I'm going to ask for some help or at least your suggestions as to which bits to post first. Would you like the 'whiz-bang' stuff right up front first?
Or would you like some mathematical and logical preparation first?
You remember I mentioned that the sum of the inside angles of all regular polygons was a number that equated either directly to a musical note, or its harmonic derivative...?
The inside angles of a square add up to 360 - which is roughly the note 'F.' |
Now I just want to add to that some very advanced, 'latest' (but mostly not-yet-disclosed) research and the related discoveries, to do with the way electrons are stripped from brain lipids - principally eumelanin - by... um... by magnetic fields and also by all chemical anesthetic agents. You see, the conscious brain's neural networks are bio-electric processes, and they contain charged ions in the lipids of brain cells, well, in fact of all cells. ...And here is something you will never see in any research paper as yet published - but, the fact is (and it is a fact), that intellectual surface layer 'neural network firings' all ARE BOUNDED (Kim Philby, are you reading?) by discrete energy flows, otherwise known as frequencies, but more so also known as musical tones or main musical tone derivatives (harmonics, micro-frequency 'notes,' ultra-low/ultra-high, infra-sound and so on).
And that's just a bunch of colorful shapes... |
Which is why, when you lose consciousness from an anesthetic, and your cell chemistry stops in the neural paths, all the other cell functions don't just stop as well and make you die. Sure you can die, but probably from things slowing sufficiently to create secondary side-effects, not from any actual bio-chemical process actually suddenly stopping, the way the anesthetic stopped your consciousness temporarily. (Remember, don't confuse 'analgesic' or calcium channel blocking, or hyper-inflammation, with 'anesthetic')
Right now you are armed with three items: 1. that the brain can be effected discretely (meaning in a calculated and measured way; such as, like in a process of 'language') by the proximity of an electromagnetic field, 2. some chemicals 'steal' charged ions inside the firing neural networks causing them to slow and to stop (aka 'unconsciousness'), and 3. consciousness synaptic activity is bounded by particular frequency limits.
Be prepared for what you are about to see and read, next.