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Monday, 15 April 2024

The Dimensions Of Sound

So you have studied here - you have read here but it is studying, in fact - for a while.

And so you will recognize things that others will not observe, if they were to simply 'come upon' this place accidentally or randomly and read something out of sequence; and it has been a very long sequence by now after all. 

Instead of placing too much attention on sights and images, you will observe and notice other things - ideas, the underlying ideas themselves, and certainly sound, or sounds delivered as music although it has been much more than what is ordinarily thought of as just 'music.'

Their craftiness is greater than
in the days of Nimrod, even
of Tarshish...

You will, or that is to say your mind will, instantly notice the immediate last track played and relate it to the one you will be hearing now...

...And it will search for the hidden musical meaning, try to grasp for some subtle implication.

Now there is a text I want to talk about -, it is unknown exactly how old it is, or even by whom and where it was originally written or at least compiled, since it is a collection of Asiatic folktales. When I say 'Asiatic,' the actual English translations - and these are pretty much the only things left intact any more ever since the present Iranian regime destroyed the archives and libraries of its Turkic and Persian ancient literature - go under the title of 'Oriental' which in that case means, Turkic-Mongolian-Persian-Azeris-Chinese.

This collection of folktales goes under the usual title of 'The Relations of the Wonderful Spiritual Sage Kur (Guardian Of Heavenly Treasures).' Now the very word or name 'Kur' itself has the meaning like the blackness of night, which covers the heavens and reveals to men on the Earth only the tiniest hints of the blazing glories of the distant stars as they twinkle.

In the same way that you have learned the meaning and purpose of the prophets carrying out 'fasting,' when you read these stories certain nuanced subtleties will appear and try to light up connections with related highly modern ideas in your mind, like little sparkles...

At first and if you are not mentally liberated enough, you will not grant that the wording and phrases must of necessity come from ignorance about cloning and 'Alien' beings having the technology to adopt different physical appearances.

But in these texts and in the stories contained in them, we learn of a group of beings called the Tangari, which in recent times has been altered as a word and name to spell it 'Tengri' and all of the common and public explanations of what this is about is blatant fraud and simple-minded Western academics spinning simplistic narratives from their own position as 'civilized' and 'Christian.' (Or modern Islamic too, for that matter).


Indeed, the Iranian regime decries these kinds of ancient texts and tries to obliterate them altogether from the public mind and knowledge.

To try and say that 'Tengrism' - which is what the traditional 'religion' of the Mongolian peoples is called today - is related to backward primitivism and pagan shamans that we might see sponsored by the Beijing Communist Propaganda Bureau, is to devalue both the Tangari system as well as authentic shamanism.

It is to pretend to be oblivious to the historical fact that the Mongolian Khanates conquered and dominated the whole world, and they did not achieve that because they were 'backward' or 'primitive' or primitive-minded.

I tell you about the 'Relations of Ssidi Kur' in connection with modern-day encounters with ET Aliens who are still active in coming here for their reasons.

Although the Khans accounted for their brilliance in war-strategy and conquest and progress in civilization, by attributing all their successes to the Tangari as if it were to an invisible Deity or 'Spirit' in the same sense and way modern people have religions and religious rituals - yet in all of their affairs as retold by their contemporaries and witnesses, the Tangari were actually physically present at various times.

Further, the Mongolians of the early Khanates were extremely practical people and not at all give to fanciful imaginings in any of their affairs. And although the folkloric stories do contain elements of the exaggerating of heroic people's stature and strength for the clear purpose of highlighting the redoubtable challenges entailed going up against some particular enemy or opponent, it is somewhat of a leap to suddenly suggest key practical elements in the stories are anything other than just plain 'reporting.'

'The Chan's wife laid out for 
her Tangari visitor who came down to her in
a private pavilion, the most
luxurious food and drink...'

The Tangari flew in beautiful craft often externally arrayed specifically to impress the human eye or to not frighten them. They came down from the skies and from the stars or planets, and they went back up to there.

But it is the nature of the psychology at play, not the technology -, what we would today easily understand as psychological forces and motivations, very subtly and with much intellect, being played out, or really, lived by the Tangari and their Earthling associates - that we ought consider and turn over in our minds.

