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Wednesday 3 August 2022

What's The Benefit?

So everything is a Gaussian Curve.

Okay, so what's the benefit of that?

Well - it makes everything predictable, as long as you have correctly calculated the trajectories of things.

(I have deliberately turned off the '*' here, right. It's just idiot me now). 

...And some of the disciples asked, wearied, but why, why, master -, does it have to be so long-winded?

And He replied: 'Do not marvel, for it is like unto the craftsman who is hand-laying on the patination for some beautiful bespoke Berluti shoes.'


This parable was brought to you by Alessandro Berluti and Sons, C/- LVMH, Paris.


Doesn't have to be long-winded.

But you must find your own powers.

Alcibiades had many powers because he was good-looking, and wealthy, and of the highest aristocracy... ...and, like King David of the JOOOZ, he was gay, or bi-sexual or something.

So even today he would have been leaps and bounds ahead of everyone.

What, you didn't know David was gay?

Well, I dunno what the correct 'terminology' might be, but he had it going with everyone, and definitely with innumerable women too so, I give up.

I'm actually not personally interested in anyone's 'proclivities' as such.

And I wouldn't want to manipulate anyone anyway. ...Which is what people tend to do with 'knowing' someone's 'proclivities.'

Bill, are we buying this, Bill?
Can we, huh? Huh? Bill? Huh?

I have to laugh at myself. I always accused my dad of being from the pre-Victorian era and not even the Edwardian, but the reality was, I was the one with that actual ridiculous old-fashioned 'mindset' and attitude. Oh yes, especially when I was young; very young.

Ah, not today of course! Today, I am firmly behind the Millennials of whom I have a very high regard. To them, everything is 'awesome,' and 'no problem' and, they can fix your phone and they make coffees!

We need to stop going into all of this aw, frikkin' - either it is 'high-brow' or else just turgid self-important 'deep philosophy' talk here.

Many of us, many of you, live where there are no 'masses of human beings' upon which to turn your dark occult knowledge.

All we want is to make a pile of cash, so that we can bug out to Ibiza where the expensive escorts parading around for people like the ex-Rey de Espanol ('X-Ray,' did you like that?) are hanging out at the Music Festivals where PVD is playing, or to Holland, where 'Luminosity' is held at the beach-side there - or Tomorrowland in Flanders, and drink the Flanders Red Ale...

Or maybe just get Little Red Riding Hood to become lost again and have to walk up to our front door, champagne and high heels in hand - and -, you know the rest of that story.

Waddya mean how do you do that, how do you have that happen...

You mean, have LRRH just turn up more or less unannounced at the front door?

Aw, easy!

Short of 'building a better mouse-trap' (well in any case you can't do that because the government will rush in and prevent you and give your idea over to their friends, not your friends)... all you have to do is - Hey! Someone has their hands round my neck! Stop it. Stop it! Urgh, argh, gurgle-rrrgh!

Just kidding.

Listen, none of you guys here - and gals as well - can afford to mess around anymore with immaturity. Not with the knowledge that you have amassed in your life and extended recently.

But where that does leave you is in the position of being able to use the power. 

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Just Plain Basics

Okay this is going to be real simple.


In the next few 'episodes' here, we are going to try and answer two questions: ...And your Father in Heaven knows all these things that you need. 1. Define 'know.'

And 2. What is 'Ousion' and how do we find it for sure.

'Existential' means - it's right there; in front of your eyes, you see it, you feel it, you experience it. It's just plain there!

Very very simple things.
Lobster and champagne sauce.

I suppose the third question is 'but why?' Why all of this carry-on, how come there is 'Evil?' What is life all about - IE 'why??'

Well that's a silly question from the existentialist point-of-view: it is, that's all.

And this perspective is much more important than most people realize. You know, as a matter of your own existential experience of life - that your senses pick up information, sometimes correctly, sometimes not correctly, but they convey those things to your material physical brain cells and your brain has ideas and responses and feelings and so on, governed by its own, your own, existential experiences.

And you see things are seeded, they grow, they reach some kind of peak, and then they decline and next die.

All things are like this.

There is no 'Singularity' as such. Not in your actual existential reality which is actually experienced - you can speculate about 'Singularity/One-ness' and so on, but it is just speculation. It has no reality that you can prove or demonstrate. Period.

'Certainty' as in volition certainty, absent of cause - is a component of a train of things, a seeding, growing, rising, peaking, declining (or changing), then dying profile of things in order; in exact perfect order.

Negative consequences must flow from the activation of a component not joined up to its clear-cut necessary relationships of cause - moral cause, mechanical cause, mathematical cause. This is the source of all 'Evil.' Certainty of action without resort to genuine moral cause - because we are talking about 'intelligent' beings here, not mechanisms and mechanistic things without 'sense.' Evil pertains to those who can perceive it - aka they have intelligence.

Who needs windows?

But we can adduce something from mythological narratives about this source of 'Evil' - because remember, this is after Chaos; this is 'Set.' Not Chaos. But it has been framed, in the myths as a 'Primal Being;' which means it is a supernatural, non-human, or pre-human, being, let's at least say imbued with a Spirit Force which for want of a better explanation we are going to call 'intellect' for the moment here. The necessary reason for it to have 'intellect' is for it to animate, to be alive, and be able to function as an alive thing - even though still it is just a component as yet, of a hugely complex set of relationships which we have now existentially, in our consciousness. 

