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Friday, 17 January 2025

How 'Safe' Is The Inaug.

Yes - the step change up in that last music video was at 55 seconds. Exactly as one person said they 'got.'

...Anyway, I'm harassing the skeleton staff of 'our friends' last whole week or more, and finally, I get a vague story about something.

There are philosophers around, both ancient and more modern, who talk about 'reality' - or at least our experiences - and the basic idea is that actual things that happen, are from what is almost like a fountain of incipient 'reality.' This is not merely potentials, but a set of flowing material forms in concert, that emerge like the top of a fountain, going up and down at the apex or peak all dependent on gravity and inertia and cross-currents and bumping effects along the way.

What eventuates as 'fact' and is experienced as seen fact, is only the edge of those upward flowing forces.

Just a skeleton crew
left 'back home.'
And home is where
the hearth is.

And so what this means is that although there can be overall averaged-out force and direction, there are many variations on the inertial-guided edges that emerge; or converge.

Reality as human experience is therefore emergent. It is not pre-planned in exact specific 100% micro-detailed events and detailed outcomes even though it is pre-determined on the whole by the force and direction and circumference of the material linear flows.

In other words there is pressure.

And right now there is contrary pressure to damage and alter the present direction of so many things in the human world.

Now none of this matters to those who cannot accept that there are hidden or unseen things going on all the time.

The only reason they are 'unseen' is because that is from the human limited sensory perspective. They're not unseen to anybody else who has greater ranges of data inflow.

Human material reality is a 'plane' of senses. It has integrity within itself and provides the ground for all the things we do and can do and have achieved as human beings. 

If you start fluidly jumping in and out of this plane onto some other more complex 'world' then you lose the boundaries that are the very reason that people - human people - can achieve anything at all. Which is fundamentally because of the 'always emergent' reality, the fountain's edge, as it were.

No planets supporting sentient life are anywhere near to Earth in the sense of very quick access via Newtonian propulsion.

But then, those that are near enough and available by these 'cholesteric liquid crystals' embedded in nano-tubules in graphene 'skins' and so on, which can develop electro-gravitic time-space 'bubbles' around them, are so far ahead of Earth technology and social systems, that automatically they disrupt the particular 'emergent reality' fountain here.

It's a game where
players are moved...

You can fire radiation into micro-bubbles packed with gold, and the electrons shot back out would provide an electricity source so great that only a very small amount (of micro-bubbles) could supply power to New York City for ten years. 

The human social structure is not designed with those really advanced things as the typical known, ongoing energy and economic backdrop.

Which means that as the Earth increases in technology, the human social structures will change.

And as I have said many times here, humans and the Earth are 'contested space.'

As long as there is a sufficient supply of brainwashed zombies here who have been manipulated into using a broken Boolean logic gate in their brains and in their mind, well then another, completely different, and far far more advanced super-culture could easily just control this place and use the people here as slaves.

...If it came here via a non-Newtonian 'galactic' distance traveling system.

Well they are already here and have been for thousands of years and have always been intent on maintaining a pool of brainwashed slaves. They've done that very effectively.

There is this 'story' doing the rounds right now about mainstream astro-physics scientists noticing what could be a 'large craft' on its way here, supposedly to arrive by 2027.

And this I guess means this craft is not exactly 'non-Newtonian' although I do not have enough details from sources to say why they think this 'object' is some kind of actual life-form bearing 'vehicle' but then still 'traveling' like a space rock or something instead of a gravitic tunnel craft.

Well but even so, let's just say some aspect of the idea is true and correct, namely that 'something' is going to get here openly, in 2027.

Just one empty chair left...
Soon, the music will stop.

Well then it's not the hidden groups already here then. Or it cannot be aligned with them because those boys are well-happy with how they have controlled all humans till now, more or less.

What's much more likely is that the 'hidden hands' who have been here all along, and are extremely destructive to human true liberty, and very anti-pathetic to human welfare and advancement - are themselves in danger from some source.

And that means they are going to fight back.

They are going to fight back as if their life and power depends upon that fight.

As parts of the 'emergent streams leading to the fountain's top' (or vertical edge), it is abundantly clear they (the malicious-minded people) really are existentially a fact; whether you care to see them as some preternatural different set of beings, or just another, if wildly errant human mindset that has been part of all of human history all along to date.

The 'show is thus not over' until it is actually over - and that means not until after Jan 20. In the first instance from here.

So we have a concentration of a lot of minds working on what is to unfold on Jan 20.

Why would supposedly super-smart if very malicious minds, think they could create a disaster come Jan 20? Because there is a chance that they could.

Because - good photo.

For them that chance is worth taking and then after that, they will engage in creating chaos anyway.

