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Thursday 15 February 2024

The Entry Of The Soul

 ...through the Gates of Heaven.

At a place, some geographically, some geo-space un-locatable place, there is an entrance-way, a gate, as it were, to literal 'Heaven' as we humans call that place in which divine figures reside. It is their actual usual home.

In New Testament literature at the entrance to Heaven there are creatures with at least three and sometime four 'faces:' one (face) of a bull and/or of a lion, one of an eagle, and one of a man. The word 'faces' here does not mean face as we usually think of it, but a depiction of - a symbolic representation of something.

Scented hot (or cold) finger towels.

Even so this description, albeit itself just a superficial description only, is still deficient though the Biblical passages add that there is one other creature which attends the Lamassu (Kheruvim) - namely the fiery serpent-like 'Seraphim.'

These symbols are also present on the Egyptian pyramid headstones that we have discussed before.

'Elohim Elohim, lamassu saba, efta tha ni.' People of Heaven, (gatekeepers of peace) open the gates to me.

You can enter, any time, into the Heavenly places, by resorting to direct communication with the android-type (or really, sort of robotic...) sentinels that protect the entrance.

Firstly, you must understand that these three symbolic 'faces' are representations of the driving forces in intelligent animate beings.

They are the indomitable will - the bull.

The all-encompassing internal visionary mind - the soaring eagle.

And the human person with its 'harp of a thousand strings' - the man.

The man is harmonically resonant with the Eternal Patterns of Heaven, and it is via this aspect that a person is a moral agent knowing Justice.

Additionally, there is the figure or symbol of the lion, which stands for the appetites.

It's just from a computer game, but it
is remarkably similar to a real thing.
'Angelic writing...'

And, there is the symbolic twin serpents which represent the coiling and spiraling titanic forces deep within the human soul.

The only beings that can closely approach to the electric light-without-heat which is above the throne in the highest place - are the Seraphim, serpent-like creatures with full intelligence whose bodies are shining and aflame.

You can also approach there with the assistance of these Seraphim.

Another being that was able to approach there was a crystalline robotic being...

Whose name you know.

Only humans are now able to go there.

You must yourself however, not contain any crystals within you such as something like an implanted electronic device no matter how small.

Anyone can go there from the human race.

And it's easy to achieve that transference.

From there you can attend various council meetings at which much information is available. Or you can get support for whatever you are intending to do.

Try it.

You will like it.

Now I must waste some writing space so that it is possible to stick in a couple more pics that I always intended to go in this post...!

Obliged to you, Bill Smith,
for the recommendation of this.
Amaffi Ovation, or Arcanum - I'm not 
sure which one...
It's a massive amount of money!

So okay, what can we talk about?

See I guess the thing is this - you might find some of this talk pretty weird or silly but if you try it, the approaches that have been talked about in here, you will find 'things happening' that you may not have realistically expected.

There is every reason still to think that the human world down here on the planet has not yet been fully abandoned to its fate, the fate that is logically the end-place for it given its observable trajectory.

But that means that you are required to be here for a little while longer.

And yes, there are these 'flying things' around the place and they can pick you up at any time.

And there's one of the problems right there: at any time. But if they picked you up right now, much would have been left behind undone that could have been done.

The only people allowed into the upper places are those that deserve to be there; and that is you. But you would not allow yourself to justify being there unless you did all that you could have done.

Because believe me, and I think you already know this deep within, the actual ending is not going to be without its drama.

But never mind, it's all fun in the end. Whizzing around in these spaceships...

Buzzing Ryan Air planes...

Isn't that right, Bill?

Me, I think it's quite funny at this stage, because no one down on the planet really believes this stuff, really. Not really.

They talk about it, they read the articles everywhere even in today's general media but they still somehow think it's not actually real.


It is real.

See it's all happening and that's the big problem for the world.

People cannot handle this at all.

It's one thing to see it in Hollywood movies, quite another thing to face it when it is a real thing.

Better listen closely to the words here...

Tuesday 13 February 2024

We Must Not Squander This...

There is something already 'in the bag' as they say.

And there is so much to be done.

But the clear opportunity is here.