We have laws, we have moral cause, we understand a few things about Cosmology aka Physics, we understand mechanisms. We know that - 'Set' cannot operate on its own. Not inside an otherwise generally co-operating set of other things.

So to go to the first question (Point 1 as set out above at the beginning here), 'knowing' is a continuum of complex intellect; I cannot 'know' unless I can 'be' at some place I am proposing that I 'know.' Whether I guess or imagine or hypothesize that I am 'there' yet I must 'be' there in some way. Perfect knowledge, if there be such a thing, must be at that place for real, and thus if it is held to be elsewhere as well at the same time, then it is linked to both places as a continuum thing or process.

God 'knows' (what you need). That is the proposition in ancient texts of religious teaching and philosophy.

Nobody says - not Jews, not Christians, not Muslims - that God does not know.

So the base proposition is that He does know. IE He is in you as a continuum object. You are not God, but He is in you.

Question Point 2.

Jesus says what the Ousion is.

He sets out that to be with 'God,' to live in His Realm, to be part of Him, you must love your neighbor. Although He doesn't actually say 'your fellow man' or your 'neighbor' He says 'there must be love between yourselves.' And maybe He defines who 'yourselves' are elsewhere, but right now I am thinking just about the later passages of the Gospel of John.

So He is equating the continuum of which I said must be the characteristic, if not the substance, or 'material composition -,' to this Intellect of 'God.' He says God is in you. Well how can He be in two places at once? Because continuum, that's how come.

But what is Love?

Well here He is literally telling you something from or completely in line with, ancient myth: 'Love' is a literal Supernatural and Divine Being, who 'sprang from the blood which dropped from the castrated Ouranon.'

Now see the thing is this - if you manufacture a parallel conversion conception of 'love,' derived from your passing senses taking sense impressions into your mortal brain cells, well then that cannot be anything really permanent or 'Eternal' as such. Which is fine, but it is not 'Love.' You'll see why later; it has to do with 'coincident conditions...'

And in any case, here we go again - for if you do that (create a fraudulent parallel conversion of 'love'), in what way is it different from cutting 'Certainty' off from actual moral cause, or mechanical necessity? You are going to get into all sorts of relationship difficulties, because as you do what you do which is based on flawed inputs, so too will anyone you engage with be indulging in the same kind of flawed fantasy programming back to you; well, maybe against you, too.

There are plenty of mechanistic Evolutionary believers, who propound the hypothesis, that 'attraction' is simply a coincident product of Survival. 'Coincident' in the sense of necessary for survival and not simply arbitrarily 'co-incident with.' So did attraction come first, or only develop from some necessity condition of 'survival' later on at some stage of 'life?' Or were the two literally coincident? And that becomes a mind-boggling disastrous argument for them because it leads back to the question well but why? And they have no answer. 

Unlike our existentialism that relates to actual effective cause and component positioning, in a viable system, they are resorting to fantasy beliefs about things just 'being' for no reason, but suddenly they find themselves having a reason, and luckily so for us, since we have 'survived,' according to them.

This is just mind-numbingly militant foolishness, stubbornness, and in fact idiocy.

Things are existentially true, because maths and geometry and logic and all of those vital underlying things are necessarily very real!

So for us 'why' is because we can see existentially why. Necessarily, substance, components, relationships, principles, profile, 'energy,' then mechanisms and dynamic action - like 'life' as we in fact now 'existentially' see it and know it.

What I mean to conclude is, that 'Love' is just plain not a symptom of 'senses into brain cells!'

Love is Aphrodite. Is the blood of Universal Deity/Divinity - Eternal Beingness.

Because Love is the 'connecting' principle.

Do you suppose they might have some
'daily bread' in here...

Mechanistic Evolutionists have no connecting principle at all to rely on. They make a bald assertion which cannot be supported by any logic whatsoever.

The meaning of Universal, Eternal, Connection... 'Love.' That is what to call it. People ascribe all sorts of wonderful things to it, magical attributes and fairy tale stuff, but in reality it is the principle of actual functional 'connection.' And we live in a complex system, so yes it is complex connection.

If you have followed this argument all the way through, then you can certainly eventually find 'Ousion' and then, unlike those whose material senses all will fail them, and whose cell structures all will decay and die - yours will not, but will change along the pathway of 'connection' provided by a Divine Process, and necessarily because of the 'continuum' - a Divine Intellect. Why will your material structure not also fail you, though?

Because Perfect Intellects, with Perfect Powers...

...have little men flying around in flying saucers taking your DNA and storing it and re-growing you. (Except that's the bit you don't believe most of all, right?).

Ah man, see, you don't understand Greek. He never said 'in the sky (or heavens, whatever) there are many mansions.' He said 'monai' - temporary stopping-point on the way to somewhere else far far further away still. Like a motel, but He literally spoke in context of going into 'the heavens.' 

Space station, my friend. Space station. 

Who doesn't believe this? Come on, speak up.

Which bits of what I have been saying do you think is even close to being wrong?

