'When you enter into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water.'
What is all this cloak-and-dagger stuff?
Anyone trying hard to break through - well, this is not very different to Steven Greer's Ce5 thing - will realize that we are in a war-zone, and that it is occupied by very malevolent minds and forces.
Look. It cannot possibly be clearer than that. This character in the film, is blind.
'It' - the physical land - is not so much occupied, as the brains of people are fully possessed by a completely demonic 'overlord' conception that forces them to dull their wits.
You take the standard basic Christian texts - here is a guy, said to be, acclaimed by people there at the time to literally be 'God' or at minimum some Divine Personality; even the Centurion at the Cross uttered that thought and he was a Roman pagan - and yet here He is, more or less walking around surreptitiously and having his followers meet in secret, in secret places.
But then, the text itself outright says, 'this place is ruled by an Evil Being.'
This place.
That means here; the world, 'our' world, this planet, this Earth, this human race.
But make the process simple, don't go and over-complicate things. It's just about your brain's signals being more easily transacted with from an external transmitting source.
There is no point going outside of things we know from modern science - we don't have to concoct some too 'mysterious' invisible, unknown, unknowable but religiously-proposed format that allows for 'seeing' and 'being seen.'
Before there was Bond there was Bogart.
We absolutely do know that skin surface resistance and frequency differentials can be picked up by radar tracking technology.
Steven Greer is telling you about actual literal ET Aliens.
And I am kind of doing that too.
I am just more definitively saying, this has all happened here before.
Ammon Hillman knows it for a literary source 'fact' if you will -, and he has read enough to realize that these sources are recording actual things that actually happened (in the distant past), and that the brains of those doing the writing down, were very great minds; they produced the geometry, maths, physics, and medicine that we all rely on today.
But what you are going to find, is that there is a lot of 'blocking,' a lot of 'interference' as it were; exactly the same as any kind of radio-jamming that goes on on front-lines in war-zones.
So don't expect things to jump out for you that easily. They can, they might, but very likely you will feel resistance.
Or 'sense' it. Maybe it's better said that way.
Believe me it would be so easy for me to show you, one-on-one, to take you through it all point for point and show you things step-by-step.
And there is a counter-party out there.
All of these people, like Jacob Barber and Greer and even Elizondo - all of them - want to say the creatures 'up there' are all these love-y dove-y mild-mannered warm friendly, whatever...
But they are not. Well they are, sort of - the majority of the time they are extremely cold and 'superior' and not concerned too much with the immediacy of what people down here feel and how they feel it. They know the difference between what really is urgent, and what we down here feel is urgent for us.
And without Hammett there would not really have been a Bogart as we know him. Who is that guy by the way...? Up there in the pic.
I personally think they are being a bit high-handed because we are here and they reside in these remarkable quite wonderful and very advanced technology vehicles and stationary platforms with everything looked after for them; while we have to fend for ourselves against tribes and tribes of worthless but rapacious idiots!
So this is contested space.
There is a power down here, hell-bent on damaging the human race permanently; irretrievably.
At the same time I am very sure that you can make the necessary 'break-through.
There is no reason why you cannot.
There are process reasons for delays - partly it will be your own expectation mind-set and over-excitement and then disappointment between when you 'transmitted' something and something else happened back.
That's the phase that I want to underscore to you. Don't waste energy thinking 'Oh this is not working.'
As long as you had the sensation that the top focus (when you are forming the idea of something strong going on) drew all the others into a particular different overall sensation (you should be able to feel that), then it is definitely working and your thoughts are being seen and read.
You can buy a MindLink device and literally watch the changes in your brainwaves through the process.
But I wouldn't waste the money at the start.
Get some forward momentum going first.
You must get some personal forward momentum happening.
Are you trying to tell me that if you had an instruction video with some major celebrity as presenter that somehow then, it would make things easier?
Oh yes Greer, really cute and cuddly, right? Barber is almost blubbering, have you seen the interview?
