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Sunday 17 October 2021

Esoteric Spintronics

For all of you who are already into this at the beginning stage here, I trust your minds have been adequately twisted about by what you last saw in your pdf, from me - well, from us really, although the other two 'biggies' (and they are really big names, btw) still do not want to step out from behind cover even yet!

I really need a 'green light' from you guys to say that you can handle the next two things -, one is really complex, the other is the ultimate 'basic' step-by-step procedure for making your 'electron spintronics using salt crystals and other things that we cannot say out in the open just right now' totally 'come alive' in your little massage hands there...

Not really 'interior showroom' design, though,
is it * ?'  

At this juncture I guess it is appropriate of me to say that my -* and *-, Guy Savelli, passed away last year almost within, well, not very long, of the then still remaining of the Lacey Twins - who were our Grand-masters in Shaolin KF - as most of you know by now although you've prolly forgotten, right?

I never could talk too much about Guy because there was actually some Hollywood commercial-in-confidence things still in place even until last year to do with 'technical consultancy' arrangements.

Same, actually, with both of the Lacey's who did a lot of stunt planning and choreography in the US - and that was off and on depending on where they actually were, for, well, goodness me, frankly, it was even from back then at the Bruce Lee early days.

About the electron spintronics massage thing, I was asked: 'well I want to actually experience something real, or 'for real.'

And that you will get directly from the next two elements of the whole thing.

What I'm trying to do is have those with the necessary aptitude, and sufficient intellect, and probably the necessary time to devote to thinking about the thing, to have at least some basic grasp of why it all does work - and believe you me, it really does work (eh, Bill?).

Because what is bound to happen, is that as people in the standard mainstream massage therapy fields pick it up (electron spintronics massage technique) and start to use it, the really most important aspects are going to get lost in the 'feels,' as they say.

Typical, stock-standard Dubai stuff. 

I absolutely know that what is going to happen - same as it already has happened with 'ordinary' massage that in fact came from traditional Martial Arts' sources - is that the truly key aspects will be overrun by people's powerful greed and constant demand for 'feelings' rather than actual physical therapy as such. And in the drive to commercialize, practitioners will offer what always panders to the most addictive sensory feelings rather than what will be of the greatest long-term actual benefit.

In the second of the two pdf's ready to go, something so astonishing will be mentioned about 'Reiki' that it will instantly make you realize when you read it, that this is something far beyond anything that is coming from a 'less than massively knowledgeable' source and level of understanding (about these things).

Reiki, as you all must know, is a simply huge thing worldwide - and the main reason I mentioned the names of people like Guy Savelli and the Lacey Brothers, is that for one thing, one of the earliest and most significant presenters of 'Reiki' - Gogen 'the Cat' Yamaguchi - was a very close personal friend of all of those three individuals.

So, you should take it on board that when you hear about Reiki from me, you are not hearing from just some 'nuther 'commercial' pop-culture practitioner - you are hearing from the highest Martial Arts sources.

Oh boy, someone just got a 
heart-attack seeing this pic here.
What? Did you think we didn't know,
Team Falconer? ...Give up
already, while you still have a chance.
But you won't because you're stoopid.
And I'm saying it! What more do you want?

And let's not forget, I was also personally trained too, by the most esteemed Chairman of the World Chinese Martial Arts Association, Dr Chan Hon-chung himself, way back.

As I have been sawing away at here many many times over recent months, there are dangerous aspects to all of this, and in these two new pdf's, the 'Sun-Gung' (distance death touch) will be talked about in a kind of explicit and clear detail - as has never before been disclosed.

The reason we are choosing to do this now, is partly in fact, because of the Beijing CCP and its recent behavior...

...So, you are definitely not going to be left out in the cold worrying about anything 'you and science don't know about,' if those idiots start spreading fairy tales about what they imagine they are able to strike fear into Westerners over.

Now. A very short note in passing re the post here of Sunday 3rd of October.

And yes, the horse that won the world's richest race was called 'Nature Strip.'

The post is the 'Is It Really Dangerous' one. And in there it said this:

"But racehorses, you don't train on these wide open spaces with lots of lush green grass. They get small round lunge yards, and very restricted compounds and narrow training strips."