Back then, those who wrote down the events and the affairs of the main figures - the leading identities of various clans and regions and whole kingdoms - knew of the interactions between the Tangari and the humans, today there is simply no reason for news reporters and journalists and even biographers, to know about what goes on behind closed doors or even in gated estates for example, with those who certainly do have physical relations with these otherworldly beings.

Genghis Khan had four secretaries constantly with him writing down all that he said and all that happened with him wherever he went.

Such is not the norm with any modern-day persons.

We ourselves as ordinary human beings have access to incredibly advanced technology. But our psychology is very primitive - even you could say, quite basic in terms of what an intelligent species might be assumed to possess.

'In those far future days to come, the numbers of the people grows very large in the world, and their ways are mightier and more crafty than in the days of Nimrod - but their wisdom fails and their love grows cold.'

By now you have forgotten what was said by the first to the third, fourth and fifth - especially the fourth - paragraph in here:

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Explanations You Will NEVER Hear

Well, that is to say, you will not hear them anywhere else.

Sooner or later, the more you 'grow up' (some of us never do, of course and one of those is moi) - the more you will question what is all of this 'fasting' thing that is so pushed in religions.

The basic excuses always given - and they are wrong as you are about to see - are: it is good for your health (it is not if it is prolonged or messes with the body clock; this harms sleep and digestion and eventually your kidneys because of dehydration bouts), next, that self-denial allows you to stop focusing on yourself and to start focusing on 'god.' This is total bunk even from the standpoint of 'creationist' religions since God the Almighty, All-Knowing, All-Beneficent, 'made' perfect things and if your desires are 'wrong' then He made a mistake! ...Which He could not have.

When 'production design' in films was a
...Done by people with some brains.

And there are others too but they are all wrong.

If you go to the actual ancient original texts, this is not what is happening - some individual is not fasting and then God visits them or some 'angel' of God visits them; they are already delineated for some special incidents and experiences...

The fasting is simply stated, it is not explained.

But I will explain it and you will suddenly get a shock, those of you with enough experience of medicine and human biology and neurology.

Take this current bizarre fad of the 'weight loss' drugs based on Semaglutide - Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro - all of these deceive your brain directly, directly mind you (as well as through the GIT chemical actions) into believing (there is that word again and I am underscoring it here for you on purpose) that you 'feel' full and that you have eaten... ...When you have not, in fact and in truth.

It is a 'lying' mechanism' but one which also works on your brain via the hypothalamus directly.

Now let me ask you a question, that is to say, pose a question:

If your brain is in a state where it thinks, and also thinks that it believes, and indeed believes, something falsely, are you not being deluded, and delusional at that stage?

Next time you talk to someone 
who says they are rich, or that others say
is rich, just don't get
confused by the 'story.'

If that condition remains a constant condition of your brain, what other side-consequences are unfolded that are flowing from the primary basic delusion?

Well, your taste changes, your sense perceptions are altered, your concepts of what is good and bad to ingest becomes changed - your sense of smell is altered - your internal mechanisms become reliant on external drugs...

Can you then in that state and condition be completely relied upon to make sound judgments as to what is 'good' and what is 'bad?' Could you be relied on as to your powers of judgment, to come in contact let's say, with an Alien species, and make sound rational and legitimate decisions about them and judgments concerning what they represent to you?

Why would an actually advanced intelligent Alien species look at you in that state, knowing how you live here on chemicals and drugs and messed around biology and what you are using to 'get by,' trust that you would understand them on a sound rational basis or be benign towards them?

'Fasting' means normalizing and resetting your sensory dynamics in situ (IE in human physical biological life/living), and ensuring that you are not being affected artificially by exotic foods or by some substance-induced false impressions. It means 'getting the time and timing right.' 

You are about to see how incredibly connected and interconnected you are, and things are with you, that are completely outside of you.

I think we can also 'be reasonable' about it and assume that simply by consciously 'seeing' (self-acknowledging) this understanding, and appreciating that we should not make foolish judgments or rash and precipitous moves and conclusions, and especially not try to come at things when under the influence of drugs or substances that have altered the natural human organic processes - then an advanced intelligent species would not enforce some obsessional set of rules about meeting. 

In the world there are many
Ferrari cars.
But only some are this one (like this one).

