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Tuesday 23 August 2022

Mr Cairo...

There really is a 'long lost treasure.'

Just as there really is a 'Fat Man.' That's 'Kasper Gutman' - aka 'the Fat Man' - in The Maltese Falcon.

Hammett based the character of the Fat Man on Arthur Gregory, a British private detective and entrepreneur who had very powerful political establishment friends...

Gregory always claimed that he was a spy for MI6.

Jon Anderson and Vangelis
Doing 'The Maltese Falcon' thing.
Anderson's a genius, of course.

Dash Hammett really had a lot more knowledge of a whole range of things, than even his more than half-a-dozen years with Pinkerton's would allow, frankly, but that's not something we need to go into right here, right now! LOL

Maybe later one day. 

So yes there really is such a thing, not quite the Maltese Falcon as such, but there is a gold plaque which was found somewhere off an island in the Mediterranean and which is in the hands of who-knows-whom anymore. And on this plaque there is an etching of a bird very like an Egyptian falcon.

Don't want to talk about that. Want to talk about friends.

So there's a famous music album called 'The Friends of Mr Cairo' - and now you could say many things about why Anderson and Vangelis called it that, but I think for us here, if we just say, hey, film noir, very atmospheric, movie soundtrack-y, well that will do.

Joel Cairo had friends.

One of them being 'the Fat Man.'

Joel also carried around a little pistol.

He too wanted agency.

...But see he carried around a little pistol that he waved at people when he wanted things he was not actually entitled to claim.

Trust us, honest, we're your friends,
and we are the government.

The biggest weapon any Earth government or military possesses today, doesn't even come up close to the level of - a little pistol.

Still though, what makes things somewhat interesting, is that humans say they are after the black bird.

Joel Cairo was after the black bird and so was the Fat Man. Looked like, the Fat Man actually wanted it just 'to have it.' In fact he was the one setting a vast price on the thing.

Theoretically it was golden inside, but covered either in lead or black paint. So who knows what was in his mind, really. He did seem like he appreciated the thing as art, and as an antiquity. And yes, there are obsessional 'collectors' of things around.

But, if not the obsessional aspect (which misrepresents, over-states, the true value of a thing), well then what might have been any actual value of such an item at all?

If I gave you a sample of some composition of specific ingredients, well would it be just the sensation (if you imbibed it) that you were after - if there were such a thing entailed? What kind of sensation?

Is it just pleasure that one is after then?

You know, you humans... Is it just that you are seeking pleasure? You wave guns around in people's faces, and this is because, what - pleasure...?

There is no prospect at all, that any government can honestly, truthfully, tell the public ET Aliens are here, and that they are friendly and mean you no harm.

That they might say such things though, is easily admitted on the basis that they will be lying to you.

You like 'burnout silk?'
This is burnout silk.
Model is a bit too skinny again.
Needs some food.
Eyebrows could be just a touch
darker... Might give her a haarp to play.

The value to them is that they can invoke then all kinds of hitherto most unacceptable laws and edicts. 

Meanwhile we have someone say they are only following the idea seriously if a government official actually formally said, with authorization, that they were able to confirm knowledge that such beings exist, are here, or have been here, and that 'they' (these beings) mean 'us' no harm.

Well that doesn't even make sense just from the stand-alone external perspective, without any insider knowledge!

This is like saying 'I trust Mr Cairo, and the Fat Man, and I think those two consider me their friend.'

Well look, if that's your standard of 'friend' then no wonder you would be able to credit that highly advanced intelligent beings, with a lot more than little tiny pistols, would be necessarily friendly toward 'us.'

I mean a crocodile is said to be friendly, because it's jaw can be construed by those smoking too much Nile blue lotus flower, to form the shape of a smile.

I was just talking with our Bill Smith today, about Wouter Basson - who made toxins for the global biological weapons market. There was a story that he had found out what was the true basis for the idea that Ethiopian crocodiles have a tremendously toxic gall bladder.

According to modern 'sci-entists' (that would be like, people like Antonio Gramsci Fauxi) crocodiles do not have poisonous bile or gall bladders, and that is a misleading 'truth.'

