Sometimes, adults have to face facts.
There are unpleasant facts, there are sad facts, and there are disconcerting facts too. You might be a 'scientist' and a 'skeptic' and a realist...
Isn't that right, Gunny? (Grabs hold of hand, feels it...)
Some of you here who have been conversing with us 'off page' will have a deeper understanding of what is about to be said here.
Anyway in any case it's all a question of whether or not one is smart enough to understand what is being said... My presumption is that most here are.
You will all be aware, or you should be, that when it comes to sexual pursuit in the modern era, the pursued (or 'the apparent pursued') have felt that the pursuers are predatory. You know I'm not sure if you know this -, but even among the lesbian community, they worry that they are being seen as predatory often, and they feel some kind of 'guilt' of actually being predatory; (like they accuse/d hetero men of being). Some of them feel that way, maybe not all, but you know what - many.
The problem of social manipulation in today's world is one of a simply massive scale of numbers - there are ten billion people here. That's a lot.
Maybe if someone had a lot of AI machines operating, yeah well, then, maybe. But that sure lacks the necessary 'human touch' too, as it were.
Then again one or two of you here are always just complaining about the economics of our world today. Because somehow that, is going to resolve the socio/psycho-sexual problems. Or you think at least it will give some 'breathing/thinking space...' 'Bras kareen o yaar,' brother. Urdu for 'stop it all my friend.' Or brothers and sisters.
Well how much do you want? I mean really. Seriously. Just take a look at the scale of numbers. You are massively under-estimating what can happen... If you applied your strongest mind to it.
Right now though, I want to -, talk to you about the other subject. Yes, that one.
If you're a male and you carry on like Brian Rose from 'London Real' and some of his guests who talk about their 'high life' and partying and so on, it's just demeaning to yourself as a human being not to say demeaning to women or whoever you are envisaging on the 'partner' side of things.
If you're a male and you carry on like Brian Rose from 'London Real' and some of his guests who talk about their 'high life' and partying and so on, it's just demeaning to yourself as a human being not to say demeaning to women or whoever you are envisaging on the 'partner' side of things.
Stuff that goes on, see, goes on behind everyone's back throughout history (and that includes behind the backs of those just-mentioned 'party animals' down at Puerto Banus) and they just don't see it at all. But 'we' can see, as in literally see, everything that is going on inside the head of a person. Any person.
One of the huge causes of much dissatisfaction particularly by women, concerning the way the world has turned, is how society has placed so much emphasis on money and the garnering of it just to survive, just to raise children - and then for another thing women's bodies are tugged and twisted around in the processes of having and raising children. Nobody asks them whether that is okay with them! Why should it be okay in the first place? Oh, oh, the Book of Genesis says... But does it?
Maybe it does; maybe it doesn't either.
And you are never going to be able to convince idiot pastors or religious 'scholars' or even that many academic linguists because they are all self-involved, arrogant, myopic idiots who know exactly what God said - right? (Okay not all but most!) And they want to tell you what to think and what to do, and they want to have power over you.
And God is behind them all, right?
Look, my friends, it doesn't much matter what other people only think, if what they think doesn't work and if it isn't correct at all. And if they really wouldn't know 'God' if He turned around and bit them like the Dog of Egypt.
Okay so you go to some hymeneal festival and there are a bunch of lame-brained girls and boys and older people too, including Scientologists, and Satanists, and Lutherans, and Catholics and Jewish people and Hindus, and Muslims, and on and on blah blah blah. And they are all 'right' and know stuff but you're expected not to, right? And they all have all the little outward signs and symbols and everything... While you have 'nothing.'
But if you're one of just ten people there in the middle of ten thousand who really knew what is going on, and what those signs and symbols really meant, what would it matter to you that no one else knew? Those people would not have a single clue how those ideas and signs and symbols and cultural practices ever even got there in the first place. They never saw it, never observed any of it. (IE 'get there,' arrive, turn up. I mean, d'you think you know what that 'heart hand sign' really means, for example? Do you? Are you sure? Bettcha a lot of kids think they know too...).
