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Monday 12 August 2019

Hollywood Repudiates Hope, But We...

'But we... something or other, I'll have to think about it!!' 

First though, our regular (and recent) shout out to this podcast:

And for me the whole point about listening to a broad range of views and perspectives is that you will always learn something, whether you agree with someone else's proposition or not. It's remarkable how many new ideas just come along when you are open-minded, and how many things you never were focusing on, but that are important and well worth taking note of, nevertheless lie standing there outside one's usual circle of attention and 'vision.'


The one thing Hollywood has specialized in, over many decades, is the presenting of visually attractive scenes, or a panorama, and then undermining the good feelings of that 'vision' with the injecting of a strong dystopian flavor, giving viewers an abject sense of human hopelessness and real spiritual poverty disguised, often, in an outer covering of 'the heroic.' Or, as in the case of say things like 'Eyes Wide Shut -,' the mysterious, the occult, magic, the dark.
Rachel and Deckard - Blade Runner (original movie).
Camera angle is important... Both are 'replicants.'
Not actual 'natural humans.'

Now at some stage, maybe not to be addressed in this particular article now, it's necessary to look at what even is 'the spiritual.' It's very much more complicated than people, especially your run-of-the-mill religious people, know.

For someone whose direct family (both parents) had academic backgrounds in psychology at some level - it is almost second-nature that I quickly pick up on psychological techniques I see in movies and modern art and photography, about which there is a lot of academic literature available.

That is, there was, such literature widely available in the past, though now, these things are left on dusty 'rear stack' shelves.

The Tom Cruise 2013 movie 'Oblivion' is an excellent example.

The visuals in this movie are not just good, but they encapsulate a long tradition of sci-fi fantasy envisioning; about advanced futuristic human living: beautiful scenery, fewer people, really advanced technology.

And they have the romantic angle beautifully presented in there as well.
Vika - 'Oblivion,' the movie.
Camera angle; also a 'clone' or manufactured humanoid.

Now, whereas a lot of amateur commentators will typically say 'the presence of conflict as a theme, leads to the underlying drama' this is not at all what is going on. What is going on is the direct open repudiation of human hope, and the forceful depiction of despair.

There is not going to be 'resolution' after the 'drama.' There is going to be absolute loss, suffering, destruction, finality - and 'acceptance' (by you) of and then acknowledgement of personal oblivion. In the case of this particular movie, they were at least more up-front about it.

But they cover what they are doing with a wrapping of 'heroic sacrifice.' 

Right so what's the message? You give up, you give everything, you die, and that will be heroic of you. Ta-daaaah. But it's poignant. (LOL).

Thank you, thanks for the twenty bucks, see ya, have a nice day. Don't forget to come back again with another twenty bucks later y'all.

Hollywood succeeds in one particular deceptive exercise: they let you believe for an hour and a half, that they have materialized the spiritual.

They don't stop there. They leave you with the propaganda idea that 'the spiritual' is all bad and it cannot provide any authentic material hope (IE meaning, nothing there for you in the long run).

I was having a conversation with one of our members here just this week, and I said to him the thing about 'free will' is that it is a sine curve which does not have symmetrical denominators.

The more ignorant you are, the greater is your actual 'free will;' and the less ignorant that you are, the less you have free will at all.
What is this, Noddy? I asked for a glowing night-light...
This is nothing but a tourist magnet!

And so to some extent the usual theory of most religions is false: because in fact there is no such thing as God-granted 'free will.' There is only a sliding scale of intellectual realities based on conscious sentient knowledge as opposed to the lack of it. 

Sentient: able to perceive or feel things.

Conscious: aware and responding to one's surroundings, one's self, others.

Knowledge: facts, a practical understanding of something.



If I could 'show' you something, let you see - just like in a Hollywood movie - something that would make you feel incredibly good, uplifted, strong, positive, benefited, and therefore hopeful. What would be the implication of it?

Saturday 10 August 2019


"This goes out to the ladies... at breakfast...

"In last night's dress."


"Uh-huh! I see you!"

Old Peter Lavelle is there on Sputnik and The Duran and RT this morning - he's on his annual holiday break, but he's made himself available because of the amazing breaking news. 

There he was, vaping away. 

I give him respect on this one - never mind it's an absolutely stupid story whose 'breaking' surprised absolutely no one. Still, you know, holidays! But there he was. And not complaining at all.

The sighs of relief from all over the world - man I could just feel it from here, which is pretty darn far away.

