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Thursday 24 June 2021

A Good Recent Movie

This layabout international yachtsman and navigator - Gregory Magne, see, decides one time to write a screenplay, and then make a movie which apparently he also directed although I can't see where he ever acquired 'official' expertise to do that...

...which you need to have nowadays in Hollywood. (LOL)

So he makes this European movie released in 2019, called 'Perfumes' starring Emmanuelle Devos and Gregory Montel.

And...'s a good movie, possibly even a great movie.

Emmanuelle Devos

At some point in the movie it appears to reference Calice Becker, a director at the Perfume House (Division) of Dior. Now I never have heard from anywhere that Calice Becker ever had any episodes of 'anosmia' (the inability to sense odors), but effectively, such a thing is the same as if the rest of us who rely on our eyes turned blind for a while or even permanently!

Anyway the character 'Anne Walberg' in the movie, is this fairly introverted, possibly Asperger's type top flight industry 'nose' who has created ground-breaking, commercially successful perfumes in the past, and she has experienced anosmia just when she was about to be contracted by a huge American corporation. Even so, she is obviously very well-off and does related commercial work in the industry but no longer makes perfumes for any major House; but which she still has an ambition to do again. 

It's a bit iffy in the story (although maybe this is more to do with the French cultural nuance not being adequately conveyed to an English-speaking Western audience) how she attracts this particular chauffeur to herself, and how she and he begin to gel as a team - but, nevertheless (as by friend on the other side of the fence, Rabbi Alon Anava says all the time) - nevertheless, the dynamics are fantastic, and she is this very uppity, apparently reserved person, and he is just a working Joe with a daughter he gets part custody of, with difficulty via whatever government services they have there in France.

What genius looks like: Cecile Zarokian.

Well, since they did reference Dior and Calice Becker, all I can say is Calice Becker is not a 'romantic' character! She is a University-trained, corporate stiff, whose specialty is exactly the kinds of synthetic 'powerhouses' that the movie's protagonist seems to detest. All the same, maybe she and they gave out some producer money so big ups to them for that!

I would be thinking more along the lines of Cecile Zarokian, or maybe Annie Buzantian, for the 'storied golden child' in this arena, and hopefully, not Francesca Bianchi, who is so far 'out there' in terms of hopelessly romantic, exotic and highly erotic creations, that I hope to never even hear a whisper of such a tragedy about temporary 'anosmia!!'

The two half-dozen and a bit, real, and I mean real genuine genius creators in this area today include: Christopher Sheldrake, Dominique Ropion, Cecile Zarokian, Francesca Bianchi, and Russian Adam.

...We've talked about John McAfee here before, and quite regularly. I wasn't able to get through to him directly at all for the last six or seven months, and from my own point of view, it seemed to me that his Twitter feed was clogged up with literally thousands of meaningless 'messages' from people.

Suicide and perfumes are referenced heavily in this new title - 'How She Should Make Love - The Witches of Demeter.' If you click on the link below it will take you there, if you haven't already been. ...It's probably the chapter that's missing from the ending that you 'might be' most interested in, but then, I'd have to send you to that Spanish jail that McAfee was in if you read it! 

Free To Read Book 

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Making Money The Occult Way

As you all know, since I do know that you are all pretty well-read around here, the Christian religion overtook the Eleusinian Mysteries finally, by 396 AD - but this disguises what really happened.

In 170 AD Iranians sacked the Temple of Demeter, but then it was restored completely by Marcus Aurelius. In fact, it was only Marcus Aurelius ever, who was permitted as a 'lay person' to enter the 'anaktoron.' 'Anaktoron' means a special - a very special palace. It is not even the 'telesterion' but another place that is distinct if not quite completely separate. Only authentic initiates can gain entry to such a 'palace.' ...With the exception in history of Marcus Aurelius.

'How She Should Make Love - The Witches Of Demeter'

Now - it is crucially important to realize that Paul says expressly to certain high-placed Greeks: 'what was taught previously by you as mysterious, is now explained and known and taught openly.'

The secret rites of Demeter are in the Christian rituals. Further Jesus Christ Himself is reported as having used the Greek word 'peitho' - which means divine persuasion. But there is no possibility that (once again) Jesus Christ who evidently spoke Aramaic and Greek and was trained for fourteen years in Egypt, was unaware of the meaning of 'Ouraneos' or 'Peitho.' Yet, He uses those words in prayers and ideas about 'moving the Heavens,' such as even 'the Lord's Prayer' itself.

The 'pagan' structures were essentially 'power and politics' structures of the day at work, and whereas the Roman Emperor Julian (361 AD - 363 AD) was a pagan Emperor, by the time of the Roman Emperor Theodosius I, Christians had 'taken the Empire' and then it was a question of the competing erstwhile prevailing state religion versus whatever religious structure had been there previously.

This is just a matter of competing political interests - not actual religious ones at all. Because for one thing, there is no possibility at all that the so-called 'pagan' structures that held the Empire previously, were genuinely 'Eleusinian' because that was only accessible by women. And when we see Empress Helena enter the Christian power scene, what we are seeing is the Eleusinian Mystery knowledge in the hands of the Christian rulers, not the male pagan competition.