Yeah I should really stop doing this, because actually, I don't want to end up having happen what happened to the famous Sydney 'Legal Eagles' Syndicate back in the Seventies and earlier, when what they were saying 'publicly' in their tip sheets started to alter the prices on horses far too much.

Besides, I don't gamble these days at all.

Some of our little 'hidden group' in case you were not aware, are professional architects and interior designers.

Which is the reason I have posted a few pics of nice car showrooms today.

There's no 'sign' for anyone in it! LOL

The sign is all about those of us here who are right now being 'up-front.' And there would be exactly five people (my guesstimate) on the whole planet Earth right now, who would be able to 'get' why the falconer pic...

I'm on your side, 'Blue.' Honest.

Any newcomers who want to start getting up to speed on the 'spintronics' gear please just make contact.

Saturday 16 October 2021

Will Take Guts

As I have said many times here before, the biggest problem with the recent Bond movies is the lack of substantial, meaningful, villainy.

'Bond' - that is to say, as per the old books - never messed about with too many niceties about who Fleming was depicting as 'evil.'

Today we are stuck with all of this 'political correctness.'

I wanna do this kind of pic.

Actually I just this second decided that I will post the pic I've been sitting on for a while. It is a generic 'pretty photograph' but it will indicate that there must have been something we had over here which was indicating something 'after the fashion.'

And let's be straight about it. I clearly said that there was a complex, sophisticated, well-planned, well-funded and organized, plot to do something 'not nice' to Tom Cruise while he was finishing his latest movie in London.

See I don't like this.
It's a pretty pic.
It's also a brutal photograph.

He got the tip-off. There is a body-double out there now.

So. Secondary targets. And that's because when they wind someone up to 'do something' you can't just 'wind them down again.'

And here I was trying my darndest to stay away from all of this and try and establish some 'good vibes...'


The horses Bill and I were going for won. Came 1, and 2. In correct order. 

It's not a great idea to tip race horses though, and it's an even worse idea to actually go out and gamble on them. 

Great horses, great owners and trainers. I was hoping for the best for all of them and not wishing to, as they say 'put the mockers on.'

British singer, actor, and activist
Leona Lewis.
I'd try and cast her in my Bond flick,
and I'd want her to sing the theme song.

I suppose it is a bit of an art staying above the mess that is unfolding around us.

It can be done but you need to stay focused on the good things - in fact not just the good ones, but the excellent ones.

Leona Lewis should have sung the Bond theme song, and it should have been something written by someone with the cred of the person who has penned global hits for Adele and Beyonce - IE Ryan Tedder.

And so why wasn't Leona Lewis in the movie? She's British.

If the producers had a grasp of the word 'excellence,' they could have achieved a better outcome across all fronts.

But then, I also have to admit, to take the bull by the horns and put the spotlight on real villainy is going to take some guts doing...

Because real villainy today is ugly. And, it is more or less unknown to the ordinary member of the public what the face of it truly is, or who that face belongs to.

The public has been forced to fall in love with criminals, and it actually believes in a criminal mindset as the one that always leads to material success. And therefore it has this delusional idea in its head that 'realism' points to real politik as the 'right way.'

...And that such a mentality has no consequences.

And so the belief is that guys who lie cheat and steal will get away with it unless they are stupid enough to get caught, but especially they will get away with it if they really lie cheat and steal on a grand scale. Then they are certain to get away with it and escape all consequences.

Man, the secrets we give away here...
To the switched on, though, of course.
You'd need to know what the reference
point here is.

So it will take a lot of internal strength to expose the true villainy. And in escapist fantasy/fiction, nonetheless producers and creators are telling a kind of an important truth if they manage to lay hold of the right characterization and present it in the fictional framework.

The main problem is that the public's most cherished idols - are the most evil people of all. The minute you start building a 'characterization' in a fiction setting, fictional story narrative context - and the public recognize who you are really talking about, and that it is someone who is a putative 'political or public hero,' according to preexisting media-led mythology, they will quickly deny it in their minds. They will shake their heads as a collective and all go 'no, cannot be.' 

And no matter how much factual dissonance there is even in the outer publicly-known accounts, they have already been blinded by the 'Wicked Queen' and are seeing things through a distorted mirror.

