the same.
An obelisk should shock you, even though it does nothing at all other than just be there, where it isn't supposed to be.
Advanced alien 'people' are not supposed to be here. They do not possess the same historical narrative, they will likely not have the same cultural or social styles, they will have completely different perspectives on tools and instruments and 'things' and technology.
We know what our 'problem' is as a race or at least, as a sentient group of beings: it is the fact that nothing ever happens in its right order and timing.
And we have sought for thousands of years, money, as the ultimate solution. It is not the ultimate solution; we will not be satisfied unless we have the money and the obelisk, and even then not even.
I don't have a problem with that. All things are possible, Dave.
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