Peter Lavelle is originally from Beverly Hills so I mean, he does know the 'way' of it all, he is very familiar with the style, the mentality, the attitude (as the Americans like to say).
Vaping away, on a cotton candy cloud

A lot of people have been pulled into line over the last year or so. And thank god. Of course I'm sure you all understand things are not exactly as everyone thinks they are - even the conspiracy theories are largely going to get it wrong here with the Jeffrey Epstein thing. Which is not to say he isn't, sorry wasn't a bad guy. But what did you want? Blood? And then what? The rest were going to go absolutely beserk and as it is they are pulling levers in the UK damaging power plants and so on now that Johnson has said 'no' to them all.

Oh yes we have problems looming - Europe is a major accident waiting to happen. China is very troubling. 

But you and I now, that should be a slightly different story. We have to keep some oil for our own lamps, that is true. And I am making it abundantly clear, that you can expect to see, as in literally SEE some weird and wonderful things happening on the world stage... Those who have taken things by the scruff of the neck behind the scenes are also going to have to assert with some forcefulness in the public sphere, their presence and technological capabilities.

Go and get yourself a free digital wallet. Go and do it if you haven't already done it. Don't waste your own time sitting on your hands thinking that life is somehow going to stop because 'the aliens have landed.'

You will have too much on your mind and on your plate afterwards. Do it now.

Right now you perhaps don't see what you can buy with your digital wallet. Don't make that mistake.

Nothing is really going to change - gold is still pure money. 

But see the thing about technology is it can play around with time to some extent: even bourbon drinkers can attest to that. Filtering alcohol through columns of charcoal has the same effect as leaving the stuff in wooden casks or barrels for years and years...

The internet and the digital space is all about logistics and time and motion.

"Be there soonest with the mostest."  You know that.

How do you think you are going to be, where the information is at... And where the circles of power are playing.


Isn't it better, though?

You don't want all this blood-lust by the public, being promoted out there by the lurid media. 

However - I hope we all now fully are awake to those things that are 'hidden' as in, you know, not just the 'occult' hidden but the hidden-from-public-view by the ruling elites.

Such as they think they are.

So what changes now that you have your eyes wide open?

Well you know that certain groups are not ever acting in your interests, but particularly, you can credit that their intentions and objectives are a very far cry from what ever might be imagined or construed as in the slightest bit, ordinary, normal human objectives just related to material gain.

You see we all are raised in the erroneous and misleading belief that the fundamental cause of a lot of human problems -  is to do with someone being materially greedy. In other words, their motivation was simply material gain and that they found illegitimate means to achieve this gain. And it's the 'illegitimate means' that is the mechanical cause of the problems; injustice, inequality, corrupted processes - all that kind of thing.

But now, you see, that this is NOT what was going on really.

No and it is not just power, either. 


One of the things Jeffrey Epstein was the recipient of government funding for, was an academic project to utilize AI to manipulate how the public reacted to government pressures to conduct mass vaccination programs, also how to manipulate people's psychology to have them succumb to bureaucratic delaying tactics and become servile and 'entrained' to following guided process instructions the government gave them via technological means of communications. And there were other very disquieting and surreptitious programs like those that Epstein was involved with at a very key level. He was involved in European Union government projects, and UK government projects; he was a very big fish. He was involved in trans-humanism research and experimental projects, and he was involved in genetics.

See 'someone' wants to control you.

Literally, they want to control what the definition of 'human being' is, on this planet.

Now if Stanley Kubrick told you explicitly what you're up against, you wouldn't believe him and you will certainly not believe me either.

But. With your eyes wide open now - and I'm sure most of you here already HAD your eyes opened wide enough before reading at this place - you probably stand some half-decent chance of 'picking up' early, warning signs of something amiss about what some people want you to do.

See it's a mathematical thing concerning war numbers. If 'one third' of some population cannot grow itself, but humans can, then in order to increase the foot-soldiers the 'one third' can leverage, they need a way to numerically enlarge (themselves).

And this is a titanic struggle.

You've heard many people, not least of whom being Lord Rothschild and the loonie Australian millionaire Dick Smith, say that today's world is over-populated. They mean, over-populated with your kind... Not their kind.

Now me personally, I really love occult and gothic fiction stories. 

The reason - or one reason - we all love movies like 'The Ninth Gate,' is that it has these beautiful supernatural creatures (as portrayed there in that particular movie by Emmanuelle Seigner) doing all of these cool preternatural, or even supernatural things like floating and flying down stairs and 'saving' people from accidents or whatever. That stuff is all really cool.

