Something like that.
If you are a young child - or an old Russian lady - then you just go to the cathedral of Vasily the Blessed, in Moscow, and wow, you will surely get the feeling of some kind of amazing profound sacred affair.
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Old ways... |
You can pay a lot of money, and the tourist board will make sure that you have plenty of time to immerse yourself in this experience... ...which, as an older adult human being, you realize is still part of the mundane after all.
'The Cenacle Address' - coenaculum in Latin - means something that was said in the Bible, in the upper rooms. That's what coenaculum means: 'upper floor.' In the Bible, it was an enclosed upper room.
Whatever was said we don't fully know because the New Testament does not record completely what was actually said in there - and twice, in fact it does this: once at the 'last supper,' and then again fifty days after Jesus died and so on, when, according to the accounts, he appeared to over a hundred people in the upper room.
The only time you are ever going to get a truly 'hallowed' moment is in the enclosed upper room.
Now I'll tell you what you will experience - hopefully, silence, since you will have closed the doors and windows, and there's no one else in there. And then you will wait a bit, and your mind will wander around, or focus on some idea of 'the sacred.' And then...
...and then nothing. Nothing will happen.
Technically, what should happen, is that a 'great sound of wind' will be heard.
Alone, all by yourself, unless you have been prepared, nothing is going to happen. You can search all day and night long in books or on-line and you will find only a whole bunch of nonsense about 'church' and the beginnings of people assembling in this format, and other things about, I dunno, every dogmatic related matter.
If you go a little beyond the 'missing bits' in the New Testament narrative, you will find the immediate follow-up part about two or more people...
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New ways... |
But anyway, if we go back to the 'missing bit' - here it is, but first let's look at a clue within all the texts: immediately following the first upper room address, various religious scholars of the time, come and ask about marriage, and divorce, and what is expected in another context. And then of course are also to be found the words: 'Save yourself from this corrupt generation...' And 'these people are not drunk, it is only 9 in the morning!' (Or something like that).
Not much has changed. Well in fact nothing has changed. And that is as it should be, more or less.
Nothing has changed, this is what you need to know. The human race is like it always was.
People eat and drink and go about their daily lives - time filled with the profane - marry and are given in marriage. Indeed, time filled with the profane.
Native American Indians have somewhat similar rituals to do with invoking storms and lightning, so do the ancient Sanskrit shastras. So does the Scandinavian Edda.
On your own, a helluva storm will turn up, usually some time later. A good depiction of what is going on is in John Cassavetes 'The Tempest.'
When you are as old as we all are here, by now, you should be Prospero, or Prospera, already.
Cassavetes says - 'Show me the magic.' Everyone else is scared when the thunder cracks.
Why some time later only? The distance of time, between when you enact the Earth mind's silence, is the same approximate duration you will have to wait for anything you have called upon to happen, to happen. It is an indication of how far you are away from the Hallowed as you are stuck in this corrupt generation, forced to do corrupted things.
What happens when the mind is silent like this?
The Hive Mind takes over. At some stage. If you have stilled your own thinking for long enough.
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Our ways. |
You can play around with all of these related ideas - the chakra stuff, various styles of 'calming music' (I searched for ages last night trying to find something appropriate for 'afternoon tea;' couldn't find anything I really wanted...) - and there are a few good ASMR channels these days that will make you feel good. That is back to the 'personal sensation' thing again, but fair enough, we're only human.
'Two or more of you' is already what the Hive Mind is doing.
Of course if you go to one of these Rave concerts, there is no silence there. Or is there?
It's the same thing in the sense of stilling the profane mind.
If you are a woman, and you 'see yourself' suddenly, inside more or less a Syd Mead palatial futuristic setting, with a handful of these brute hunk males around, around you, not to mention a good few other hot women - what are you going to do? What are you going to think? If your mind is charging around being stupid, you won't be able to hear what the others are interested in telling you. The standard, commonplace depiction of penetrative sex in modern pornography is an invasive, unconsented and rather arrogant 'political' standpoint for gatherings of two or more in a private, intimate, setting. Don't you think?
So what are you doing then, the 'two or more of you?' What are you going to be thinking together, and doing, together? Because there's two, and in fact, more than two, probably...
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Funny book! Hah! |
I tried, seriously I tried, to find afternoon tea music. Didn't find any and it is absolutely clear that the Riwayat of modern-day Beethoven, the Qira'at of how the Moonlight Sonata is being played by 'experts' today is completely wrong; the time signature is being misread, even music scholars all acknowledge it. So, I'm not playing Valentina Lisitsa or Lola Astanova in her short skirts doing Beethoven.
What do the radical feminists (I agree with them, the real radical ones, by the way, not these stupid liberal 'modern' ones) say - 'doing femininity?' (Means practicing 'femininity' according to a 'patriarchal code') Listen, they all want to do femininity (in either sense) - but they just want to do it in the right surroundings and with the right support and absent of the one-sided gender politics. And that's fair enough.
This very place the Lotus Paradise - but how does one realize it?
He paused. The silence around us was frightening. The wind hissed softly and then I heard the distant barking of a lone dog.
"Listen to that barking," don Juan went on. "That is the way my beloved earth is helping me now to bring this last point to you. That barking is the saddest thing one can hear."
We were quiet for a moment. The barking of that lone dog was so sad and the stillness around
us so intense that I experienced a numbing anguish. It made me think of my own life, my sadness, my not knowing where to go, what to do.
"That dog's barking is the nocturnal voice of a man," don Juan said. "It comes from a house in that valley towards the south. A man is shouting through his dog, since they are companion slaves
for life, his sadness, his boredom. He's begging his death to come and release him from the dull
and dreary chains of his life."
Don Juan's words had caught a most disturbing line in me. I felt he was speaking directly to me.
"That barking, and the loneliness it creates, speaks of the feelings of men," he went on. "Men for whom an entire life was like one Sunday afternoon, an afternoon which was not altogether miserable, but rather hot and dull and uncomfortable. They sweated and fussed a great deal. They didn't know where to go, or what to do. That afternoon left them only with the memory of petty annoyances and tedium, and then suddenly it was over; it was already night..."
- Carlos Castaneda, "Tales of Power"
...Man, Tao, such an important comment of yours here. Check the latest article - the one that will have a statue of Roosevelt in it somewhere. Thanks heaps for your participation BTW.