You are still wanting the space ship outside your door first, and then... Then what? Then you will start to disassemble the stupid nonsense of human society's flawed sense-fabricated 'truth' in your fatally dying brain cells? Only then?

Do you really think that cannot be arranged?

Monday 1 August 2022


I try to keep it short around here. Try. LOL

Don't waste too much time trying to go and read 'Gnostic' or 'Neo-Platonic' anything because after a while you will just get lost inside of the whole haystack.

Google is utterly the worst of all resources with regard to this - it is just nothing but pages and pages of an echo-chamber parroting complete rubbish.

And besides which, some of the most important voices and figures of this strand of philosophy, religious philosophy, are anonymous.

The most stunning one of them being an 'anonymous' early church scholar, who wrote one reason in the original Gelasian Decree regarding what is included in the church's canon, and why the Gospel of Mary Magdalene is excluded albeit it is fully accepted as factually an accurate and legitimate and truthful and non-heretical work by an accepted female disciple and intimate of Christ...

This scholar said that the reason it should be left out is due to it containing 'horrible and deadly things.'



Well that's some hell way of dissuading people from going and looking, right?

Let's get a few words and definitions straight though: 'Canon' means 'yardstick' for open teachings; 'Apo-Kryptein' means 'hidden away.' 'Apocryphal' does not mean heretical.

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene is neither a disputed Christian text, nor an heretical one, but a work to be 'hidden away.' ...Because it contains horrible and deadly things.

However, we are going to veer too close to something really concerning now, when it comes to you living your normal daily life in safety - when it comes to explaining what is in the 'missing' ten pages.

Mary Magdalene explains what 'consciousness' is.

And then Peter says to her 'Hah! What? Do you think the Lord told you greater things than He taught to us men?' And Matthew (the Gospel-writer), says back to Peter: 'No, you are wrong, for He loved her more than anyone else and was closest to her and what she has said ought to be taken for what it is worth on its face value.'

She explains what the 'seven demons' story is all about.

The highest point of 'human society' art and design
is depicted here. Will never be exceeded, not by
current 'Man.'

Just keep that number in your head for now and for later.

And she says that to 'see' God or even anything, really, with true clear vision, you are using something that lies between the 'Psyche' - which is translated even by the most early commentaries of those who knew Aramaic and Sahidic Coptic very well, as meaning 'the human brain's mind' - and the 'Pneuma' which is translated as meaning the 'breath' or 'air' which combines with the mind to give true spiritual living animation and not simple mechanical animation. So, most current translations render this 'Pneuma' as 'spirit.'

The word that is employed for what goes 'in between' in the missing pages is 'Ousion.'

This word is in the most important parts of the New Testament, namely -, in 'The Lord's Prayer:'

'And give us this day, our everlasting, or reliable and never-ceasing (epi-ousion), bread.'

...when I was a very little child, I would venture out into the jungle. And there, I would see many things - plants, vines, lilies, large ferns, insects, creatures, tiny ones, and large ones. I would walk into places, down paths that I thought I knew and well-recognized, only to realize at some point 'Oh hey, this is a new spot; I have never been here before. How did I get here?' Doesn't matter, I would think, because just look at those colorful fish in the crystal-clear stream, and the butterflies, and the -. Prior to that moment, believe it or not, I had been thinking about myself as a human being, observing my own self and wondering about 'me.' Suddenly I had been drawn into the life all around, and was fully absorbed into it. I no longer remembered myself. My fully-aware personal 'consciousness' had moved into the zone of the material physical 'Psyche.'

Did any small creature look at me through eyes that knew itself? No. They were mechanistically thinking of running away, or snarling and fighting the intruder. Yet, they too were fully absorbed into life. Into full Earthly physical material life as it was. The whole environment there of plants, rocks, and animals was simply enormous and enormously complex, but it was sheerly mechanical; mechanistic. There is a limitation to the self-awareness of any given individual creature there. It's so complex though that there are blurred lines and 'consciousness' of a kind is there.

Modern-ish 'sepia tones'
Cannot get better photo
composition for portrait art.
But is this fading of B&W going
into the past, or approaching the future?
For those here who have been following the previous lengthy discussions about how the 'internal being is structured,' the psychological energy drivers, effectively the 'Pneuma,' is blurred across all segments, but definitely consists in part, of this 'serpent within' and the 'animal appetites' that the Egyptians depicted as a lion figure. These form part of 'Pneuma' and they pump up the actions.

But the whole thing - and we are too - is a mechanical physical if incredibly complex arrangement, and our brains (in this case, as per the Magdalene's 'Psyche') are material cells, only absorbing and reacting to physical sense signals. So, these all eventually decay and die.

...After a while, I draw back to myself, and walk back home and it is early evening.

Shift up a lot of years and I am standing on the side of a street corner, and two big vehicles are approaching the corner - a large new off-road thing with liquid-metal painted bits and pieces on its nose and wheels and so on, and a brand new white Range Rover right behind. I disable all the electricals, and knowing there are no cameras operating anywhere, I let the drivers come around the corner, and stop at the side of the road where I am. And I knock out both drivers.

One of them, I bring his awareness back and he opens his door and I say to him: 'What were you doing?"