Some crocodiles are fed incredible toxic substances, including the euphorbia plant, from an early age, and if they survive - which many do - there is a build up in the fat underneath the plate armor of the reptile, and this is what is extracted and used as a toxin.

Now the number of people who knoh dat on dis plane'h at dis time, is about seven or eight, Wouter Basson himself being one of them.

And Wouter Basson is regarded as the world's leading living authority on exotic biological weapons.

Sorry what was I talking about again?

Do I seriously need to draw attention to what's
in this image?

Oh. The friendliness of ET people.

I dunno. What do you think?

Depends what they are here to get though, right? You know, like what would be meaningful to them, what would be exciting, what they would find a kind of a pleasurable sensation...

And what they would collect. As I guess, quite the obsessional little collectors, at that!

And don't ever forget - in case you already have, and you prolly have - that Schwarzenegger got the back-story to 'Predator' from the son of the Project Sign guy, Professor J. Allen Hynek, Joel Hynek. So. Bank it. It's all there. The meaning, the objective, the whole point of everything - it's all there. Except no one's going to give a * about collecting 'warriors.' F me! You could end up collecting Johnny Depp thinking he really was a pirate and then where would you be!

Rule number 1, objective number 1 - is pre-eminence. 

If you are pre-eminent we keep you. If you're not we throw you in the bin. This is in the Vedas too. Fancy that. So how can you be 'pre-eminent' when like me, you're just a nobody in your mom's basement or your bedroom with a borrowed PC and running off a hacked broadband connection?

This track, funny thing about it is, it's nothing, it seems like nothing and then towards the end you find yourself going: 'Oh hey I want this to go on, I want to hear it again.' Funny thing, that.

Monday 22 August 2022

You MUST Apply These Things Now

Now please don't just read stuff here and kick back and wait for the rest of the world.

The 'rest of the world' is going to be watching CNN with or without Stelter. Or Fox. Or both.

And when the little lions paws from Washington or Brussels push them to the edge, eventually, they will all fall off too. All the little mice will fall, and drown.

Meanwhile, the lions will fare not a lot better, because they will fight each other for the spoils and rip themselves to shreds anyway.

Nice pretty pic.
There's nothing in there related to the 
matter referred to below.
Just looks good. Probably tastes
not too bad either!

...Which will then leave just you.

So how do you cooperate in a forward-thinking group?

It's easy with 7 of 9. You just go 'yes, 7. Yes. Whatever you say.' And then you do or you don't but at least you tolerate her hive mind, if only for the ulterior motive reasons.

Bam! The blue wavelengths are in your mid-brain, and in all the von Economo neurons in your fronto-insular cortex and your anterior limbic area. Which, by the way, only you and the Great Apes have and no other primates do.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

(I copied that from Baskaran Pillai - he he).

Anyway, yes, bam...

First thing is you will be able to communicate telepathically.

Uh-oh. No. Really?

Yes, really.

Trouble is you'll soon see what a darn mess the average human's brain is in too.

There you will be, at your favorite coffee place, and listening in on all of the other customers in there. And slowly but surely, all of their silly red/orange/even many of their over-optimistic yellow thinking patterns will dissipate.

Focus on the mansion of your mind...

But one or two solid things will stay intact. These are the real 'thoughts,' real authentic logical ideas that physical reality can and likely will accommodate sooner or later.

And you must accept that 'logic' includes emotional logic forms, not just 'one and one equals two' stuff.

As for your own patterns, well you should be employing these formats to conceptualize some material wealth, some logical idea form which will be accepted into the material paradigm and easily accommodated there.

And you can't do that without - bam! Blue!

Not to worry though, if you just want future-Gothic thrills, there is always me.

You know, people are constantly asking for the UFO's to show up, for their occupants to appear and hang around long enough in daylight hours to be photographed and filmed - and maybe take up a residency at Vegas somewhere.


Well I have been every now and then showing you such people right here, but you've not seriously openly accepted that it is so, have you?

Some of you definitely have and you know it's true.

Meanwhile, I am expecting at least over half of the regular readership here to get their creative brain cells firing - and look, here's something that will help.

I never mentioned this before because I wanted to see the numbers from various different places not including here first:

'Writers' Block Drinkable Inks.'

Free to read here.