To have someone 'falsify' a record is actually not the same thing as bribing someone to create a 'real' record which would never - could never - have been created without the bribe.

So there are plenty of people with 'true' or 'real' records in the world.

Someone was underage, never finished high school, but, he got two 'firsts' at Cambridge... The record is not false. To make matters worse, there were never any Stalinist/Marxists at Cambridge either, were there... Who were literal traitors to their actual own mother country. Never happened, did it...

Barack Obama has a 'true record,' for instance, of his birth. His mother living just prior to recorded birth, at the farm owned by Adnan Khashoggi.

And Adnan Khashoggi, being, as you will recall, a client of one, 'Jeffrey Epstein.'

Ah but I draw a long bow, right?

I mean. I wouldn't bet on a race where the odds appeared to be close to certainty as a racing bet.

But now you want me to believe some BS about Khashoggi, Epstein, Obama (and numerous others) all being connected by accident and coincidence.


Off you go then.

Fleming has to go back to Dukes Bar.
Write something new!

You put your money on it.

Me, I'm going to don my reading socks...

And boy when I start to spin out some 'outlier analysis' here you had better have that 'Doomsday escaper's plan' of yours all ready to go and you had better already have gotten a good two days' head start at least on the take-off time!

The absolute worst thing about this kind of 'discussion' and 'putting certain things out there,' is that automatically, if the 'other side' gets to see that you know it, they will change their game plan.

And if you know who to look out for, well, you can 'see them coming.'

So what I'm about to say next does have its downsides.

Have you examined the average age of all of the people doing all of the 'random killings' say over uh, I dunno, say since Breivik?

Told you it would take guts.

...This track is a heavily re-mixed arrangement of a Leona Lewis global hit song 'Bleeding Love.' 

Friday 15 October 2021

Climbing The Everest

Today is the big 'The Everest' race at Sydney's Royal Randwick.

It is the richest horse race in the world.

So I guess we'll have to talk about it. Extremely good horses, great horse trainers. Everything good. It's good. Someone will win.


Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich. Where the 
rich people go shopping.

Believe me to some extent I am doing readers a disservice because there are some areas I simply am very reluctant to touch - well not exactly to touch because I do talk about it all the time; but I don't like to actually say 'death' and especially not 'killing.'

...Now this is nothing to do with horse racing! I'm slipping it in here, to slide it through, and just mention, that there was one single pic I had resisted posting for about two months. The subject is distasteful to me. 

And probably we don't even need 'to go there' just yet anyway. Okay, all you need to be aware of is that there is 'death' in the background of everything. So, what's new, right?

You and I are well out of it. I don't need to be involved and neither do you.

We need to try, and turn our attention to much more uplifting things, in spite of the fact that this will entail quite a good deal of schizophrenia over coming months and even years.

According to standard Chinese folklore, if you wish to have good dreams at night, sleep with fresh lemons near your head.

And, if you want money to come to you readily, have a bowl of nine fresh lemons around the place. But not in a metal container or a metal bowl.

Listen I could go into so much more about that it would spin your head off your shoulders - again! 

Luxembergli thing-ys

We're not going to go into any detail.

Thank god.

Winter is around the corner in the Northern Hemisphere.

The sun is setting lower in the sky.

It should be getting really cold over there now.

Funny -, lemons grow best in winter.

You think the sun has gone but there are all these lemons and oranges around the place.

Same even with the other Persian thing - tulips.

Bright, colorful things.

While everything else is dark and grey or even black as thick night. There they are - yellow, orange, red, purple...

You should buy yourself a pair of 'reading socks' and get settled in for the long winter months ahead.

I mean you are really not truly rich unless you have 1. a good pair of reading socks, 2. good coffee, and 3. a supply of fresh lemons.

Oh, and the knowledge about how to use the lemons...

The Chinese say that if you place eight lemons in a circle on a bed of salt (lol - it's what they say! Honest!), and one lemon in the middle, you will gain prosperity.

I know about other things to do with lemons - those little globes of sunlight in the winter...

Now if you gain a lot of prosperity, though, you could in theory, take off for Zurich, even in winter, and hang around the most expensive shops in the world, and look at the Cartier watches and the Rolex watches and so on, dress in warm clothing, eat macaroons, drink Swiss coffee, and, well, wouldn't that be fun for you?

