Well, in order to raise the shutters a little to allow some insight, I'm going to go by way of some old 'stories' - which are all completely true by the way, which doesn't mean the militantly skeptical are going to credit them, necessarily.
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Just a suspicious-looking guy! |
Anyway... ...once upon a time, my sister worked for Australasia/Pacific's biggest licensed bookmaker (you know, guy who gives odds on gambling propositions and takes your money and gives you more money if what you predicted turns out correctly called). That gentleman's name was Rod Evans, and he was the individual who 'carried' all of the money for the most senior Australian government officials and politicians. Robert J. Hawke, Australia's most electorally-successful Labor Party leader and at one point longest-serving Prime Minister - was a close friend of Rod Evans. And so was the most feared Labor politician at the time, the Premier of New South Wales, Neville Wran.
It was my own personal car, that was used I guess 'covertly' to transport Neville Wran around when he came across to visit various of his friends in the West, including Rod Evans. Evans was part of the so-called 'Curtin Circle' which gathered in private in a secret room in the back of a strange set of buildings in East Perth, principally 'Chopstix Chinese Restaurant' and the Independent Order of Oddfellows' office. And so many a time I ushered a few identities into there and saw seated around the boardroom table, Rod, the Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, Wran, some race horse trainers, prominent bankers and lawyers and others.
My business partner, Bill Cocks and myself were on more than one occasion, doing that type of accidental 'thing' in that kind of place 'accidentally' but actually it was because 'they' trusted us; they implicitly trusted Bill and I was a young acolyte - that they also trusted. And they could trust me and I lived up to that trust. I was many times asked by various 'Royal Commissions' to voluntarily give evidence and never did and neither did I ever put myself in the position where authorities decided they had to compel me to give evidence.
Most of the people I met there in such places are all deceased now. Hawke died earlier this year, in May.
Anywa-a-a-a-ay... Most people today are not aware that one of the amazing successes of Neville Wran's life was that he was part of the most successful race horse gambling syndicate of all time - the Legal Eagles -, comprised of young lawyers, all of whom went onto serious and highly successful careers in the law, or diplomacy or corporate business touching on law matters.
Now... ...that having been said, yet nevertheless the most successful professional gambler I know or have ever met - is me.
I learned from the leader of the original Legal Eagles, and from others of their group, but I have maintained the 'life' and to some extent the lifestyle also, where they all retired and did other things as the mechanics of gaming changed over the years: odds quoted are now based on different algorithms compared to what bookmakers were wont to use, technology has altered a few structural factors, and well, people and society is a touch different too.
And it isn't that they didn't or couldn't keep up with the times, and that I did, but that they didn't keep up with social changes going on... Because the main lessons used by the original syndicate for undertaking professional risk all still apply and possibly they apply all the more so now than they ever did in the past.
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The 'modern' economy depicted... ...same dog, different leg-action, as my one-time boss in the Chicago Merchant Bank used to say. |
Over the past, oh god, even thirty years, I have never felt things in the economy occasioned an approach to priced money markets (of any kind) that you could view altogether seriously.
The thing that kids and the inexperienced, the unsuspecting even unsuspecting self-presuming commercial institutions and banks and the like, never realize is that operations like the Legal Eagles when they make a threat in earnest it is a threat in deadly earnest; they are making a 'deadly' threat to the nature of and the underlying assumptions of your business (that is to say, of the bankers' and rival operators' businesses). They will cause you to close up. Or so radically have to change what you are doing that the effect is the same.
At any one time, I would have avenues of direct personal contact with all, of the big gamblers in South East Asia, and in Australasia and in that mix sit also groups who are based in the Middle East and who are Arabic.
And there has never been a moment until recently, at which I would say anything in 'deadly serious' - to any of these people.
So now I have spoken to some of these and I am moving forward on a specific plan.
For those of you who are militantly skeptical of anything and everything and even when Santa Claus drops fifty bucks on your own floor in front of the fireplace you question what picking it up entails - then you can put it down to the fact that I do have some authentic documented expertise in tax avoidance and money laundering (although I would dispute that it can really be termed that). However, the truth is, why people such as the Legal Eagles are successful is that they observe some massive flaw in a system, a flaw at the same time both easy to exploit but then so complex to know and understand in the first place (unless you did know it), that you are afforded a good long go at making money from it before others realize what is going on and then change all the rules and re-restructure the system to close the um 'loophole.'
I mean things are not designed or meant for you and I to make money!
Except the apex thinkers regularly 'break the bank.'
Now if you choose to stay around these pages from here on in, you are part of the apex thinkers and the apex predators also, in a sense.
I'm not hitching my wagon here to any named brand like say the Fuze Smart Card, but this is the kind of thing which will be part of the future. And it is definitely something that is on my radar. These things have far greater capacity than simply carry every credit card/cash card/bank card facility along with your bio-metrics and all of that jazz - they are intelligent cards...
They can do intelligent things.
First though, we have ta find us some-a intelligent people who can intelligent-ize some good things fer us. Know any o' them kinda folk? LOL
Uncle Calvin, what are your thoughts on Etherium?