I am a bit worried about whether we'll be able to send this stuff out in the mail - there's nothing at all even mildly illegal in there, but that won't stop the morons if they think they don't know what something actually is...

So, it may be that I will have to only send out the list of ingredients. Hopefully not. 

I am sure that several of you have asked yourself, every now and then reading here, 'Oh hey, WTF is this? Is this really a human being he is showing us...'

But admittedly you have to be pretty astute and 'onto things' to sense there is something a little bit 'skew-whiff' with certain things, occasionally.

I mean, hey, you can easily tell yourselves from some kind of other humanoid presence though, right?

'Course you can. [Best quality headphones, please. And, I really don't have to say how long into this thing, do I? Because you're all patient. Right? Right??]

Sunday 21 August 2022

Beyond Simple Veda 'Secrets'

I don't whether you are going to be shoved even further out of the 'normal' run-of-the-mill society, by reading here!

You go just about anywhere nowadays and read all about, maybe even watch all of these experts tell you about the chakras and the... ...well, all of those names they give the main circles.

There's actually hundreds of circles. Not that you would know going by the 'expert stories.'

But then again, okay let's be practical, it is certainly true that the main ones consist of only seven. The heuristics are that the main circle platforms (and that is what they are) consist of the seven colors of the rainbow.

'Come with me, watchman.'

Now the reason - as I was saying just previously here - that there is so much in the open public, the wider world of human society, financially, economically, and object-wise, that is all kilted over to the energy consumption-based style of thing (and that includes the grandiosity of tall buildings, which are gross and observe the gravity of apparent 'land value centricity'), is due to the fact that the predominance of human beings here lack genuine access to those 'circles' above the 'green-line' (going by the common heuristics model).

All of the 'intelligent' effort is continuously going only into the red, orange, and yellow aspects of life. The green segment in any case, is a zone of 'taking' because it is where the natural organism (taking this, sort of psycho-sociologically) growth happens and there is a lot to go around there. Just going by the standard narrative, the 'red' circle is not so abundant in real energy because as living organisms which follow a Gauss profile of life, human peak output energy is at the individual's 'prime of life' years - and so real maximum human material life energy output is in fact in relative short supply. Which is also why there is prostitution - of everything in that zone. 

You can sell Arnie Schwarzenegger because he can do ten shows a day and lift more weights than you as well on any of those same given days. ...Well at least he could do a few decades ago.

You can sell Emma Stone for more or less the same kind of reason. These people are all more 'hard-working' on average. The fact that their actual material output is rubbish is of no aesthetic significance in present human society. There is no such thing as 'aesthetic significance.' Not today.

The movie 'Moulin Rouge' was rubbish but the cast worked tremendously hard and that was obvious. Stone's 'La La Land' was exactly the same kind of garbage. You would leave the cinema sweating just out of sympathy for the actors and all the workers on set.

...And then 'they' (the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) give out awards.

For effort. And look, this is not at all to say Emma Stone et al are in any way 'poor actors;' that is certainly not true. But they are compelled to do the work that is there being handed to them - they literally have limited choices.

I'm going to jump to a seemingly different subject now, but it will be tied in later:

As someone finally observed, over this relatively recent 'hot-button' matter of the definition of a woman, the actual underlying point is to achieve absolute moral and systematic ideological relativity in the public's mind - so that they will be able to have the only absolute then which will be: absolute control over you.

Blue is right. Blue is good.
Blue clarifies, cuts through;
blah blah blah blah blah.
It is nice though.

You won't be able to 'appeal' to independent or actually objective academic certainties about 'justice' because there won't be any.

The hierarchy of power will be in charge and it will determine what you 'believe,' what you are able to believe, and mostly certainly what you are able to 'know.'

The media commentator observed that if they are able to confuse you over such a common socially-obvious thing as sex, then there is no limit to how much wool they will be able to pull over people's eyes.

Still in all, let's just go back to the common popular subjects around the place - one of them, for example, being this idea about 'manifesting.'

Well manifesting, yes, this is the idea that material things suddenly appear just by some kind of particular 'mind effect' rather than by the sweat-equity of Emma Stone (and don't get me wrong, I could easily find her sweat... Ah never mind; back to the thing).