And he says, dumbfounded: "What happened? I wasn't breaking any laws?"

And I say: "I meant what are you doing? Where are you going? What are you supposed to be doing right now?"

And he goes: "Well, blah blah blah blah blah..."

And I say: "Do you want to do that?"

And says that yes he must do it, and he is in a hurry because there is a deadline.

So I say then: "Okay." And let the engines get their electricals back and make the guy in front wake up and I walk around a corner wall and disappear so that they would not have been able to find me anyway.

The 'attachment' and 'activation'
bits are way too simple
to depict 'Consciousness' but
they are how it happens in general terms.
...I must leave the real thing completely secret.

They have a short discussion between themselves, and just drive away.

They are fully and completely absorbed into their life.

Neither most of the animals in the jungle nor these two men, are entitled to Eternal Consciousness of their own life.

We have to accept the existential reality of our lives. One cannot continually ask 'Oh but how did this and this thing start? Where did it come from?' ...Of everything. Some things are beyond that sort of question - certain maths principles are like that... As are certain fundamentals of aesthetics and we might go into those some time in the future. Maybe.

In Aramaic the word is 'ameno(usion)' in Greek 'epi-ousion.'

The word 'Ousion' means the pure and essential consciousness of your personal life.

Now. As I said previously, we in modern times love to ask what is such-and-such a thing's composition.  

Yet in science, they never actually do that, what they do is describe the outside and inside shape and the evident functions. And that is where we will start here, too.

Now, these Satanic people in charge of today's world, behind them, are intelligent people who really know this stuff way beyond your previous imaginings about what they do know!

So, strangely enough, I will be using the Covid SARS matter to describe the 'Ousion.' And I will say up front, they know exactly what they are doing. What they are aiming at doing, is creating literal 'Consciousness' of personal animated mechanical beings, but via molecules and bio-chemistry. 

They know this to a degree not anywhere understood openly on this planet here today, by any open science...

And I will show you.

Where's da daily bread??

But I do not want to be caught up in people assuming this is Gnosticism or Neo-Platonic Gnosticism, because for one thing, most people have literally no idea what those things even were. And when they stick labels onto something, the chances of any future functional application of anything is forever lost immediately.

I will say what it says in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene: 'Do not make rules and laws for risk of being caught up yourselves in them and by them.'

Ergo, do not use labels either.

...What you must now quickly understand and appreciate, is that were these people today, to actually get hold of genuinely effective and precision knowledge of the human personal consciousness, they would kill to get it, and then -, they will kill you all off. 

But simplistically, we can at least say that the SARS viral protein is expressed out of the cell, through the cell walls, and then being fixed onto the cell walls - from which spot the human body's anti-body processes find it, identify whether it is an 'activator' or 'attach-er' and disable it by locking into it/onto it and blocking its further replicating activity.

This same 'process' is applicable to human personal Consciousness.

Universal Cosmic Consciousness is a huge, a massive, and impossibly complex 'machine-like' actual structure linked to lots of smaller 'nodes.' There are various iterations of the main thing (the nodes) which are around the place except you can't see them usually with physical senses and physical eye vision - they look like merry-go-rounds. And when they start up, they literally sound like squeaking old merry-go-rounds starting up! 

These early mystical mathematics people had a good idea of the relationship between number and atomic 'shape' and 'complex life.' So there are charts and designs that people now say is 'Gnostic' something-or-other, and these have become, well, like sigils.

They are wrong but they are somewhat close too, though.

The SARS Covid shape and functioning process is closer to it.

Consciousness is at the same moment unmoving and firm and able to be fixed anywhere - by, as KP used the word - 'adjoinment' not by simply being 'adjacent;' it becomes 'adjoint' whilst at the same time it is limitlessly elastic. Fixes somewhere, but can extend out to somewhere else. Think spike, and long rubber band attached.

The process by which it is 'intelligent' and 'self-aware' is by its composition being a continuum substance.

And that, I think, is about as far as I may go here openly.


If I am wrong about all of this, any of it at all, then you will none of you ever say the following at least just as an experiment, just to see what happens:

"Father OURS, Who in The Realm is Located, with All-Power and 'Agiasmenos' (there it is, even in there the Aramaic from Magadalene's 'Amenos') - (and then, actually follows the Veda 'namaha!' no less...); Give us this Day, our Reliable and Never-Ending bread which makes us too, Eternal." 

I find this quite a funny pic, really.
I'm sure the roasted tiny beets
are great, but, hey - there is the Apostle
with the beef and potatoes, right.

No. You will continue on, praying whatever prayers that you have always had, and which work, right? Or bow away to something, you-don't-know-what.

And as for those material atheists, well things are very simple - by and by, your systems will all decay and die. This is existential reality for you. No doubt about it.

Between 'Psyche' and 'Pneuma' is 'Ousion.'

When you find 'Ousion' and use it, well then that becomes your existential reality too.

No bread, no life.

No 'Amenousion' no real vision. 

If you place your hands onto someone's shoulders, and extend out through your hands to them your 'Ousion' they will feel it... And there begins an entire new subject area too, though, doesn't it? LOL

Sunday 31 July 2022

The Dog That Failed To Bark

This is the key turning aspect of a great Sherlock Holmes story called 'The Adventure of Silver Blaze.'