Or is this just exactly what I was saying - we've all gone down this path for so long of being so ridiculously spoon-fed and wanting this that and the other handed to us on a silver platter by others, that even the price of Silver (the commodity) is starting to have us thinking whether we should want to sell the platter first, just to get our hands on some hard 'evidence' that fits our idea of 'satisfaction' before we worry about science fiction as reality (which you all don't really believe... ...yet).
This thing has been all done before, a long time ago.
By now most of you have received the basic set of instructions.
Anyone who hasn't please email right away: interdeq@iinet.net.au
One thing I guess I did not think to mention, because I have already talked about this lots - is that you should be projecting up as far as you can, all the way so that your sense of your surroundings is like it would or might be, say, off the Earth, and up in space as it were.
When you do it, make it simple. It does not need to be complicated!
And then, hundred per cent you should be scanning the night skies because if you are doing things right, you will get a signal back. Will take at least thirty minutes, and can take a couple of hours and even a day or so - but when you get it, it will so staggering, even if it is just over a fragmentary time frame...
People have formed this quite wrong idea over many centuries, that somehow you are actually 'going up' somewhere while really, it is all happening just in your mind, in your brain. You'll see why, in a moment, that it is more like a television transmission than any kind of personal 'physical travel.'
That is, if you are still down here...
There is a difference for those people on the extremely rare (and usually emergency or something) situation where they are literally 'going somewhere.'
Those people either go into such a deep trance that if another person were there looking at them, they could think that individual was literally dead - or, they actually do physically get moved and that happens too, and has happened many times to various people.
She's blind. So now you know what you are looking at. Right?
I did say in the email instructions, to take note - very carefully - of some of the pics being posted in here now.
'Carefully' to me does not have the same 'ultimate doom' meaning that other people tend to imply when they say the word; I just mean look at them and think about them and try and notice the basic things that they are presenting. It's not a big deep meaningful and somehow secret thing that I am trying to indicate in them.
Anyway try it, and see what happens for you.
Yes you should be 'saying something' to 'them' - whoever they are that you think they are; maybe you do not even have any preset notion.
Before anything happens for you, and it is all just 'sheer' speculation up to that point, there is nothing significant about any of this.
And then.
Then the world changes and it can never be changed back.
It's actually very easy for UAP's to be invisible to you and to Earth scanning systems (most of them). Everything is easy when you know how. See the 'stealth' part there? Hmn. Where you see 'wearable sensor' read 'body paint.'
And then all the people around you start to look like what they really are - not just 'children,' but really really stupid people.
Now by the way, occult or ritual body 'art' ranges across lots of different things, but we are talking about literally a 'grid' (I'm not going to give it it's real technical scientific term here) that specifically allows coherent information in and out of the individual human person.
The reason I have recommended the simple thing that I mentioned in the email, is because it is both easy to do, to form on the skin, and because it accesses the highest kinds of minds with the optimal 'feeling' spectrums.
You can go do Arabesque art too, and then you'll end up making contact with this 'Tawus Melek' species the Yazidis try and 'tend to' - which is basically, Satan. Or what in most religious cultures is referred to as that or some equivalent.
Good luck there.
It's all very 'beautiful' superficially, but also completely selfish, self-involved, narcissistic and damaging to humans. It's also half-dead but is a super-vortex that will drag you into itself.
There are literally billions of 'captured' humans on the planet, worshiping this exact 'figure' and more or less do not know it.
This is the mindset where individual, personal human life, counts for nothing compared to this identity that wants everyone and everything to bow to it - ordinary Western politicians are part of this mindset; it's not an Asiatic exclusive!
Cultural Marxism - same thing.
It's beautiful but don't put it anywhere near your head.
The mind-maze that takes you sequentially further and further away from necessary factual truth by using regular patterns - is this same thing.
You see, reality and LIFE although they both do have regular and reliable patterns, also have a certain magical quality entailed.
The regularity is a mind-trick that wants you to believe it, is the sole reality.
I'm afraid Academia is a mind-trick.
This is also the belief that AI, by copying historical record human patterns, will derive novel solutions - which it cannot.
'Life' - actual life/living thing thing -, is a fountain of fire that spews forth completely new things, never-before seen but also, energetic flows which uplift and sustain... ...existing life.