For growing humans, it takes about 14 years for new layers of bone to naturally be replaced within the organism. So. No 'sudden re-appearance of the rib that became Eve' for you!

And, typically that other form of prostitution called the medical profession, trades on human need for speed, with mechanical interventions, and sophisticated drugs and very heavy-duty long-term toxic chemicals. If you think you will get away with shoving 14 years into 3 minutes, well, the immediate next 14 years after those 3 minutes will prove you wrong.

But no doctors are going to hang around to say sorry though, after 14 whole years of a slow catastrophic descent into the grave for you.

Or me too, maybe. 

If we're stupid enough.

Have you noticed though, how even dead bodies - even lots of them - quite quickly disappear into the big blue briny ocean...

'Red' is dissolved into the big blue.

When those characters - like Sir Salman Rushdie and Stephen Fry (who accused 'God' of doing to very small children, what he does himself via low-frequency radiation emitting electric power towers; many studies/science is in, sorry Stevie babe. It's not 'God' who's killing small children with bone cancer, it's you) 'see' blue, they don't really see it - it is only a reflection or something being filtered downwards through the semi-translucent green layer. And then it becomes 'purple' in their lives, that is to say, in your life, since they are powerful political and social determinants across the whole of modern Western society.

Suddenly, Sir Salman's rage against his own father (who admired Ibn Rushd and so changed the family name of 'Ahmed' to 'Rushdie'), having morphed into a general rage against the whole of the Arabic Islamic world, has taken you along with it and now you too, are also at war with all Muslims. All 1.8 billion of them, more or less. 

Now hey, look, maybe you could want to argue with them, and tell them, just like the 'Moses' people, that they have almost the same 'holes in their narrative' as the Moses people do.

But what motivated you to disturb someone minding their own business in a cool mosaic-tiled place, kneeling on a mat oriented to the 'Eastern' part of the flat Earth? 

This is red. A red machine.
Well actually, this here is a painting
by Manu Campa - he's a guy
who specializes in painting
what looks like photos of shiny
metal objects, mostly cars.
(Thanks to our 'Bill Smith' who told us
about Manu).

Of course it is also clear we can certainly sustain the argument that well, tit for tat, Muslims also interfered with other people themselves - 'not Muslim' people - too. So yeah, let's all just go to war. That will solve everything, right?

..But I can show you 'blue' and it will dissolve his (Salman's) red, all 1.8 billion Muslims' red, your 14 years of 'red' in whatever form that is coming, and anybody else's red. Oh yes I can. Yes I can too!

Because my 'blue' is bigger than his imaginary blue. 

He doesn't have 'blue.' He only has mimic blue.

My blue is 450 nanometers. His blue is he doesn't know and he doesn't care.

Did you know, by the way, that historians and archaeologists tell us that the ancient Greeks did not have a proper word for 'blue.'

Just like Germans today have no proper word for 'woman.' 'Frau' does not mean 'woman;' it is a title meaning a free person of the land.

So what is the sociological impact? 

Well, I dunno. They did have 'Herr Hitler' though.

LOL ('Herr' is not 'man' either; as you know. So 'damen' does not mean woman either - it's a title again; means 'lady').

Now I'm not going to get into the etymology of 'Aegean' because you won't believe me and you'll shoot off to the Universities, who really know, right...?

But, did the ancient Greeks therefore 'see' the color 'blue' if they didn't have a specific word to distinguish it?

Well, let me just say this much:

'Blue' clarifies, cuts through, captures the essence...


Yeah but it does though!

Did you know that some people
don't like fried onions??
Can you imagine...
I like fried onions.

It is the thing which permits the 'boundaries' of all other things to take shape around it's continuum pressure...

When you have good clear, and direct access to the 'blue' in your microtubules (thanks, KP and Stuart Hameroff), for a start it creates a downward pressure, into the lower circles (you can say 'chakra layers' if you like), and then next it crystallizes all material things in there, in their moment-of-inertia so to speak, but most importantly, around their peak of temporal existence too.

Eventually, it can, if you want it to, dissolve all of those things as well.