Not so much the clue itself but the idea that it is the absence of certain expected things or facts, which can put us right onto the trail of the matter we are trying to uncover the truth about.

There is an authentic early Christian text, which is part of the Dead Sea Scrolls find, and which had in any case been well-known to all Christian scholars and students of antiquity and early writings - known as 'The Gospel of Mary Magdalene.' The actual earliest scrolls themselves do not specify 'Magdalene' but it is very clear both in the text itself as well as according to what early Christians themselves believed and wrote, that this is the work or at least 'testament' of Mary Magdalene.

Boy, you pull some pages out of my book,
and you're gonna get whacked!

Now to say it is one of the 'non-canonical Gospels' is not exactly correct. The basic problem is that there is no complete version of it...

Okay. Did you catch that?

There is an absence... ...of something for which there is no real logical reason for it to be missing in the first place.

And this is plainly so because all of the early churchmen and early important Christian writers knew of it, of the work itself. So what makes it the case that somehow none of them retained or were able to just even simply have commented ever, on the whole entirety of the contents, such that we might be able to recreate the substance of those missing bits?

This narrative is plainly, not true.

Six manuscript pages are missing from the start, and four manuscript pages missing in the middle.

Now I know what's in them.

And those pages were deliberately removed.

Moving ahead though a bit, to just for the moment look at the impossibility of introducing actual facts about the hard-core inner basis of what is being passed off as the teaching of Christ, and/or the message of Christ... ...and why this is so.

It's still a Divine Thing;
it's just for women, that's all!

Consider the argument - is basically taking place between Christians and Jews and Muslims, with the Atheists on the outside of that fundamentally disputing with the whole lot of them and what they are saying as religious people.

A Jewish scholar will point to the indisputable alteration in the Christian 'Hebrews 10:5-6' compared with Psalm 40 in the Old Testament.

[This is basically the verses 'Sacrifice and offering you did not require;' and then the Christian Book of Hebrews adds or inserts 'But a body you prepared for me' just before the 'With burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased.']

And the Jewish scholar will say it like this - Psalm 40 'of the Hebrew Bible.'

When you get to why the Gospel of Mary Magdalene is not included in formal outward canon by Christians (it is accepted by all mainstream Christian churches, however, as authentic; an authentic 'Testament'), then they mostly just say that it is not dealing with any of the standard teachings of Jesus, and well, after all, ten pages are 'missing.' So, hey, it must not be all that important then, right? Just leave it out because we cannot teach our moral laws from it...

So the Jews say 'you have altered the Hebrew Bible,' and the Christians say 'Mary Magdalene is missing.'

The Atheists go 'listen you idiots, there is no God.'

And Muslims say 'There is only One God, because the JOOOZ only had One God, but then, they got corrupted.'

Guy style stuff...

Here are the facts however:

There was no such thing as a 'Hebrew Bible.'

And you cannot find one single page anywhere dating from any time more or less two hundred years after the Septuagint Greek Bible written in Alexandria Egypt - that is in Hebrew. No, sonny, you cannot. And that's just the plain fact of it!

Moreover you cannot find in any case, any 'Hebrew' Bible at all, which has vowelization and grammatical rules observing syntax - until only rather recently!

Nobody altered anything from an earlier 'Hebrew Bible.' And I'm going to prove it to you right here.

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, the supposed Jewish woman, was written by her in high class and very ancient Egyptian: what they are calling today 'Sahidic Coptic,' but it is standard court Graeco-Egyptian.

The second fact is something the Atheists don't want to hear - the Gospel of Mary Magdalene is about 'Cosmogony,' you know, 'Big Bang,' and physics, not just metaphysics. 


Here is the difference between those arguing, and what you are reading here:

I am not going to tell you about the past, and I am not going to project a future and then claim that is 'Revelation' or 'Holy Scripture' and you'd better follow the rules or else Allah will burn your beard off every day...

I am going to deliver to you now here a material Divine Fact that you can grasp and use functionally right now. This is going to be about sex, right?

You wanna know about that? You want to hear Jesus (and Mary Magdalene) on that subject...


The problem for Campbell's Tomato Soup Christians - and in this case it includes the Roman Catholic Pope, is that if I were not correct about what I am about to say, it should not be the case that Jesus says 'unless you become born again, you cannot see the Realm of Heaven.'

What? Even He poses the rhetorical question: 'You ask inside yourselves - is it proposed that someone enter back into their mother's womb?'


Now if I'm wrong, then the following should not be the case:

Ouranon placed back inside their Mother Gaia, all of the Titans that she had birthed, until Cronus (that's not how you should read that name, by the way; more on that later), hiding, attacked Ouranon when He was visiting Gaia again, and cut his penis off, from the blood of which, of course, the Goddess that all loved, Aphrodite, sprang. Ouranon then pronounced a predication against the Titans that had leapt on Him: 'You are Titans in reproach, and Vengeance for your acts will come upon you afterwards.' (Hesiod).