...What today's Christian churches refrain from telling you, or maybe just plain do not know, is that the Demeter rites introduce the concept of 'divine sources of Earthly (material) wealth.'

All of the Christian 'mass sacrament' ritual is purely straight from the Demeter Mystery ritual.

Of course, I will have all kinds of objections raised to me about what I just said!

Now I want to go back to the 'mystery' of the flying white 'Tic Tacs.' This is a 'mystery.' US Navy doesn't know what it is. No one in the military knows that will say or be allowed to say officially.

But let me draw your attention back to the historical time of Ahab of the Omride Dynasty - which was completely wiped out.

Remembering, that Elijah at the time, only went to one widow... ...yet he shut up the skies for all the people.

Read and try and understand what you are being told. Because the effects will be widespread, but the 'evidence' will be narrow and restricted.

Monday 21 June 2021

The Mistake Of DD Preppers

The one big mistake of all Doomsday Preppers, is of course - that they don't really believe in a Doomsday. Not an actual one. And certainly not one targeting themselves.

So what makes anyone particularly so important that 'Doomsday' is not going to hunt them down, but only everyone else?

Doomsday means no more patty-melts!

This is called? A Dadouchos.
She is one of several 'levels' of
women and some men, in an ancient secret rite.

No more drive-through pizza take-away's.

A regular refutation of certain of the things I have been saying is to the effect that 'we are not worthless.'

And that is right. No human being is trash.

The point though, is, in what does the human individual's value subsist at core?

Luke 4:25 and 26 - the main guy Himself in there says that whereas there were many widows around the place at the time, but Elijah went to only the widow at Zarephath, an old Phoenician city, and gave her food that never ran out... (Doomsday Preppers please take note).

So, either you are going to be one of the 'many widows' or just that particular one.

I mean, hey, that widow that got the never-ending pizza flour, she even has a few choice sarcastic things to say to Elijah!

It wasn't that she was completely a door-mat!

Forest, or trees;
whichever you want to say.

The single biggest lie that you have been sold as an American (and we'll get on to the Brits presently), is that if you work hard, you will reap just rewards.

The Brits have all been brought up with half an eye on another thing though - see, they are secret (very secret, admittedly) admirers of the French - and they remember the lines in Shakespeare's Henry V: 'A very little little let us do and then be done.'

As for 'the people of the Synagogue' they were 'filled with wrath at His words.'

But why?

Because basically, He told them - you're not gettin' any!

Now instead of saying or at least asking, well, but what might we do, to change this outlook for ourselves, they go ahead and try to chuck Him off a cliff.

In ordinary debate, it is a rhetorical tool to pose these sorts of questions so that your own knowledge base is increased - even where or when you think you have the better argument and position already. Because unless you can truly see the perspective, the point of view, of the other, you are only guessing about what they hold in their hands; if the matter was actually mysterious in the first place.

Make no mistake, I have not ever been talking about 'spiritual matters' here at all! I mean to tell you, that flying white 'Tic Tacs' are real material things, with real actual 'people' inside them. These are not drones. And they are not 'secret' technology from here.

But there is no invasion and it is not the End of the World.

Er... Er... Except, well, maybe for you and almost no one else there may be some 'arrangements' made.


In a few days from now, around about just before the Friday first 'deadline' for this Congress Report, we will have a whole new book up, free to read, and basically just for you. It is not going to be necessarily 'easy going' but it will be entertaining if you just let go of the handbrakes in your head for the short duration, and see where the 'drift' sends you.

It will send you, directly to something meaningfully intact in the way of actual material 'contact.' 

And if you are extremely bright, it will leave you as to no doubt whatsoever, 'which way to go,' when the time comes.

But you should be able to also appreciate just exactly how complex the whole matter is, and why things have to be unfolded and not just simply 'placed on the White House lawn one morning' for all to see. And why not? Because Zarephath that's why not.

And maybe only you.

And even then, you will be dragged kicking and screaming. I think so.

But I am going to give a great big, a huge secret right here and now.

It's all about the food, boys and girls. What do the ET Aliens eat?

And don't pretend to yourself later on that you heard that from anyone else, because you did not. You heard it here, and you heard it here first.

There is no 'other place.' Here is the place. Here. Right here where you are right now. 'Here...'




Sunday 20 June 2021

Don't Say You Never Heard

I've already said this a long time ago here.

Truman Capote knew something about Marilyn Monroe that y'all don't know.

It may come out, now; or, it might not, at least not in its complete breadth of meaning and import.

Doesn't matter.

Things unfold, eventually.

If you think you have heard the deepest darkest conspiracies - well, yer haven't!

I couldn't even begin on this one. It's pretty dark.

Okay maybe to cut a whole long story short, let's just say, the Epstein 'Fantasy Island' idea is not new.

Actually what is new is that he got apprehended at all!

...You know, the reason - er, the reason they go after people like Assange and Snowden, has nothing whatsoever to do with how they told the public that the government spies on citizens generally. Who cares? The government doesn't.