ReplyDeleteThe absolute MOST CRUCIAL thing to take note of when it comes to all digital crypto currencies, is that unless you have some sales-based (IE actual real transaction-based) reason for using dcc's you have no business in them, and especially not as some proxy for value stores like gold or silver or bonds. That having been said as the main caveat, digital crypto currencies are not just 'here to stay' they will eventually be the backbone of electronic sales transactions of all kinds. Many digital crypto currencies started out being used 'simply' for trading on-line 'digital work' (software, upgrades, game enhancements, misc.) and Ethereum in particular had the early reputation of the nerds' preferred dcc. Personally I have a bias AGAINST the seigneurage COSTS of using any digital crypto currency and Ethereum is among the worst because it is so glaringly obvious that there IS this cost (which they call 'gas'). Yet, Ethereum is a significant digital crypto with a very large user base which is growing steadily and now you can use it to purchase a vast array of hard physical things.
DeleteAll modern authenticated digital crypto currencies are viable and they will all end up on your EMF intelligent multi card.
But ultimately the key question is: what do you want to buy with your digital cryptos? What do you want to use them for?
My purpose is as the natural on-line technology cost line replacement proxy for supply chain elements that have been replaced through modern high technology; it's a logistics exercise and a funding efficiency exercise for me. That's the 'structural philosophy' behind what I would do to exploit the technology as a 'financial technology' item.
And to cut a long story short and make things brutally clear - the SWIFT banking system as the only and best means to clear funds around the world is dead in the water.
But if that's true, then going along with it is the parallel aspect of access to ALL wholesale money markets in what central bankers call 'sanitized access...' What this means is that right now, literally NOW, today/tonight, I 'COULD' hypothetically, get access to the huge flow of dark money/dark capital/cocaine Euro-dollars via London and give you some for free with absolutely no one knowing how or even where and when I got that money, and with literally no chance at all of any IRS/tax scrutiny possible and no superficial legal cause to report any of it (digital utility tokens are NOT tax reportable items...) I could VOLUNTARILY declare, but that's only if I knew the wholesale money WAS from say, the global narcotics economy - which I don't 'know,' really, on account of central bank market sanitizing of wholesale funds...! You see... I hope you see.
And secondarily, most of the authenticated digital crypto currencies can and are being exchanged for basic fiat hard dollars via exchanges and most Western developed countries have already listed BitCoin AS a formally-listed currency for exchanged purposes. Which means within some bands of volatility, you can have digital crypto currencies and turn them very easily into hard paper money. So... ...they are already a genuine reality in economic and financial/monetary terms. Ain't going away, need only your brainpower to make money out of. Or sell something via. Or buy too, of course.
ReplyDeleteOlder folk don't really get cryptos, and they get lost in a sea of (mis)information. When I told my accountant that BTC was the best and fastest way to move large sums of wealth anywhere in the world without having to use SWIFT and there was nothing (much) any government could do to stop it, she understood that with wide eyes and a grin.
ReplyDeleteDo your own digital tokens fit on that Smart Fuze Card?
Well I'm in touch with the people behind 'Fuze' and the Fuze technology. I'm working in that direction in fact. The Fuze Card is a tiny teensy bit expensive right now for mass appeal... But it is going to be part of 'the future' for us all. I just want to do things fairly methodically, and make sure it all works and makes money for all participants - and there's no reason why it won't. To be completely open here, I actually want people to have fun with what I see as a 'new' cyber-activated 'lifestyle' and 'world,' just as much as they 'make money' as well; the two things go together.
ReplyDeleteI was really enamoured with the idea behind Bitgold/Goldmoney at one time. A 'crypto' gold vaulted in seven different locations. The online verification process was dysfunctional though, and I was severely disinterested in filling out the nine page book detailing my financial life.
ReplyDeleteIs there anything like a crypto gold?
And how does one procure vast sums of Calvin Bux in order to trade them for said crypto gold?
First things first - as far as gold crypto goes, I would simply not go past Perth Mint Gold; I personally know these guys, have used them myself for forty years now(!), my family before me has as well... And they have a gold-backed crypto product. That's point 'the first.' Regardless of THEIR verification requirements, WE will go by the International Standards (Managements Systems) fundamental SOP manual (won't necessarily get accredited though for several reasons). But the transparency to whoever is 'with us' will be 100% crystal clear, and, we will have multiple redundancy built in. That's already in process here.
Delete'Procuring vast sums' is not the idea right now - making certain what the continuous, consistent depth of the open market is, is key. And that is exactly where we are at right now. Theoretically, accepted crypto currencies can and will be on a rising volume trend but otherwise like any other openly traded global currency; we just have to face facts that kids and the 'new' EMF card type of street transactional economy WILL absorb a major percentage of ALL monetary circulation worldwide. It's what it is. Skeptics of these 'new things' are going to have to 'get over it.' Eventually.
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ReplyDeleteAnd item two.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't already got a digital wallet (they are free and easily available) then you simply must get one.
I am going to post a few links for those in the next, the upcoming article here, together with a few other 'basic concept expositions.' Fundamentally though, I am never going to issue anywhere close to what can be on-sold and externally funded, with the point being that we desire these 'utility token' units to genuinely go up in realizable cash value. ...I have a 'way' - a magical way - by which at least not for a very long while before any government decides it's too good to be true (for them!) that the tokens will NOT be tax declarable and NOT be taxable. Magical. Way. I will be using something I learned on 'the supposedly good side' of the fence, and which has never been repealed and probably cannot even be. This reply will definitely disappear eventually!