Those, who come down from out of their oiketerion, all look epicene, you see, and they none of them reproduce kids like we do - but they are not all bad. Actually none of them are bad!

Virtually none of them are here, though, either. That's why great occultists like Vadim and Polanski and Kubrick make movies about them - otherwise they could simply just film real life documentaries, couldn't they?
Modern take on Russian folkloric 'elvin' costume

See in the Scandinavian mythic cultural traditions, Loki is not either an aesir nor a vanir, but he is of the race of Jotuns. In the Greek, those beings who strained at 'boundaries' to accomplish their desires were 'Titainontas' (a stretching out being) - what we call 'Titans.' And because they could not stay within boundaries, there would in the end be some re-adjustment which process the Greeks termed 'Tisin' and from where we get the English word 'sin.' Now you're never going to read this anywhere else put exactly this way so don't waste your time looking.  

All kinds of advanced intelligent 'beings' go to the 'high places of meeting' (just like that scene in Eyes Wide Shut - and I do mean the manor house; that is 'the high place of meeting...') including Titainontes. But to go there, you must 'wear a mask' (well it's not exactly a 'mask' but anyway, let's proceed using simple words here). This mask IS the oiketerion.

Are not people like Jeffrey Epstein exceeding what we would term normal human social boundaries? What about that California artist Marina Abramovic? ...And her 'baby eating...'

Loki, in the Scandinavian cycle of Snorri Sturluson, is not essential evil or ultimately bad. So not all Titainontes are irredeemably evil.

The Islamic traditions talk about Gog and Magog - giants (aka 'Titainontes') from what the Hebrews call the ancient Kingdom of Bashan - appearing at a critical future time and creating a lot of havoc. 

Remember, most of the oiketerion beings, look epicene... 

And they can do funny tricks, see, like floating and flying down staircases and all of that jazz. Roman Polanski says so. And who are we to argue with him.

So what about us mere mortals with limited or no powers to speak of? LOL

Well...We are the ones who can 'put on the oiketerion' whereas most of the Titainontes cannot, now. 

Let's even just bring this all down a notch and say 'primitive, reptilian-brained people' cannot be as elevated in their thinking as a truly-balanced, and wholly integrated developed modern human personality. But they want what you have and what you can do. They don't want to develop; they just want what you have and they want it now. I mean they are primitive, meaning they come from a long time ago; you and I more or less fell down in the last shower of rain, comparatively speaking and we are naiive and not very knowledgeable or experienced.

And therein lies the conflicting interests and the inequality of power.

What you need is some help from the oiketerion.

Friday 9 August 2019

Back To Normal Transmissions...

One of our top-line long-term colleagues here, pointed me the other day, to some rather expensive watches they were selling in the Gulf States.

And what was a touch amusing (seeing that I have been roundly black-guarding that bronze statue of Apollo) was how the manufacturers were pricing the thing: they were adding a substantial sum for a bronze high-lighted version.

Not gold, not silver, but bronze. Don't get me wrong, the thing looks really nice and I like bronze. But it's 'over the top' expensive.
IWC spitfire pilot watch (bronze version)

What are they saying...? Well... We know the kind of thing that happens just immediately prior to a major collapse in the leading market economies - the German industrial conglomerates and their associated trading houses and marketeers, pump into the unsuspecting erstwhile 'rich,' grossly over-valued stuff.

And then... The collapse.

So are they right? Is there going to be a collapse imminently? Maybe. Maybe not quite yet still.

But here is some very important news for all of you who read here, for all of us: this Blog has just hit what I regard as a genuine 'critical mass' of regular followers - and I don't mean those who choose to list themselves openly as 'followers' (which is only twelve) but the underlying numbers that I get to see off the statistics the site sends to me, but which are not revealed to the general public.

And here's the significant point about that 'critical mass.'

We can definitely parlay it into a funds pool of - by my estimation - around fifty thousand US Dollars and rising rapidly from there. I would need all those interested, to email me privately and then I could make arrangements to get them some free digital crypto for each one, which I would aggregate into our 'one single large bloc fund' and then deal this off to the 'Proof Platform' guys (I would chose them to begin with because I've dealt with them and they have all the right ingredients and ethics) at the typical current multiples (it's a lot!) into the digital crypto exchanges so that we would obtain our 'fund base level' as indicated above. 
Gabriel. That's 'Gabriel' isn't it?
LOL (Gabrielle Drake/SHADO)

And there are other ways to financially exploit the 'critical mass' too.