Music is a prime exercise where life is and shows that 'fountain of newly-born fire'
...One of the best scenes in the Babygirl flick is the Rave Dance Party set. This music below is not from the movie - that actual movie soundtrack mix in the particular scene in question has not been released publicly yet and is a mashup of 'Creep' and 'Crush' by Yellow Claw.
The scene is in no way sensitive or nuanced. It shows how people need, some people, often need to lose themselves in heavy physical activity in order to 'absolve' themselves or release their minds from the constant underlying self-admission of guilt over something.
It's a kind of death, I suppose you could say. Death makes - allows - people's egos to 'disappear' from the template brain which has been carrying all of their faults, flaws, acknowledgements of failure and defeat, shame and guilt over evil actions that they did.
The egos of course don't actually disappear, they just get untied to memory; brain cell memory.
The big problem is, unless you know how to protect your internal structure of personal 'mind' then just because you don't remember what you have done does not mean the internal structure wasn't already badly damaged...
You can feel bad, but that doesn't mean you have been damaged.
It's when a person relies on underhanded things to gain something they think they want, that those elements and dynamic aspects of the personal being, become the ascendant when really they ought to be servants and tools of the higher mind.
Let's say for example, I will lie to a person in order to make myself feel superior... Why, in the first place do I need to 'feel superior?'
What makes me better than that other person, that I have to insert myself into the trajectory of their lives, and alter it? The trajectory is already going through its path to a particular conclusion. Where did I get the right to alter that path or trajectory?
Parents think, or at least believe, they have this right all the time, and they don't. They have the duty, to hand on knowledge and experience from their perspective, which cannot be, the perspective of the next person in the human time-line.
...And what happens to someone who insists they have these rights (which they do not have) is that they have installed an unworthy unit into the driver's seat of their soul.
I Me I Me I Me - know more, have more, do better, will not consult, insist on making decisions on my own for others around me...
That's the appetite ruling. That's the animal creature with no intellect, ruling.
That has already damaged that person doing that thinking, because never can you unseat the animal after that, after it has tasted the blood of a victim; especially not another human being and those kinds are notorious in their treatment of actual animals.
Gold glitter acrylic paint with dropper. Simple as.
What happens next is death. The Gods will not permit such beings to live on in that form, among higher beings. Will not. Ever. Period.
Who are these 'animal ruling' people?
This is Satan. Satan is us; potentially. It's not anybody else.
You think you are messing with stuff and able to mess with stuff and taking all kinds of chances 'believing' garbage from religions and ideologies and 'science' and all kind of *.
The minute you see what I'm telling you that you will see, all of that insanity stops. And you start to 'get real.' With yourself.
There is a line from a Chinese Opera Classic about this Fairy Maiden from the Heavenly Place of the Jade Emperor, and she laughs at massive armies of humans, and says: 'One touch of my sword and millions are slaughtered...' One touch, just one.
...This music we used in one of the early books on inkitt, I forget now even which one and it doesn't matter because I am going to use it again, soon:
I will send all of you who have been in communication off-the-page some direct instructions and a simple resources list.
Fairy goddess of the Peony Pavilion.
I will not be explaining all, right here, openly.
There is absolutely no need at all to go the lengths that a lot of people try to these days, using EEG devices and strobing lights and the like.
For one thing, anything that is even vaguely available publicly costs a bunch of money and there really is no point.
The thing is, either ancient Oracles such as the Sibylline and the Cumaean were able to see things or they were not - certainly they did not have local-area access to technology of the kind we all buy from Temu!
It's important for you to know, that modern-day 'Christos' (Christ/Christian) ideas come from a certain root word, that relates to these Oracles - Khrystos.
Google will tend to try and transliterate it to 'Khrestoi' and say this is pronounced 'Khrestoi' or 'Chrestoi' - the speech to a human intermediary, of a Divine Being.
Welcome to the cocktail bar at the edge of your system...
But it is Khrystoi' and 'Khrystos' and from there we get 'Christ.'
And the whole meaning is the same - it is a Divinely-Spoken WORD.
'Khrysme' or 'Khryma' (cream!) is always associated with this Oracular ritualistic tradition.
But why is it?
'Elaio' is the tree planted by the Goddess Athena in Athens. And, it is also one of the words apparently said by Jesus Christ when He was dying.
Elefthera is to liberate; ephtha is to open.
'E' is the symbol of the energy word. We use it in Physics today.
Fishes swim in water. Birds fly in the air.
Human consciousness can transit to space through the 'E' (flow). ...And whatever the medium is.
When a spirit of a tree is deigned by the Jade Emperor of Heaven, to have earned the right to go to Heaven, it is taken there by a special lightning strike and thunderbolt, leaving behind, in the now dead wood, a field that is linked to the Heavenly Abodes.
So the Taoist magicians have recourse to dealing in 'lightning-struck (particularly) Jujube wood.'
'Diddle me this, Batman.' 'It's obviously the Diddler, Robin.'
This is a thing in the Taoist Chinese system.
It's nothing you need to be concerned about other than to observe how similar a lot of these 'occult' traditions are across the globe.
Human beings are like trees...
If they completely and finally leave their bodies, they become dead, like the lightning-struck Jujube trees.
Although in art, depictions of strange things like what we are talking about in here right now, always tend to reflect the technology of the particular era - except the unusual thing about the Enoch accounts, is that they make much of the difference in the clothing, and in the apparent cleanliness, compared to Enoch's obtaining normal condition, when he gets taken 'up there;' somewhere, who-knows-where, right?
It is not some other beings, some super-advanced beings, you need to 'ritualize' on - it's you yourself.
You do not have any natural facility or faculty using your own basic senses without the addition of technology, to 'see' into anywhere or see anything with your eyes shut.
But your brain does have a putative capability to pick up complex electromagnetic fields, albeit it is not used to using it, and people do not generally have any kind of easy-access to such 'sensory' cognition.
Let's just do a quick but absolutely vital run-through of where we were at already anyway:
When your brain is holding the sense of something inside the body moving or circulating/rotating at tremendous speed, and you direct your optical networks to focus on those things, you are engaging the optical sensory pathways and memory circuits.
So that actually means if you start getting real coherent signals into those neural network circuits, they will be interpreted as visual effects in the brain.
We tend to visually use idioms based on our level of technology and the obtaining (current) social structures - but that is actually not what the Book of Enoch discloses at all.
It'll take me a good few hours to formulate and then get around to emailing everyone, but, for right now a couple of things ought already to be standing out:
Let's say you get the email and as you read it you realize oh yeah, this is interesting, I will try that...
The first thing that will actually happen is a sense of excitement and expectation and that could quite easily interfere somewhat, although not necessarily with everybody -, with how your brain relaxes enough to receive and perceive information.
And this is especially the case when you literally see with your open eyes, something signalling back to you from space!
So anyway, anyway, the first step is simply to get the thing going, and we'll worry about the implications later - and there are ENORMOUS implications!
If you simply go by the Book (books because there's a few slightly different versions of them) of Enoch as a guideline, then you will observe that he did not just physically go to places all the time, but sometimes he saw visual information only about other places and other people - and then, finally he disappeared physically although he knew very well that he was off; and told some friends and they watched it happen.
Not saying anything here...
That's that story anyway.
And he ain't been back since.
But why not just everybody?
Because one of the most obvious implications, or at that point it will be necessary effects not 'implications,' of acknowledging there are 'weird things' going on - is that you will observe how that a human being is a process not a thing.
You can't just 'take someone' with all of their dysfunctions built from living down here as a worn cog in a broken machine, and expect them to upgrade right away to what can accommodate how a Kardashev Scale III Plus species is living in its social set-up.
I mean, hey, you can take someone though...
I'm just trying to make it easy, thassall.
Look. Those people all over the world, and there's zillions of them, who scream about evidence and science and atheism and whatever else they want to - are loud-mouthed noisy brats with no brains and a stubborn (and foolish) insistence to validate human dysfunction!!
They're actually not smart and they are not right.
Seeing the light is one thing; noticing the art and the design is a whole lifetime's work.
Those of you who get the email, will likely apply the directions and things will happen.
And then your stoopid 'sci-ence' mind will be stuck with the fact of it all.
Well, maybe none of you have seen the flick yet, just like I was not going to either!
But I tell you what, in hindsight it's a funny movie that basically no one of the modern kind of audience person, will understand.
Aw aw yeah, people will think they understand it but you poll a hundred people who have seen it and I guarantee you that not a single one of them will have picked up the 'hidden,' I guess, thing about it.
Ah sure, on one level yeah yeah it's about sex and power and gender rubbish and everything else yawn, who cares...
When you want to stop bad dreams, you place a bowl of nine - Chinese say nine - lemons by your head. It works because 'modern sci-ence' should (but doesn't of course) know that the QED molecular spin rate of the lemon olfactive compounds very rapidly mediates brain switching.
...Back to us here.
There is a faculty, a common plain, everyone-has-it, thing that allows a person to 'see' - as in literally see - with their eyes shut.
Ammon Hillman is an idiot, but he's also a savant idiot. He is taking people right off the trail while at the same time having found the actual real trail.
He actually... ...god I don't know if he is reading here and I very much doubt it, let me put it another way - I know he isn't.
But - he managed to say the word 'Thespesion' recently (or, if you go to the Leftie-scam Google/Wikipedia, it only says 'thespesia' or 'thespesios'), and that is the word that I talked about here using our language's phrase: the Mind of the Wonderful.
Thespesion means a wonderful and Divine Mind that creates humans - actually, new humans.
And not just new humans but new forms of humans.
He even outright says Genesis was never composed in Hebrew but in Greek.
And he is right.
The 'tree' is not a tree (ref: 'Garden of Eden') it is a shaft of some kind of light.
And when you induct that light into you, you look different on the outside to others, to those who haven't got that light - and you can go up and down into some 'above' places.
Joseph does it and there it is called his 'coat of many colors.'
Even the f*ing Formula 1 companies know the point of colors!!
In Revelation (the Apocalypse) it is also spoken about in the parts there about some Divine Being who 'holds the seven stars in his hand.'
That phrase is straight out of the Chaldean Oracles, of which only a few dozen or so poetic verses are extant and even they come from quotes only, of other people commenting about the real Oracle Text itself which is today long gone.
I'm saying all this to underscore once again, before we get to the thing I have been foreshadowing exposing, that there are techniques used by the Sibyl Cults (which as Hillman correctly explains, is the early Christian Cult followers).
I've told you those techniques.
The correct word is not 'visualize;' it is to hold or be able to hold, the sense of a thing in your mind.
You can visualize and that won't get you anywhere because you will not have the feeling, the sense of the actual thing.
...And I have mentioned that ordinary dreams are nervous energy 'embers' held together by bits and pieces of memories and their neuro-psychology causation is in order to dissolve/dilute/virtually eliminate the unresolved thinking energy that you never resolved during the affairs of the day.
Sometimes when a significant emotional thing cannot even then be totally eliminated, it can become part of a neurotic condition or a pathology.
And that is not what we are going to be talking about or doing.
These are known as 'Gurkha pants' and they are really classy and if another person wears too tight trouser legs I will personally come down from space and execute them myself, personally. And don't think for one minute that I won't or I can't.
When I say 'dream' I mean something to do with the Thespesion.
The Thespesion is a God thing, and I think it is even personified maybe in Hesiod or somewhere like that.
And it does not simply create from 'whole cloth' a new creation, but takes whatever is viable and valid and useful from old living beings, and makes them new again and live again.
In fact in the main Christology original sources, not just 'live again' but become perfect and live to the Ultimate Aeon (Eternity).
So why cannot these things just be automatically 'jump-started' as it were from anyone just living and going about their daily activities, and suddenly, the God takes them, kind of grabs them by their hair, I suppose, and makes them all new and what-all?
They can. Who says not.
I didn't say not. I said I am going to show you a slow, methodical, easy, non-scary, pathway.
Now there are all these people on the internet, and well, everywhere really, who say things like Oh if you alter the main 'Christian' way that we have, the Christian Alter (that's their term for what they are doing), then this is wrong...
Well it's also wrong for Muslims to make something or someone else 'God' other than Allah but they all literally pray - 'As-salamu 'alayka ayyuhan-Nabiyyu...'
I am actually, a very dark personality. And that's because it's always dark before the dawn. That's right, isn't it?
And that means 'Peace be UNTO YOU, Oh Messenger.' But that guy is dead; he's a dead man. So how is it they are addressing a prayer directly to him?
It doesn't say anywhere not even in a hadith that this is to some 'angel' who then 'takes it to Allah,' who then bestows the sentiment on Muhammad.
This is directly praying to a dead man.
It's completely wrong and they still do it and have ten million creative if ludicrous ways to justify what they are doing.
People want to 'de-bunk' anything they haven't got possession of themselves.
'People' are complete, insistent, stubborn, f*ing morons.
It says, categorically in the Bible, that the Christians and the Jews used the Porphurious - this is the 'Burning Purple' of the Medea Cult and even in one of the Epistles there is direct reference to someone 'Lydia of Thyatira a wealthy businesswoman;' and that 'she sold luxury textiles dyed with the Murex Royal Purple.'
The Masoretic Hebrews who were permitted to be close to the Ark, and acted themselves as sacred oracles -, used shawls dyed with Porphurios - until after that con-ster Josiah, made them change to dark blue.
The lesson is - people, who don't know what they are doing, are all apt to go the way of all 'people.'
And I've told you over and over where that is.
And you can go there too. If you really want.
Or, you can do this and tell me what you saw.
Are you ready?
Do I have enough people's attention here?
By the way - Romy, the character in Babygirl, is paying the guy whatsisname 'Samuel' (played by Harris Dickinson who I don't much like but still) - and, she was paying him from the start.
I was gonna offer a hundred bucks to the first person who picked that up but I know I would be wasting my time, and also, that when I said it, everyone in the whole world would have a hundred creative if ludicrous excuses as to why 'I am wrong.'
What's the price of Silver by the way? Or Gold for that matter.
Anyone buy any French wines yet?
Has anyone managed to work out what I am about to say about the actual 'method' just from the thin strands of clues thus far?
Believe me you are going to get the shock of your life.
It's a million degrees and I'm in the city again, fixing up some deal from a Swiss client with the Perth Mint.
The Gold Price is running hard, and the person's IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is not 'clicking' the list of numbers the Mint holds that it is allowed to deal with - except it is UBS and they deal with a large number of those clients.
It's hot out there.
That's not Kidman but it's like Kidman (kinda was).
I have some time to 'waste' and I don't want to leave the place right now and lo and behold, right in front of me is the Palace Cinema Complex, in the heart of the city and that place is air-conditioned to the max.
I'm going in there!
What's on? Now that's going to be a problem because I seriously detest modern movies and I've already seen the only one doing the rounds that is any good as far as I'm concerned (Widow Clicquot).
Jeeezus. The only thing on is this Kidman 'click bait-y' thing - Babygirl.
I've read no reviews and I'm not going to.
So anyway I'm going to watch it now and I can walk out if I can't stand it (which is what I'm expecting).
Movie starts and I've gone through my 'medium' Fanta or whatever thing it is that it is supposed to be, from the actual soda fountain.
The start seems cringe-y to me. The opening 'orgasm' scene looks faked (but don't make a hasty judgment here; I'll tell you why in a minute as you 'get' what this is about).
Frankly although I don't think most other people are going to say this about it but the start scenes are slightly unpleasant to me - the characters are not empathetic. At least I don't think they are.
I notice this kid actor Esther Rose McGregor, right away out of the blocks is a quality item; delivery outstanding, a small sentence and steals everything from big name actors Banderas and Kidman.
There's one scene where the guy sends Kidman a glass of milk - and she drinks it. Yeah, you wouldn't want to be drinking a 'glass of milk' that I sent anyone! LOL
This is a very difficult movie, very hard to direct, very difficult to perform by the actors - I realize they are doing a stellar job though...
This is a severely flawed movie but only in the perfectly characteristic way that all modern modern movies are flawed: they need to get you over the 'propositional' gap - the disbelief that would attend a real-life situation but which you must suspend because they want to tell you a story and they have no time to tell it. (Nobody has any time these days).
One of the lines in the movie that occurs twice is when Kidman's character tells this 'intern' that he has 'seven minutes' of the ten scheduled because she has no time.
She is playing the character that is the CEO I think of some huge and tremendously successful robotic warehouse technology corporation whose whole objective is to 'liberate people using AI and robots in order to give people back time.'
Was a good line and a bright idea.
Unlike in past days, movies now are about sex and 'relationships' (usually problematic ones) whereas previously they were about murders and spying and only incidentally with the 'spice' of adult themes thrown in over the meat and potatoes.
And unlike Widow Clicquot, this remains a 'difficult' movie virtually all the way through although I begin to realize this is being carried by the staff (the actors) and Kidman should win awards for this and so should the kid.
The male protagonist who is not the husband (the husband is played by Banderas) is not good, but he is authentic in the portrayal of a 'contemporary' concept about some kind of post-modernista 'dominant.' As far as the directing and the intent of the movie, maybe it's better that he is not at all a sympathetic character; the movie might not make as much sense if he were.
I know this is feeling to me like a re-make of in part Demi Moore and Michael Douglas/Donald Sutherland's 'Disclosure' and something else that I can't place - but the ending lines are definitely things I have heard before. But it does have a contemporary twist that has to do with lots of nuanced things.
What ze actual f*! Oo iz zis guy Bill Smith? I'm sure ah dohn no 'im... U noh 'im, Bill? You see 'im somewhere before maybe? 'e look a bit familiar to me.
It's a much better movie than I was expecting.
In these pages here we have been talking about solutions not dysfunction without resolution.
You can't say I have no sense of humor because hey, I went to see this flick, and I really did enjoy (in a sense I enjoyed it...) it.
The basic theme is that (some, certainly not the husband played by Banderas) humans are tied to their deep core physical feelings, their senses - you could say it is a very sensual move, that is true enough - and there is no spirituality that can resolve anything after that.
An interesting line in the film delivered by Kidman is: 'you're confusing morality and ambition.'
I find that an interesting thought.
It's juvenile but it's still a thing that people 'act out' on.
And then there is a sort of movie-land resolution and it quite works and then all of a sudden, when taken as a whole, the whole thing works and some ideas revisited at the end dove-tail back to the start and you realize things were not exactly, necessarily as they seemed when you saw the opening scenes.
The husband is a successful stage director and producer and he was working on a season of the Ibsen play 'Hedda Gabler' and there you also have this dark(-er, slightly darker than it already is!) theme of suicide and what could lead people to do that.
Nobody commits suicide in the movie.
Everyone's quite rich and everyone's very successful and of course they seem to have time to f* up their lives but really, at the same time they have no mindset that can handle what is being presented to the viewer as this 'deep, dark. innate,' psychology thing that (some) humans have that make them interesting to all of us lurid voyeurs.
Nobody 'flies away on the nightflight' in this movie...
I didn't think Kidman was capable of doing this role at this time -, I did think she was maybe a bit 'past it' but then, that is not actually the character (the one I was expecting) she is playing here - she is openly playing an older person; a much older person. McGregor tells her (she is the daughter) that she 'looks like Grandma' and Kidman's character never blinks at it, not one time.
There are a few 'modernistic' gender aspects present (with the daughter) but the movie is not preachy in any way at all. Which is different to what you get everywhere now.
It's a good movie, it's a very valid set of ideas in there and people deserve to get awards for this - I think it would have been very difficult for people to act in and the director and producer to make properly. But they do it.
It resolves nothing of course.
We resolve stuff in here.
...I leave the cinema, it's still a million degrees outside in broad daylight, and so hot that I am not even hungry.
The reality is Kidman is getting richer but she is not getting any younger.
I am getting younger.
It's partly a time-dilation thing but then at some point...
You know the rest of the story or at least by now you should do.
I'm not going away anywhere yet though so don't worry. There is a lot more 'delivery' to achieve here. As well as a lot more monkey business.