We on Earth, are still rated at 'K1.' We are still only just able to use the available energy of our sun, and perhaps not even all of it yet.
So, the next level up, is the 'K2' alien or Extraterrestrial civilizations - they would be the ones closest to ourselves, most perhaps recognizable by us, were we to meet representatives from those kinds of civilizations.
'K2' is also synthetic cannabinoid.
It is also the designation of a Kepler Spacecraft mission, also known as 'Second Light.'
I'm telling you all these things so that you will be able to discern between various similar things that you are looking at - if you are ever in the situation where you are seeing them.
Because one of them will be hiding in there among the rest of them.
The 'festival pashmina' literally means 'rave music festival/EDC/EDM festival.' It's the only 'festival' they are talking about. Check it on-line, if you don't believe me. We are talking the high-quality, ethnic, and rather beautifully-made, cashmere and silk shawl things.
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So-called 'festival pashmina.' Look it up if you don't believe me. |
Fragments of actual pashmina material have been discovered in archaeological digs of sites in Syria and Egypt from the second and seventh centuries CE. That's over 1900 years ago if you go by the earliest site. And there is plenty of written evidence that the material's existence as a manufactured item goes back a lot earlier still than that. It may be the thing Muhammad referred to as 'istabraq' which he says is to be found in one of the seven heavens...
What does a 'K2' civilization want with us?
Is there any evidence in our history that there has ever been some formal 'back in time data' incident or perhaps whole body of knowledge?
The most absolutely obvious two - and there are two of them that are very widely know - are the Apocalypse, and the Quran. Both of them have the explicit claim being made in them that they are literally announcements from a future time.
And this means there are competing interests involved.
Because whilst they contain VERY similar imagery about the future of our world and its civilization, they have vastly different stances about what is going on. And here is where I want to bring in the 'political hypothesis' approach.
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...And, that's a pashmina shawl. Same same. |
Because, you see, all of a sudden you do have a massively significant set of circumstances entailed, going on right under us, under our noses so to speak, and that are of simply massively vital import to us and to our lives.
You see a 'K2' civilization or higher would have no interest in worrying - themselves - about proving anything that would appear magical to us, would be apparently 'magical;' because it simply would not be magical to them. The fact that we, as a broad body of human society (not in isolated islands of difference, of course), had diverted ourselves into long-winded and wasteful and also very largely erroneous rivers of 'exploration' of 'skepticism' - we had at the same time avoided and failed to look scientifically at function.
I mean we would look completely stupid to these people and we would in fact be stupid in any case what's worse.
Newton discovered the square function of light outward from a source of energy. But no one ever inverse squared light back to the energy source and then past the 'zero' bound. I mean, hell boy, we're prepared to do the obvious of this when it comes to bond rates, right??! lol
Is energy a function of form, rather than of linearity? Does it mean that energy moves from the 'K2' of Platonic solids... oh, sorry, I failed to say that there was another 'K2' as well: the so-called 'quintessence' of the 5 Platonic solids (this is also called 'K2'). This is to do with the slip hypothesis of manifold space. See... ...you can only 'move' through manifold space but we don't have a complete functional understanding of actual manifold space yet - only theories and speculations about it. Theoretical physicists have proposed various ideas, but nobody has really woken up to the fact - and it is a fact - that if any of these hypotheses is right, then it means that we have been wasting a lot of time pretending folkloric, cultural, religious 'fantasies' were 'wrong' merely because they contained a lot of unscientific 'miraculous' and/or 'magical' events. No sooner would we have proven any one of the 'ultra' manifold space hypotheses than we would be confronted with the fact that so many seemingly scientifically 'impossible' events are in fact just ordinary - if, you could utilize energy at a higher than 'K1' level.
Which leaves us with the Fermi Paradox question, although I would be more inclined to call it the Surreptitious Paradox: why all the cloak-and-daggers? Why all the hiding?
I think the answer is psychological. I don't think the human race is anywhere near being able to handle it.