You will need a digital wallet - and these are free and very easy to get.

So. That's where we are as of the minute, and life proceeds on 'at a pace,' as they say.

'The Ninth Gate?' Well - there are nine gates in Sikhism, the ninth being a sacred number which leads people to the 'one' (which is also called a 'gate').

In Sikhism, '9' represents an Infinite Force all around and which is the source of everything - and we are to connect the Infinite Force to the '1' (that is our ego, probably), within ourselves. 

...But what I really personally like about the Sikh tradition, is that they place a heavy emphasis on food.

However, pretty much all the Asian, South Asian, East Asian, whatever-Asian religious traditions place a heavy emphasis on food.

A most, admirable, concept, I must say. 

Thursday 8 August 2019

Uncle Vanya Goes To Russia

'Uncle Vanya' is a play by Anton Chekhov. Chekhov is quite possibly the individual writer most responsible for destroying the standard previous norm of 'heroic morality tales' and stories with a resolution designed to render some sort of moral lesson or template from which to work out solutions to real life challenges and problems.

Of course, one can say that yes, writers must have been quite arrogant to think they knew what answers there were to the many problems people encounter in real life...
Frank Langella - played a rare book dealer and occultist,
Satanist, in fact, in The Ninth Gate. He's also played 'Uncle Vanya'
on the stage. A great actor.

However Chekhov is also the figure used by Russian intellectuals over the last hundred years, to talk about their ideas and feelings, of the frustration of people with government, bureaucrats, even other institutions like churches and politics (political parties and movements) and politicians and their financial backers. You see, Chekhov's stories often had no resolution and left things in a deliberately vague or unresolved, unsatisfying position.

The phrase 'Uncle Vanya' or 'our Uncle Vanya' also found a place with spies of the Cold War period, sometimes to talk about senior counterparts 'on the other side' and really, it didn't only mean on the Soviet Russian side. For instance, an MI6 agent could quite easily have spoken to a colleague about their 'Uncle Vanya' meaning some unorthodox cabinet minister at White Hall, or even, the senior man at the parallel agency, MI5. 

What it implied was the figure who was 'not necessarily one of us' but who was a bridge perhaps, 'between oil and water,' let's say - but also, inevitably, because of the practical impossibility of genuine harmonization, if we could put it that way, things were apt to end up always to be in some way or other 'unresolved.'

In Chekhov's story, Vanya creates a lot of difficulties, and destabilizes people's lives without any consideration at all. In one version of the story that Chekhov penned, he (Vanya) dies, in another, he almost dies but doesn't die...!

In both cases the main problems are not at all resolved.

...Now I'm posting this now and using the phrase 'Uncle Vanya' because we have an 'Uncle Vanya' who happens to be going to Moscow next week.

But our 'Uncle Vanya' is not a problematical guy and nor is anything he is likely to do or not do, going to leave anything unresolved.

You see there was another use of the phrase - namely, in the popular TV Series 'Man From U.N.C.L.E.'

These movies are fairly dated when you watch them now, but intelligent people such as we are, must allow for the context of the day in question. 

One of our friends here commented in the last article, about the occult Roman Polanski movie 'The Ninth Gate.' And I'm going to try and tie everything in to something I was already attempting to 'get across' as best I could - in many recent articles.

I take us all for borderline genuine, authentic intellectuals here... And so we don't need to worry about propaganda messages, when looking at ancient knowledge and ideas - but we do consider things from the best accurate sources, and look at what people were thinking from what we can utterly establish was what they said, and what the meanings in the language they used, really were.

Recently I told an American Evangelical Christian that there was no prayer 'Our Father who art in heaven' and of course he got quite angry. 

Well you see, there isn't! It's not what is said there...

What is said is 'Father of mine (which has a very special connotation), who a-livens (makes active and dynamic) all of the Space which contains everything material that exists...' That's indeed what it says and it uses highly technical Greek language.

And then it goes on to use a compound word, part of which we know and use today: 'aesthetic...' And we can also modify it and say 'ethos.'

And then, later on, it says - 'and restrain our blood from getting up, from the delusory enchantments of fairies.'

Oh yes. You heard me.

Somewhere along the line in the core source texts, it also says that 'doors will be opened' but only some will be able to see and go through those doors (IE 'gates'), but those and some others will be 'ek tereo;' watched over, as in safe-guarded. 

And then, it says some extremely bloody and blood-thirsty things about what is going to happen in the rest of the world.

So. The Ninth GATE.


; )