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Wednesday, 29 January 2025

The Short-Sightedness...

So like you, I have been noticing the commentary videos and even some 'legit' journalism stuff following the Jake Barber interview, and it is starting to feature titles/captioning like 'the government psionics teams...'

And then if you go into any of the items all you will get is some indistinct commentary about there being literally government and/or military units designated as formal 'psionic operators' and that they 'are able to call up' UAP's.

Well so what if you do though? That is, if someone 'calls up' some UAP activity via psionic means - then what?

Just remember the 'Oriental' stuff
because it will hold some meaning,
later; and no one else will be able
to 'get it.'

Has it not occurred to anyone at all making these videos and writings these 'stories' in the media that there is an intrinsic logical consequence of saying that such a thing is genuinely factually repeatable.

It means that - and let's say that they are those beings - super-advanced ET Aliens are capable of reading people's minds.

And what that actually means is apparently something that has totally eluded anyone's thinking thus far.

Let's say I or, really, some 'up there' advanced species can deep read someone's mind. 

And they are able to scan lots of minds and then of course sort people together...

I don't think people have grasped what this means yet.

I have never used the word 'psionic' in here. Not previously anyway and not even now when it comes to how to make two-way Contact.

What I have said is that the usual human consciousness operates on a fairly limited parallel range and narrow-channeled set of sensory inputs and even these are run on low levels of dynamic neural energy, so to speak.

And then what I suggested was that we need to enhance the levels at which we are 'thinking' and increase if at all possible, the synchronous linking of senses and that this then gives some scope to be able to make ourselves more clearly 'heard' and more able to be communicated with.

That is not 'psionic.' That is ordinary neural activity but with better contiguous-linking to our own internal memory cells and neural networks, thereby leading to richer conceptions and more fluid and facilitous accessing of semantical connections.

I can't do this.
Haven't tried since I was
ten or eleven.

You can, using standard human technology, see the levels of brain energy (literally measure it) and also where the focus of neural activity is in the brain.

This is not something 'woo woo.' This is basic emf scanning and recording.

It's not different to radio transmitting and receiving.

But it is the consequence of such a thing being handled by a counter-party that is, let's call it, not-human but incredibly advanced and intelligent, that is the significant aspect; not whether such a thing is possible. It is possible, what is uncertain is whether or not there are any such things as ET Aliens out there listening to anyone down here!

But here we have a bunch of people saying, or reporting, that they are doing it, albeit on this ridiculously simple-minded basis of having 'someone' wave back at them.

So what now, the conversation goes something like this does it:

'Hey guys...' Waves at them.

They wave back.

Now what.

'Are you going to come down here or are you just going to wave at us and then go away and then, nothing -?'


I mean seriously, what madness is all of this?

They get themselves into a lather over something, and they flood the internet and even some mainstream media places with all kinds of speculative nonsense - all on the strength of real outright foolishness and simplistic semaphore flag-waving that does not even come up to the standard of old days' Boy Scouts manuals...

Just for you, Bill.
But I think it's a fake pic.
Looks kinda real though.

They are able to flood the internet - millions of views, literally is millions - and it's all utter brainless garbage beyond the first point that maybe someone signaled back on account that maybe someone here 'meditated' cute thoughts or whatever.

Now, it is a bit different when Barber and one or two others just skippingly mention that there are human co-pilots who come from some of these 'psionic teams' also are jointly piloting these craft with actual ET Aliens using the thoughts of their mind... Hey hey hey! Just a minute there.

What did you say??

Seriously, waaa?!

Man you just took one way big step away from just waving at someone 'up there' and being waved back to.

Man and then some fool literally said that a 'crashed' vehicle had been retrieved with human remains in there along with the dead Alien bodies.

No such thing, let me tell you.

No no. What is going on is that all of these people who are deliberately floating these stories - I mean the ones behind the front faces; the people actually driving the agenda - are fishing for responses from people they know are really in all of this.

And which is not any of them.

Like I said before, the uptake would be that here is this super super-dooper advanced species that is able to come across to here from 4.3 light years away, and then they crash, and then they are unable to retrieve anything themselves - because (as is the latest 'theory') apparently we have the strength in our radar systems that interferes with these craft.

What a lunatic story. Seriously.

This is more my style.
I mean the graffiti.
And the alleyway.

You know what I think?

I think there is an 'us' and there is a 'them' and 'us' is me and perhaps you and definitely some 'friends,' and 'them' is the idiots who have absolutely zero genuine access and no clue about what is going on.

And there is a problem with the 'them' because for some unaccountable reason that I couldn't possibly even guess at, they are not taken into the confidence of the smart people from faraway places with more brains than these guys down here, and in fact, they may be quite disliked by the actual intelligent ET species.

I wonder why.

Meanwhile, it's the military see, the military that has all these Special Access Programs and they have all the answers and keep it all to themselves, and are not going to tell you anything (because they know stuff though, right). Always the bejeezus-great military. LOL 

Over coming weeks and months now this year, I will be sharing with you exact precise ways you can communicate and be communicated back to - and it will shock you out of your wits (only temporarily) when you find you can do it and it happens for you. But then, if you just go back to what I said at the start, you should have under your belt by then, a few books of Plato, a little bit of Hesiod, some fascinating nonsense from Ammon Hillman and his clan of silly people but that reveals some ancient important things nonetheless, if you are able to filter these into your brain and discard the stupid click-bait slant of his and his little tribe - if you have all of that solid background, you will make formal actual Contact and see and hear and everything and everything else that goes with it.

And you will more than likely absolutely not, pepper the internet with loud noise about any of it.

Because at that moment you will very fully realize, there is an 'us' and a 'them.'

And one of the two has power.

And that's the problem then.

Just such simple things...

It doesn't matter if you work out how photons function, or where they all come from in the Cosmic physics equation, or that there is a matrix of plastic-like invisible something, spread out everywhere and that electrons and photons do not actually move but transfer information in systematic ways throughout that matrix which then becomes what we call our apprehended reality...

This situation is not a permanent dichotomy.

It only lasts as long as there is an equivalency of sentient balance - but that always changes when one group is able to extend its sensory reach and richness, while the other becomes stultified and is only a simulacrum of infinite intellect.

This is all just a systems question; a question of a system growing, reaching its Gauss Peak and from there rotating into the high-side (RHS) change to whatever the design path objective was aimed at in the first place based on the original system inputs.

'Humanity' is (just) a systems equation.

Some things go forward and some die off.

Nothing important goes missing though, trust that. Trust it because it is a Law of Physics, as you know.

...As far as fun stuff is concerned, are there really human co-pilots who go around blasting things and people with laser cannon?

Did someone say 'Wu-Dang Taoist dancers?'


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