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Friday 23 August 2024

An Interesting Challenge

So - someone who is regarded over here as certainly one of the most experienced, genuinely learned, and caring (this is an important one!) of professional pharmacists (I can't say his name), was mentioning to me earlier today, that he worries about all of the advertising on local television and across the internet especially on YT and whatever else other formats the kids are into, on gambling.

He said with quite some disquiet, that the older of his two young sons, at age ten/eleven, was already talking about the punting websites and on-line casinos and betting games and heck, what could a parent do at all, to dissuade young minds from walking too far into this world.

Young minds are naturally going to inquire, to investigate, and then test their own hypotheses out for real sooner or later...

From 'gambling' there is 'drink' too
just 'round the corner!

Today's world is simply riddled with available addictions of all kinds, and the forces of attraction that swirl around and draw unsuspecting people into their diabolic clutches are extremely powerful.

The easy public access to all of these things is an extremely facile trip into disaster.

Governments don't care.They're in the business of extracting money from the public at every opportunity and at every level of human economic transactions.

Nobody teaches Damon Runyon at schools.

Kids don't have the time, what's more, to sit back and read with intent (and therefore to sit forward earnestly), anything which requires more than the casual Tik-Tok page flickery time to do.

But their parents can still send them to piano classes of course...

And lecture them relentlessly about how they must all 'study hard' and 'become doctors.'

It seems to me part of the problem is the older generation itself; literally it is the parents.

Me personally I don't fear the stock market but I cannot say it contains any opportunities right now today.

I like the images as artworks,
not as meaningful things that 
can offer you 'chance' and

I do not fear poker or blackjack or roulette wheels either but I cannot tell you any of them present what I would class as genuine bettable risk-reward avenues for anyone's money in these times.

And that is because the surrounding social and economic circumstances of modern life have all changed since say the days of the 'Roaring Twenties' and the Depression Era of the early Thirties - people, in other words those 'others' on the other side of your risk position, have no money to tempt you to play at anything; they only have a fantasy belief in a fictional value of their real estate!

A genuine professional risk-taker would leverage against their fantasies in the liquidity afforded by their strong abiding sense of comfort and affluence.

That is the correct position of the professional 'gambler.' 

Anyone who's ever read any Damon Runyon would automatically know to bet where the stakes pool actually is, and not where it is merely said to be.

It is 'said to be' places wherever all of those vast institutions like government, like Black Rock, like Vegas interests and so on, say it is. 

Not only do the special interests and huge institutions that are allowed to offer betting on things, rigidly structure pay-outs (rather than offer actual natural stake mathematical risk outcomes - IE payouts), but they manipulate the rules that once were traditional and unalterable - in order to heavily disadvantage the players.

To understand the meaning of the rules is a question ultimately of the mathematics involved, and so this is a considerably valuable logic, maths, and truth (philosophy) learning pathway of great significance!

Wall Street to me
today means old-fashioned
newsprint that
you serve your beef sandwiches
and tomato sauce dip on.

To understand the linked matters of sensory influencing that is going on, the ambience of the playing environment, even the timing and the use of diurnal patterns, is a question of psychology and here again, is another great canvas upon which to frame and to inscribe scientific things in your mind.

People of the world today are mostly all victims.

I find it a very interesting challenge to think about how to give young people adequate mind tools so that they are not such easy targets and obvious potential victims - and yet not limit what they are being allowed to do or to think about for themselves on their own recognizance.

It's impossible to give anything along those lines to the older generations.

They are already too far and too long gone into worshiping the 'Golden Cows' of their own fantasy materialism make-believe and lustful money-greedy mentalities: I 'want' truth but I prefer lies that satisfy my own ego; I 'want' God but I worship the money Devil everyday and submit fully as a slave to that materialistic draw-card. 

Again - 'I believe whatever the Pentagon tells me and I believe that they (we humans) are able to outwit the most advanced Alien minds who have the technology to come here across light years of space and time...'