You cannot break out, in fact it is 'break up(wards)' though, isn't it, unless you can restrict these primal lower rank components with their innate energies -, IE break out upwards with a discrete idea into the 'indigo' zone, which is the key place that the UV missing energy 'disappears' from - if you go by the 'ultra-violet catastrophe' conception in physics.

Then, then and only then will such a clarified idea become manifested by the functioning of the higher-end wavelength effects of David R. Hawkins' 'Universal Field' (although I admit I said his field to avoid having to attribute the concept to that Austrian medical doctor and psychologist whose name must not be mentioned at the extreme peril of the 'ghazis' of Sir Salman and Fry, believe you me, coming and stabbing you in the neck. Well, it would be me in this case, except I'm not mentioning his name, am I? Because he was crazy and all of his books were banned and burned by the FBI. So I wouldn't mention his name).

Here fishy, here little fishy...


Saturday 20 August 2022


Well okay so Nancy went to Taiwan.

Right now in selected futuristic industrial park cities, the government of China (CCP Beijing) has established complete integrated digital wireless air traffic control systems, which allow the operating of 'Autonomous Aerial Vehicles.'

There are literally thousands of these vehicles presently lined up in warehouses, and a number of them are already in operation out in the actual real world.

'Real world' I suppose, in this case being delimited by the 'futuristic urban centers' definition though.

Real thing, really flies, by automated control;
you can fall asleep quite safely at the wheel
if you like.

We are living at a time when the mind of man, is turning from the pages of books where its most adventurous exercises were manifested, to the land, the seas, the skies, the buildings - and having those speculative propositions manifested within organised reality frameworks.

This is a manufactured reality, it isn't the natural reality naked, but the extension of primary natural reality filtered through the mind of man and the manipulation skills of human beings.

Adam and Eve in the Garden were naked. We are not naked.

The human being is not a naked primary thing. It is a covered, elaborately transformed manufactured item (ETM).

Every single designer or architect on the planet will tell you, that the imposition of human ideas into form, transforms a previous reality... And they will tell you very strongly, that this 'can be' a good thing, but that it is seldom a good thing, and the worst consequences are only discovered long after widespread societal implementation.

There are literally no reports, by the way - hate to tell you this - of human encounters with advanced ET Alien beings, in which the usual state of said 'Aliens' is clothed!

They have clothes, but these have express and very consciously deliberate teleological causes for being worn at all.

Was that a tautology? Dunno; might have been.

When we look back into our broad cultural past, it is possible to think that some writer somewhere, saw the smallest birds in existence, for example, and then anthropomorphized them into stories about 'Fairies.'

Not a small bird in reality, let me tell you.
For Balenciaga.

But if you take that thought as excluding all other possibilities, this runs counter to our own current experience with our manufactured, elaborately transformed own reality.

And as more time passes, unless some cataclysmic event overtakes our steep progress in technology, we will ourselves have become those things that past ages were thought about as only having imagined in books of fantasy.

In fact one issue we will all soon confront as a generality, is that there will be a number of ideologies that cannot sustain themselves in the coming world.

Marxism might, capitalism might, Islam certainly will not. And so, in all events, Sir Salman Rushdie (whose father changed his surname to reflect his admiration of Averroes - aka Ibn Rushd. Thank you to Mufti Abu Layth for having told us that little fact) will have 'won.'

Will there be though, as KP questions, retrogressive rebellions driven by this apparent ubiquitous dichotomy of forces, a seemingly Universal polar opposite relativity of existential absolutes, be they merely 'idea' guidelines, or actual mechanistic extremes of material possibility (which is the kind of thing Marxist atheist materialism asserts)?

And in any case, is unlimited forward 'progress' by the elaboration of technical means and technology alone, a materially absolute 'freedom?' Are there any existential fence-lines of 'impossibility' which in fact determine what can really be attained in the end?

The basic 'concern' that has been regularly voiced regarding the speculated disabling of nuclear weapons by 'unknown vehicles' or 'objects' was that we, human-kind, had already transgressed into a Cosmic 'no-go' zone on account of nuclear warfare. The extension of that idea, is that were human technology to go even much further forward into weapons far more devastating yet than nuclear explosion devices - and yet still there was the underlying prevalence of this 'competing interest' dynamic obtaining in human society - well then would it mean we would wipe ourselves out at some point in the near future.