Spend on this and you blow it. Make the slightly wrong decision with some firepower under you and you've totally wasted the optimum upside.

So how to go from here?

Great herbs and spices - drink too 
much and you are gone!

Cautiously, I guess.

Yesterday there were obituaries in multiple newspapers down here about a dominant figure in the world of advertising - mostly in the Southern Hemisphere but he operated in London as well - Harold Mitchell.

One of Mitchell's best-known sayings was: 'my last cheque (check) bounces.'

That never happened because he was quite the billionaire when he died.

The point he was trying to make was to play the game to its maximum risk levels.

This is never a good idea as far as I'm concerned but then, I am not particularly driven to 'become a dead billionaire.'

The surrounding economic environment is terrible. 

The interest rate curve has faltered on Western governments giving in to the paper-thin middle class 'property market' facade, and costs are exploding upwards everywhere.

This all ends for the general market in a guaranteed social cataclysm of mammoth proportions hitherto unknown and not previously seen - regardless of the Great Depression or any other catastrophe like that.

From DJ Smash's 'Moscow Never Sleeps'
video clip. 
She chucks in her menial job...

It is not possible to meet the exorbitant national scales of debt, nor inside the economies for people to actually pay for their mortgages at the sizes they are now being contracted. Even if you import more and ever more capital all you are doing is selling your own real long-term wealth for a short-term (mis-)adventure in crass greed and silliness.

I am going to have to go into the open market and deal with people using a mask...

Fortunately, this is my own ancestral stock-in-trade.

We shall see, what we shall inevitably see. Are we in a better position today than before? It is stronger, not necessarily better.

In my head, all the possibilities start to line up so that they can be looked at and assessed:

Monday 12 February 2024

The Bonding

Many Old Testament prophets - the real ones, as opposed to those enforcing the rules of some weird extraterrestrial figure whose material appetites were kind of strange, frankly -  repeated this saying many times, and it was quoted by Jesus:

'Sacrifices I demanded not - save for the offering of ketoret - and mercy I required of you.'

This is 180 degrees the exact opposite of the burning of a massive amount of cows and goats and sheep, and evidently people too - that this character identified as 'Jehovah' demanded and got - yet Moses could not recognize who he was despite that Abraham was supposed to have met him and all of the rest of everything that ensued after that...

The word 'ketoret' means the bonding.

This perfectly expresses the condition of human
civilization today: broken, unused, in ruins.

You regularly get people posting questions on places like Quora, to the effect that occultists are always talking about summoning demons, why don't they spend much time summoning angels?

Well in the first place who are we humans and mere mortals to go around doing any 'summoning??'

Why should any powerful being just gratuitously respond to your demanding them to come visit - and take orders and so on...

With ketoret you can bind yourself to a supernal being. It is one of the precise and almost guaranteed steps to getting into touch with what usually starts off as an invisible encounter.

Today, most renderings of the place where Zeus resided and held court claim that the Greeks said this was on Mount Olympus at the very peak (the Mytikas; which that place is still called today).

But this is wrong. 'Olympos' is somewhere else totally. Further the Mytikam is the highest place there - a round, open-aired temple or council circle where the twelve high gods sat around and discussed the most important matters.

This is exactly not human civilization today - 
this is the oddity which proves
the overall case.

The seats there were devised by Efetos - the god who manufactured and 'made manifest' (gave effect to) the most advanced engineering ideas - and they were robotic and moved to wherever the various gods wished to to take their place, and then packed themselves up (literally) and went back into receptacles in the floor and low walls when everyone left.

The atmosphere was filled with a sweet aromatic scent - which literally bound everyone there together...

The wine they drank also had the same aromatics infused into it.

There are only currently eleven gods at the high council now.

There is a place left open for you, the human representative/s.

If you can overcome war, and enmity and strife, then you will succeed to this place for all time.

You cannot squander what you will shortly discover.

'For sacrifice I did not desire... 

' for the offering of ketoret and the sacred commandment.'

Human civilization was on 
a trajectory and getting close,
but then veered away and fell
well short.