Because they would be able to negotiate on terms in which you intelligently acknowledge you could be mistaken in the moment and that you will be patient to see the enduring facts and not the immediate impressions only.

The macrophages in the human body are involved, the GLP1 sensory pathways and components are involved, the hypothalamus (body temperature regulation system is based on signals from the gut biome! As well as other inputs not actually 'fitted into' your body, like bacteria) is involved, the vagus pathway is involved, the pancreas is involved, the kidneys are involved... These are all intimately involved with your brain's activity and your thinking.

'Field effects' are literally exactly how true and correct judgments are made. The conscious person, the so-called 'individual' is at the end of a long line of connected other things.

With these 'conditions' now outlined, we can start to think about looking ahead to a critical moment...

And this 'moment' will not be based on some theological perspective about interpreted ancient texts and ideologies and myths and legends and 'books' said to be given down by 'God.'

Why does God need a book?

He (It, They, Whatever) requires you to know, truthfully and honestly and above all self-honestly, and He requires communication with a rational being, not a deluded and a delusional one.

He could simply talk to you directly, why not -, but you have to be in a state to 'get it' in tune with what your sensory and brain systems ought to be functioning like given their optimum patterns of operating, not when you're in some bizarre and outlandish 'fitted up' nonsensical mind-warp state built by a propaganda-driven society and pumped up with anti-depressants and adrenaline or 'speed' or driven by urban middle-class greed economics.

Or He could 'not talk' to you and simply go about changing you into something not as dysfunctional as most human beings are. Quite obviously, humans at large - the greater 'human society' of people - are a work-in-progress.

The whole world when it comes to these ET questions always says well where are they?

They (the non-Earth humans) by the same token could as easily ask 'where the f* is their mind at??!'

The human race on the whole is nowhere even close to being able to communicate sensibly and authentically with a truly advanced intelligent other species. 

Close Encounters is one thing. Close communication is the thing.

Thursday, 11 April 2024


There are many identifiable and often modern ethnic/cultural groupings of people in the developed world today - and you know what, you have to say now that China went from badly underdeveloped, through developing, to excessively 'developed' (lol!) in an awful hurry from around 2013 (when Xi got into power) till now - that are urban middle class and upper middle class, but whose members are 'sheltered.'

Regardless of what you might imagine from media renderings, Muslims, for one good example, are largely a middle-class, professional/semi-professional lot, very educated in terms of tertiary courses that lead into the rank-and-file salary bulge bracket around the globe.

But they are, like most of the modern Western World's middle class population, not actually educated at all...

Regency modern...

They've likely seen the movie 'Oppenheimer' - though they will not have any clue about, and they will likely as not have never even heard of Pierre or Griswold Lorillard and the connection there to Oppenheimer.

So they are not really educated.

They - meaning the children of yesteryear's generation - will be what is correctly termed 'sheltered.'

The difference between sheltered and naive is what complexion comes over things when an innocent, socially and human personal relationships innocent individual, strays into high politics and the truly adult parts of this world.

Sheltered means your parents and your social peers have protected you from perceived harms and dangers - and naive means that you are already in it, in danger; and don't know it. 

So I am addressing this question not to Muslims or any particular social, racial, cultural or ethnic group - but to you: 

What do you actually think that you are being sheltered from? What is there to be sheltered from, that you're not supposed to know about?


You're supposed to know about everything. Which is not the same as participating in, or doing everything.

The surface layers of modern society all will be very inclined to ask this typical kind of question, for instance, regarding (let's just keep on this path about ET Aliens...) Aliens - where are they? Why is there no strong, obvious, hard evidence of them? If indeed they came here way back in human history, where did they go?

The darkness in front, the glow behind...

What has become of them since Enoch and Elijah took space trips, clearly in advanced vehicles, with people not from here?

...Hey but if you are sheltered, heavily sheltered, then you see nothing, unless it has been permitted, sanctioned, allowed by your masters and your rulers.

ET Aliens have never gone away. They are here with us...

Right here under your noses and your eyes, within your view, in the ready sight of your vision.

It is absolutely ludicrous, to supposed that any kind of genuinely advanced species and culture and civilization would itself be sheltered in any way at all! 

They are not sheltered from you.