You don't have a government. You have overlords and rulers.

Demeter, holding the 
'Horn of Plenty...'

What these people never figure on, is that they have opposition, or any real opposition at all. 

Now you can't 'back-trade' now though, right? Don't get all squeamish when some of the darndest things happen now. It'll be pretty messy too. Lot's of blood, Everywhere.

Sorry. Just is what it is.

So now I'm going to show you how, when you turn things this way and that in the rays of the revealing light - they look different, and they feel different.

Here is the same song that we played last article here - same song, in its original form. The song is about the untimely death of a close friend of the singer:


Friday 18 June 2021

Special Bush, Special Beer

In our world now today, where everyone jumps on-line all the time and tells secrets, and all the experts spruik (it's an Australian word) loud and long the truth about absolutely everything, there is at least one thing that all academics say is still not known to them - and that is what actually went on inside the telesterion of Eleusis.

There are plenty of ancient references to it, but - and unusually, since everyone today knows everything, right - there is no actual description by any ancient writer at all, what constituted the actual Eleusianian Mysteries...

Well, I mean, they are mysteries though, after all.

Going up to see the light(s). LOL

Never stops Wikipedia though, generally!

They will tell you any kind of * and get away with it completely all the time. When I say 'get away with it' there is no one with their level of global 'mind reach' that can counter them.

Now Muslims are happy enough to admit that Allah was in the Burning Bush when He talked with Musa (AS), and certainly Jews will tell you something broadly similar about the time when Moshe Rabbeinu... about the time... wait. Let me consult Wikipedia.

I don't know what Moshe Rabbeinu is so famous for when I go look through the endless claptrap on him in Wikipedia.

You would certainly think that maybe the guy who got to actually meet - according to the whole narrative of his whole entire nation - with a Deity in person, would merit at least the words 'was said to have meet with God (and I don't mind what name you give that god...);' but the entry never says that and today's Jews have not all rushed and got up in arms and complained (a touch unusual for them) about it. All it says is 'God appeared to Moses as a burning bush.' As.

Hell, and who am I to object? Unlike Wikipedia, I was not there in order to be able to say!

Anyway, forget all that - I want to take you to a much more profitable place, which is, namely, to that part in the Eleusinian Mysteries, in which those who had gone way past 'initiate' status, and attained the 'contemplator' position, meet the god of gifted wealth, Ploutus, or Plutus, depending on how you like it, and he gives them a whole bunch of gold -, and money, and real treasure; IE real, worldly, material value.

Burning bush? Okay not a burning bush then,
but kinda like something burning though...?

The edict against divulging the secrets of the mysteries is absolute, and if you yourself once having acquired them ever divulge them -, you will be killed, and all those you... ...well, you know the rest 'cuz you have seen that flick.

Yet, nevertheless, I find there is so much nonsense and sheer nonsensical speculation (it is nonsensical since if you examine these things carefully, you will find they are stupid in the extreme) given so much space these days, that at a bare minimum, and hopefully not risking the wrath of the gods (the one Greek guy once who was said to have divulged the secrets, in fact did not do that really, because he did not know them, and was instead exiled for saying there was no god at all) - at least I may, I think, outline one particular thing.

The drink that is used inside the telesterion, is not some psychedelic drugged-up concoction with mushrooms in it and all of this utter rubbish.

It is just spiced beer. With some mint in it.

Pretty much the same sort of thing Abraham gave to those three 'god' beings at the occasion of the start of this whole long-winded Jewish saga.

Personally I don't know why they (the Jews) don't just simply say - 'hey you, you up there: you owe us a spiced beer...'

I mean I would.

But now...


Now listen closely now because it gets interesting from here.

Not even those highest and mightiest of all, of ancient writers - who are bound to have known exactly what went on inside the telesterion - ever even suggested that they did know, but in those one or two cases when they mentioned something about those matters, merely ventured a view as to the moral end result thereof.

And I can hardly do different than adopt their example.

Not all people who are wealthy were the recipients of benefits from the god Plutus. Oh no indeed, in fact far from it.

Those too, who had never been inducted into the mysteries at Eleusis, slandered the god himself no end... ...just as they all do today in Wikipedia about so many other, and similar, things.

The world is this huge, vast place, filled with people of all kinds, most with fixed and firm views about simply everything. There are those who 'work hard' (so they tell us) and rise to great wealth and power like the brilliant literate geniuses Elon Musk and Bill Gates (he - Bill G., - has a 'summer recommended reading list' that has been doing the 'viral twitter' rounds recently).

And there are those that the conspiracy theorists say have gotten their wealth and position through 'selling their souls to Satan.' 

Marcello Gandini - designer.

And there are those who are not well-off the whole of their lives (should have become Freemasons, or sold their souls, I guess).

And there are those who say, like Diagoras of ancient Greece did, that there is no god at all - and he will tell you most assertively that 1. he knows what the Eleusianian Mysteries are, and that 2. there was nothing there that happened anyway, really.

Now, I am not mean, at least I try not to be. And I won't just get deviated away from opening the gate to those that might want to still slip through inside here...

Inside here.