In the Mytikam, the gods are able to see the Eternal Forms directly - and things that proceed from there are very simple, in fact:

Wherever you see prescriptions and rules laid down, these are all false, because human words are already a step down from or away from direct Truth and the hard reality of Mathematical Forms: unless one has within oneself, the mindset and the strings which harmonize with Truth (this is called 'Justice;' this is its meaning - that a thing is in accord with another thing which is altogether uncreated and completely unchanging and eternally in existence), one cannot resonate with Eternal Truth and the Objects of Truth 

There is no point to say that because a being follows a rule or a law or a set or sets of them, then that person is 'Just...' This is not so. That is simply a person following orders and those orders may be at the end of a sword or a gun.

A person is Just when he sees a perfectly True thing and resonates with it and is bound to it.

This world of the past is over now. And by the way, a True thing is true forever. But how can you, a mortal thing, be tied, bound, to a forever thing - really? Is consciousness a forever thing? 

Never mind some asserted 'god' figure claiming to be able to 'judge' you and then leeringly deem that you should go to Jannah on its say-so - how is this 'heaven-forever' proven as even a possibility at all? Is it all 'just take my word for it,' is it? 

'For sacrifice I did not require.' But what is required then?

Sunday 11 February 2024

These 'Names' Are All Actually Titles

With the exception of the special variance implicit in the 'sound mantra' of Y.h.V.H. (LVMH, right...) - which is literally a means of accessing a particular power down here on the planet - all the rest of the so-called names of various figures of significance in the Bible (Old Testament) are titles and not names.

I want to go directly to these characters 'Micha-El.' (Ref. 'Kal-El' aka Superman in the comics) and then next Gabri-El.

This first one is a title, a designation of a specific leading militaristic role proceeding from this 'highest power' place, or 'throne.'

Miles Davis' blue trumpet.

Now there are some real peculiarities with this that no one much discusses but that are categorically contained in the text itself. 

For instance, in Genesis, where it says 'the serpent was more subtle than any creature that God had made' in the translations - it does not say that exactly: it says 'the serpent was more subtle than any other creature like all those God had made on the Earth.' 

In other words, in the first place he was not made by this 'God' that the Jews and most modern Christians think this book is to do with (Genesis) - and secondly he already existed before Adam and Eve and he was already not of this Earth.

Next, the Book of Genesis, where people translate 'the Tree of Life' - in fact the actual specific words are 'the Tree of the lives of the living.' So I like have been saying, some individual's lives are like selected 'fruit' as it were, and they are preserved (somewhere/somehow).

Further, the use of the word 'Gabri-El' is contradicted by Jesus, who uses the Hebrew/Aramaic 'Gibor' instead of 'Gever' and literally says: 'To bind the strong man who has taken control (Geber) one must send in a stronger (Givir) man who can overpower the first one, and then bind him.'

This was or is a 'Gabriel' but it might not be the one people have been misled into venerating.

Because these are all titles and roles and not specific names.

Aromatic wine, invites other-world beings...
By the way - says so in the Bible.

Gabriel (Geber-El) in the Book of Enoch, is the one over Paradise (although in this case they mean Gan Eden/Garden of Eden) and the Serpents... ...and the Keruvim.

What 'serpents' are these?

We don't know any serpents today - you know, that have humanoid powers of thinking and speech and so on.

The serpents here are not the Draco reptilians of UFO/ET folklore.

Again, although translations say one thing - the reality is something slightly different but so critically different, that these incorrect translations lead us all up the garden path, no pun intended.

It is not the case that the 'Tree of Life' is in the middle of the Garden and this 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil' is somewhere else in there. ...No -, instead, the actual phrasing goes like this: 'The Tree of the Lives of the Living AND the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.'

In other words they were made together, twisted up together right at the inception by those 'beings from the heavens' (Elohim) who constructed the compound inside of which they were conducting this genetic experiment for their own benefit.

Whatever you want to suppose, whether serpents like those in Gan Eden are bad, or whether they are good and revealed, to humans the problematic enslavement that the humans had been forced into, the literary Biblical fact, is that this 'Micha-El' will 'arise at the End.'