Heck. We need a beer, Jesus!
'Titans' mean 'those who strain' (against something, whatever; they are a necessary forcefulness, not essentially evil at all, but without integration with important Principles, well then they can be very negative and, being intelligent, some are also actually 'Evil').

The Bible starts with appellations to Gaia and Ouranon as the Primary Beings of Creation. And Jesus says the Lord's Prayer this way: 'Pater hi mon, ho en tois Ouranois (means Ouranon but with grammar/in syntax). This does not mean, as commonly translated, 'Our Father who art in Heaven.'

It says, 'Father ours, He parallel there is Realm of Heaven...'

The Greek and Aramaic had a way of speaking about people of status, as being the same as the location where they presided or held their power. So it's not 'who is in Heaven,' but like the Sanskrit Vedas, 'whose vicinity means Heaven.' aka 'Loka.' 

...And then therefore, quite logically He makes it follow what He wants and what He says you should want for yourself: 'Thy Realm come (to here).'

The whole entire Cosmogony explicit in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, says that the Universe is a thing (as I have regularly repeated here) with a Gaussian Curve: there is vacancy, and then inception, and then growth, and then some 'peak' state, and then decline and death. But she adds that there is instigation and not simple 'Big Bang' emergence from actual nothing. There is emergence from the field, but there is Divine Intelligence behind it all.

And here is another great mystery clue for you:

'Cronus...' No such thing; no such word, no such name.

It is 'Certainty,' Decision, Decisiveness - but those things without any other necessary attributes. Therefore it is not a god, but a Gaussian stage Primal Entity. 'C,' 'Ae,' 'Ra,' 'Theta' (looks like an Omicron so, easy for lying scribes to say 'Omicron' whereas it is Theta), 'Anu' (from the skies) and 'Y' (means a characteristic, 'nature of;' and then the standard ending for someone's name, 'S' or 'N' sometimes).

Cern. Cernunnos. Cer-tain - isn't it? Because 'Theta' not Omicron. Saturn. Saet-Anu. Satan. Seth (the Egyptian identity who killed Osiris aka Serapis aka the 'bread and wine/body and heart put back together rises from Dead' guy).

Eke - trance singer.

Is there even any tiniest fraction of a chance that I am wrong here? Do you think?

Now Jesus says where you have to be 'born again.' He says - and Mary Magdalene says that she has been - 'you must be born of the Spirit.'

Now unless Jesus is also having difficulty with defining 'woman' or which gender gives birth, then 'the Spirit' is Female, or 'Feminine' if you like.

And so even say the Jews: 'Shekinah is Feminine.'


When this guy Antiochus (Second Century BC) attacked the Jews and entered into their famous 'Temple' what did he find in there? He found an idol with the golden head of an ass. aka 'Seth.'

The Jews have never been 'Monotheists.' They were always 'monolatrists' until around 600  BC, when Josiah destroyed all their other gods and passed laws saying they must only have 'The Name That Shall Not Be Spoken' (the Tetragrammaton -'YHVH') as their 'god' and no one was allowed into the 'Holy of Holies' except 33 degree Freemasons (sarcasm, okay) because that was where the actual 'something' was being kept.

What was that something? It was a golden statue of the 'Decider' of HIS rules and laws -, Seth. Or Satan.

Deciding without knowledge, and having power to decide but not the access or understanding of actual Divine Justice or the basis of the Cosmogony, is simply a stage, a passing stage, and necessarily an Eternally Damned, stage in the Gaussian Curve of living progress.

Now. You don't really want to know about all of that. You just want to get laid.

Well how do you propose to do that?

Maybe the Atheist will tell you. Maybe he knows. Something that I don't.

Or maybe the Jew because after all, he wrote the Bible, right?


Mary Magdalene says, in the missing pages, that real Deity, real Divine Beings, including All Supernal Lights, possess Total, Absolute and Perfect Intelligence. 

They're intellectuals!

Like you. And you know their names! 'Hey, So-and-So, come on, man, cough up, something now! We've been listening to this verbose nuisance for ages now. Just give. We are in need!'

Now look, this Mary Magdalene is seriously smart, y'all. She says that between the human brain (the human mind), and the Spirit (and she means each person's human spirit), is something else that does the actual 'seeing.' And this thing is intelligent...

Saturday 30 July 2022

This Is A Tough One

I have been trying to actually avoid talking about this for some weeks now. In fact, I've avoided it for years here now! Managed to shift over to other things and pretend to 'forget/not know...'

Anyway for me the problem is that my own dad used to correspond with Alfred Adler and Otto Rank (Austrian School psychologists), during one phase of several years, quite a lot. My estranged brother-in-law 'may' still have one or two copies of those letters and I just don't even want to think about the one solitary hand-written letter from CG Jung to my dad as head of child psychology at the Education Department...

Sex slavery, American style.
Fact. Don't try and get away from it!

I was only a very small child at those times, but later on, I came to know Paul Ritter really very well and I guess 'learned' from him. Paul was psychoanalyzed by Anna Freud.

Paul was at the time a very well-recognized in Europe architect and designer, and he was one of the two people who laid the original two foundation stones of the original World Trade Center towers.

But Paul was also a powerfully capable psychologist in his own right, and who combined sociology and Austrian School psychoanalysis with designing and eventually Town Planning. 

