At the same time every now and then, possibly as a fore-runner to some outrageous thing or other that appears to me at least, likely to emerge on us all from the orange-y haze of the distant horizon - I will post some 'structural exercises' for the way minds can operate, although they seldom do.
You know everyone you run into is going to say they are all-too familiar with politics and political communication and even just plain basic human communication. And you can't blame them; if you go by sheer quantity of information that would be classed as political debate, or political expression, or just discussion between people on disputed ideas -, then modern people are nothing if not highly experienced.
Okay but so that is, as usual, not exactly the way I would view things...
I want you to consider any polyhedral object with faces, edges, and vertices:
And then, I want you to take any current subject matter featured in the news - brexit, or the Kurds in the Northeastern corridor of Syria, whatever.
Now I want you to imagine two people, represented by two separate polyhedral objects, and that the target of a period of communication, is the adjoining of two faces of the separated polyhedrals such that they are 'sharing the same surface' or 'surfaces' (IE being formed by the same points in Euclidean space; in this case of the surfaces, they would be simple two-dimensional 'areas.'
So... They - the two people - begin as relatively 'far apart,' and each is represented by a polyhedral. Now in normal terms of energy flows, like charges repel. But in this type of process, like surfaces attract because they aim to actually share geometric space as points-of-flat-area-in-common.
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People assign measured value to their ideas and beliefs |
And this would all be perfectly functional, and always be capable of being resolved as a structural, or geometric problem of dynamics and organisation - except that two other things must be applied to what people do in communication: they place a term, or a word label, requiring a definition, onto each surface they are intellectually conscious of as something they are seeking to have communicated - and agreed upon by others.
Additionally, they assign inside themselves, inside their emotional networks - inside their memories, neural nets, nervous 'vertical energy' systems and so on - 'strengths' of belief or feeling, and strengths of volition, and orders of priority.
Now here's the problem - you cannot easily get by common human convention any guarantee from any other human these days (or maybe at any time in history with few exceptions) that the 'term' they applied is actually the same as the term you have applied to your surface desired to be communicated, and nor can you get any up-front insight into what definition or definitions they applied, or an agreement that the both of you will use the same terms and definitions or that these need to be standard definitions and usages of words.
It can even be the case that one person is advancing a face or 'facet' of an argument, and deliberately blurring the facet - as the Japanese say, employing 'haragei;' a dance of diaphanous silkiness in front of your eyes.
Every behavioral psychologist will tell you - 'oh but this is something the human race has devised as an evolutionary common practice that serves the social group as a whole.'
No it hasn't.
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Spa salts...! |
This is a process entirely outside of what humans are purpose-built to do and to achieve as an intelligent communicating species.
And you know of no example of what human beings would be like, or what society would be like, if it did the opposite thing to what it currently does in this graphical metaphor of ours depicting 'communication.'
So now you... When you go out into the streets, or to your work, or simply talk with those around you, your family friends and the people who are physically around your space - how are you going to interact with them now?
Are you going to be all technical in your head and start to closely examine everything?
Well, hell you should.
And don't be afraid of that. Oh yes a lot of people will stop liking you and many will stop talking to you at all.
And now I'm going to lay on you a very big secret. Your eyes are deceiving you most of the time and they can see, as in literally see optically, much more than you have seen up until now. But by social habit, the human race has been 'trained' out of 'registering' those optical inputs in the conscious brain (they may be there subconsciously).
It is the case, and we must acknowledge and accept it, that we need to, we are required for various reasons of necessity, to engage with people we might not really want to, once we can 'read' them with our re-established optical capabilities. And yes, you can buy these 'augmented reality' glasses which help by using computational algorithms that detect biometrics; and that will also have the same or similar outcomes.
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Marshall McLuhan |
I assure you, everybody you know, almost everybody you know, is marching 'up' a conceptual hill in their subconscious minds, and for absolutely no end purpose whatsoever, with zero true objective in intellectual space, as it were. They have no knowledge of why they have composed the polyhedrals in their minds and in their 'word forms' of communicated language. They have no understanding of the energy systems and structures of intellectual space, be it human or any other one.
And the value benefit to you, of being able to 'see' this, is that when you see a different individual - you are then 'seeing' someone whose intellectual objectives are clear, whose conceptual planning actually exists, and who definitely achieves and attains, what they set out to achieve and attain, although what they have targeted are regularly quite strange things and very different to what the bulk of humans seek. Now there are also many very wealthy people too, whose money and material substance remains with them for a long time, often for the whole entirety of their lives. And yet too most of these people are 'accidents;' they are accidentally wealthy and only ever materially wealthy, because the world is very vast and filled with physical value and material substance and through many varied causes these individuals have money come to them. And that's okay. It's pretty sad but it is what it is.
The Sky Is Open...
So when one suddenly feels the need to vibe on a higher level as in California, there are those patches which can be popped on faster than one can say selamun aleykum! Will we ever notice the subtle energy shifts in our bodies. Nobody teaches us to my knowledge that we are energy, we are connected to the cosmos and to quantum physics.
ReplyDeleteYes Kim, we are energy but we are energy within 'boundary conditional states.' Our connection to the Cosmos is extremely complex. And that's why most of the 'out there' mind powers stuff like whatsisname - that big tall super-hyped up fellow, ah yeah Tony Robbins - that is to say, what these people teach doesn't work. Or at least it doesn't work the way their hype wants to suggest that it does...
Deleteyet - they are 'on the right kind of track.' But not exactly strictly adhering to authentic scientific processes which can be counted on. ...And which leads me to the next set of articles here; boy, are they going to make some people's heads spin!