Now he cannot be a human being, because he is not a human being. He cannot merely pose as one, pretending to a 'natural life' from some obscure human birth and then to rise as a political or militaristic figure.

Nope. If you go by what the actual ancient texts say in their original wording, we are talking some serious 'Star Wars' stuff here.

Some rituals are not dark or particularly 
 mysterious, and nor are they 'occult'
at all.

There is no way out from the logical conclusion that in order for any of these ancient texts and books to be 'true' (as in literally they are true! ...and not simply metaphors about moral right and ethical standards - because in fact they are not that anyway) - 

We need to see the real material actual space vehicles with actual physical beings inside of them, coming down from the sky and letting out a few of their occupants who will not look like scrawny weedy things with bug eyes and slimy skin, but be 'more subtle than any stoopid human government official or politician or military person' and also categorically more manifestly powerful.

Or else this stuff is all rubbish.

All of it.

Let me explain something to you - the first of the so-called Noahide Laws (the Commandments of which there were seven same as the number of colors of the rainbow, after the Great Flood of Noah), is to 'not eat a living creature while its blood its still in it moving...' aka alive.

Well, what little I know of electronics, tells me, that any fluid with salt and minerals that pumps this way and back - is part of an electronic circuit.

The electromagnetic field pattern, of which you are one more-or-less unique individual example, that constitutes the human 'spirit-soul' -, is held to your physical material body by the moving dynamics of the blood.

And, if you consume someone's (IE someone else's) blood while they are still alive, their consciousness gets taken into you.

The 'old school' way.
It's not high tech, but it is some

The Draco beings are doing that all the time here. ...That is of course, an Alex Collier-style myth.

At the very top of certain global secret brotherhood (and these days, 'sisterhood' too) organisations though (and we all know enough about the occult to know that this is a tenet of their beliefs), this is the way they pass on their leadership power to the next generations...

And it's all done to control the ordinary unsuspecting human being.

But that is all about to come to an end.

Is this Puccini's Madama Butterfly?

Yep, it is:

Tuesday 6 February 2024

A Fight Over This, Okay?

So, I want a fight about this, okay?

There's no point me just saying something out of the blue and yet then people hearing/reading it all going oh yeah that's right.

At the same time though, hanging at the end of this small tiny matter I am about to raise, about to discuss with you, is a concrete, a material destination waiting to be 'discovered.'


Okay. So, when the Three Wise Men, right - those guys with the turbans and camels and gift-boxes - turned up at the stable, how many babies were there in the crib?


How many were there really?

Like all the other Elohim, Jesus was a physical clone and he had a twin - Jude Thomas. This is canon, this is not something I made up.

'Carnival' is on right now,
in Venice. Means celebration
of the flesh, right?

So there were two babies there.

And they were clones.

The Earth is and has been, a biological experiment for a long time.

You are not necessarily yourself a clone right now but there are very likely clone versions of you being held in stasis at various linear points of human lifetime development profile.

At the most extreme, or as I would suggest deepest, limit of the occult and esoteric comprehension of what is going on - what has been going on - you have the idea that there is another species of being, also bipedal, somewhat humanoid-looking but distinctly smooth-skinned and hairless, very advanced in a cultural way you would have to grant; which if you say 'humanoid' then you would also have to say is cannibalistic. In other words it eats supposedly its own kind - humans; Earth humans. There is no such thing as a 'natural' Earth human as such - all humans are gene-manipulated and externally-developed genetic things.

Now just because this other species likes to capture kill and eat Earth humans does not mean they are dumb, or that they are not incredibly more intellectually advanced than your ordinary average Earth human.

No, to really stick it down their throats, as you might say - appropriately -, it would be the thing to do to intelligently meaningfully and even forcefully entice them and of course to thereby have them try and resist the very thing they know they cannot naturally resist. 

We cannot destroy butterflies.
Not actually destroy them...

Somebody said to me in a very confident way a day or so ago that why didn't I just openly say what I knew about this guy Stan Deyo (because we had been talking about him in a certain venue) and his associations and ideas and beliefs because they were absolutely sure that they - as well as the whole rest of the world - 'could handle it.'