I actually admire the little kid who wants to make cash out of gaming because he has heard about it and thinks it is an opportunity to make money without having to go to piano lessons or 'study hard' all those things he has no natural interest in.

He is thinking 'out of the box' but he has no learned tools to cope with what he will encounter 'out there.'

Looks good...

And no one is going to give him those tools because in the first place his parents do not have them and in the second place they are not going to permit him the time to acquire the necessary tools from anyone who actually has them.

If you 'trust' an adult human being in the modern world today to make a decision, they will always make the wrong one, the one that harms them but they won't see it even as they are being injured by it.

I have not come to any meaningful resolution of this crisis problem right at the moment...

That is to say - I do not know what to say to most people who ask how to handle it with young kids who might be drawn into the world of 'gambling.' Right now, part of my answer consists of a few things they already do not want to hear.

...In life, good things, take time to develop, to 'work into' - but the tone should be there from the start - just like this music piece takes time to get into the vocals stage:

Sunday 18 August 2024

The Fight, The Struggle - The Plan

I have encountered a number of seemingly hard barriers in recent days.

To be objective about it though, it is because I am not patient myself. I want everything now.

And that is very ill-advised of a way to proceed in anything complex and valuable.

Let me put things clearly: yes I am 'in contact.' 

I want to make a particular short video clip and produce some authentic pics and so on.

This is nothing in the nature of stuff you will see on Jeff Mara or Mishlove or that retired US Navy pilot whatsisname -, I forget...
Sometimes, a cup of tea is just a 
cup of tea.
Even though it is finest tippy golden flowery 
orange pekoe.

Chris Lehto, that's it.

This will be embedded within something to do with completely banal matters - literally it is just a kind of a high-tech massage technique explanatory video.

And so theoretically at least, only you guys will know what is really going on.

So it's a fight.

At the same time I work every day in the midst of young people, most of whom are highly-intelligent, final year med students or young pharmacists even one or two geneticists. And all of them suffer, and I do say suffer - under the self-imposed strictures of 'hidden' ideologies which consume their energies and steal from their economic potential.

Naturally enough, following the fashion of today's standard mindset, all of them are fixated on property - real estate, as it is called - and the idea that property is the route to their liberation and ultimate wealth is a mental obsession; but it is just another ideology.

It has no genuine logical basis in facts that can be defined from any available data.

The proposition that you do not need to have a primary source of trade profits to power up your capital - is the fool's paradise that everyone dwells in these days.

You see property as growth capital proceeds on the notion that there is a second-line, even a third-line, source of sales revenue driving values: rent comes from the idea (and it is an idea only, an hypothetical element) that someone else is earning the money that they then just hand over to the landlord - for rental costs.
The Crillon at the foot of the 
Champs Elysees.
Definitely a fit place to entertain
the mighty.

The actual source of real money comes from somewhere, or something behind the rear-view horizon...

And no one cares that that place might be a fantasy, that is to say might not exist in reality - because for the interim, everyone is still either collecting rent, or else borrowing on the annual increases in bank-accepted values of property capital.

The fateful day will never come. That's what they all think. And that raw thing is what drives the movie Apocalypse Now. Brando's character Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, has faced the truth of the inevitable however, and he is the encounter. He is the fact. He is the truth.

The property-owner has no more ability to generate actual profits on sales than the cow has of leaping to the moon.

But there is no 'Walter E. Kurtz' property owner. Yet.

There are only the bullocks that will be slaughtered. ...I am talking about mortgage buyers, not actual owner owners, who still will have to pay rates but theirs will be the less of a burden.

They work like cart bullocks. They are dull-witted like them.

And they will certainly bleed like them too. Because they are living material beings. Albeit dumb animals.

Like the sacrifice at the end of Apocalypse Now, the axe will be put to their necks and they will bleed.

And they will hurt. Suffer, actually. It will not be quick, or easy.