He is the major reason we do not have traffic jams here in Perth City, Western Australia, where I presently live. At the same time he made an enormous amount of enemies in government and the judiciary and in Federal politics and bureaucracy. They ended up sending him to jail on utterly ludicrous and trumped-up charges about some semi-government funded private commercial venture. Which I personally believe, he regarded as a real credential for him as a proponent of the Austrian School's general outlook and mentality, and established his credibility to a certain circle of the upper class aristocratic elites of Europe, which remain around to this day without making a large noise about themselves.

It was long after all of this storm and thunder era of Paul's that I really came to know him well, and spent a lot of time with him in my restaurant 'The Manhattan' in London Court, Perth, and up in the hills where he knew some rich people with their 'exclusive private woo woo retreats.'

Bill you might remember Paul. We funded some computers for him. He wanted to, if you recall, establish the 'University of the Terrace' there. He meant 'of the street' literally, being formally run from out of business premises thereand not simply of the Terrace as in the financial district's main financial street: St George's Terrace.

...Of Ritter - think the Nicole Kidman movie 'Nine Perfect Strangers' which in my view is slanderous against the part-ethnic Russian-Australian entrepreneur Michael Edgley and his then wife Jeni Edgley, who is a really fine person.

Spill the wine...

Their daughter Gigi Edgley is a well-known and very successful actress who featured in a cult classic Australian-American Sci-Fi tv series Farscape. 

Anyway, think the movie in terms of people (sort of) and settings and all of that carry on, and just forget the narrative.

What the heck has this to do with what I'm trying to get to...?

Well, there is a lot of violence going on in Durban South Africa these days - the place that revealed a great person, namely Mandela.

It's absolutely impossible to understand 'Nelson Mandela' from a distance. I only 'got it' when I was standing in front of a bronze statue in Sandton Square - which is a replica place of some square in Venice. Really very beautiful, actually. Not kitch or anything like that at all.

Mandela used to get books brought in to him secretly - happens to have been by a relative of someone here, won't say whom unless he lets me, but it's our Bill.

Anyway, a key set were books by the Austrian School psychoanalysts like Freud and Jung and he whose name shall not be said.

These are all very expensive books - they were expensive then and they are expensive now. Most of them were burned by the Nazis early on, and some also by Marxists would you believe.

One set was completely burned by the America government and banned and it became a criminal offense to even possess any copies.

Now you don't need to be going out and buying these books now, because for one thing, they are terribly misleading if you do not have more or less all of them, or are unable to see or grasp the development over time of the ideas being proposed in them.

What's in the treasure box today?

They start out as something important enough, but they turn into something pretty unusual at the end - but the end is not able to be understood without knowledge of all the prior works, and the early works not all that useful without the concluding ones.

I'll give you the complete picture here anyway, so that you don't have to spend atrocious large sums trying to acquire the entire sets.

They are all written in the Austrian language and tone, and although not as austere as the German would be, they have a modern Germanic style and this means - laid out, tense, planned, almost laborious like a car manual but not completely so in this case.

The English language translations are simply superb, frankly.

The translator - and there is one particular one with an Italian surname - has managed to somehow preserve the writer's proclivity for make-up or archaic compound words: contactfulness, pauperization, Chimerical.'

That kind of thing.

Sort of clunky wordings. Bit like mine here often. LOL

Anyway these books say that the social leader of real worth, always ends up being dictated to in what he is 'expected' to be and to do, by his own closest followers - once those followers realize the power of that leader as an individual. ...Which is always a power they do not have themselves as individuals. 

And he explicitly starts out saying this, for instance, about Jesus Christ, whom he says was not necessarily intent on claiming that He was God, or that He had to die to procure general Salvation for the so-called 'Sin' of Mankind; but all of these things, these proposed attributes and aspirations were post-hoc laid onto 'Jesus' afterwards by His followers.

He alters his view in much later works, without ever (and I think correctly so) denying that nonetheless they, the followers, do kill the guy, everything He stood for, everything He did, everything He taught, and they completely mongrelize the message in the end. Although partly it still gets through. How? Well, God, see.

He does stand by his first assertion that the message of one 'Jesus of Nazareth,' was distorted significantly over later years -, and centuries. And this is undoubtedly so.

This is a very very
big deal in high status
circles modern fashion.

The point is however, that this Austrian psychologist completely and confidently predicted, as in guaranteed, that someone like Nelson Mandela was bound to have all their achievements destroyed by their own followers. The guarantee is there in how he says it all.

The reason American politicians burned this guy's books was that in them, he put things this way to all modern-day politicians and leaders: 

"Hey. You have a personal sexual issue and a sexual psychosis problem yourself, buddy."

Today, local Zulu guys are taking out machetes and killing ostensibly, 'immigrant workers and business people' and confronting armed police and military - and overpowering them totally.

The Zulu king, the 'this one' Zwelethini, I forget which one, but he does still retain as a middle name 'Goodwill' - is fomenting violent actions himself in public speeches and media-covered comments by him.

Would Mandela have agreed with any of this?

