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Saturday 10 August 2019


Isn't it better, though?

You don't want all this blood-lust by the public, being promoted out there by the lurid media. 

However - I hope we all now fully are awake to those things that are 'hidden' as in, you know, not just the 'occult' hidden but the hidden-from-public-view by the ruling elites.

Such as they think they are.

So what changes now that you have your eyes wide open?

Well you know that certain groups are not ever acting in your interests, but particularly, you can credit that their intentions and objectives are a very far cry from what ever might be imagined or construed as in the slightest bit, ordinary, normal human objectives just related to material gain.

You see we all are raised in the erroneous and misleading belief that the fundamental cause of a lot of human problems -  is to do with someone being materially greedy. In other words, their motivation was simply material gain and that they found illegitimate means to achieve this gain. And it's the 'illegitimate means' that is the mechanical cause of the problems; injustice, inequality, corrupted processes - all that kind of thing.

But now, you see, that this is NOT what was going on really.

No and it is not just power, either. 


One of the things Jeffrey Epstein was the recipient of government funding for, was an academic project to utilize AI to manipulate how the public reacted to government pressures to conduct mass vaccination programs, also how to manipulate people's psychology to have them succumb to bureaucratic delaying tactics and become servile and 'entrained' to following guided process instructions the government gave them via technological means of communications. And there were other very disquieting and surreptitious programs like those that Epstein was involved with at a very key level. He was involved in European Union government projects, and UK government projects; he was a very big fish. He was involved in trans-humanism research and experimental projects, and he was involved in genetics.

See 'someone' wants to control you.

Literally, they want to control what the definition of 'human being' is, on this planet.

Now if Stanley Kubrick told you explicitly what you're up against, you wouldn't believe him and you will certainly not believe me either.

But. With your eyes wide open now - and I'm sure most of you here already HAD your eyes opened wide enough before reading at this place - you probably stand some half-decent chance of 'picking up' early, warning signs of something amiss about what some people want you to do.

See it's a mathematical thing concerning war numbers. If 'one third' of some population cannot grow itself, but humans can, then in order to increase the foot-soldiers the 'one third' can leverage, they need a way to numerically enlarge (themselves).

And this is a titanic struggle.

You've heard many people, not least of whom being Lord Rothschild and the loonie Australian millionaire Dick Smith, say that today's world is over-populated. They mean, over-populated with your kind... Not their kind.

Now me personally, I really love occult and gothic fiction stories. 

The reason - or one reason - we all love movies like 'The Ninth Gate,' is that it has these beautiful supernatural creatures (as portrayed there in that particular movie by Emmanuelle Seigner) doing all of these cool preternatural, or even supernatural things like floating and flying down stairs and 'saving' people from accidents or whatever. That stuff is all really cool.

Those, who come down from out of their oiketerion, all look epicene, you see, and they none of them reproduce kids like we do - but they are not all bad. Actually none of them are bad!

Virtually none of them are here, though, either. That's why great occultists like Vadim and Polanski and Kubrick make movies about them - otherwise they could simply just film real life documentaries, couldn't they?
Modern take on Russian folkloric 'elvin' costume

See in the Scandinavian mythic cultural traditions, Loki is not either an aesir nor a vanir, but he is of the race of Jotuns. In the Greek, those beings who strained at 'boundaries' to accomplish their desires were 'Titainontas' (a stretching out being) - what we call 'Titans.' And because they could not stay within boundaries, there would in the end be some re-adjustment which process the Greeks termed 'Tisin' and from where we get the English word 'sin.' Now you're never going to read this anywhere else put exactly this way so don't waste your time looking.  

All kinds of advanced intelligent 'beings' go to the 'high places of meeting' (just like that scene in Eyes Wide Shut - and I do mean the manor house; that is 'the high place of meeting...') including Titainontes. But to go there, you must 'wear a mask' (well it's not exactly a 'mask' but anyway, let's proceed using simple words here). This mask IS the oiketerion.

Are not people like Jeffrey Epstein exceeding what we would term normal human social boundaries? What about that California artist Marina Abramovic? ...And her 'baby eating...'

Loki, in the Scandinavian cycle of Snorri Sturluson, is not essential evil or ultimately bad. So not all Titainontes are irredeemably evil.

The Islamic traditions talk about Gog and Magog - giants (aka 'Titainontes') from what the Hebrews call the ancient Kingdom of Bashan - appearing at a critical future time and creating a lot of havoc. 

Remember, most of the oiketerion beings, look epicene... 

And they can do funny tricks, see, like floating and flying down staircases and all of that jazz. Roman Polanski says so. And who are we to argue with him.

So what about us mere mortals with limited or no powers to speak of? LOL

Well...We are the ones who can 'put on the oiketerion' whereas most of the Titainontes cannot, now. 

Let's even just bring this all down a notch and say 'primitive, reptilian-brained people' cannot be as elevated in their thinking as a truly-balanced, and wholly integrated developed modern human personality. But they want what you have and what you can do. They don't want to develop; they just want what you have and they want it now. I mean they are primitive, meaning they come from a long time ago; you and I more or less fell down in the last shower of rain, comparatively speaking and we are naiive and not very knowledgeable or experienced.

And therein lies the conflicting interests and the inequality of power.

What you need is some help from the oiketerion.

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