And so the question was asked by a lot of thinkers, not just KP here, well, is there any idea as to how, or whether some advanced civilization had successfully handled that issue - or is it the case that the reason there are no 'ET Aliens' is because in fact, well, they did obliterate themselves in their terminal desire for power and control.

But what is the objective though, of a conspiracy by the world's rulers and leaders, whereby they are most intent on never giving up to the public any facts disclosing the known real existence of advanced intelligent beings not of this planet who have resolved the self-destruction matter - and instead proliferating the clear-cut terminally risky 'two pillar' ideology of the Freemasonic cult teachings, the Hebrew and Judaeo-Christian 'sin' mentality, the Islamic 'human slave to Absolute Other (plus Caliph)' paradigm, into whatever disastrous future is in store for humanity by sheer conclusion of logic??

The logic leads to an absurd conclusion.

Why risk it? Why go there?

And most of all, why insist that everyone else goes there?

The EHang flying vehicle has 16 rotors, and all of them are under intelligent control -  that is, of computers.

If you only had two rotors, well then you would not be able to 'fly' under controlled conditions.

If I say that someone has only two operating psychic nodes, using the Jungian sort of terminology here - like I said Stephen Fry and Salman Rushdie have (how insensitive and arrogant of me) - then they cannot implement any actions that are undertaken by another of the other potential nodes.

So their material power is limited to toxicity, and to physical strength.

Even so, these things are under intelligent control to the extent that their physical actions and rage are being controlled by a person's intelligence (IE their own brains).

And so they look like 'intelligent beings.'

When the Austrian medical doctor and psychologist whose name must not be said, attempted to look at the obtaining moral relativism which resulted in the Holocaust as in fact a false paradigm, instead proposing a Cosmic material absolute with a material physical, albeit quantum level existence - the American government burned all his books and banned you from ever reading them in any officially licensed published format (in other words, they withdrew the rights of Protected Copy under publication licence). During the term of the enactments of statute law to do with the sale of banned literature and banned reading material, it was in fact illegal for you to have a copy of any of those titles.

Brian Transeau sent this pic.
Brian = 'BT.'
We've featured his music here
lots. ('13 Angels On My Broken
Windowsill'). A hummingbird's
nest is about the size of a dime.
He photographed this himself.
The nest was next to his home
on his own property .

But this 'Cosmic material absolute' was no more than the natural extension of Jung's collective unconscious, and it was in every sense the same sort of thing as David R. Hawkin's Universal Field conception. And those ideas themselves swirl closely around the material science nexus of Stuart Hameroff's microtubules model of consciousness. And that then makes them 'electromagnetic field' elements too.

Well you know about those things. You have relatively easy access to small devices today that can measure EMF signals in your brain and in your nervous system.

People like Rushdie do not have those systems inside them to measure anything. And they never will. They are a terminating line of 'Evolution.'

But they are intelligent beings.


And that's where the conflict arises between let's say, you, eventually, and them.

Because one day, you will learn how to kill them at a distance. You can easily learn how to disable them, put them to sleep and they will have absolutely no idea how it ever happened. And they will deny literally to their dying breath, that you did it. Or that you could do it.

As for me, I'm not saying anything further on this, in case someone wants to stick me in an iron cage and suspend me from the furthest branches of the tallest tree/s.

And I am not even a hummingbird! 

Friday 19 August 2022

Fun, Till You Hurt Someone

There is apparently, always this group of super powerful beings - out there, elsewhere, distant - and you cannot touch them, see them, feel them, talk to them...

...But there's always some intermediary that can; except not you though. Never you.

Even Stephen Fry does it.

The TV journalist asks him - but what would you say, if you were standing in front of 'God' (and you found out He exists), what would you say to Him?

And Fry jiggles about in his seat once again (funny, it's just like the thing Dr Peter Duncan, also MI6, does) and says, in stentorian, and very self-assured tones - 'Bone cancer in children? How dare you?!'


Bears out-gun wolves...

Sounds great, right? I mean it's a valid challenge after all.

Those six million Jews in the Holocaust (or only twenty-five Jews, or whatever number you want) though... That was God or that was you?