They look like humans and claim to deserve the right to hope.

And so here we are.

I fight against the stupidity.

I struggle to push through the inertia. Sometimes it is also a directed malevolent force.

Dumb animals are the minions - perhaps unwitting, perhaps not though - of a very definite, intelligent, malevolent agency that operates in the human race. I have called it Primal Titanic. Others call it the Devil.
I just like the blue highlights...
Okay I like the thing too.

I learned just this week that a person I knew, well, in fact that I still do know, really - who is a mega-wealthy minerals mining tycoon here in Western Australia (not Andrew Forrest, I don't know him although we come from the same era here and inside the same Stockbroking circles), had a while back purchased an old Convent building... In very much similar legal circumstances as the incident with Katy Perry and some California nunnery or something.

And, last week he disposed of the property at hundreds of thousands less than what he had purchased it for.

He did not purchase it.

A certain 'men's club' lets say, purchased it through him.

In getting briefed about the current situation in Argentina for example (also this week), I was told by the very well-informed insider that was giving the briefing, that Bergoglio is trying to remove the Globalists in the Vatican policy-making strata, but I don't believe this at all.

Just what it is that such shadowy groups behind the mainstreet 'clubs' care about churches and some mosques and some other religious edifices I have no idea!

But the sheer long-range malice with which they direct their plans and spend their energy, makes me wonder what it is they fear.

...But let me get back to my own challenge. I have sought to be able to give a 'view' to this 'contact' thing-y going on. And the rules and restrictions and rigid directions involved, although not troubling or all that difficult, do mean that it takes longer than my own usual time-frame - which is basically now!

If in principle 'yes' then in material fact why not simply 'now!'
'Get thee to a nunnery

Well, anyway, things are underway. I understand and am able to see the steps being put into place.

So you have to have patience.

But you will see.

Do the extreme intelligent and powerful minds of the Universe care about the least of humans - the ones in the streets, the mentally aberrant (for whatever reason), the infirm, the old and weak, the vulnerable.

If we walk about with our eyes open, we see the human poverty and it is everywhere. 

And I see the brilliant, the youthful, the vigorous, the well-off - those who can do significant things to help the world. And they reject Truth always.

'We' humans have created our own evil, the sources of our own downfalls. 

Truth (God) is there and we reject it in preference to ideologies that are inherited but which we utterly embrace.

So let me tell you this - do not ask 'did God come,' or 'are there really any such things as super-intelligent ET Aliens who come here or have come here so that we can benefit from their knowledge and wisdom and experience?'

They are coming here but only for the likes of you.

And so you must have patience.
Lights, highlights,
and alcohol!
It will be difficult, for me...

What is at stake is unbelievably awesome.

The capacity to do good of ordinary humans is also unbelievably awesome but they do not do it. And what's worse yet is that they choose not to do it.

But since you have chosen to do good and to try and see, where it seems that what is looked for is hopeless, and ridiculous and crazy and foolish - then you will indeed see.

Hope is the last and the only Divine Gift that was left inside the Box of Pandora and as the Epistle writer wrote - 'if hope is never fulfilled, then wherefore do men hope?'

The English is complicated. The meaning is simply that hope is a thing that exists at one phase of a continuous curve of existential reality in time; which at another a point, it is fulfilled - otherwise it is not hope but falsehood. Belief in a hope is not a falsehood. It is a deferred fact of some certain reality. And that reality is always based on logic and other facts.

And what makes it logical that what I am pointing to will certainly happen?

Well between now and when it does happen, I can deal with the facts, the elements that are going to be part of it all - the point, the meaning, the usefulness, the justification, and the intelligent sensual experience. You see it is not just 'sensory.' It is sensual because they are very advanced and they do not live within the restricted boundaries that humans generally tend to live inside of as in some stoopid artificial mind bubble. Which is what it is that people live inside.

I will take a photograph. And you will be shocked. There will be tears. If there are no tears you are not really seeing. ...And you will all know by now, that how this song starts, is not what happens to it from around half-way in.