A small, almost just handful strong skeleton crew of minor but also very fun people, are the only ones left on the outside of the maelstrom.

But boy are these guys fun though.

As you will see...

Does this all sound like 'space opera?'

Well you should be used to that because you've all read the Bible and that's what that is.



  1. Well, with the Inauguration having been moved inside, the opportunity for a dramatic appearance of a huge metallic disc floating above the USA capitol building at 1200 hrs local time is diminished. Darn.

    1. I meant that sincerely, BTW - not snarkily.

    2. Thank goodness for that! Not enough people ready for that kind of thing. Meanwhile, Jake Barber's video released through Ross Coulthart shows the thing we wrote about YEARS ago here. Is described EXACTLY, including all of the 'emotion' stuff that Jake says, here in Section 7

    3. 'emotion' and *octagonal* thingy! but anyway So apparently the "reddit community" is being inundated with people laughing about eggs and making green colored videos of chicken eggs being lifted from fridges and carried across living rooms. whatever.

      Ross immediately said something about "so now we have a confirmed case of NHI *inducing* emotions in human minds" or some such. I just had an imaginary conversation with Ross Coulthart (I was using the toilet at the time) in which I corrected his assumption. My instinct was that the "octagonal thing" induced a kind of "harmonic state" within Jake, which adjusted the "alignment" between his physical and energetic bodies, which allowed proper contact with "emotion states" which exist energetically everywhere all at once. No "NHI" intending to "beam in" emotions to Jake's mind.

      Well that's my take. My other take is that Jake was fed a script full of stuff some people in a room put together from their reading of popular lore on the subject. "this ought to convince those suckers." I don't really know. There are a lot of people who are now convinced it is all bullshit. Or seems like. Maybe they are disinformation agents. Who the hell knows anything anymore. I kind of like it.

  2. How you feel about this one?

    1. That original post on Reddit was removed, but seemingly it was that these 'objects' are from parallel existing beings who live underground and are somehow maybe, linked to the Earth itself, meaning that intrinsically, the Earth is a living being itself with individual but linked living beings in somewhat the same way as fungi spread through root systems and so on. Some of the comments indicated that this is the 'underground reptilian' paradigm and that they are secretly in control of the human species. It seems to me however, just looking at what goes on, no one (down here) is in control of anything! LOL My view is that those of us who have the time to consider using intellect and caution and cautiousness, would at this time be slightly concerned that 'something is afoot' that is a little larger in scope than the trajectory of human history up to now; it is difficult to look at such a broad array of people reporting 'abductions' and sightings of something 'unexplained' over the last hundred years and now with actual (better) hard evidence from military sources across many services and (government and military) internal process units and then NOT be wary that this is about DNA interventions and some formal 'plan' by somewhere/some people far in advanced of the standard human species. That's if you were thinking in terms of 'on behalf of the political human tapestry.' In other words, literally if you were smart government/military people who wanted to assess whether this was an aggressive thing aimed at 'the human power/control/Earth dominion paradigm.' And whether this was any kind of existential threat to the military forces of humans. To me the mildly funny thing is how LITTLE direct inquiry by government was ever made to known higher level Contact people such as Karin Austin. ...How LITTLE apparent cognition of the Eastman-Kodak Hawkeye programs post WWII the government seems to retain. There's all this 'investigative journalism' and even Congressional Hearings and it's just plumbing what THIS immediate generation 'knows' or thinks it knows. I do of course, have a personal 'view' on it all. And it's definitely NOT reptilian bad guys or any other kind of bad stuff. I think, my view is, that to fully make sense of what IS (and it absolutely is) going on, one requires a VERY broad-minded approach. Military people and standard religious people and even mainstream academic philosophers and anthropologists are all way too narrowly -, I would not even say 'focused' but obsessed with themselves to get anything at all. Physicists are a complete waste of time for similar reasons; the scope of what they know bespeaks how stultifyingly stupid they have become. Modern maths (if you look into it) is completely riddled with 'name-speak' and 'secret/inner circle' terminologies linked to people with 'new' concepts and languages they made up all themselves. The human race is literally lost now. It's all over.

  3. "Can we find out what that was, Suzie?" THERE YA GO!

    1. That wouldn't be Susan Gough. No way. Which Susan was he talking to?

  4. Melania came through. She provided the metallic-colored disc that hovered over the Inauguration ceremony.

    1. Does that suit come with a violin case?

    2. Re: violin case - Melania coulda stepped out of the Coen Brothers' "Miller's Crossing." Or maybe she was doing a tribute to Clint Eastwood in "High Plains Drifter." Although I still think that hat is a nod to "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (the 1951 version.)

    3. Or a tribute to Alan Moore's version of The Joker (Batman's nemesis.)


Your considered comments are welcome