Practically speaking, none of us believes, as in literally believes we can just go present ourselves on the White House lawns (lol... I have been saying this, though, a lot recently, right...), for when the super advanced ET aliens arrive to 'help us' out of our present social/political quandary. Is it a 'quandary' though? I mean none of this is exactly, new, right?
Ah well, I guess Antifa beat us out there to 'the White House lawns' anyway.
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People at Universities try to do this all the time; kind of 'theory of mind' from ancient concepts, it's wrong and deficient, but good enough for us because we are simple sailors. |
Originally, I was going to post here - this article - an interview with an opera diva which has some er, um, let's just say 'interesting elements' and then I was going to have to take it back down pretty quickly anyway.
And I will post it - probably next up though.
Some of the things I worry about, when it comes to saying stuff here at all, is that without sufficient or at least adequate back-grounding, it will seem to 'come out of the blue' and be utterly senseless, and silly.
Right now today, in the real down-to-Earth world in which we all live - except you and I do not, anymore, and you 'can't ever go back' either - we have dissonance between the stock market index number and the experienced economy. Jobs are fragile, supply chains are threatened, global trade is in a trade war, and it isn't even clear that the 'enemy' is visible.
People are actually, quite literally, getting killed in the streets. It is open civil warfare except that we have been numbed enough through violence and television and enforced patterns of work and life, that we just accept it viscerally as if well, it's tolerable enough. And what I mean by 'we' accept it, I mean politically leaders are 'we' too, you know! None of them say 'okay enough is enough now, let's address the problems and btw, here are some solutions.'
Nobody has universally-accepted solutions and they never have done.
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Daniela Niederer doin' her thing |
Jesus Christ never had them; He did not say this is for everyone... On the other hand, He said 'what I tell you, here, tell no one.'
You see...
You se-e-e...
There is actually no problem. This is S.O.P.
The so-called 'problem of Theodicy' is expressed succinctly in the Wikipedia entry: 'the vindication of Divine Providence in view of the existence of evil.'
We need to understand the nature of the internal structure of what animates the mind, what arises in the individual to grant them the impression of individual consciousness.
I suppose to some extent I would prefer to have a bunch of rigid conservative modern pop Christians argue with me long and hard here, and literally accuse me of sponsoring maybe evil, Satanic, 'progressive religion -,' and who believe that I am maybe part of the fore-runners who will usher in the 'Anti-Christ' with its AI cyborgs and Luciferian Alien demonic Reptilian 'Hive Mind' program.
I wish those critics were here - I think I've just maybe bored them away, though.
See I am going to encourage to some extent a 'hive mind' idea...
Nowhere in the ancient really seminal mathematical and Cosmological and 'atomic' philosophical texts does it say that evil is to be exterminated by a Supreme Deity - what it says is that the express reason for human existence, individual humans existing, is that they are to witness what evil is and understand it. And to come to detest it properly.
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Photo-shopped, never happened. Besides, you have to live, in Washington, to have any influence there... You can't just fly in and expect anyone to take notice of you! Jeez... |
You can't go back. You can never just 'go back.' But my problem is going to be when someone wants to 'go forward' all the way or at least enough of the way in one quick jump. Please try not to. It isn't that you will get hurt, it is that you are dealing with other, real people out here; out there where you live.
The question is not, are you ready to meet them; it's are they ready to unveil themselves to us.
If you live your life out naturally, you will die and if we go by Stanley Kubrick we will suddenly find ourselves in a 'mind-shop'd' French renaissance bedroom suite out in space somewhere, and then, by and by... ...'something wonderful is going to happen;' so the story goes. Not 'bye and bye' because that means prolly never.
If you open the Somerton Mansion gate (presuming you know where that even is) and go in there now, though, well, you might in fact be able to do that. And that is called the 'Barzakh Futuhat' of occult Arabic and Islamic (although few really read these texts or understand them) teachings.
The thing about numerical structures and 'shapes' in complex motion, is that they are intrinsically installed inside your brain - you don't need to 'study' anything. How you can know this is that you will feel the subtlety of artistic structures and how they change and mold when in complex motion, through apprehension by your normal senses, and this, is how advanced intelligence functions, not, by some other means at all. The more you 'atomize' what you think is learning and knowledge and therefore the understanding of, material nature, the less you understand it.
But I want proof, proof... Proof of what, though? Here's some guidance and some direction (the 'enemy' is not visible, but is it intelligible? The advanced people are not visible either, mostly, but are they intelligible?):
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