Your life and your lifestyle does not permit you to open your eyes and look around you. Not long enough, at least, to be able to notice and then to actually see, what is really going on in some places.

The hugest mistake that all modern religious people make when they talk about 'the End Time' and so on, is that they look at those ancients texts such as the Book of Enoch, and the Apocalypse, and read some descriptions which they take to mean descriptions of 'Heaven' or some place like that - when these are really only talking about the 'layout' as it were (the Court of Heaven - this is also in the Chinese Classical Texts) - of the political layers and structures of an ultimate advanced form of human/humanoid intelligent civilization. 

Yeah so Jesus 'sits at the Right Hand of God The Father in Heaven...'

It's not about what you drink;
it's about who can drink with.
And that is not everybody!

That is a statement about political structure much more than it is necessarily something spatial, or geographical or 'architectural.'

'End Time' simply means when the strictly human epoch of its natural dynamic development - intellectual, intelligence range and informational, societal and social - reaches its maximum operational capabilities.

By preaching to you about 'Judgement' all religious ideologies deny to you the existential fact that if 'God' exists for real, and that Being satisfies the necessary criteria for Divinity as all humans define it (All-Powerful, All-Knowing, All-Benevolent) - It or He must know that the end-point development of a DNA-based living species of intelligent, civilized 'people' can only reach and fulfill the preexisting potential! 

Such a Being is not going to 'Judge' you or anyone from the aspect of whether or not you complied with rules, but that you had reached the automatic and biological, organic, structural, DNA-based completion of that life form!

And yes that also means there is a moral dimension to the dynamics but these are tied to the structural logical end-point.

If some group can cater to all the life needs (human living needs) of all of its members in total safety and emotional wellness, then absolutely necessarily the moral complexion of such a society entails equivalency between all of its members. There is no master, there is no slave. Everyone is dependent on each other all of the time.

You have to be able to see gold with your
Where it actually is in the human race.

'Morality' as we have been brainwashed to understand it, does indeed necessarily mean everyone complies with certain rules all of the time, but they do so out of civilization necessity, not 'because of (arbitrary/externally-imposed) rules!'

You cannot 'abrogate' some order or law/rule-based direction whimsically or wantonly or capriciously, but that you necessarily must have firstly altered the physical construction of the actually people involved, for any 'new' or different conditions to apply and thus the different 'rules' to appear on the scene.

'Rules' are about power. Reaching a human zenith is about non-truncated development and fulfilling total potential in dynamic action of life and society.

Humans are potentially loving and great, capable of greatness, of 'reaching the stars,' safe among each other, free from mechanical breakdowns -, and all of these things can only be realized if they are intrinsically available within the members of that society, not because people are complying with rules and thus being only superficially 'advanced.'

Unless this absolute standard of Truth is within you and the natural quality of your dynamic action, you cannot ever be genuinely 'advanced' or an advanced intelligent species.

This is not a 'Voodoo priestess.' Fleming knew
exactly what he was doing and what he was
talking about.

'Altering the nature and structure of the actual people involved...'

The pic here of Jane Seymour as the character Solitaire in Fleming's Live And Let Die, is in order to explain to you that Fleming at least (because he he provides us regularly with good examples of this) -, since he was very highly educated for real, understood what this image and depiction (which he detailed in his writing of course; I am not talking about simply the movie character production design) meant.

The characterization is of a 'quaintrelle.'

You see?

You knew what that was, didn't you.

Dr Kananga with his Voodoo ideology wants to 'shelter' Solitaire, to supposedly 'protect' her, although in practice that means to possess her powers to see the future.

She, on the other hand, is not 'sheltered' by her own mindset from anything at all.

She loses her virginity, which seems to be against the ideology of Kananga, but she still sees completely clearly, she does not lose her powers to see the future - and she sees that although Bond himself is a 'fool,' she sees that he will prevail, and that Kananga will die; but she does not tell Kananga that. ...Because it is a waste of time to tell him that.

Remember those words, because I have been repeating them here quite a bit since I was told them.

Believe those words or not yet it is so - the world today is living on, in a waste of its own time.

People are of course looking for the 'Return of Jesus Christ' to solve and to resolve what is happening on account of their own innate shortcomings.

