And Zacchaeus, the rich man (for that was his name) climbed a ficus sycamore tree to better see above the thronging crowd.
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Marc Chagall - American Windows |
And Jesus called out to him by name: 'Zacchaeus, come down, for I have need of your house for this evening.'
And Zacchaeus was very pleased.
In modern physics, the Macrocosm is expanding at the rate of hundreds of millions of miles an hour, and it is expanding beyond our capacity to measure it or know precisely where, or even if, at some point, matter slows down through inertia, reaches some state of absolute energy equilibrium creating a wall of immobility, or through the simple attraction of mass, retreats back again - an expanding and contracting Universe.
And again, in the direction of the Microcosm, things become so small that we are unable to 'see' them even through or most sophisticated instruments, and we are able to infer things only, at this point of our knowledge and understanding reaching what we suppose to be the basic components to everything: gluons, and muons, and mesons, and Bosons, and 'flavors,' and core logic principals of 'form' like chirality and pulse dynamics, and electromagnetic energy and fields.
Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man (a drawing by Da Vinci based on notes by the Roman architect Vitruvius) marks the conceptual nexus 'between' as it were, the outer extent of the Macrocosm, and the deepest interior of the Microcosm. The standard definition of 'God' being some intelligence and power which exceeds even those extremes or oven limits of matter and space.
Yet the mid-point is not the lesser point...
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