Or, you could just wear your reading socks, stick your feet up, grab the best coffee you can get locally, and look out of windows.

Don't you feel sometimes, that instead of all the fussin' and 'needful things' you just have some place to go where there is no pressure at all?

...I've been desperately trying to avoid showcasing expensive stuff here recently, you know.

And I think that's actually a good idea anyway. We need to take a closer look at the easily accessible things we have to hand, and see them in all of their many dimensions.

Thursday 14 October 2021

Secret Things They Don't Know About

There is a simply enormous sub-text in the Bible which is not really perceived at all.

Bill Smith and I and another person, one of the Russian translators/embassy interpreters were talking about it this week.

The Russian people in this group particularly are highly-trained cryptographic specialists and cryptographers themselves. And they are by training simply amazing with their span of knowledge of many cultures - virtually it is a 'global reach' knowledge, and at quite some depth. They know about language, ancient languages, etymology, history... ...all kinds of related matters at academic levels.
When you have so much money that you can
live in a futuristic world with no
poor people...

So I stupidly asked on the strength of a number of currently on-going matters: 'How did Elijah know the voice he heard in the cave was 'God' speaking to him?' And 'would you guys have been able to interpret it...?' (Nyuck nyuck). 

Additionally, is there anything in the text itself which indicates he had any reason to suppose that it was or would have been (God speaking; softly). In other words, was he expecting something?

There is nothing in the text that I can find.

William Shatner goes up past the Karman line and he says to Jeff Bezos on landing back on Earth safely, that the one thing that really struck him, was how they 'broke out' through the 'soft blue blanket' of Earth atmosphere, and were beginning to enter the utter blackness of open 'space.' He characterized the blackness of space by posing a seemingly rhetorical question: 'Is this Death?'

The final part of the early narrative accounts of Elijah in the Old Testament, consists of some 'lead-in' words like this - and it came to pass, when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind...

And it goes on to say in there that several people knew this was to happen on a specific occasion.
If you are a cat, you can get to see the king.
Stone sees the Pope (is John Malkovich, btw).

'Would take up' has an unfortunate ambiguity of meaning though: IE 'has been taking up already for a while; takes him up all the time (would do it; He would do it,  He does it - He would do it habitually, regularly).

Although it seems to really have the meaning in there of something about to happen.

It doesn't matter.

What matters is that we are not told how a few people, including Elijah himself, seem convinced such a thing is about to happen at all - there is no paragraph: 'And God told Elijah, I am going to take you somewhere in the skies on such-and-such a date.'

So what I'm saying is that the textual accounts are missing key explanations in several places.

Now if we whip right up to 'Revelation' to the famous/infamous 'and it causes them all to have a mark on their right hands and on their foreheads without which they cannot buy or sell...'

Well there are two huge problems with that. One is that the translation is not grammatical if you go by the original language because there is no 'foreheads' plural in there, and two, that if you take my rendering of what it says, then you will see that once again, there must be things missing, left out - which the writer either thinks people should know about (unusual, for the Bible though, to do that kind of thing - it usually laboriously explains everything!), or which have been deliberately left out by people composing the thing in its present-day published forms.

The word metopon cannot, and does not, mean 'forehead.' It's a composite word structure made up from 'meta' and 'ops.' 

The word can only mean beyond or above, the two lenses; we only have two lenses.

So what sense does that even make to anyone?

Especially, if... ...well, let's read it in my rendering; and don't forget, I am ethnically part-Greek from a high Greek speaking part of the region. This is not 'Greek Greek,' and this is not even so-called 'court Greek,' this is the same thing that the Sub-Continent people have, which is, 'devanagri' - in its proper ancient meaning: language of the devas. This is something called 'Katheravousa.'

This is what it says in Rev. 13:16/17.

'They do not have power to gain consent among groups (of people; in social groups, or in society), because they block their right eye with their hand and thus see only sinister motives in others, and are unable to use their inner vision (or, have empathy).'

So William Shatner goes up more or less into space, and he says it looks like death up there. And it looks like life back down here. And he talks about the fragility of life here and so on.