You know that some dynamic system
is going to reach it's maximum phase when
it hits the zenith, and then becomes
fatigued, effete, dissolute.

But then if they really were going from their own ancient books it is Enoch and Elijah they should be concerned about returning first...

Nobody talks about those guys. But they must come here first.

And they must restore all of the past to your present mind. And reveal many things that have been hidden.

And then, the End will come.

You, making money for yourself is not a waste of time.

You don't need a lot. But you do need some.

We shall evoke...


For finding out about the future of money for you.

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

'Giggle Giggle... Chuckle'

 I'm not sure whether you know it yet, but you will... and by.

That you are privileged.

Coming here, reading here, you are 'of the few.'

Like a thief in the night. Yet from horizon to horizon. 

And no one in the world sees it. 

Just ordinary silver cuff-links.

Except you see it. You don't quite know what it is yet but you see it all the same.

Let's make you some money, eh.

The implied Money Supply is being expanded everywhere. Everywhere across the whole globe, in every country, every political system. Of course this merely means every superficial political system: they are all the same under the skin.

Technically, Central Banks must make total provision for the liquidity of checkable deposits at the quanta of the value of underlying securities on bank mortgages - this means on property, essentially; on so-called 'real estate' (which is not actually real at all, of course).

But if they do that they are obliged to act in money markets to acquire and guarantee to the markets and to commercial banks genuine exchange liquidity (which they can't really do via onshore tax receipts of governments alone since all governments run impossibly huge long term capital deficits aka debts themselves...) - and so this means paying for/funding, liquidity.

Now when everyone is an idiot, and behaving as idiots, and they are all following propaganda and not logic or factual reality, then it is very possible - as in the case right now - for all categories of capital to 'go up' in price.

Here's the problem though: 

When actual evidence is required by the markets to substantiate capital prices, and ipso facto of printed (digital or otherwise) money being used to fabricate capital 'values,' then whilst ever the fantasy is still going on, anything that you buy, that you 'invest' in, will also rise in price and value going forward.

But now let us consider what happens if the story changes.

The snow makes things white everywhere,
and you can go 'snow-blind.'
To say nothing of the fact
that you need 'good treads' to 
rush about in the snow.

It will change shortly where it did not need to previously - and over twenty plus years till now I never ever said capital markets would fall (I am not a perma-Doomsayer) - on account of the global war that we have now entered. We have indeed entered a global war, because ideologies-plus-weapons = violence, aggression, and war.

Hitler and the Nazi Party were representatives of an ideology. When they implemented the German 'war machine' it then became nasty in hard practice rather than just in the theory of domination ideology.

Iran has a war machine, Hamas has a huge war machine funded by a whole entire world of silly Muslims told that their money is going to charities and worthy humanitarian aid causes like 'food aid;' and Israel has had a war machine going on for fifty years and more.

The US is a war machine economy.

When you are told by the Fed that the economy is doing well, and half the nation's citizens are financially struggling and hundreds of thousands are living in the streets, homeless - then the question is 'whose economy?'

Not your economy!

So anyway, let us go back to when asset prices all start falling (which is not right now because they are all rising right now).

Suddenly - suddenly - at that point, the 'real' part of 'real estate,' or the part of whatever token that is used (as  money) that makes it to be called 'money' becomes useless and worthless.

So then whatever decision you made back a ways, to 'invest,' looks either prescient, or very foolish and stoopid.

Leaving aside the moonlit arts and occult skills of conversing with genies and fairies and elves to get some silver for you (although we can go back over all of that if people want it), then just buying a handful of few things made of silver, even commercially-promoted 'collectibles' like 007 commemorative silver coins, will see your money go up steadily.

So far people do not need to observe that silver and gold do not change their physical nature and substance, just because markets change...

Whereas of course, nonsense bits of bank paper and stock exchange paper and digital paper do change their substance - at one moment they were just simply 'glowing' and much-loved and filled with 'real' estate meaning and value...

The next moment they are like handfuls of valueless sand and dust. That gets in people's eyes and makes them go blind.

And in the Valley of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is King.

Whereas right now you might not even see the point of say, doubling a pittance like um, a hundred bucks. But when you do that, and the day comes when you want an extra hundred to spend that you did not wish to find out of the pocket where to stick the cash that you earn from your hard day's work (which I'm sure you all do because none of you has converse with the angels and the stars... ...yet), then all at once the true value is revealed.