Wednesday 14 August 2024

Plotting The Firing Solution

It is a rare target that never moves. 

As a certain shooter recently found out in real time.

'RTGS' is the standard terminology that is used by traders in gold and silver particularly, all across the world. It means 'real time gross settlement.'

On the one hand, virtually all the contemporary trading apps and platforms all want to talk about  'low latency' - which is claimed to mean the lag time between input and system response...

'Spanish silver' - was indeed,
debased in purity, but you'd
still rather have a lot of it today,
than a bunch of worthless bank cards!

...On the other hand I have never yet known a serious professional investor (who trades out and takes profits, obviously; or closes positions for repatriated cash/liquidity) who could care less about such a thing. No such person attempts to 'pick the top' or 'pick the bottom' - they have a series of wave functions that they are continuously observing and are merely moving within the cycles defined by those wave functions' maths; their sine curve equations or 'Tau.'

The whole process - from one's acquisition of initial capital in the form usually of proprietary intellectual understanding together with usually a very small amount of cash, to the end result being significantly greater cash being returned to the base fund than what started out in there - has to have a clearly-defined path and logical and sound (that is, true/correct) steps connecting all the way through.

See the thing is this: if you think that the price movements alone of say, silver, offers opportunities to make rational investor-scale profits, then you are mistaken. 

The price movement of BitCoin offered an opportunity at the start because the entry price phase into an innovation of currency types was a fraction of the true 'whole of pathway' eventual value.

What makes profits of a seriously useful - investment rational - scale, is the dynamic driving force, the essential energy, of the connected moving pathway of steps.

The population of Argentina is around 46 million people.

The currency is the Peso and the inflation rate is difficult to evaluate with absolute clarity but the figure is presently some number upwards of 270%.

When inflation takes off, 
the gaucho just tightens his
gaucho belt, right?

If Donald Trump secures the election result later this year, then the economy of Argentina will benefit due to the broadly similar alignment of the economic and political philosophy of the current President of Argentina Javier Milei, with the so-called modern Right of American political thinking as theoretically represented by the Trump people.

All the senior academic intellectuals in the US know all about this prospective pathway for future gain, and it means that regardless of the CIA's predilection over several recent decades, to foment trouble anywhere and everywhere in order to install puppets and steal national wealth via the 'usual suspects' panoply of MIC banks and equipment supply and financing institutions - clever independent traders can outdo those people using basic finance skills and money transfer techniques and specialist knowledge.

Well, heck, look - silver is like a totem or motif of symbol of Argentina and there are a lot of very skilled silversmiths and craft-workers in the metal in Argentina.

Now this does not seem like anything important to the typical Wall Street genius, but it contains two different value 'energies:' firstly, the value-adding aspect of silversmith craft-work gives the basis for the local participation in messing around with the metal, and secondly, the sheer liquidity of silver as a commodity means that value-added components are apt to also have actual liquidity in the reality of a vibrant erstwhile commercial trading situation - which in these days draws in the hugest of markets when the run for anything 'hot' is on... ...namely, the China people.

I tell you all this in these fairly simple terms because I know more stuff about what will happen in the future than maybe is wise to be circulated widely...

And yes, it is the other stuff - that hasn't happened yet and cannot be predicted from here - that will make you rich.

Follow the blue and white,
which really stands for blue 
and silver.

But even so, never forget the almost fetish motif value of silver to the Argentines (or Argentinas, as they are called by themselves).

The elves of silver are real, and they exist as real physical material people, not just 'beings;' and why would they not hang out in Los Angeles, or Silverado (Argentina)?

You have, maybe a couple of months left before things that could never have been predicted, actually happen!

Of course they cannot be predicted. 

It's only those of us who have seen the future and have been there already beforehand, who can say things that sound absolutely bizarre and crazy and stupid to the common folk - and who are nevertheless certainly right anyway!

