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Sunday, 12 January 2025

Sleep, Dreams, And Embers

Some of you I know have clinical experience with 'sleep assessment' using modern tools and brain-scanning equipment.

You will know that the human brain never stops receiving and sending neural signals. What happens in 'sleep' is that the brains sends out other signals which interrupt the constant traffic acknowledgement in the consciousness, of whatever sensing is going on, and whatever neural action responses the brains is sending.

These 'other signals' are called variously 'sleep spindles' or 'M-waves.'

'Traumnovelle' is a 1926 German book on which, partly, Kubrick's EWS was based.

So this translated, is 'dream story.'

Sleeping with the doll.
(That comes to life).

Where I want to go over the next few discussion points here, is somewhere close to being able to give people a format for gaining incredible emotional and 'psychic' energy during the day.

Mostly when people use adrenaline for reacting to stressful situations, especially when this is for economic objectives, they will end up with adrenaline burn-out.

The standard approach is to take supplements, do exercise, hydrate, go on doctor-prescribed drugs.

I had the benefit of personally knowing at least three people who were formally-trained and pretty high-level psychologists, two of whom were inside the Jungian, so-called 'Swiss School' of psychotherapists.

None of them are with us on this planet any longer. Which is pretty sad because this is another instance where I would always bounce these ideas off them first.

But I do know that none of them favored the 'standard mainstream' or standard medical approach.

And that is because they well understood, and far better understood. the internal process mechanics as well as the structure of what goes on with human psychology and the neural network traffic implications.

During any given day, when you are walking through your life, you will encounter problems and obstructions including obstructions from other people.

Your neurology likes to send out immediate action signals as responses to the problems.

In fact, it does send them out and social programming often makes us block those ourselves anyway. And then, we have to 'go for a run' or a walk and so on. Otherwise the neural energy signaling builds up and creates psychic dysfunction, and potential on-going chronic dysfunction which is termed 'neurosis' by most of the psychology schools of thought.

Sci-fi hyper-sleep chambers. 

When you are a normal person, and when you sleep, then you will dream in those cases (of daily obstruction incidents) and your brain will consolidate memories and formulate a short scenario, and send those powerful signals calling for action, into 'dream embers' which smolder and go out (in the brain).

And that helps you avoid neurosis.

You might not like the feelings of a 'bad dream' but it is a tool the mind uses to assist particular real-life conditions that are not fully favorable.

One of the hidden understandings not yet fully uncovered but slightly known to the high-end fragrance artists, is that certain short half-life scent molecules - such as lime and lemon - have electron spins which undo the over-surge patterns from the 'bad dream' cycle process.

And here is where I am going to take off into what is 'uncharted' knowledge in the human race right now. 

It is uncharted but it is not completely unknown. A lot of artists and creatives know about it and have known about since forever.

The Universe has what I am going to term 'emotional field standing waves' although that is probably not the right physics terminology.

Alice sleeping with the doll mask.
Behind which something/someone
is real and

I mean it is right but not in terms of what the present paradigm wants to teach.

'Standing' means it's always there, but not simply as potential only - actual and fluid and moving; except it just goes around and around forever everywhere in an incredibly huge, in fact, eternal ellipse.

Each day if or whenever you encounter someone that you can think of in this way: I feel as if I intend good for that person - well then you should consciously say that in your mind.

What happens then is that you hit one of the high positive Universal Field lines and it augments inside your psychology - you can say 'psychic' body.

And then this overcomes the other occasions when there are blocks or barriers, within your central processing automatic control system. 

But not only that, the Universal Field's flow, increases through you (because harmonic vibrations engenders lower friction) and this is where you get those energy reserves that you want to have - rather than from drugs or artificial and non-realistic 'sources.'

You will not get so tired or become tired out from the usual ways of trying to deal with the world.

It may not even be that those other people can or will fulfill the absolute best outcomes for themselves in their own lives, but they will have added 'optimization' - which is the way the kids into computers and programming say it these days.

After only a short while doing this you will realize just how intricate, complex, vast, and also 'virtually automatic' everything is.

Sleep is a metaphor for
'not usual' - magical.

The set-up and the entire structure is automatic or even automated in a way.

You are an energy agent within a huge field structure.

Generally speaking, the public and all of the scientists and so on, are unaware of the hidden hands in all of this. Even religions have stilted views.

People expect 'Jesus to return,' let's say, but they none of them see what was going on already in the ancient past which is the same as what goes on today.

They know there are many cultures where some supernatural or even a Divine Figure hung on a tree - we celebrate the Nordic Yule each year in the Solstice using the exact same motifs that people already did for many thousands of years. Odin was hung on the Yggdrasil. Jesus in the Cross. Dionysus was sentenced to death by King Pentheus but Dionysus hung Pentheus on the death tree instead - and Dionysus himself was previously torn apart and carried on the end of a dead piece of tree as well.

Zeus often uses an eye-patch when he walks among the human race, Odin does as well.

The English have the Green Knight or 'Green Man.'

But before any of these turn up, they always send their heralds first.

Enoch, Elijah, Drosselmeyer, Nick Nightingale...

They are magicians, and when they are here, there is magic.


  1. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

  2. There is a rumor on the web that Sydney Pollack recorded a commentary track for the DVD release of "Eyes Wide Shut", but that it was mysteriously scrubbed and never made it into the DVD. Does that commentary exist anywhere? It might be enlightening to hear what he had to say, hmm?

    1. Stanley Kubrick's daughter Vivian has often responded to Reddit questions although I virtually use Reddit personally anymore. One problem is going to be I'm not really sure Vivian K., is totally behind the use of Pollack to end the film (which is what happened). The UK film producer and film critic Rob Ager has done a LOT of research in this movie in particular and he would know about the commentary track (I have also heard that there was such a thing).

    2. Virtually NEVER use, was what I was intending to post.

  3. It could be an off-topic, but still...
    The relationship with the trees, that you mentioned, especially in critical moments of life and death. Especially - dead trees. Certain type of dead trees... some are already considered sacred - Holly comes to mind. The trees tissue have a structure, conducive to energy flows, since they pass the sap and nutrients from the roots up and the energy from photosynthesis down. Magical creatures, like the Nymphs are said to live within the trees.
    2025 is a year of wooden dragon. I have built a couple of them on a forest edge, from "wood cookies" or "tree slices", sawn from long dead walnut and hickory logs. And I covered the whole front wall of my steam sauna with various "tree slices", from the ground up to the roof (this is the only exposed wall, since the rest of it is built into the side of the hill). I had to rebuild it twice, since it was trying to collapse on me. It is an energy accumulator and also allows my sauna to retain heat better.

    1. Well, of course Reich was into this idea about wood being able to somehow harvest or store natural and beneficial 'energy.' It's so interesting how the circular layers of wood cells grow over such incredibly long times (in some cases), and there are scientific studies about those circles reflecting geomagnetic conditions. I can't remember them right now exactly. Also, how mycorrhizal fungi communicate to tree roots...

  4. Nick Nightingale's performance - it's sublime:

    1. Wait - was that backwards? Like the Beatles' track that, when played backwards, says: "Paul is dead"?

      Here's the "forward" version:

  5. 'To protect the Knowledge, to Destroy Illusion, I Myself appear among Mankind from Age to Age...' And then, Krishna commanded his disciple Arjuna, as to the following matters of which Arjuna was previously in doubt -,


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