I saw a comment down the page of one of these latest videos about the 'egg' UAP that Jake Barber video'd.
It said, among other things: '...Unless you have an intergalactic spacecraft in your backyard with Alien occupants that you can show me -'
This was basically the person's main complaint that there has been 'nothing but' he said/she said stuff for years and blurry pics and videos.
Unless you have an intergalactic spacecraft... ...et cetera.
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Pic of intergalactic spacecraft with occupant on outside. Honest! LOL - not. |
I got a lecture from some super-smart people (I'll leave you to fill in who/what/which 'super-smart people') literally in response to that comment and at first I just could not see the connection; they talked to me exclusively about economics!
It was typically succinct and went a bit like this (it was an old woman delivering the points) - 'Unless countries have unimpeded by government open-market pricing for money, which is specifically the discount government bond rate (I was shocked to hear that; so prosaic!) then what happens is those countries will have money and a lot of it superficially, yes, but they will not have people. At which point I was being led to think, not people as in not real living people but zombies and miss-priced low wage-slaves...
And then I realized something.
Human beings are far too far down the line of extremely long-term ingrained false narratives and ideologies that are complete nonsense - that they are in fact already, mostly, 'zombie-minds' in seemingly living bodies.
And if that sort of person encounters an 'intergalactic spacecraft' in my backyard, with Alien occupants, those occupants are going to view such an individual as a zombie and deal with them that way.
Just openly interposing some superior technology culture is going to repudiate - unnecessarily - so many significant things in the current obtaining human culture: cars, trucks, roads, boats, trains, planes and on and on. Art, music, opera, film, literature.
A zombie-mind is going to be treated as that by a superior mind. That there have been minds around better than today's zombie people with their zombie brains is not going to escape smart people's perceptions.
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Pic of not-quite-intergalactic-spacecraft. But close. |
And that's all there is to it!
You might say 'Oh no no, but not me, I would react differently.'
Would you?
'...Yes, I would not be a zombie mind!'
The human being's conscious perceptions are derived from a highly optically-claimed sense channel; and the total number of those available senses is small and the sensory semantic ranges are very narrow.
Anyone here who thinks that the direction of where we are going in these pages is not exactly to such a 'backyard present intergalactic spacecraft with Alien occupant/occupants' is mistaken.
'Come, let us go to the stars together.' LOL (That's paraphrasing something originally to do with a 'marriage feast' right).
But I have no time, my life's demands are too great. ...BU-U-U-T you must still show me the spacecraft (and the occupants) in your backyard and then I will make decisions because I am so important and my lifestyle is so freakin' brilliant as it is that I will not easily abandon it to your wild and foolish schemes and plans!
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Pic of garlic butter and herb oysters. |
Rule Number 1 is to leave off the zombie mentality.
The bete noir Ammon Hillman once more just blithely tripped over this - he said that in all of the texts, those within as well as those outside of standard Judaeo-Christian canon, those people who had encountered some mysterious extra-normal experience (through drugs as he insists that it is) were able to be detected because they all paidzontes -.
Danced sexily as though with no inhibitions - and became alive.
And indeed that is what the word means.
Right now, you are not alive.
Well, put it this way human beings are only partially alive (yeah I know, not correct English).
Jake Barber is either wearing poorly-fitted contacts, or he has, like he says, had a breakdown following his communication with the creature inside the 'egg.' Just look at his eyes and his demeanor.
See the thing is - inasmuch as people 'just want to see pics,' what is inside these craft are not 'static pics,' and they are not 'video clips;' they are real live intelligent beings whose styles and levels of communication are leagues above what humans are used to.
So yes we are holding cards up our sleeves here and we will play them some time this year.
But you will seriously get the godalmightiest shock of your life when you actually communicate with any single one of these beings. ...As opposed to theories and stories and hypotheticals that people indulge themselves in all over the internet these days.
Electron spintronics is a fact. Communication through electron spintronics is fact.
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Venice Carnival starts about two weeks from now. |
There is a reason why you have to increase the ranges and sensitivities and quality of what you think and what you feel and what your standard normal consciousness is able to accommodate.
Seeing an ET Alien is not what actually only happens - you encounter the intelligence, feel it and communicate with it (them); and that becomes a big problem for the ordinary human person and their mindset-of-tools and available sensitivities and emotions.
Don't forget your emotions are all dulled down by governments on purpose. Otherwise you'd take your pitchforks to them and burn the place down.
...Meanwhile, as I said right here before the fires in LA, somebody has laser canon on board.
I noticed at least twenty of the 'usual suspects' in the UFOLOGY space following the Ross Coulthart/Jake Barber interview, say that this is all to do with 'extra-government/private corp' people who possess all this technology that they stole - er, 'reversed-engineered' - from crashed super-advanced Alien vehicles.
Super-advanced ET Aliens crash, right. They're so super-advanced that they go out of control and crash, and then they are unable to pick the stuff up themselves either. They're both at the same time super-advanced and super-intelligent and 'we' want their tech goodies, but they are also super-stupid and crash around the place lots. But mostly in secret government military and 'black ops' locations.
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What's with the eyes, Kristen? Honestly. OMG It's the Day Of The Triffids! Run for your lives! |
So do I have an intergalactic spacecraft in my backyard? No, because I do not have a backyard.
You want pics, Jake? You're not getting them because next thing you'd want to meet what is inside...
(Jake's freaked out and gone to white-coat hospital because he did already meet one of them).
Hillman at least, was kicked out of white coat hospital because he was just plain too much for them; I mean the people in white coats, not the ET people. I don't think he cares about ET's.
I can't decide if this is the end of an Age, or just the end of my everyday-average-self? Lol
ReplyDeleteThat really comes into focus one second after you have a real encounter experience - because you won't want to just tear up EVERYTHING of the past, and yet it will be so clear that your whole mindset is changed forever. I don't personally think it is the absolute End of All Things, and 'The World' and all of that. What I do think is that the systemic world as it has been already has a problem that is rapidly becoming insurmountable. So DJT is making fast changes, but how is that going to 'change the minds' of those who literally organised massive corrupt global control schemes on behalf of a somewhat hidden 'elite?' They are still around and they will re-group. This is not the end of 'Good v Evil.' WE, have to think forward to handing on a legacy that takes UP the learning of people like Hillman, setting down his personal prejudices though, and working on concepts of economics in a world where energy is no longer a supply issue. There might be a future for this world left. But it's only a 'might' and that's only because I am a foolish optimist. As far as what a consensus is, I will wait to later in this year when more people will start having outright 'encounters' they will stop arguing about (with themselves; others will still argue WITH them). I have a target objective of formulating or being part of a new economy the type of which we have never seen on this planet before. There is one chance left. And it is a slim one.
DeleteOnce upon a time, there was an old form of money... But Hillman says 'Atlantis' is a lie Platon made up. And so that form of money - never existed. According to Ammon. But then he says the Bible (OT) was first written in Greek and in there it HAS the Kingdom or Empire of Tyre and Sidon on which the wealth of Solomon was built. So I think Ammon Hillman is contradicting himself there a bit. Maybe he needs to just say that Solomon was a lie made up by 'someone.' Except no one believes that.
DeleteI'm 6 months from completing another 7-year cycle (they say our bodies turnover their cellular structure every seven years, yes?). I find myself looking at the world now from the "outside," as in the role of an observer. Oh well. It helps to lessen the stress of waiting.
DeleteHere is an A.I. generated poem about the "wave function collapse.". If the aliens don't arrive in my life cycle, at least I can relax into this.
"A Quantum Dance"
A swirling mist, a nebulous haze,
A particle in a million ways,
A superposition, a quantum state,
Until the gaze, the moment's fate.
The wave function, a dancing tide,
In every direction, it does reside,
But when observed, the form takes hold,
A single point, a story told.
Like ripples fading in the pond,
The possibilities, now gone,
The act of seeing, the touch of light,
Collapses the wave, brings order to sight.
On the Shaolin Temple wall (the last Temple, before it was burned down):
ReplyDeleteAdvance with the wind's speed, withdraw after the violent deed,
With windmill arms turn side-on, push a power palm - press on,
Throw a kick out whilst exhaling, for effect a shout entailing,
Like the Dragon - move here and there -,
To win or lose is a moment's affair.
F*. How are good are some of these comments these days!