Oh, really? I replied.

People, I mean human people, Earth human people, everywhere have this idea that Western ethical philosophy as it has developed, is this mild and entirely peace-loving, sometimes atheist humanist/other times religious philosophy with no 'edge' to it, no real edginess in that way of some primarily aggressively contesting political ideology up against some other opposing political and power ideology where there is always necessarily absolute total war as the only final method of resolution between the two encountering forces and idea sets. I mean this aside from human wars - I mean that the stated intention of all, certain Western-ethics sorts of religious philosophies, is always compromise and 'peace.'

The sooner you realize and accept the fact (which is really a fact) that everything in the Universe of sentience works inside of fields, electromagnetic, and also logarithmic omni-directional radiating pseudo-fields of curving path photons - the sooner you will break free from the controlling fields inside this (Earth) world that are there on account of a very different civilization from that of the natural way of humans going on here.

Me, I would not even consider foregoing, as in sacrificing as a war tactic, in other words forever losing, a single species of butterfly here!

So my plans, my strategies and my tactics must be very categorically different to those that are commonly known from how war-fighting is conducted by Earth humans down through the centuries and even still today...

The future - from the past.

But that I cannot in the ultimate analysis, utterly wipe out my opponent very violently, methodically, even gruesomely, leaving no trace either in the material Universe nor in any kind of electromagnetic pattern field in the Universe - is a false understanding of things.

You see the only thing that can be legitimately in the Ultimate Moral sense, moved against with the objective of destroying it utterly - is not a species, or a race, or a thing - but a sentience. And that's because we are equally-footed. You deserve to encounter me and to prevail if you can and if you will if that's what you insist despite of your sentient being which we assume should tell you something else always. Though if you will and you do try, then I will consider it in the absolute moral sense justified to destroy you completely.


Of course there is simply no sign, no indication, no material fact or evidence that says that such a frame of action is really existential.

However though, I say to you, there are 'people' masquerading as human beings, the real nature of whom, is no different to the Komodo Island dragon. They kill because they like to kill, and they re-grow back living flesh in order to kill it again and again - and feed on the flesh too. 

But they are also incredibly superior in their thinking to you, or that is to say, to most normal ordinary human beings. They are incredibly subtle. You cannot just come from behind them thinking to kill or capture them by stealth - they are ahead of you in that type of thinking.

They have installed their genes into yours...

And they have edged your (the human race's) thinking field closer and ever closer to theirs so that they can inhabit your mind and you not notice it happening. 

And they can move up into the clouds fully consciously, and you cannot. And they can hide themselves and go dormant. ...And it is impossible to burn up the clouds without hurting the butterflies.

For CNY you must eat some fish.
Year of the Dragon, yes, but not the same 
thing as the draconian beings,
the draconian politicians and people
around the place on the planet.

Remember something, if you think all of this so just so much nonsense or fantasy - in the standard canonical religious scriptures, the Hebrew culture's extra-Earthly Ruler demanded sacrifice to him of 72 goats and 72 lambs and 72 young boys and 72 maidens and 72 I don't know what all else. And don't argue about the maidens, because he definitely got those! Explicitly in the text, he orders Moses to kill all the males and women of the tribes that Moses made war on. And to 'sacrifice' their bodies to him in the same sacrificial flames of the burnt offerings.

These foreign-to-the-human-way, beings - want to kill you the human and to consume you; literally to eat your flesh. And that is according to the ancient, most respected, even revered religious/cultural 'sacred' texts - except people don't follow what is in there; they don't actually focus on what is being said in there. And they make up stories and interpretations, about the wording to justify what it says.

So... People can handle this then can they...

I think not.

Your political overlords are influenced, to put it mildly, by wanton and capricious predator instincts.

At best one can say they are affected by a field which is not good, and that it is dark. 

The opposite of that dark field, is the ability to feel and to sense good and pleasant things even exciting harmless things. But to get into the vicinity of those kinds of fields, where the transmission of such feelings is real and palpable, is not so easy in this world today right now.

We are getting to the Autumn time of our planet here; its 'evolution,' its development.