'Disclosure,' cannot happen across ten thousand or ten million or ten billion. The human race is an unfinished work-in-progress.
Every element of certain signs and symbols are crucially significant. One finger is not ten fingers; 'one eye' is not a symbol of anything. Jay-Z ain't you. You got told, he didn't. So he might be in the Illuminati and yeah there's 'light everywhere' but he's only looking at the shadows.
Everything you may have thought is some 'conspiracy' of the Satanic Elite is just a bunch of blind people looking at shadows as silhouettes on a wall in a darkened cave.
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Daniela again - aka 'Nora En Pure' |
Whereas you know, where the Somerton Mansion is, you know how to get in there, and you know, what the pass codes there are. Because I just told you. Stop being in a hurry, ain't nothing goin' away anywhere anytime soon.
You don't need to be pushy, and nor do you need to get laid by each and every person you meet and who greets you - sometimes, it is just as frightening for them being in some place where all the masks are dropped.
Investor guys need money, so do women too. Next article, stealth luxury and fashion for women. Because you do not want to advertise the doors have all been opened to you.
English lyrics to the below music video clip.
"The sparkling assembly of the world is now here
Let's go and see its sights for these few moments
We must ultimately die and leave here
Let's go and see its sights for these few moments
"Everywhere I turn I see the brilliant colour of my Beloved
I went to see that dazzling hue
And got dyed in his Blessed colour
"No one else stays awake
Without the yearning of love no one stays up all night in prayer."
"If the Other is the source of your bliss, then the Other will be the source of your misery." - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
ReplyDeleteOkay but I'm trying to provoke more than you for a comment! lol. This Bhagwan guy was a damn pain in the neck - if you look even at just what you quoted, it has more than one 'simple' meaning hidden in there. Thanks for the comment big time though - I can see the numbers of people who read here A LOT... What the hell! Do they all just agree with EVERYTHING I have been saying?! Or are they waiting for the car crash? Isn't going to happen. It's just going to be more of the same, more more of the same, more of the same; nothing ever changes around here. This is the place WHERE NOTHING CHANGES. EVER. ;)
DeleteI'm sorry - I know I grab the tangents and run with them, and can't resist posting.
ReplyDeleteBut wasn't Bhagwan a pain in the neck, though?! Remember his fleet of Rolls Royces? Lol. They hated him for those Rolls', but they didn't appreciate the joke he was making about acquisitiveness. As you say: "One of the huge causes of much dissatisfaction particularly by women, concerning the way the world has turned, is how society has placed so much emphasis on money and the garnering of it..."
Okay, I promise to stop now!
Thank god you post comments, dude! Don't stop now!
DeleteThe fog is lifting. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThe difficulty is just how goddamn uncompromising, let's just call it, 'the real world,' is. The real world behind the scenes. I think even people like Kubrick are 'wrapping things' in a form that is palatable or at least somewhat understandable, to ordinary people. And I will be very explicit about it here - sure he was hired by NASA somewhere in there to do some film-work. But not about the Moon landing! He was completely in touch with the old Jet Propulsion Labs people, who were way off in 'left field' from the rest of NASA.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, there are a few leaders now who realize that AT MINIMUM, what goes on in large public venues with the young people, and the older people there too, is a point of vulnerability just in terms of sheer basic 'national security' even you put it down to 'well, okay, we'll keep an eye open for say, um, China influence...'
That's how some of this is being justified. What I'll email you in a second will spin your head even more, not that that is my intention. What we are trying to do is gain some traction with a current fashionable idea about something but at least in a way that is controllable, in the hands of 'reasonably' responsible people, and in the long run aimed to hand important things quietly onto the future generation/s in an organized way. There's possibly money in it right now as well going by the numbers. Which is a good thing.