But now Elijah is going to heaven, right - he is going to real life, not to death, although he's not going to be here then. In fact, where the text is very clear is that indeed, he is not dead; he is coming back.

So he's alive then... (?).

But if he went to space, where it looks like there is nothing there, according to Shatner, then he's dead and he's not coming back.

They say there are 7.9 billion people on the planet Earth right now. Well, there's probably 10 billion. But, let's just go with whatever 'they' say.

There's not 10 billion people, not even ET Alien people 'out there' anywhere close to the planet Earth. So it is pretty 'dead' up there. It's very quiet. Mostly. Unless -, well..., forget about any of that - let's just say that on account of not many people, it's pretty 'mentally quiet,' uncluttered.

There was no white 'Tic-Tac' UFO's around the place watching James T. Kirk actually go up to space for real! 

Not that you could see, right?

Okay so how does Elijah know, that it is 'God' talking to him? He couldn't see him.

I can tell, by the way, a pair of Mes Chaussettes Rouges socks with my eyes closed. Can you?

You want to go up to space? For real?

Cost you a few million and you can get to be there with no other people except your crew buddies, for maybe four minutes.

Paul in the Acts of the Apostles actually goes into the exact same discussion.

He says, completely explicitly: And the writers of Exodus (and I think he mentions in several other places as well) fully intended for themselves to have actual land and property and dwellings in the 'Promised Land,' and therefore, we are talking about that too in terms of a heavenly city -, but not here.

Well where then?

We're just doing pretty pictures now...

I mean these guys are all really nuts and they've taken the world along for an incredible - and stupid - long ride, if it was all a fantasy and imaginary.

Shatner's - and Bezos' - ride up to space is imaginary.

There's a lot of noise as well as a lot of real risks and danger. But it doesn't take you anywhere.

The number one biggest 'problem' people have about any of these things, is they want to 'see,' and to 'feel,' and to 'touch.' No problem.

One day, human technology - for sure and certain - will have a space platform not far from the Earth, up in space. It will probably be called 'Elysium' too. Almost certainly it will be publicly acclaimed as that.

And so you will get up there.

If you go up there, with the core and key understandings of Elijah, then it will actually be 'the heavenly city.'

Beautiful. We're all happy.

So what we're going to do, is re-create, the exact same human social context 'up there' (or anywhere), that we have had down here for thousands of years.

Now there are definitely plenty of people who have convinced themselves, that 'we' human beings are better people now, because of science and 'our evolution' as a species.

That already tells you, there is something deeply flawed in the mentality of the ordinary human being - that they could be that lunatic to cling to such a foolish idea about 'themselves.'

I'm not trying to convince anyone to change their mindsets.

In the music below, as said in the last article, you will not be able to hear the words properly. It's something like: 'I close my eyes, step into the light, there are walls in my mind but I can climb them.' 

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Complicated Lives Of Rich People

There are people who have the reputation of being rich, and then there are those who really are rich across many facets of their lives.

One such person is Jean-Christophe Novelli.

Novelli started out in his long career as a celebrity chef, with Keith Floyd. (Floyd, as you know, Bill Smith, owned one of the fairly limited run examples of the great V8 Aston - the really fast one; was fastest production car in the world at the time, and hand-built, you recall...).

Novelli is a really wonderful person who has given a lot to charity, and mostly, under the radar except that eventually, he got found out and the Queen awarded him an MBE.

Aston Martin V8 Vantage

He also has several Michelin stars to give some pretty serious credibility to his 'celebrity' name.

...Actually it wasn't him I wanted to discuss here.

It was his daughter Christina - who has been for a long time involved with Australian music producers and composers 'Cosmic Gate' and Emma Hewitt - both of whom are good friends of our 'JES' whom we feature here quite a lot - that I wanted to play some music from.

Christina is another who survived a major accident (not totally similar to Paul Van Dyk's accident though just as potentially deadly) and lived to tell the tale.


...see, there's a lot that goes into a really rich, connected person's life and lifestyle. They meet people that you and I would likely not easily run into in ordinary 'urban lifestyles.'

These are people who truly are beneath the radar.

How do you know which 'light...?'

And what they do and what occupies their time are things that the ordinary member of the common public is not likely to either credit or to endorse.