I could not be any clearer in my words than all that I have just now said.

I could not be more explicit.

Buy anything, but buy something even if it is a very little something - in the expectation of it going up because, well, everything is going up. You know that! Inflation is exploding everywhere while charlatans in governments and banks are screaming 'the economy is sound, is good, even -, is great!!'

Over coming days and weeks, we will be dedicating this place to getting you out of any rut that you are in, and having you restore your faith in pure economic value.

And if you think we have not seen the future and what is in store, then you have not been paying attention here for the last several years at least.

I mean I know you want to see the Alien. Want to have the superb technology.

What makes you think you cannot?

But right now you will think it is a gift-horse and not a gift.

This is a very special place that you have alighted upon.

You don't know who you are talking to.



Monday, 8 April 2024

Knowing Your Own Kind

Why is 'belief' such a big deal for ideologies and religious fraud?

No doubt we can admit of the reality of things unseen but nonetheless intellectually observed as consistent performances of matter and dynamics - these are principles, or theorems (EG of geometry). But they do not require our 'belief' in order to solidify their reality.

...They are in fact real.

If I know someone very well I do not need to believe in them.

If this person were not a model,
you could know a lot about them.
If what you were looking at was a real
person in their real life.

The force that is employed in the human mind to establish some repetitious mind or thought pattern - absent of factual reality that is palpably observed (IE by the senses) - is 'belief.' And not just belief but belief augmented by emotions drawn into the equation.

And it is a force, and also can be forceful.

To be a force, a thing has to have energy applied to it and through it.

The human being has living energy of its own, developed within itself as a dynamic and alive material organism.

When you stand back a little and look at it, there is no necessity for ideas alone to somehow magically create energy and install that energy into a human being.

A threat that does contain real risk can turn on the human's own energy though...

And the in-built desire of humans to be within a social grouping also initiates organic though at first latent energy - we can see this in the madness and mass delusion of crowds.

On the one hand those individuals who are called 'ultra introverts' mostly all spend late nights up and alone doing their own thing - and this is regarded as rare, more-or-less anti-social, and aberrant behavior - on the other hand when the dark sets in you can the better see the stars...

In this case we want to be talking and thinking about 'your own kind;' noticing and discerning what you are harmonically most in tune with.

In the usual daily walk of human life, mostly what you see is desperation, mindless stubborn and willful determination, opposition, striving, poverty of time - struggle, basically.

The supposedly richest people are always characterized in modern social propaganda as 'hard workers' - and they have secretaries to 'schedule their day!'

This is not alcohol.
This is barrel-aged maple

And yet somehow with no logic to it at all, people still gravitate towards large groups of other 'typical' human beings, in order to seek friendship, sense-of-community (as they say everywhere now in typical group-speak/group-think academia), and social approbation. 

Naturally then, of course people are required to have 'belief.'

They do not have a rational knowledge whose hypothesis is continuously proven by the consistent outcomes of the positive behaviors by others, towards them.

In the first place a person needs to understand themselves sufficiently, and then be able to perceive and discern those qualities and characteristics in other persons, and then there can be an harmonic link. Which is not to say it is anything esoteric or mysterious - it's just the obvious equivalency being entertained by a person's mind between their own known personal selves, and the witnessed external other 'selves' of different people around them or near to them or far from them but still known to them.

There is nothing here at all requiring 'belief' to concretize anything.

Ultra introvert's
nocturnal life...

The proof is in someone's consistency and thus by linear extension over time, reliability. To tell oneself something must happen regarding some other, some external object of intellect, some other living person - at some moment in the future - is a function of a term we call faith not belief.

Either that other person always does do certain things in terms of the intrinsic rationality and logic of the given dynamics involved, or they are unpredictable and arbitrary and moved about by vague random whimsies and/or else maybe even intense primitive atavistic emotions springing from transparent and sometimes hidden private causes.

One person will always help you, another person might not (always).

It does not matter if super advanced ET Aliens come down with their super-advanced 'ultra' technology civilization - it matters that you can have faith in them and in order to be able to do that you would really need to know them for a long time!

...In other words, they should have been here before.