Was that actually in fact you, human? Did you do that?

'Oh no, that wasn't me, that was some other body!'

Oh but me thinketh thou doth protethteth too much, phrend.

...Ah now you want for 'God' to intervene when something goes too far off the rails.

You want 'agency' (this lovely new word coined by the acolytes of Gramsci) but suddenly you also don't want absolute responsibility though.

So no problem, you stand at a distance (via a screen) and watch, and just hand everything over to people who tell admittedly rather cute tales about the 'Galactic Federation' somewhere far far away - or maybe even really really close - except but you can't see them... But they can see them: 'trust us.' And just 'trust us,' right?

Makes life so easy.

Life - as in real life with maximum agency - is so complicated, isn't it.

So much easier to be 'a happy idiot, and struggle for the legal tender.'

Stop pretending.

Not around here. Maybe elsewhere but not here.

The real 'issue' is happening at human personal self 'ground zero.' How is it possible, that a human being, with only two main salience nodes functioning (1. toxicity and rage/anger/venom, plus 2. raw primitive appetites) can come across as sapient - fully intelligent, very highly intelligent, in fact.

Wa?? Have we so soon run out of 
decent 'food porn' pics?
Nup. This is cool too.

You cannot say that either Stephen Fry or Sir Salman Rushdie are less than very highly intelligent.

But every other one of their internal psychic 'personal self' nodes is fragile, some are not functioning at all, and all the others are subject to wild vagaries of orientation.

When you look at the world political stage - there is some media frenzy over Sanna Marin, and the fact that she dances and has parties with friends. She has friends. This is truly amazing.

Liz Cheney says she has friends; I heard her only this morning address her friends.

Does Justin Trudeau have any friends? Not sure.

And what's his trajectory, d'you think?

Elena talks about people 'making decisions.' And that was far away, somewhere out in space, apparently.

Well I'm pretty sure we right here already decided the 'trajectory' of Tony Blair's test-tube twin Serge Lutens.

Oh you think I'm making stuff up?


You just 'don't know what you don't know,' isn't it?

Look. Getting up in thirty foot-across white Tic Tacs is a lot of fun, and those people who are able to pilot them, really know what they're doing and they are very good at it.

NASA just declassified some report about a flying saucer slamming into a lake and making a huge crater at the bottom of it. Makes you wonder if they recovered any bits and pieces of the 'thing' that slammed into the silt at the bottom of the lake. It's a somewhat BS story that NASA has produced. Sure they de-classified a report, and sure they tracked and recorded and even filmed something going into a lake.

I think it's going to be very cold, in Canada
this year. This is not Canada,
but it is French.
Pay me money when it happens.
LOL When, Mr Wray, not 'if.'
And there's not a GD thing you can do about
it. Not now, not afterwards.
Because how you gonna prove anything?
You told Congress you'd didn't believe
'Havana Syndrome' was really real.

But why are they slanting things now to the 'Oh, super advanced beings smash and crash and make mistakes all the time and we used to classify that stuff...' 

Nobody's making any mistakes and there's never been a 'crash.' Not in Roswell, not anywhere.

When someone get's hurt, happens to get hurt - it's on purpose. Just lettin' ya know.

You show me how you can get out of the trajectory, human...

The trajectory terminates in the graveyard. Am I wrong?

Meanwhile, back to the immediate 'moral equation.' There is no moral equation. Believe me it's a helluva lot of fun messing around in high technology equipment. Okay maybe someone will get hurt. Won't be me and it better not be you.

Why do rabbits exist? For Elmer Fudd, that's why. We're not smart, dude. Not like Stephen Fry or Sir Salman Rushdie!

The problem of 'Theodicy?' What question of 'Theodicy.' I don't have any questions about that kind of thing. That's because like you've all been training in here for awhile already, 'we' can actually see past the 'ultraviolet catastrophe' (which is, for those who are late to this party, Sanna - that segment of the light wavelengths spectrum near UV, at which there is a huge missing part of the energy trajectory, and that no human scientists at all, have as yet been able to account for; where the missing energy 'is going').

For us it's just about the fun. 

This sort of fun, and by the way, summer's gone boys and girls: