Not for the unprepared.
The human race is very clever at sending itself deep into its own caves of wonderment. It doesn't need some wizard to offer to direct it into any other caves!
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What tree is this, Stanley? |
The closest, and I mean, the really closest that Islamic literature and religious understandings gets to the nature of reality, is to be found in what is known today as the Ashari and Mu' tazila schools of thought, and even the Maturidi school although this is presented today as an opposition school to the Ashari. Deep in the ancient Ashari texts is the idea that only a tiny handful which amounts to a sect, will be saved, and they go back and forth, are able to go back and forth, in out of Jannah (The Garden of Paradise). Everybody else well, sure, they 'worship Allah' but so what? They don't understand anything and they just go round and round, more or less like the concept of reincarnation - and what's more, they always will; until Allah decides something else for them. Most Sunni Muslims today are not Ashari because, obviously, they realize they are not in the 'tiny handful!' And so they are p***'d.
But then the modern day Ashari proponents are probably also the furthest away from discovering the actual truth...
The world is a snare, this we know. But why?
Well we don't need to say why right now, but at least we can say it is a snare which throws the world of people back into itself.
Now I would say it is quite sinister, what people like Disney do, to some of the great classical myths and fairy stories - they somehow manage to take out all the major components of why those myths were ever important to people, to societies; to the people of the societies from which the myths came, and that includes us ourselves today, who are the global legacy holders of all of it.
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The Boy Who Reveals... |
You will not easily find basic illustrations, and you will not find at all, accurate illustrations or depictions of the 'Cave of Wonders' for instance, anywhere on the internet although you may be able to still acquire some old books that have them inside the covers in the pages somewhere.
And this is important because we know today, for example, that such a place as the Travancore Temple Treasure does really exist, and it has all the characteristics of what the myth of Aladdin says - as image and statuary depictions there, but also a trillion dollar or greater store of jewels and objects literally present there inside it.
The Arabic word 'Jinn' really means that which is incredibly well hidden, and the name 'Aladdin' really means 'the boy who reveals the incredibly well hidden.'
We're going to swing at this juncture, to the Christian 'mythology.' And I'm going to couch it in those terms so as not to offend anyone...
You see, the mythology of Christianity is this - you can turn water into wine, you can heal the sick, raise the dead, make your teeth re-mineralize... ...without going to any doctor or dentist or whatever. So this is mythology, right?
The Cenacle Address contains certain words and ideas, though, that are not either understood, and mostly also - much like what Disney does - not conveyed down to today's readers. There's a kind of a joke in one part in there: don't go to the Lord's Supper hungry as if you want a meal of bread and wine. And then it goes on to say 'because then you will get sick just like any other normal human being and you won't get the power that you seek...'
And almost everywhere nowadays the word they use in the key sentences is 'diakrino' which can mean 'to doubt' and also 'to judge' - and so Bible exegesis people manufacture this notion that this is about 'discerning' and 'discernment.'
Okay, so the actual word is 'diakrinon' - which is a world of meaning away. This means, to separate completely. And it doesn't mean anything else.
It means - you have eyes that you cannot see, but with which you are able to see for real; you have ears that you cannot feel, but with which you are able to hear the truth about everything; you have all the senses and more. These are 'Jinn' perceptions; that is, very well-hidden.
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Castaneda's old man says 'night is coming...' |
When the Islamic master teachers explain the retinue of Solomon containing ranks and files of 'Jinn,' they say it means his 'secret agents.' Not 'birds that spoke Arabic and Nubian!'
There may have been 'Jinni' beings as well, the way we imagine those 'demonic beings' from our myths and legends but this is just another level of 'the very well hidden and the extremely subtle.'
Back to the myth of Aladdin - myth - and the Cave of Wonders. See, down in there, the magical trees that grow in the grove, at the center of which was the niche where the magic lamp was... ...well these trees held glowing fruits, like jewels, and inside each jewel, was a fairy maiden.
Aladdin at some point in the story, sees the Princess of Agrabah down in the market square, and then, he employs his magical lamp to procure a secret meeting with her. So, the lamp provides 'secret meetings;' it is a work of Jinn.
Jesus Christ is the ultimate 'working of Jinn powers.' He was there, then He was not there, and then He came back, and then He went far away, but He will be back - and so forth, you know the story.
So Tao gives us Castaneda in a passage about an older age man, and the dog barking, and night coming.
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"For lust of knowing what should not be known, we took the Golden Road to Samarkand." |
The last play by William Shakespeare - anyone(?) anyone(?) - yes, was 'The Tempest.' So. I'm going to post up the trailer to Cassavetes' The Tempest, and you will strangely enough, observe the similarity with the opening sequences of our friend Kubrick's EWS. And why not? It, too, was his last work...
Are we getting somewhere yet? Okay so, we will be going into the 'diakrinon' of how to 'see' and to 'hear' and to 'feel' and everything else. In the next article, maybe the next few of them, because as you know, 'Rome wasn't built' et cetera, yeah?
Anyone reading here who remains reading and persisting, and who thinks you won't be able to 'attain' - think again.
The jeweled fruits in the magical trees down in the Cave of Wonders, are jewels, right? They're very beautiful. When you go, as a young boy urchin, down into the public market square, and see, the astonishing Princess Jasmine (I think that was her name), she is very beautiful.
The Tree of Life also has fruit - and these are very beautiful, except they all get old and they die. Right?
Now - this boy Aladdin, he sees into the jeweled fruits, inside them, and he sees fairy ladies inside there. He sees, 'diakrinon,' behind the beautiful surface. And you too will see. Right now you don't have the eyes with which to see. And it does take a bit of time and practice. When you can drink wine but not because you are thirsty for wine, believe me you will get drunk, but, as it says in the Gospels or Acts or something 'it will still only be 9am in the morning.' (So you're not actually drunk on wine). Bit of a tautology there, but it was mine; I don't think it's in the actual texts.
Oh we can turn the water into wine all right, don't you worry about that. You need to worry about what state your mind will be at and it's still yet only 9 in the morning!! ROTF.
Nobody comes here and reads. We are the tiny sect.
Meanwhile, here's Cassavetes:
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