Well, things are not so simple see. These people being characterized as 'immigrant household labor' are formal slaves to the wealthy middle-class community in South Africa... As I mean, actual slaves deliberately brought in by having to acknowledge their own dire circumstances in those countries from which they originate, but there - they were literal slaves anyway!

And when I say 'slaves' I mean sexually as well as in every other aspect of life.

This, is the why behind the wherefore. 'Goodwill' has not suddenly abandoned his Mandela-humanist goodwill towards all other human beings.

Mandela however, up-front knew and openly worked on the underlying sexual dysfunctioning going on in the place - in the Apartheid country.

That is how it ever became the Rainbow Nation in the first place.

Obama, by contrast got his 'Southern accent' from where, exactly?

He was a test-tube experiment manufactured in Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, arranged to have grow up in Hawaii and then to go to pre-selected schools and Universities in LA, England, New York, and Chicago. 

Where did he get a Southern accent from?

He was not - is not - a Marxist. He is a modern neo-Marxist; exactly the people that burned those books I was telling you about.

What is a neo-Marxist?

The road ahead with the human race,
is always pointing to a future that
most humans never get to, and that's
because they turn down 
streets that the Karl Popper's point towards.

Someone who, like the followers of Jesus and the followers of Mandela, decided to bring out the knives to actually stab people as the means to attaining power.

To 'libertize.'

These people have all the surface sounds and features of 'Christ/Christian' or 'Marx' or 'Marxist/Socialist...'

Obama is an applied-Marcusian.

He knows that a profusion of sexual provocations, serve to reinforce political repression.

It's worth scanning the quotes of Herbert Marcuse and to know about people like Karl Popper - but don't actually go there, or at least not too far in there unless you have a really good life-buoy system.

Popper is the most sinister individual to have walked the planet for a long time and Barack Obama is not far behind him. Popper is the guy, who, at face value, the whole of academia suddenly on a dime, decides to turn 'psychology' out to wander the streets alone in the dark at night, without the relevancy 'scientific testing' to be had about it.

Says who you can't test a psychoanalytic proposition?

Well says Popper and only him. And every other idiot then marched in line, in step.

And why?

Over recent years four major scientific studies on the effects of the substance 'bromelain' were conducted in Universities - and all of them (one other one for a different purpose got through) were powerfully objected to by competing Universities on the basis of 'methodology' and the studies failed at being recognized as peer-reviewed research studies then.

Imperial College London, the leading research dollar grant-funded institution in the world, then went behind the backs of everyone, to the original people driving the four studies, telling them that if they paid them, they could 'get things across the line' for them.

This is what 'peer review' nowadays means.

And this is what the spirit of Karl Popper is all about.

Barack Obama is a liar.

He is not a 'Southern African-American.'

The problem with ideas, especially religious
ones, is: 'is it true or is it not
If it is true then why go with other stuff
 that is patently not true...?
Why because someone told you?
Did Jesus have actual
sexual feelings for Mary Magdalene?
The Austrian School psychologists
answered this question decisively.

So what would Nelson Mandela's solution to immigrant 'cheap' workers, have been?

At any money whatsoever, would it ever have been to machete someone?

Never. Not at the end of his life - at that time where his ideas and philosophy had been formed by the books he had been reading, and had had the time to fully absorb across the whole of their ideas-span.

Mandela was a violent terrorist to begin with.

Unlike the 'prophet Muhammad' who began as a peace-loving supplicant under more powerful people, but who was able to take advantage of the Persian implosion and the subsequent military power vacuum - if actual real historical 'Muhammad' was indeed this Ilyas ibn Qabisah, the person who was conveying weapons for the Persians - then becoming a violent war-lord (as you do), Mandela began as a violent war-lord, sat alone for 23 years, and read these books whose titles and whose author must not be named; and became a 'Prince of Peace.'

The Holy Prophet was Mandela.

And just like all other true prophets, he was thrown into the gutter, his ideas dismantled and cast aside, his iconography becoming idolatry, and his 'followers' doing exactly what he had preached and taught, against!

A tiny small handful of people snuck through though. And they would have entered through the narrow doorway.

Make sure it is you.

Put down the machete. 

Well, maybe take just one with you...


Did Jesus have sex with the red-haired Mary Magdalene?

You don't have to go and get yourself killed though, do you? It is 2022, we have had enough time to figure out what the 'human race' is like, what it is all about.

Is Jesus 'Serapis' with His Wine and Bread?

Basilica of the Holy Blood!


But then, friends, since you don't believe Serapis was anything other than a creation of the Ptolemys, and these Egyptian gods do not really exist, and of course, certainly not either did Perseus the son of Zeus and Danae - who killed the Gorgon Medusa exist - ah no, wait a minute, he did exist though (Perseus is a legendary historical figure). Okay okay, well it's just a story that people make up afterwards. Right?

Is Isis 'Mary Magdalene?'

The Raphaelites seemed to think Mary Magdalene was Lilith. As well as 'Mary Magdalene.'

But that means, well does that make the French occult thing about 'the blood' and Mary Magdalene have some sort of meaning that they don't want to tell you about openly?

Listen, Jesus, I have to be honest with you, I, I am a bit selfish, I don't really care that much about the 'Holy Blood' story. Is there a 'Holy Money' story...?