The common folk though, are always broke. Have you not noticed. Why is that, do you think?

We are not common around here and that means you are not either. Always remember that. You cannot go back.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Clearly Showing You The Xan

But wait! First - here is the position of the financial markets; T-Yr Bonds (the Risk Free Rate), DJIA, Au, Inflation Rate (as 'said' by the US Department of Labor Statistics, and others of that ilk):

The Dow is at around 39497.54

The Price of Gold 2430.70

Inflation - 2.97%

There is simply no 'pressure,' no dynamic pneumatic force around the place that can drive the capital prices of authentic liquid capital (like the Stock Market General Index) further up very much from where it is.

You are going to be rich.

The issuance of paper granting overnight liquidity to the banks and to the Federal Government is at levels that defy numerical calculation and there is no evidence that property prices are markedly going down and thus there is no likelihood that liquidity supply necessities are going to drop.

Obviously, not since Basel III is there any tie to material reality for the official issuance of 'paper money,' so we cannot insist that simply the ludicrous fantasy money supply is any reason for anything to fall in 'price' any time in the near future.


Look, you all know that the Bohemian Grove thing is real, and that there is a conspiracy of malign people who dominate the economics of our present world literally globally - none of those people are going to force capital prices down and injure themselves (one another or that is to say, others of their own 'people') unless some dynamic force or cause of pressure to make selling decisions asserts itself in the scene somewhere.

But if there is a 'game-changer' physically-engineered, hard material object that is advanced into the global consumer markets - not software or vaporware ideas like AI is - then they will all take cash from their most easy to release holdings (the Stock Market/Equities), in order to get prime positions in that new industry or sector.

Then, the Stock Market will Crash, not a moment sooner.

I like this.
Do you like this?

Is such a thing on the cards, are there any technological developments that can be applied as hard material consumer objects...

Possibly. And you will instantly know them as soon as hints appear on your visible horizon.

So keep you eyes open for such things.

You will easily be able to make fortunes positioning yourself in the correct flows (of money).

But there is genuine game-changer, as compared to theoretical or hypothetical or merely hyped, game-changer stuff. So be aware of that aspect.


Now back to the interesting stuff.

Vigano was kicked out of the Roman Heretics circle for literally saying that Demonic and Satanic forces are installed there whose express goal was to insult the Living God by making humans become ugly - since the fundamental teaching is that 'humans are made in the form and likeness of God.'

So for one thing, please do not make the mistake of thinking LGBTQeverything-and-everything-else-that-goes-with-it is about ambiguous gender, or switched genders; it is about ugliness... ...making the human ugly.


When human (humanoid) DNA complete organisms are cloned, they grow mostly as twins.

Again, and I suspect because of artificial arrangements during the process, mostly the twining is of 1. male, and 1. female.

We are talking about actual living material beings here, dropped down from space platforms out in the LaGrangean Points not too far off from the distance of the Moon to Earth.

Ears pointed at the tops because of living - growing from infant to juvenile - in very low real natural ambient gravity conditions, slightly bluish-tinged skin or else skin manipulated to be sensitive to sunlight through artificial melanin infusion, long limbs and skeletal 'levers' including finger bone structures, some hyper-flexion potential or capabilities, 'juvenile' bone maturity all the way through organic life-cycle, low-ambient light opthalmic capabilities...

Regularly -, well, always in fact, you will see these individuals being substituted under the noses of 'ordinary' humans and paraded as the same person when they are in fact two people; one being in one place and the other of them somewhere else at a particular time.

But because they are not 'regular' looking human individuals anyway, other people do not clearly 'see' them and think the one they are looking at is the original person they ever saw in that role, under that name and in that character being played (it is literally being played).

You will have to use the best possible headphones that you can lay your hands on for this...

And instead of the usual YouTube video link down below here I have linked straight to a private Google-Drive file which is simply an ordinary MP3 Audio file although I prefer to use the VLC Player system to open it.

'Silver' leaves.

This is a pre-release production copy of something that might come out into the public arena soon. Or maybe not. But likely yes.

Sylvans are woodland elves or creatures as some would say. The name is from the Latin Silva meaning forest or woods.

Milton, from Paradise Lost - 'A Steep Wilderness'

"Cedar, and pine and fir, and branching palm, a sylvan scene, and as the ranks ascend Shade above shade, a woody theater of stateliest view."

They are not in any way, as some say, like 'rotund men.' 

' the ranks ascend.' They are higher beings. This is Josefina Silveyra - same person as the one in the boxing pic above. The Audio file says 'Jodie Knight' but it is Josefina although they both have very similar singing voices.


Tuesday 6 August 2024

The (Primordial) Titans Today

The dispute between Prometheus and Zeus is a fight between two insanely intelligent people (IE 'beings' if you wish).

All of the commentaries since forever, about the account of Heracles (aka Hercules) killing the Eagle of the Caucasus Mountains which ate the enchained Prometheus's liver each day, tell that the reason of Heracles's action was that when he saw what was going on, felt sorry for the Titan who had given such a great benefit (of the Divine Fire) to Mankind.

The accounts say that Prometheus was chained there for thirty thousand years.

...Remembering, Zeus even owed Prometheus something at least, for his having allowed Zeus to enter into the court of Cronus in disguise as Prometheus himself acting as cup-bearer to the king of the Titans.

Soon, we will ascend some 
'stairs' to the object.

But Zeus knew that the real motive behind Prometheus's treachery against Cronus, was even further treachery later on, this time against Zeus.

Most people who are aware of these ancient stories are not told what they really mean.

They are only told the superficial moral lessons that attach to the tales, but not told of the existential facts or any kinds of actual material realities - especially not on any terms of practical human personality reality; although you could say the Jungians have some clue about this.

The Titans are completely equivalent to the Jotuns of Norse scripture. 'Jotun' is said to come from a root word that means 'to eat voraciously/to consume without limit.'

This is the same sense of meaning that all of the standard traditions have about this category of being - the Ancient Serpent Typhon which Zeus slew, has an equivalent in the Hebrew tradition, the Taninim; the Primordial Darkness contains some creatures that are virtually limitless in their powers of destruction and voraciousness.

The way that Zeus dealt with Typhon was to slice it up into small parts - and He does that also to the Primordial Spirit of Void-Time, thereby creating our linear time which is made up of regular, flowing, continuous discrete bits.

Prometheus is the Ancient Primordial Consciousness that possesses full intelligence...

There is no deficit to his understanding nor to his potential for subtlety.

And Zeus knows this.

The narrative accounts say 'chained to a mountain,' and 'eaten by an eagle,' and so people assume this is about 'mountains' and 'eagles.' And naturally they therefore do not think the stories can be really true because there is no actual gigantic being chained up to any mountain anywhere - that had his liver eaten each day - this circumstance is not in any historical record, nor is there any archaeological evidence for any such thing.

There are many true 'heralds'
of the Higher Worlds here on this planet.

Although there is plenty of ethnic folkloric legend hints all over the place about some 'Hercules' person travelling around and doing astonishing prodigious things, yet there is no means in any of those to base some idea about a real gigantic creature with attic god characteristics literally being chained up on some actual mountain-top anywhere.

Just for the moment we shall consider it along the lines of the moral tale aspect - Zeus realized that He was dealing with a completely Supernatural and Supernaturally Powerful thinking being. Hesiod says that the liver is the seat of the soul in the person, be they god or man, and that it is immortal and regenerative insofar as it is the spring from which new dreams come which have the power of life in them.

Zeus is thus disrupting the Titan's source of the immortal creating of desires and intentions and reminding him that it was his evil ambitions that were his downfall, and would always be his downfall if he continued to feed these evil plans.

Superficially Zeus allows Heracles to kill the eagle and thereby halt the painful suffering of the Titan - and this seems like some kind of basic act of mercy.

But that is not so.

Zeus knows full well that the Titan actually purposes to place in his liver, a 'poison' to turn the eagle (that is eating his liver) against Zeus or against the humans as virtual hostages to himself until Zeus relents and frees him and then ultimately leading to a next phase during which he will unseat Zeus as the Ultimate Universal Ruler and King.

Zeus permits Heracles to kill the eagle thereby cutting off Prometheus's plan.

But we have jumped a step in the understanding of all of this...!

The heralds appear as men,
but they are not human mortal men.

Zeus, just as He has done with the Typhon Serpent, 'cuts' up Prometheus and puts him in a condition in which he presents less harm to the family of the Divine Beings.

He places Prometheus inside of Man.

We see the real Prometheus every day and most people deny that it is so.

The 'mountain' is every tall skyscraper that the lunatic property developers of the world are hell-bent on making and owning. And they are all chained up to that concrete hard fantasy. 

The Divine Eagle is the wings of their mind that could take them all the way up to the true Heavenly Abodes - but these are cut off and destroyed by strong (Herculean) forces.

Now for a long time I have been trying to make short-cuts and have all of you literally see the Divine Places, and see and maybe even meet advanced beings - and certainly it is my intent to have them help you. 

At the same time it is probably better and more meaningful to go first via these explanations like the one here above - because that will give clear-cut reasons why the Divine Councils are so disdainful of humans and seldom appear here formally with individuals or even among groups.

Prometheus chained to the mountain...

They stand at a distance not so much because they fear humans, but because they are wary of what the human is comprised of - which is partly, Titanic primordial cunning and device and unworthy ambition to overpower, also extreme treacherousness and callousness in the harming of others for personal gain or advantage of any kind often.

But it is possible to find some access so long as this is on the right terms.

I find that once a person comes to terms first with the real Evil that is here, on this planet, in this world, and sees it for its real Supernatural presence and material actuality, then it is much easier to look around also for the Good, and that which comes from Above and is fully connected with the Upper World - Upper Worlds - and start to have exchange. 

It is much easier to see the Evil. It is still not so easy to fully understand it and see it for its real depths and overwhelming swirling power to drag under.

But once that is appreciated then the reality of the existence of that which is Supernatural becomes obvious and accepted by the previously forever doubting human mind.

The evil of the rapaciousness of the Titanic human mind cannot be satisfied, and so people must die; that is why there is Death for humans.

But in this is the clue as to how one may overcome the edict of the Gods against all mortals.

Power over all is not a condition of your personal satisfaction.

John in the desert, they say, was
satisfied with yogurt and wild
And so we are still today,
are we not?

In no way at all in fact can such a thing grant you satisfaction.

Methylation of DNA is the pathway to turning off the 'death' gene encoding. We are not so far off from the technical understandings of how actually to do it, as humans. There are species out there that already can do it, and they also have the technical means of re-growing discrete individual 'persons' from so-called autologous DNA samples.

But they are all of them well acquainted with the 'power-trip' risks of the human-esque mind, so to speak.

It is quite interesting to me, how artistic creators and Sci Fi movie envisioners like Julia Phillips in Close Encounters, appears to characterize the ET Aliens almost as children, with a lot of humility and group social emotional connectedness -, like a group social empathy of some advanced kind was always going on among them.

It is almost never the case though, that groups of humans gather in some place and then groups of ET Aliens actually turn up and literally 'meet and greet.'

And now you know the reason why not.

You cannot find a large group of human beings without there being a significant percentage of them all secretly harboring mal-intent; wanting power, wanting advantage over others, hiding incredible arrogance.

Like children you must be. Thus it is written literally in the Bible about the matter, and thus it must be because it is true after all of these affairs.

Like little children you will enter the Kingdoms of the Heavens. 

The Apple Isles. Avalon. The troubadour poets knew it.