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'Pony beads.' |
What has changed in the political, social, moral approaches of leaders over five thousand years? Nothing. This week 3 Indian soldiers were killed by Chinese solders in Ladakh, and half a dozen Chinese soldiers were 'injured' in the same incident, according to official
Beijing statements. People in ivory towers, insist on using other people to die for them, to kill for them, to be killed for them, in order to assert the power and authority of the people in the ivory towers. They insist on it. After five, ten, who-knows-who-many thousand years, these 'leaders' still have no other tools.
So we are a civilization, at least in general terms, and broadly speaking, of 'arrested development.'
What would be the point of dropping a meteorite straight onto Beijing? It could be done...
That is, there would be no point if, we hypothesized a monolithic human race and 'world human' culture. ...But I don't. I think there are competing political interests DEEPLY EMBEDDED WITHIN the human race itself.
The human race is not monolithic at all.
There is good seed mixed in with bad seeds - or weeds.
What do you think? What's your view about it? If advanced beings - you can call them whatever you like - if they turned up, would you have them just tap you on the shoulder only and not much of anyone else? Would that be okay for you?
There is no possibility whatsoever that Jesus is coming with millions of 'angels' to all of a sudden 'prove' by dint of mass force, what by dint of mass force He has since forever repudiated being done by humans against other humans.
But He might do stuff very very surreptitiously indeed. And the overall thing might take a good long long time yet.
What do you think?
So we might just do or cause to be done a little tiny something for ourselves though, right. Just for us. Like, pretty much right now. Not in any 'good long long time yet to come!'
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ReplyDeleteOnce again another incredibly thought provoking blog post! I agree the human race for the most part could not handle it. Most people seem to need lean on solid foundations or boundaries, even mental ones, to function. The realization that we are not at the top of the food chain would jar that foundation too much for most I fear.
ReplyDeleteGovernments have exploited this quirky need for imposed limits for thousands of years. Maybe it's my ego talking but I think I could handle it. Actually I know it. I would love the opportunity to interact. But if advanced beings or even Jesus himself showed up, the governments of the world would probably decide to kill him / them, especially if they completely believed it, out of fear for how it will affect their power.
There's no question but that governments of the world would do everything they could to try and assert themselves - even against what logically would be far superior 'power.' Of course you 'could handle it;' and so could a lot of people underneath the surface of their appearance of compliance to 'imposed limits,' even 'imposed knowledge' (which is not knowledge at all, of course...).
ReplyDeleteWhy ARE governments so intent on manufacturing consent, so intent on 'imposing' rather than exposing limits? The real answers to this kind of question may be incredibly complex; and they will likely end up 'Cosmological,' which is why so many ancient philosophers spent so much time talking about politics, and NOT the nature of reality as such. Once they had settled what the nature of reality was, as much as they were able, the only large 'contested space' left was the contest for the human being. Even the Bhagavad Gita is like this.
Let's see, what the plans are. There ARE plans. And that is obvious. Technically, as far as Western Christian orthodoxy is concerned, 'Jesus' did not really go anywhere, since, if He is God, He MUST be present (albeit not in any typical carnal form for any key purpose at the moment). The standard definition of 'God' always seems to forget the fourth one: All-present, All-knowing, All-powerful... ...ALL GOOD. The fact that the world is so messed up must be part of the 'All Good' and that's because 'you are not OF the world.' Not this world, anyway.
And is the world really so 'messed up?' Well yeah! It was 20 Indian soldiers got killed, not 3. That's a battle. And battles are parts of wars. And we should calculate that we are now entering a major war. If we all just stood back and went 'nah, surprise me, things will be okay because this time it's going to be different... Xi is a modern leader...' lol
War. Guaranteed. Here's the rub - no one will notice your 'interacting' when all hell breaks loose. Funny about that. Prepare. Be alert. Be ready. Keep your eyes open. These guys don't send 'visiting cards' ahead of them.