Those of you persevering will encounter great difficulties and when you get something, at first it will seem so slight, so quick, that if you blinked you missed it.
Today, I met with Bill and my cousine from Schweiz - im Zugerbug (I call it that because of the 'bugs' of Switzerland...), it's Zugerberg, obviously. We went to the Perth Mint, as all good Zugerbergers must.You like?
And then, we went out the back (really, as far as the architects were concerned, it is the 'front' of the building) of the City Council main office building, and took some pics for the Autism project.
Earlier this week, one of my compatriots in the Kung Fu Academy (basically this is the same 'school group' as the one Guy Savelli went to - think, 'Men Who Stare At...') turned back up from a long stint as a private security and personal safety/defense consultant to very high level clients in London and France, and announced he wanted to, was going to, and had already started to, re-start up the old school. 'Round the corner from where I live.
So that's pretty cool. Literally the revered Lacey Brothers (Northern Shaolin) had this big dark 'hall' with wooden and iron dummies arrayed on two sides and you would go down it and were supposed to beat up the dummies that 'jing jong' - magically came to life. That is the actual meaning of the Cantonese phrase 'jing jong' although in modern times it has simply come to be used for 'to play against the dummies.'
Jing Jong is actually a magical term.
The number of masters who know how to make the dummies come to life is exactly three, or possibly four if you include the mysterious old guy who is sometimes glimpsed gliding through the depths of deep forests. ...But he might not be a real human person so we'll leave him to one side for the moment.Altitrak, for telling how high a drone
is flying.
Kids can easily use that.
What pics for the Autism project?
Well, these would be the ones where the kids have partly solved the New Jersey drones mysteries.
Ah hah. Oh yes.
Am working on the Press Release and will eventually, not yet right now but this year sometime -, send it out to just about everywhere nationally and it will get massive coverage.
So. Interesting materialization into fact of theory. Say, 400,000 standard circulation coverage and that's just the one main local newspaper.
But if we go back to the recent lines of discussion here, that was about Ancient History and tales of long ago.
The elements of the Death of Socrates are mainly in 'Crito' and 'Phaedo' not in 'Apology.'
And it is in Crito, that the reference to a flute girl at the time of the death of Socrates (not Plato) occurs.
This recent deciphering of part of the Herculaneum Scrolls cannot - simply cannot - be about Plato for real because it was always and originally a part of the way-preexisting story of the death of Socrates. Philodemus is making a completely false claim for propaganda purposes and trying to say that Plato was more supportive of the Epicurists' School rather than the Stoics or all others. And this is just Philodemus stealing an already-existing story about Socrates, rather than Plato.The local City Council
main building.
This is regarded by experts
as one of the greatest 'grid-pattern'
modern architecture style buildings
ever built (in the world).
Bluntly all of these so-called 'academics' who are peppering the internet with 'shock stun amaze' accounts of the Herculaneum Scrolls are liars and knaves.
When you follow the Orphic Rites, you will 1. have friends and relatives turn up from out of nowhere (or Switzerland) and help you make photographs, 2. have friends and long-time associates arrive with capital and plans to continue the legacy of truly great people, and 3. (the bit I haven't told you about yet), encounter the old man in the trees (or as in my case it's usually a moderately 'young' female) and the rest is all about the jing jong and I will get around to describing that more fully probably in a longer text sooner or later; it won't be to do with sex!
It will be to do with those hyper-sleep chambers (the sci-fi movies call them cryo-sleep chambers but there is no such thing) with half a dozen of the almost exactly the same person inside each separate unit.
You will never be so shocked or amazed as when you are standing, looking down at the same person - except there are six of them not just one individual; or maybe there is only the one actual complete individual but with six separate 'units' as bodies that they can use selectively. Or as in this case because we are talking about humans not 'demi-god' like super beings from somewhere else, someone operates them selectively...
So, a couple of more remarks... First, I had a VERY VERY strong feeling a little over a year ago, that when I meet this person I am supposed to meet, that he will be.... Me. As in he will look like I am looking into a mirror. My dna in front of me. A perfect copy.
ReplyDeleteHonestly I still feel like this could be the case here pretty soon. I know someone is here watching and I feel like they will be making themselves known soon. So what you think? Could it be me coming for myself this whole time?
That is a fact, not just a factor. There are others but there is a set of 'you's' as well.
DeleteNone of this is simple or quick. It is a long long process, although today we have a better chance because we possess more 'ideas' that previously were not in the frame of possibility at all. I guess we have science fiction to thank for that - many things are not fiction though, but hard fact. Even so, even so... In the past the the main question was 'why do bad things happen?' Now it is 'why are we waiting around still?' Because we are engaging with other humans all the time, that's why and THEY are not going anywhere anytime soon. So there is a legacy aspect involved. And there's many things yet to unfold that we can witness here. These are historic times from anybody's perspective.
DeleteAlso I feel it worth mentioning, that I have twin sons who are less than 2 years old, and they are both almost certainly autistic. We will be putting them into early intervention and speech therapy in a couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteBut just as importantly, I feel, and my wife also feels, that the boys are born like this because they are possessing latent psychic abilities.
Do you have any suggestions for some things we can do with them here at home to possibly boost their abilities or make them more apparent?
I ask this because I genuinely believe that in the future these abilities will become a huge advantage for someone. I want to play into their natural born strengths if I can.
Early intervention is absolutely key; totally vital. Remember what the underlying problem is - it is the incoming sensory information that is unfiltered by the nervous system as that whole system is not yet properly or fully developed. This DOES mean though, that most of these kids are able to access those channels that in 'normal' kids get suppressed early on by the over-driving of standard sensory 'loading of meaning.' Loading is when we assume 'hot' 'touch' 'loud' 'bright' are strong indicators of salience, when they are only SOME of the salience indicators; these kids still are able to use extremely subtle signals and pick them up and connect them to meanings. So that's the typical 'scientific materialism' explanation for their obvious psychic abilities - which go way beyond what I just described. I will give you some HUGELY valuable things to do and use... In a second.
ReplyDelete'Cause-and-effect' gadgets and toys help them grow these neural signaling paths that establish 'reliability' and 'predictable reality' for them. You HAVE to have a decent fruit and vegetable blender - and plastic syringes to squirt blended juice into their mouths. Pineapple has the most potent calming compound on the planet - Bromelain - and spiruline and chlorella (green vegetables), broccolini increases blood oxygen and turns off incorrect genes. Trampolines - small indoor one is good enough - swings of any kind, headphones whether noise-cancelling or music/iPad player ones are super useful. Er, the other thing is they will take all of your time so you have to 'find time' (lol) for yourself somehow. I don't have any doubt they seem to be and likely are, purpose-built for today's high tech world, although this does not mean they are more 'super-human' than any other kid and the statistical fact is, more parents of Autistic kids kill their partner, and/or kill themselves than any other grouping and the thing is INCREDIBLY difficult to handle. Nothing will seem to be working, and then one day after 20 million years, it does. And when it does they are better at it than anyone else on the planet. They are strong inside and we are not. What's it all about? Why, why? I don't know. I know that you'll figure out and probably already have, they are MEANT to be the way they are, and yes, it IS a severe disablement BUT, it has something to do with the development of the human race, EVEN THOUGH, there are direct causes for the eruption of Autism but you could look at it that human society itself, the social structures, the stupid 'science,' the good science, the random stuff - ARE part of humanity and are somehow linked TO individual human beings inside of them. Don't know how, it just is that way. And it becomes obvious when you are living with this condition as part of your own life scene. Crazily, this ties into the other discussion about 'leaving here' and Aliens are all kinds of other weird stuff - we cannot just 'go' or leave without arranging strong back-ties and having ways and the knowledge to get back and help maneuver things without anyone knowing what's happening and who's doing it. We're doing it. The DNA thing is a tree in every way - it has deep roots, it needs to be fed and watered, it grows up and out, and produces new fruit all the time, not just some of the time and then drops dead forever. We're here because we're here. Because this is (partly) where it's at. There's a LOT of value here.
DeleteThanks, friend. I saved these responses, and today I'm going to incorporate some aspects into my daily routine with the boys. I've never been diagnosed, but I am pretty sure I am autistic to a certain extent. That thing you described, how nothing is working and then after 20 million years you are better at it than anyone else on the planet? That is me to the fullest extent. It takes me forever to learn certain things especially when I don't have a skill that relates that I could cross reference. But when I get that part down, I feel different, like way more natural and confident.
DeleteI feel I can relate to AI somewhat on a very basic level, because how we learn is the same.
Corrections: 'Spirulina,' 'AND all kinds of other weird stuff.'