Just today one of my friends was scolding someone who was accusing them of being 'rich middle class people laughing at the poor (people).' Well, real rich people do not do that.

People think they do that but they don't do that.

And she told him off - she said he was a 'snobbish, crass, prejudiced loon.' And I said to her, 'hey hey, wait on, I've just scored 2.5 on that list already!' 'Snobbish' - yes. 'Crass' - very often yes. 'Prejudiced' - absolutely and it's only my personal opinion that I'm not a loon. So - '2.5.'


Some 'ultra wealthy' people are so disconnected from reality that it isn't like they really mean what they are doing - like Barbara Broccoli, they have no clue. Believe me, they are really out of the loop and residing in some bizarre world made up entirely of mirrors reflecting back their own faces to them.

Those of you watching the news will be aware that there are suggestions this week that the person out in the public as 'Tom Cruise' is really not actual Tom Cruise.

...And all of you who have been reading here and paying attention realize that that is likely to be the case; it's a body double. And the plan there, is not to get the body double killed, but to let the story get out that it is a body double and so the hit squad is going to be 'wrong-footed' for a while since they won't want to be 'hitting' the wrong person after all you wouldn't think.

And that's a wise thing to do by the authorities and the security people.

I'll be interested to see or hear down the 'pipeline,' what their reaction is now. It's such a shame but unfortunately we do live in a dangerous world - and the danger mostly comes from other people.

If you go back to say the guy who killed John Lennon, or the fellow who killed Robert Kennedy, you are left asking even after a long time if or whether either of those was really ever able to make a cogent case to themselves - objectively - as to what the source of their animus actually was.

Charlie Manson was an ever so slightly different thing there. There was stuff going on, with Manson, again - 'underneath the radar.' I think so.

Novelli is 'good people.' She can come across as 'different' but you would begin to look that way too if you started to get a glimpse...

This track is going to be the first of two. It's the one in which at least you might be able to make out the lyrics clearly enough, because once we get to the 're-mix' version, the words have secondary importance. They have primary importance in reality though. Hear the words first. And then we can play around with the sound strata of communications...

I know what you're thinking Bill. If you just had the several hundred millions, then we could also try and see if we could handle the 'life.' You know, all the attendant 'rich people problems,' 'rich people issues.' 

We could drink 'rich people water' and we would still be fine, quite fine inside, and go to sleep knowing there are the homeless, and starving and disabled, other human beings. It would be all fine.


'You have stolen our dreams with your lies!'

LOLz - now that, is seriously funny to me.

'Dreams.' Yeah, and?

What's that supposed to even mean?

A little kid imagines they have 'dreams' and but then - those are not going to be realized.

Well good!

Martin Luther King: 'I have a dream...' 

Well you had considerably better verbal delivery, at least, Martin.

'Some people dream dreams and say...' (JFK).

Human beings hang a lot of their consciously actively important ideas and beliefs on what they are happy to call 'dreams.' And what they mean is stuff that is or seems outside of their immediate power and grasp.

Greta's dreams; MLK's dreams, JFK's dreams. 

Barbara Broccoli never had a dream at all. 

To have a real dream you have to possess the faculty of creativity.

Not many people have that. They think they have it, but they haven't got it.

They think that maybe, they left it in a back room somewhere, or in the attic, or down in the basement. But they haven't got such a thing at all.

'If I only had a hundred million dollars, I could dream a dream!'

Idolatry, part of its real meaning, is when you make the hundred million the god ahead of the actual god.

Of course, yes I understand, you need to see the god first before you believe. Because after all, everyone is showing you the 'hundred million dollars,' right? So that's real. Right? Right? That's the thing for sure you believe...

But god is 'not real' and you haven't got a dream.

Still though, how many people do you know that will swear black and blue that they know all about life?

What about every single self-important twit who claims to be a scientist and a physicist?

They are sure they know.

And people give them awards too.

There is too great of a gulf between the practical reality of their lives, and their abysmal lack of perception about real life - and the mindsets of those who have actual genuine answers.

Don't worry. By and by, you will see. You will live to witness 'strange things,' my friends. And maybe only even you and a handful of others will even know what's going on then...

I hope you will be able to make out the words in the lyrics here, enough of them. Because next time, you won't be able to make them out clearly.